def main():
    # Operation: O(logN)
    arr = [3, 1, 5, 3, 13, 7, 2, 7, 2]
    tree = SegmentTree(arr) # Time: O(N), Space: O(N)
    # Sum
    print ("Sum from 1 to 3", arr[1:4], tree.query(1, 3, 'sum'))
    print ("Sum from 4 to 7", arr[4:8], tree.query(4, 7, 'sum'))

    # Min
    print ("Min from 1 to 3", arr[1:4], tree.query(1, 3, 'min'))
    print ("Min from 4 to 7", arr[4:8], tree.query(4, 7, 'min'))

    # Max
    print ("Max from 1 to 3", arr[1:4], tree.query(1, 3, 'max'))
    print ("Max from 4 to 7", arr[4:8], tree.query(4, 7, 'max'))
 def test_stress(self):
     n = 1000
     epochs = 100
     arr = np.zeros(n)
     tree = SegmentTree(0, n)
     tree.update(0, n, 0)
     for i in range(epochs):
         l, r = np.random.randint(0, n, 2)
         l, r = sorted([l, r])
         r += 1
         val = np.random.random()
         tree.update(l, r, val)
         arr[l: r] = val
         for i in range(n):
             self.assertEqual(arr[i], tree.query(i))
文件: 项目: Imwell/SegmentTree
class DyeWall:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self._segment_tree = SegmentTree(
  , merger=lambda x, y: len(set.union(x, y)))
        self._segment_tree.lazy_push_down = self._lazy_push_down

    def dye(self, i, j, color):
        self._dye(self._segment_tree.root, i, j, color)

    def _dye(self, node, l, r, color):
        if node.bound_l == l and node.bound_r == r:
            node.value = {color}
            node.lazy_tag += 1
            return node

        mid = node.bound_l + (node.bound_r - node.bound_l) // 2
        if r <= mid:
            node.left = self._dye(node.left, l, r, {color})

        elif l >= mid + 1:
            node.right = self._dye(node.right, l, r, {color})
            node.left = self._dye(node.left, l, mid, {color})
            node.right = self._dye(node.right, mid + 1, r, {color})
        node.value = self._merger(node.left.value, node.right.value)
        return node

    def _lazy_push_down(node):

        if node.bound_l == node.bound_r:

        node.left.value = {node.color}
        node.left.lazy_tag += node.lazy_tag

        node.right.value = {node.color}
        node.right.lazy_tag += node.lazy_tag

        node.lazy_tag = 0

    def query_color_numbers(self, i, j):
        return len(self._segment_tree.query(i, j))
from segment_tree import SegmentTree 

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] 

t = SegmentTree(arr) 

a = t.query(2, 9, "max") 
print("The maximum value of this range is : ", a) 

a = t.query(2, 9, "min") 
print("The minimum value of this range is : ", a) 

a = t.query(2, 7, "sum") 
print("The sum of this range is : ", a) 

t.update(2, 25) 

print("The updated array is : ", arr) 
#autor: Manjarrez Hernandez Raul
#carrera: Ingenieria en Sistemas Computacionales
from segment_tree import SegmentTree
"""una matriz con algunos elementos
aquí estamos ajustando nuestra matriz en el árbol de segmentos donde t es
tomado como objeto del árbol de segmentos"""
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

#t se utilizará para realizar operaciones en ese segmento
t = SegmentTree(arr)

#aquí estamos encontrando valor de número máximo en un rango
a = t.query(0, 10, "max")
print("El Valor Maximo del Rango es: ", a)

#aquí estamos encontrando el valor de número mínimo en un rango
a = t.query(4, 10, "min")
print("El Valor Minimo del Rango es: ", a)

#aquí estamos encontrando el valor de suma de un rango
a = t.query(0, 3, "sum")
print("La suma del Rango es: ", a)

#aquí estamos actualizando el valor de un índice particular
t.update(2, 57)

#reemplazará el valor de índice '2' con 25
print("El Arreglo Actualizado es : ", arr)