async def test_create_token(driver: webdriver.Chrome,
                            selenium_config: SeleniumConfig) -> None:
    cookie = State(token=selenium_config.token).as_cookie()
    driver.header_overrides = {"Cookie": f"{COOKIE_NAME}={cookie}"}

    tokens_url = urljoin(selenium_config.url, "/auth/tokens")

    tokens_page = TokensPage(driver)
    assert tokens_page.get_tokens(TokenType.user) == []
    session_tokens = tokens_page.get_tokens(TokenType.session)
    assert len(session_tokens) == 1
    assert session_tokens[0].token == selenium_config.token.key

    # Drop our cookie in favor of the one the browser is now sending, since
    # the browser one contains a CSRF token that will be required for token
    # creation.
    del driver.header_overrides

    create_modal = await tokens_page.click_create_token()
    create_modal.set_token_name("test token")
    await create_modal.submit()

    new_token_modal = tokens_page.get_new_token_modal()
    assert new_token_modal.token.startswith("gt-")

    user_tokens = tokens_page.get_tokens(TokenType.user)
    assert len(user_tokens) == 1
    assert user_tokens[0].name == "test token"
async def selenium_config(
    tmp_path: Path, driver: webdriver.Chrome, empty_database: None
) -> AsyncIterator[SeleniumConfig]:
    """Start a server for Selenium tests.

    The server will be automatically stopped at the end of the test.  The
    Selenium web driver will be automatically configured with a valid
    authentication token in a cookie.

    config : `tests.support.selenium.SeleniumConfig`
        Configuration information for the server.
    settings_path = build_settings(tmp_path, "selenium")
    async with run_app(tmp_path, settings_path) as config:
        cookie = await State(token=config.token).as_cookie()
        driver.header_overrides = {"Cookie": f"{COOKIE_NAME}={cookie}"}

        # The synthetic cookie doesn't have a CSRF token, so we want to
        # replace it with a real cookie.  Do this by visiting the top-level
        # page of the UI and waiting for the token list to appear, which will
        # trigger fleshing out the state, and then dropping the header
        # override for subsequent calls so that the cookie set in the browser
        # will be used.
        driver.get(urljoin(config.url, "/auth/tokens/"))
        tokens_page = TokensPage(driver)
        del driver.header_overrides

        yield config