def __init__(self, W, H, scriptdir): if (platform.system() == "Darwin"): self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 24 else: self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 0 self.stdwinw = 370; self.stdwinh = H-40 self.screenH = H; self.screenW = W winx = self.stdwinx; winy = self.stdwiny winw = self.stdwinw; winh = self.stdwinh self.scriptdir = scriptdir homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") # Try to get the save values from the cfg file try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "r") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "r") for aline in f: if (aline.find("[OFFSET X]") >= 0): winx = winx + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET Y]") >= 0): winy = winy + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET WIDTH]") >= 0): winw = winw + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET HEIGHT]") >= 0): winh = winh + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) f.close() except: pass if (winx > self.screenW - 100): winx = self.stdwinx if (winy > self.screenH - 100): winy = self.stdwiny # Maybe the screen resolution has changed and the saved dimensions put the windows in # weird places, so default them to better positions and the user can change them later #if (winw < 350): # winw = 370 #elif (winw > W): # winw = 370 #if (winx < 0): # winx = 0 #elif (winx > W-winw): # winx = W-winw #if (winh > H - 40): # winh = H - 40 #if (winy < 0): # winy = 0 #elif (winy > H-winh): # winh = H-40 wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "InteractiveROSETTA - Protocols", size=(winw, winh)) self.SetPosition((winx, winy)) self.SetBackgroundColour("#333333") self.SetSizeHints(330, 560, 370, H) self.SetIcon(icon.GetIcon()) self.Show() self.Protocols = ProtocolsPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Selection = SelectPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Protocols.setSelectWin(self.Selection) self.Selection.setProtPanel(self.Protocols) self.saveTimer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.saveWindowData, self.saveTimer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.focusEvent) # Start the Rosetta daemon that will run in the background looking for job input files generated # by the main GUI # It could be the case that the user was in the middle of a protocol, then quits suddenly so the # daemon doesn't terminate itself because it's in the middle of a protocol # The the user restarts the GUI before the daemon has a chance to finish the protocol # This checks to see if the daemon is already active and doesn't spawn a new one if one is already # running stillrunning = False count = 0 for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 3 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[2].find("from multiprocessing.forking") >= 0): stillrunning = True break else: # On Unix systems you just have to make sure two instances of python are running # because there isn't any forking information in the daemon's instance of python if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 2 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[1].find("") >= 0): count = count + 1 except: # In Windows it will crash if you try to read process information for the Administrator # Doesn't matter though since InteractiveROSETTA is run by a non-Administrator # But we need to catch these errors since we don't know which processes are admin ones pass if (platform.system() != "Windows" and count == 2): stillrunning = True if (not(stillrunning)): print "Starting Rosetta protocol daemon..." #if (platform.system() == "Darwin"): #self.daemon_process = subprocess.Popen(args=["/usr/bin/python", self.scriptdir + "/scripts/"], shell=False) #else: self.daemon_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=daemonLoop) self.daemon_process.start()
def __init__(self, W, H, scriptdir): if (platform.system() == "Darwin"): self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 24 else: self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 0 self.stdwinw = 370; self.stdwinh = H-40 self.screenH = H; self.screenW = W winx = self.stdwinx; winy = self.stdwiny winw = self.stdwinw; winh = self.stdwinh self.scriptdir = scriptdir homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") # Try to get the save values from the cfg file try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "r") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "r") for aline in f: if (aline.find("[OFFSET X]") >= 0): winx = winx + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET Y]") >= 0): winy = winy + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET WIDTH]") >= 0): winw = winw + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET HEIGHT]") >= 0): winh = winh + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) f.close() except: pass if (winx > self.screenW - 100): winx = self.stdwinx if (winy > self.screenH - 100): winy = self.stdwiny # Catch bad cached sizes if (winw < 200): winw = self.stdwinw if (winh < 200): winh = self.stdwinh # Maybe the screen resolution has changed and the saved dimensions put the windows in # weird places, so default them to better positions and the user can change them later #if (winw < 350): # winw = 370 #elif (winw > W): # winw = 370 #if (winx < 0): # winx = 0 #elif (winx > W-winw): # winx = W-winw #if (winh > H - 40): # winh = H - 40 #if (winy < 0): # winy = 0 #elif (winy > H-winh): # winh = H-40 wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "InteractiveROSETTA - Protocols", size=(winw, winh)) self.SetPosition((winx, winy)) self.SetBackgroundColour("#333333") self.SetSizeHints(330, 560, 370, H) self.SetIcon(icon.GetIcon()) self.Show() self.Protocols = ProtocolsPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Selection = SelectPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Protocols.setSelectWin(self.Selection) self.Selection.setProtPanel(self.Protocols) self.saveTimer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.saveWindowData, self.saveTimer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.focusEvent) # Start the Rosetta daemon that will run in the background looking for job input files generated # by the main GUI # It could be the case that the user was in the middle of a protocol, then quits suddenly so the # daemon doesn't terminate itself because it's in the middle of a protocol # The the user restarts the GUI before the daemon has a chance to finish the protocol # This checks to see if the daemon is already active and doesn't spawn a new one if one is already # running stillrunning = False count = 0 for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 3 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[2].find("from multiprocessing.forking") >= 0): stillrunning = True break else: # On Unix systems you just have to make sure two instances of python are running # because there isn't any forking information in the daemon's instance of python if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 2 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[1].find("") >= 0): count = count + 1 except: # In Windows it will crash if you try to read process information for the Administrator # Doesn't matter though since InteractiveROSETTA is run by a non-Administrator # But we need to catch these errors since we don't know which processes are admin ones pass if (platform.system() != "Windows" and count == 2): stillrunning = True if (not(stillrunning)): print "Starting Rosetta protocol daemon..." #if (platform.system() == "Linux"): #self.daemon_process = subprocess.Popen(args=["cd " + self.scriptdir + "/scripts" + "; python", ""], shell=False) #else: self.daemon_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=daemonLoop) self.daemon_process.start()
class ProtocolsWin(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, W, H, scriptdir): if (platform.system() == "Darwin"): self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 24 else: self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 0 self.stdwinw = 370; self.stdwinh = H-40 self.screenH = H; self.screenW = W winx = self.stdwinx; winy = self.stdwiny winw = self.stdwinw; winh = self.stdwinh self.scriptdir = scriptdir homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") # Try to get the save values from the cfg file try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "r") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "r") for aline in f: if (aline.find("[OFFSET X]") >= 0): winx = winx + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET Y]") >= 0): winy = winy + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET WIDTH]") >= 0): winw = winw + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET HEIGHT]") >= 0): winh = winh + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) f.close() except: pass if (winx > self.screenW - 100): winx = self.stdwinx if (winy > self.screenH - 100): winy = self.stdwiny # Maybe the screen resolution has changed and the saved dimensions put the windows in # weird places, so default them to better positions and the user can change them later #if (winw < 350): # winw = 370 #elif (winw > W): # winw = 370 #if (winx < 0): # winx = 0 #elif (winx > W-winw): # winx = W-winw #if (winh > H - 40): # winh = H - 40 #if (winy < 0): # winy = 0 #elif (winy > H-winh): # winh = H-40 wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "InteractiveROSETTA - Protocols", size=(winw, winh)) self.SetPosition((winx, winy)) self.SetBackgroundColour("#333333") self.SetSizeHints(330, 560, 370, H) self.SetIcon(icon.GetIcon()) self.Show() self.Protocols = ProtocolsPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Selection = SelectPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Protocols.setSelectWin(self.Selection) self.Selection.setProtPanel(self.Protocols) self.saveTimer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.saveWindowData, self.saveTimer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.focusEvent) # Start the Rosetta daemon that will run in the background looking for job input files generated # by the main GUI # It could be the case that the user was in the middle of a protocol, then quits suddenly so the # daemon doesn't terminate itself because it's in the middle of a protocol # The the user restarts the GUI before the daemon has a chance to finish the protocol # This checks to see if the daemon is already active and doesn't spawn a new one if one is already # running stillrunning = False count = 0 for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 3 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[2].find("from multiprocessing.forking") >= 0): stillrunning = True break else: # On Unix systems you just have to make sure two instances of python are running # because there isn't any forking information in the daemon's instance of python if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 2 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[1].find("") >= 0): count = count + 1 except: # In Windows it will crash if you try to read process information for the Administrator # Doesn't matter though since InteractiveROSETTA is run by a non-Administrator # But we need to catch these errors since we don't know which processes are admin ones pass if (platform.system() != "Windows" and count == 2): stillrunning = True if (not(stillrunning)): print "Starting Rosetta protocol daemon..." #if (platform.system() == "Darwin"): #self.daemon_process = subprocess.Popen(args=["/usr/bin/python", self.scriptdir + "/scripts/"], shell=False) #else: self.daemon_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=daemonLoop) self.daemon_process.start() def restartDaemon(self): # This function kills the current daemon process and starts a new one # This function is called whenever the protocol panel changes to a different protocol # This function is necessary because on Windows PyRosetta can start to use well over # 4GB of memory if the daemon has loaded memory from multiple protocols # Killing the daemon and restarting it clears up that memory so the user's computer # doesn't slow down as it moves a lot of stuff into swap space savedir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.scriptdir) self.daemon_process.terminate() print "Restarting Rosetta protocol daemon..." self.daemon_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=daemonLoop) self.daemon_process.start() os.chdir(savedir) def focusEvent(self, event): if (event.GetActive()): # Protocols read selection information from the sequence window, so update the sequence window # If we're going from PyMOL->Protocols, since updates usually happen on the sequence window focus event self.seqWin.selectUpdate(False) # Update PyMOL changes in sequence self.Protocols.activate() event.Skip() def setSeqWin(self, seqWin): self.seqWin = seqWin self.Protocols.setSeqWin(seqWin) self.Selection.setSeqWin(seqWin) def windowGeometryChange(self, event): # This function starts a timer that will write out the size and position of this window to a cfg file # so the orientation is saved and can be loaded the next time InteractiveROSETTA is started if (not(self.saveTimer.IsRunning())): self.saveTimer.Start(5000) # We have to do some finagling if this window gets resized because the minimum height # of the specific protocol panel needs to be at least 300 # If the window is shrunk, the protocol panel will shrink down to 300 but then the select # panel needs to shrink (w, h) = self.GetSize() return if (h > 560): try: self.Protocols.protPanel.SetSize((w, h-330)) self.Protocols.protPanel.SetScrollbars(1, 1, 320, 800) except: pass (x, y) = self.Selection.GetPosition() self.Selection.SetPosition((x, h-270)) self.Selection.SetSize((w-20, self.Selection.GetSize()[1])) event.Skip() def saveWindowData(self, event): homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") data = [] try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "r") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "r") for aline in f: data.append(aline) f.close() except: pass if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "w") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "w") itemsFound = [False, False, False, False] # [offX, offY, offW, offH] (x, y) = self.GetPosition() (w, h) = self.GetSize() for aline in data: if (aline.find("[OFFSET X]") >= 0): itemsFound[0] = True f.write("[OFFSET X] " + str(x-self.stdwinx) + "\n") elif (aline.find("[OFFSET Y]") >= 0): itemsFound[1] = True f.write("[OFFSET Y] " + str(y-self.stdwiny) + "\n") elif (aline.find("[OFFSET WIDTH]") >= 0): itemsFound[2] = True f.write("[OFFSET WIDTH] " + str(w-self.stdwinw) + "\n") elif (aline.find("[OFFSET HEIGHT]") >= 0): itemsFound[3] = True f.write("[OFFSET HEIGHT] " + str(h-self.stdwinh) + "\n") else: f.write(aline) for i in range(0, len(itemsFound)): if (not(itemsFound[i])): if (i == 0): f.write("[OFFSET X] " + str(x-self.stdwinx) + "\n") elif (i == 1): f.write("[OFFSET Y] " + str(y-self.stdwiny) + "\n") elif (i == 2): f.write("[OFFSET WIDTH] " + str(w-self.stdwinw) + "\n") elif (i == 3): f.write("[OFFSET HEIGHT] " + str(h-self.stdwinh) + "\n") f.close()
class ProtocolsWin(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, W, H, scriptdir): if (platform.system() == "Darwin"): self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 24 else: self.stdwinx = 0; self.stdwiny = 0 self.stdwinw = 370; self.stdwinh = H-40 self.screenH = H; self.screenW = W winx = self.stdwinx; winy = self.stdwiny winw = self.stdwinw; winh = self.stdwinh self.scriptdir = scriptdir homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") # Try to get the save values from the cfg file try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "r") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "r") for aline in f: if (aline.find("[OFFSET X]") >= 0): winx = winx + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET Y]") >= 0): winy = winy + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET WIDTH]") >= 0): winw = winw + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) elif (aline.find("[OFFSET HEIGHT]") >= 0): winh = winh + int(aline.split()[len(aline.split())-1]) f.close() except: pass if (winx > self.screenW - 100): winx = self.stdwinx if (winy > self.screenH - 100): winy = self.stdwiny # Catch bad cached sizes if (winw < 200): winw = self.stdwinw if (winh < 200): winh = self.stdwinh # Maybe the screen resolution has changed and the saved dimensions put the windows in # weird places, so default them to better positions and the user can change them later #if (winw < 350): # winw = 370 #elif (winw > W): # winw = 370 #if (winx < 0): # winx = 0 #elif (winx > W-winw): # winx = W-winw #if (winh > H - 40): # winh = H - 40 #if (winy < 0): # winy = 0 #elif (winy > H-winh): # winh = H-40 wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "InteractiveROSETTA - Protocols", size=(winw, winh)) self.SetPosition((winx, winy)) self.SetBackgroundColour("#333333") self.SetSizeHints(330, 560, 370, H) self.SetIcon(icon.GetIcon()) self.Show() self.Protocols = ProtocolsPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Selection = SelectPanel(self, winw, winh) self.Protocols.setSelectWin(self.Selection) self.Selection.setProtPanel(self.Protocols) self.saveTimer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.saveWindowData, self.saveTimer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.windowGeometryChange) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.focusEvent) # Start the Rosetta daemon that will run in the background looking for job input files generated # by the main GUI # It could be the case that the user was in the middle of a protocol, then quits suddenly so the # daemon doesn't terminate itself because it's in the middle of a protocol # The the user restarts the GUI before the daemon has a chance to finish the protocol # This checks to see if the daemon is already active and doesn't spawn a new one if one is already # running stillrunning = False count = 0 for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 3 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[2].find("from multiprocessing.forking") >= 0): stillrunning = True break else: # On Unix systems you just have to make sure two instances of python are running # because there isn't any forking information in the daemon's instance of python if (len(proc.cmdline()) >= 2 and proc.cmdline()[0].find("python") >= 0 and proc.cmdline()[1].find("") >= 0): count = count + 1 except: # In Windows it will crash if you try to read process information for the Administrator # Doesn't matter though since InteractiveROSETTA is run by a non-Administrator # But we need to catch these errors since we don't know which processes are admin ones pass if (platform.system() != "Windows" and count == 2): stillrunning = True if (not(stillrunning)): print "Starting Rosetta protocol daemon..." #if (platform.system() == "Linux"): #self.daemon_process = subprocess.Popen(args=["cd " + self.scriptdir + "/scripts" + "; python", ""], shell=False) #else: self.daemon_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=daemonLoop) self.daemon_process.start() def restartDaemon(self): # This function kills the current daemon process and starts a new one # This function is called whenever the protocol panel changes to a different protocol # This function is necessary because on Windows PyRosetta can start to use well over # 4GB of memory if the daemon has loaded memory from multiple protocols # Killing the daemon and restarting it clears up that memory so the user's computer # doesn't slow down as it moves a lot of stuff into swap space savedir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.scriptdir) self.daemon_process.terminate() print "Restarting Rosetta protocol daemon..." self.daemon_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=daemonLoop) self.daemon_process.start() os.chdir(savedir) def focusEvent(self, event): if (event.GetActive()): # Protocols read selection information from the sequence window, so update the sequence window # If we're going from PyMOL->Protocols, since updates usually happen on the sequence window focus event self.seqWin.selectUpdate(False) # Update PyMOL changes in sequence self.Protocols.activate() event.Skip() def setSeqWin(self, seqWin): self.seqWin = seqWin self.Protocols.setSeqWin(seqWin) self.Selection.setSeqWin(seqWin) def windowGeometryChange(self, event): # This function starts a timer that will write out the size and position of this window to a cfg file # so the orientation is saved and can be loaded the next time InteractiveROSETTA is started if (not(self.saveTimer.IsRunning())): self.saveTimer.Start(5000) # We have to do some finagling if this window gets resized because the minimum height # of the specific protocol panel needs to be at least 300 # If the window is shrunk, the protocol panel will shrink down to 300 but then the select # panel needs to shrink (w, h) = self.GetSize() return if (h > 560): try: self.Protocols.protPanel.SetSize((w, h-330)) self.Protocols.protPanel.SetScrollbars(1, 1, 320, 800) except: pass (x, y) = self.Selection.GetPosition() self.Selection.SetPosition((x, h-270)) self.Selection.SetSize((w-20, self.Selection.GetSize()[1])) event.Skip() def saveWindowData(self, event): homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") data = [] try: if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "r") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "r") for aline in f: data.append(aline) f.close() except: pass if (platform.system() == "Windows"): f = open(homedir + "\\InteractiveROSETTA\\protwindow.cfg", "w") else: f = open(homedir + "/.InteractiveROSETTA/protwindow.cfg", "w") itemsFound = [False, False, False, False] # [offX, offY, offW, offH] (x, y) = self.GetPosition() (w, h) = self.GetSize() for aline in data: if (aline.find("[OFFSET X]") >= 0): itemsFound[0] = True f.write("[OFFSET X] " + str(x-self.stdwinx) + "\n") elif (aline.find("[OFFSET Y]") >= 0): itemsFound[1] = True f.write("[OFFSET Y] " + str(y-self.stdwiny) + "\n") elif (aline.find("[OFFSET WIDTH]") >= 0): itemsFound[2] = True f.write("[OFFSET WIDTH] " + str(w-self.stdwinw) + "\n") elif (aline.find("[OFFSET HEIGHT]") >= 0): itemsFound[3] = True f.write("[OFFSET HEIGHT] " + str(h-self.stdwinh) + "\n") else: f.write(aline) for i in range(0, len(itemsFound)): if (not(itemsFound[i])): if (i == 0): f.write("[OFFSET X] " + str(x-self.stdwinx) + "\n") elif (i == 1): f.write("[OFFSET Y] " + str(y-self.stdwiny) + "\n") elif (i == 2): f.write("[OFFSET WIDTH] " + str(w-self.stdwinw) + "\n") elif (i == 3): f.write("[OFFSET HEIGHT] " + str(h-self.stdwinh) + "\n") f.close()