def deep_supervised(backbone_name='', input_shape=(144, 912, 3), encoder_weights='imagenet', activation='sigmoid', classes=4): backbone_name = backbone_name[4:] model = PSPNet(backbone_name=backbone_name, input_shape=input_shape, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, activation=activation, classes=classes) def classification_model(feature_layer): feature_layer = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(feature_layer) feature_layer = Dropout(0.25)(feature_layer) classification = Dense(64, activation='sigmoid', use_bias=False)(feature_layer) return Dense(5, activation='sigmoid', use_bias=False)(classification) if backbone_name.startswith('seresnet'): feature_layer = model.layers[get_feature_layers(backbone_name) [1]].output else: feature_layer = model.get_layer( get_feature_layers(backbone_name)[1]).output classification = classification_model(feature_layer) def resize_to_fit(classification): classification = ZeroPadding1D( (0, input_shape[0] - 5))(classification[..., np.newaxis])[..., np.newaxis] classification = K.repeat_elements(classification, 4, axis=-1) return classification classification = Lambda(resize_to_fit)(classification) output = Concatenate(axis=2)([classification, model.output]) return Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=output)
def build(x): tensor = x if padding_fix: tensor = PadToMultiple(32)(tensor) tensor = layers.Lambda(lambda v: K.concatenate([v, v, v], axis=-1))(tensor) encoder_backbone = get_backbone(backbone_name, input_shape=(None, None, 3), input_tensor=tensor, weights=weights, include_top=False) feature_layer_names = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, n=4) backbone_model = build_unet(encoder_backbone, 1, feature_layer_names) tensor = backbone_model.get_layer('decoder_stage4_relu2').output if padding_fix: return CropLike()([tensor, x]) return tensor
def get_maskrcnn_feature_layers(config, backbone): try: feature_layers = [] # We want our feature layers to be listed in decreasing output size (width, height) if config.FEATURE_LAYERS == 'default': layer_names = get_feature_layers(config.BACKBONE) else: layer_names = config.FEATURE_LAYERS for l in reversed(layer_names[:-1]): feature_layers.append(l) # and we use the last backbone layer output instead of the last layer in DEFAULT_FEATURE_LAYERS feature_layers.append(backbone.layers[-1].name) return feature_layers except KeyError: print('No default feature layers for {} provided yet.', 'Please specify the layer names (or indexes) explicitly in config file'.format(config.BACKBONE)) exit(1)
def get_backbone_and_feature_layers(self, num_feature_layers): super(SemanticModelWrapper, self).build() image_shape = self.config.IMAGE_SHAPE classifier, self.preprocess_input = Classifiers.get( self.config.BACKBONE) backbone = classifier(input_shape=image_shape, input_tensor=None, weights=self.config.BACKBONE_WEIGHTS, include_top=False) for layer in backbone.layers: self.backbone_layer_names.append( if self.config.FEATURE_LAYERS == 'default': feature_layers = get_feature_layers(self.config.BACKBONE, n=num_feature_layers) else: feature_layers = self.config.FEATURE_LAYERS return backbone, feature_layers
def save_model_to_json(modeljsonfname): layers = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, 4) if backbone_type == 'FPN': model = FPN(input_shape=(None, None, num_channels), classes=num_mask_channels, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, backbone_name=backbone_name, activation=act_fcn, encoder_features=layers) elif backbone_type == 'Unet': model = Unet(input_shape=(None, None, num_channels), classes=num_mask_channels, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, backbone_name=backbone_name, activation=act_fcn, encoder_features=layers) #model.summary() # serialize model to JSON model_json = model.to_json() with open(modeljsonfname, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json)
def FPN(backbone_name='vgg16', input_shape=(None, None, 3), input_tensor=None, classes=21, activation='softmax', encoder_weights='imagenet', encoder_freeze=False, encoder_features='default', pyramid_block_filters=256, pyramid_use_batchnorm=True, pyramid_dropout=None, final_interpolation='bilinear', norm_type='BN', **kwargs): """FPN_ is a fully convolution neural network for image semantic segmentation Args: backbone_name: name of classification model (without last dense layers) used as feature extractor to build segmentation model. input_shape: shape of input data/image ``(H, W, C)``, in general case you do not need to set ``H`` and ``W`` shapes, just pass ``(None, None, C)`` to make your model be able to process images af any size, but ``H`` and ``W`` of input images should be divisible by factor ``32``. input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of `layers.Input()`) to use as image input for the model (works only if ``encoder_weights`` is ``None``). classes: a number of classes for output (output shape - ``(h, w, classes)``). activation: name of one of ``keras.activations`` for last model layer (e.g. ``sigmoid``, ``softmax``, ``linear``). encoder_weights: one of ``None`` (random initialization), ``imagenet`` (pre-training on ImageNet). encoder_freeze: if ``True`` set all layers of encoder (backbone model) as non-trainable. encoder_features: a list of layer numbers or names starting from top of the model. Each of these layers will be used to build features pyramid. If ``default`` is used layer names are taken from ``DEFAULT_FEATURE_PYRAMID_LAYERS``. pyramid_block_filters: a number of filters in Feature Pyramid Block of FPN_. pyramid_use_batchnorm: if ``True``, ``BatchNormalisation`` layer between ``Conv2D`` and ``Activation`` layers is used. pyramid_dropout: spatial dropout rate for feature pyramid in range (0, 1). final_interpolation: interpolation type for upsampling layers, on of ``nearest``, ``bilinear``. Returns: ``keras.models.Model``: **FPN** .. _FPN: """ backbone = get_backbone(backbone_name, input_shape=input_shape, input_tensor=input_tensor, weights=encoder_weights, include_top=False) if encoder_features == 'default': encoder_features = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, n=3) upsample_rates = [2] * len(encoder_features) last_upsample = 2**(5 - len(encoder_features)) model = build_fpn(backbone, encoder_features, classes=classes, pyramid_filters=pyramid_block_filters, segmentation_filters=pyramid_block_filters // 2, upsample_rates=upsample_rates, use_batchnorm=pyramid_use_batchnorm, dropout=pyramid_dropout, last_upsample=last_upsample, interpolation=final_interpolation, activation=activation, norm_type=norm_type) if encoder_freeze: freeze_model(backbone) = 'fpn-{}'.format( return model
def train_generatorh5(params): from hitif_losses import dice_coef_loss_bce from hitif_losses import double_head_loss print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) # Prepare for splitting the training set imgs_ind = np.arange(number_of_imgs) np.random.shuffle(imgs_ind) # Split 80-20 train_last_id = int(number_of_imgs * 0.80) # Generators training_generator = DataGeneratorH5( source_target_list_IDs=imgs_ind[0:train_last_id].copy(), **params) validation_generator = DataGeneratorH5( source_target_list_IDs=imgs_ind[train_last_id:number_of_imgs].copy(), **params) print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) layers = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, 4) if backbone_type == 'FPN': model = FPN(input_shape=(None, None, num_channels), classes=num_mask_channels, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, encoder_freeze=freezeFlag, backbone_name=backbone_name, activation=act_fcn, encoder_features=layers) elif backbone_type == 'Unet': model = Unet(input_shape=(None, None, num_channels), classes=num_mask_channels, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, encoder_freeze=freezeFlag, backbone_name=backbone_name, activation=act_fcn, encoder_features=layers) #model.summary() #model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['binary_crossentropy','mean_squared_error',dice_coef, dice_coef_batch, dice_coef_loss_bce,focal_loss()]) #model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=dice_coef_loss_bce, metrics=['binary_crossentropy','mean_squared_error',dice_coef, dice_coef_batch,focal_loss()]) #model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=loss_fcn, metrics=['binary_crossentropy','mean_squared_error',dice_coef, dice_coef_batch,focal_loss()]) if loss_fcn == 'dice_coef_loss_bce': model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=dice_coef_loss_bce) elif loss_fcn == 'double_head_loss': model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=double_head_loss) else: model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=loss_fcn) # Loading previous weights for restarting if oldmodelwtsfname is not None: if os.path.isfile(oldmodelwtsfname) and reloadFlag: print('-' * 30) print('Loading previous weights ...') weights = np.load(oldmodelwtsfname, allow_pickle=True) model.set_weights(weights) #model.load_weights(oldmodelwtsfname) checkpoint_path = get_checkpoint_path(log_dir_name) print("checkpoint_path:", checkpoint_path) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(checkpoint_path, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True) custom_checkpoint = Checkpoints(checkpoint_path, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1) reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1, patience=25, min_lr=1e-6, verbose=1, restore_best_weights=True) model_es = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=1e-7, patience=15, verbose=1, mode='auto') csv_logger = CSVLogger(csvfname, append=True) #my_callbacks = [reduce_lr, model_es, csv_logger] #my_callbacks = [model_checkpoint, reduce_lr, model_es, csv_logger] my_callbacks = [custom_checkpoint, reduce_lr, model_es, csv_logger] print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model encoder freeze...') print('-' * 30) if freezeFlag and num_coldstart_epochs > 0: model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, validation_data=validation_generator, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=num_gen_workers, epochs=num_coldstart_epochs, callbacks=my_callbacks, verbose=2) # release all layers for training set_trainable(model) # set all layers trainable and recompile model #model.summary() print('-' * 30) print('Fitting full model...') print('-' * 30) ## Retrain after the cold-start model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, validation_data=validation_generator, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=num_gen_workers, epochs=num_finetuning_epochs, callbacks=my_callbacks, verbose=2) ## <<FIXME>>: GZ will work on it. # Find the last best epoch model weights and then symlink it to the modelwtsfname # Note that the symlink will have issues on NON-Linux OS so it is better to copy. '''
def SiameseUnet(backbone_name='vgg16', input_shape=(None, None, 3), classes=1, activation='sigmoid', encoder_weights='imagenet', encoder_freeze=False, encoder_features='default', decoder_block_type='upsampling', decoder_filters=(256, 128, 64, 32, 16), decoder_use_batchnorm=True, **kwargs): """ Unet_ is a fully convolution neural network for image semantic segmentation Args: backbone_name: name of classification model (without last dense layers) used as feature extractor to build segmentation model. input_shape: shape of input data/image ``(H, W, C)``, in general case you do not need to set ``H`` and ``W`` shapes, just pass ``(None, None, C)`` to make your model be able to process images af any size, but ``H`` and ``W`` of input images should be divisible by factor ``32``. classes: a number of classes for output (output shape - ``(h, w, classes)``). activation: name of one of ``keras.activations`` for last model layer (e.g. ``sigmoid``, ``softmax``, ``linear``). encoder_weights: one of ``None`` (random initialization), ``imagenet`` (pre-training on ImageNet). encoder_freeze: if ``True`` set all layers of encoder (backbone model) as non-trainable. encoder_features: a list of layer numbers or names starting from top of the model. Each of these layers will be concatenated with corresponding decoder block. If ``default`` is used layer names are taken from ``DEFAULT_SKIP_CONNECTIONS``. decoder_block_type: one of blocks with following layers structure: - `upsampling`: ``Upsampling2D`` -> ``Conv2D`` -> ``Conv2D`` - `transpose`: ``Transpose2D`` -> ``Conv2D`` decoder_filters: list of numbers of ``Conv2D`` layer filters in decoder blocks decoder_use_batchnorm: if ``True``, ``BatchNormalisation`` layer between ``Conv2D`` and ``Activation`` layers is used. Returns: ``keras.models.Model``: **Unet** .. _Unet: """ load_weights_from = None if encoder_weights is not "imagenet" and encoder_weights is not None: load_weights_from = encoder_weights encoder_weights = None backbone = get_backbone(backbone_name, input_shape=input_shape, input_tensor=None, weights=encoder_weights, include_top=False) if load_weights_from is not None: model_to_load_weights_from = load_model(load_weights_from) # now let's assume that this loaded model had its own "top" upsampling section trained on another task # let's transplant what we can, that is the backbone encoder output = model_to_load_weights_from.layers[ len(backbone.layers) - 1].output # remove activation and last conv layer transplant = keras.models.Model(model_to_load_weights_from.input, output) #transplant.summary()"transplant.h5") # hacky way backbone.load_weights("transplant.h5") # Check if the weights have been loaded """ inspect_i = 0 import numpy as np w1 = np.asarray(transplant.get_weights()[inspect_i]) print(w1) w2 = np.asarray(backbone.get_weights()[inspect_i]) print(w2) """ print("Loaded weights into ", backbone_name, "from", load_weights_from) if encoder_features == 'default': encoder_features = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, n=4) model = build_siamese_unet(backbone, classes, encoder_features, decoder_filters=decoder_filters, block_type=decoder_block_type, activation=activation, n_upsample_blocks=len(decoder_filters), upsample_rates=(2, 2, 2, 2, 2), use_batchnorm=decoder_use_batchnorm, input_shape=input_shape) # lock encoder weights for fine-tuning if encoder_freeze: freeze_model(backbone) = 'u-{}'.format(backbone_name) return model
def Unet(backbone_name='vgg16', input_shape=(None, None, 3), classes=1, activation='sigmoid', encoder_weights='imagenet', encoder_freeze=False, encoder_features='default', decoder_block_type='upsampling', decoder_filters=(256, 128, 64, 32, 16), decoder_use_batchnorm=True, **kwargs): """ Unet_ is a fully convolution neural network for image semantic segmentation Args: backbone_name: name of classification model (without last dense layers) used as feature extractor to build segmentation model. input_shape: shape of input data/image ``(H, W, C)``, in general case you do not need to set ``H`` and ``W`` shapes, just pass ``(None, None, C)`` to make your model be able to process images af any size, but ``H`` and ``W`` of input images should be divisible by factor ``32``. classes: a number of classes for output (output shape - ``(h, w, classes)``). activation: name of one of ``keras.activations`` for last model layer (e.g. ``sigmoid``, ``softmax``, ``linear``). encoder_weights: one of ``None`` (random initialization), ``imagenet`` (pre-training on ImageNet). encoder_freeze: if ``True`` set all layers of encoder (backbone model) as non-trainable. encoder_features: a list of layer numbers or names starting from top of the model. Each of these layers will be concatenated with corresponding decoder block. If ``default`` is used layer names are taken from ``DEFAULT_SKIP_CONNECTIONS``. decoder_block_type: one of blocks with following layers structure: - `upsampling`: ``Upsampling2D`` -> ``Conv2D`` -> ``Conv2D`` - `transpose`: ``Transpose2D`` -> ``Conv2D`` decoder_filters: list of numbers of ``Conv2D`` layer filters in decoder blocks decoder_use_batchnorm: if ``True``, ``BatchNormalisation`` layer between ``Conv2D`` and ``Activation`` layers is used. Returns: ``keras.models.Model``: **Unet** .. _Unet: """ backbone = get_backbone(backbone_name, input_shape=input_shape, input_tensor=None, weights=encoder_weights, include_top=False) if encoder_features == 'default': encoder_features = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, n=4) model = build_unet(backbone, classes, encoder_features, decoder_filters=decoder_filters, block_type=decoder_block_type, activation=activation, n_upsample_blocks=len(decoder_filters), upsample_rates=(2, 2, 2, 2, 2), use_batchnorm=decoder_use_batchnorm) # lock encoder weights for fine-tuning if encoder_freeze: freeze_model(backbone) = 'u-{}'.format(backbone_name) return model
def create_backbone_unet(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), pretrained_weights_file=None, backbone='vgg16'): # build model for segmenting all masks if pretrained_weights_file == 'imagenet': encoder_weights = 'imagenet' else: encoder_weights = None if pretrained_weights_file != None: encoder_freeze = True else: encoder_freeze = False # input # input = Input(shape=input_shape, name='input_layer_0') # x = conv2d_bn_leakyrelu(input, filters=16, kernel_size=3, dilation_rate=(2, 2), name='dilation_1') # x = conv2d_bn_leakyrelu(x, filters=16, kernel_size=3, dilation_rate=(2, 2), name='dilation_2') # x = ReLU(name='input_1')(x) # x = Input(shape=input_shape, tensor=x) # print(x) # encoder encoder = get_backbone(name=backbone, input_shape=input_shape, weights=encoder_weights, include_top=False) # get skip connections stages = [] feature_layers = get_feature_layers(name=backbone, n=5) for feature_layer in feature_layers: stages.append(encoder.get_layer(feature_layer).output) # decoder x = encoder.output # x = block_n(x) # x = aspp(x, input_shape=input_shape, out_stride=32) # x = conv2d_bn_leakyrelu(x, filters=512, kernel_size=1) x = Dropout(0.2)(x) for i in range(5): x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), interpolation='bilinear')(x) if i < len(stages): x = conv2d_bn_leakyrelu(x, filters=2 ** (8 - i), kernel_size=3) x = Concatenate()([x, stages[i]]) x = conv2d_bn_leakyrelu(x, filters=2 ** (8 - i), kernel_size=3) x = conv2d_bn_leakyrelu(x, filters=2 ** (8 - i), kernel_size=3) # output x = Conv2D(filters=4, kernel_size=1)(x) x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), interpolation='bilinear')(x) x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), interpolation='bilinear')(x) x = Activation('softmax')(x) # freeze encoder if encoder_freeze: for layer in encoder.layers: if not isinstance(layer, BatchNormalization): layer.trainable = False # create model model = Model(input=encoder.input, output=x) print('Create U-Net, input shape = {}, output shape = {}'.format(input_shape, model.output.shape)) if pretrained_weights_file != None and pretrained_weights_file != 'imagenet': model.load_weights(pretrained_weights_file, skip_mismatch=True, by_name=True) print('Weights loaded from', pretrained_weights_file) return model
from keras import layers from segmentation_models.unet.builder import build_unet from segmentation_models.backbones import get_preprocessing, get_backbone, get_feature_layers BACKBONE = 'resnet50' preprocess_input = get_preprocessing(BACKBONE) inp = layers.Input((None, None, 3)) encoder_backbone = get_backbone(BACKBONE, input_shape=(None, None, 3), input_tensor=inp, weights='imagenet', include_top=False) backbone_model = build_unet(encoder_backbone, 1, get_feature_layers(BACKBONE, n=4)) backbone_model.summary(line_length=150) feature_layer = backbone_model.get_layer('decoder_stage4_relu2') print('Ende gelaende')