class PCCController():
    def __init__(self, carcontroller):
        self.CC = carcontroller
        self.human_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.pcc_available = self.prev_pcc_available = False
        self.pedal_timeout_frame = 0
        self.accelerator_pedal_pressed = self.prev_accelerator_pedal_pressed = False
        self.automated_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.last_angle = 0.
        self.radarState = messaging.sub_sock('radarState', conflate=True)
        self.live_map_data = messaging.sub_sock('liveMapData', conflate=True)
        self.lead_1 = None
        self.last_update_time = 0
        self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        self.stalk_pull_time_ms = 0
        self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms = -1000
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = 0
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.IDLE
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
        self.speed_limit_kph = 0.
        self.prev_speed_limit_kph = 0.
        self.pedal_idx = 0
        self.pedal_steady = 0.
        self.prev_tesla_accel = 0.
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = 0.
        self.torqueLevel_last = 0.
        self.prev_v_ego = 0.
        self.PedalForZeroTorque = 18.  #starting number, works on my S85
        self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
        self.v_pid = 0.
        self.a_pid = 0.
        self.last_output_gb = 0.
        self.last_speed_kph = None
        #for smoothing the changes in speed
        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0
        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_sol = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.a_acc_sol = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        #Long Control
        self.LoC = None
        #when was radar data last updated?
        self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = 0
        self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0
        self.params = Params()
        average_speed_over_x_suggestions = 6  # 0.3 seconds (20x a second)
        self.fleet_speed = FleetSpeed(average_speed_over_x_suggestions)

    def load_pid(self):
            v_pid_json = open(V_PID_FILE)
            data = json.load(v_pid_json)
            if (self.LoC):
                if self.LoC.pid:
                    self.LoC.pid.p = data['p']
                    self.LoC.pid.i = data['i']
                    self.LoC.pid.f = data['f']
                print("self.LoC not initialized!")
            print("file not present, creating at next reset")

        #Helper function for saving the PCC pid constants across drives
    def save_pid(self, pid):
        data = {}
        data['p'] = pid.p
        data['i'] = pid.i
        data['f'] = pid.f
            with open(V_PID_FILE, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(data, outfile)
        except IOError:
            print("PDD pid parameters could not be saved to file")

    def reset(self, v_pid):
        if self.LoC and RESET_PID_ON_DISENGAGE:

    def update_stat(self, CS, frame):
        if not self.LoC:
            self.LoC = LongControl(CS.CP, tesla_compute_gb)
            # Get v_id from the stored file when initiating the LoC and reset_on_disengage==false
            if (not RESET_PID_ON_DISENGAGE):

        self._update_pedal_state(CS, frame)

        can_sends = []
        if not self.pcc_available:
            timed_out = frame >= self.pedal_timeout_frame
            if timed_out or CS.pedal_interceptor_state > 0:
                if self.prev_pcc_available:
                        4, "Pedal Interceptor %s" %
                        ("timed out" if timed_out else "fault (state %s)" %
                         CS.pedal_interceptor_state), 200, 4)
                if frame % 50 == 0:
                    # send reset command
                    idx = self.pedal_idx
                    self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16
                        teslacan.create_pedal_command_msg(0, 0, idx))
            return can_sends

        prev_enable_pedal_cruise = self.enable_pedal_cruise
        # disable on brake
        if CS.brake_pressed and self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False

        # process any stalk movement
        curr_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        speed_uom_kph = 1.
        if CS.imperial_speed_units:
            speed_uom_kph = CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        if (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN
                and self.prev_cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.MAIN):
            self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms = self.stalk_pull_time_ms
            self.stalk_pull_time_ms = curr_time_ms
            double_pull = self.stalk_pull_time_ms - self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms < STALK_DOUBLE_PULL_MS
            ready = (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(PCCModes.BUTTON_NAME) >
                     PCCState.OFF and (CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status))
                     or CS.forcePedalOverCC)
            if ready and double_pull:
                # A double pull enables ACC. updating the max ACC speed if necessary.
                self.enable_pedal_cruise = True
                # Increase PCC speed to match current, if applicable.
                # We round the target speed in the user's units of measurement to avoid jumpy speed readings
                current_speed_kph_uom_rounded = int(CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH /
                                                    speed_uom_kph +
                                                    0.5) * speed_uom_kph
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(current_speed_kph_uom_rounded,
        # Handle pressing the cancel button.
        elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
            self.stalk_pull_time_ms = 0
            self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms = -1000
        # Handle pressing up and down buttons.
        elif (self.enable_pedal_cruise
              and CS.cruise_buttons != self.prev_cruise_buttons):
            # Real stalk command while PCC is already enabled. Adjust the max PCC speed if necessary.
            # We round the target speed in the user's units of measurement to avoid jumpy speed readings
            actual_speed_kph_uom_rounded = int(
                CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH / speed_uom_kph + 0.5) * speed_uom_kph
            if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(
                    actual_speed_kph_uom_rounded) + speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(
                    actual_speed_kph_uom_rounded) + 5 * speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = self.pedal_speed_kph - speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = self.pedal_speed_kph - 5 * speed_uom_kph
            # Clip PCC speed between 0 and 170 KPH.
            self.pedal_speed_kph = clip(self.pedal_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
        # If something disabled cruise control, disable PCC too
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and CS.pcm_acc_status and not CS.forcePedalOverCC:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        # A single pull disables PCC (falling back to just steering). Wait some time
        # in case a double pull comes along.
        elif (self.enable_pedal_cruise
              and curr_time_ms - self.stalk_pull_time_ms > STALK_DOUBLE_PULL_MS
              and self.stalk_pull_time_ms - self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms >
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False

        # Notify if PCC was toggled
        if prev_enable_pedal_cruise and not self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PCC Disabled", 150, 4)
            #save the pid parameters to params file
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and not prev_enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(2, "PCC Enabled", 150)

        # Update the UI to show whether the current car state allows PCC.
        if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(PCCModes.BUTTON_NAME) in [
                PCCState.STANDBY, PCCState.NOT_READY
            if CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status) or CS.forcePedalOverCC:

        # Update prev state after all other actions.
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CS.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = CS.pcm_acc_status

        return can_sends

    def update_pdl(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed,
                   speed_limit_ms, set_speed_limit_active, speed_limit_offset,
        idx = self.pedal_idx

        self.prev_speed_limit_kph = self.speed_limit_kph

        # Determine pedal "zero"
        #save position for cruising (zero acc, zero brake, no torque) when we are above 10 MPH
        if (CS.torqueLevel < TORQUE_LEVEL_ACC
                and CS.torqueLevel > TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
                and CS.v_ego >= 10. * CV.MPH_TO_MS and
                abs(CS.torqueLevel) < abs(self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque)
                and self.prev_tesla_accel > 0.):
            self.PedalForZeroTorque = self.prev_tesla_accel
            self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = CS.torqueLevel
            #print ("Detected new Pedal For Zero Torque at %s" % (self.PedalForZeroTorque))
            #print ("Torque level at detection %s" % (CS.torqueLevel))
            #print ("Speed level at detection %s" % (CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_MPH))

        if set_speed_limit_active and speed_limit_ms > 0:
            self.speed_limit_kph = (speed_limit_ms +
                                    speed_limit_offset) * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            if int(self.prev_speed_limit_kph) != int(self.speed_limit_kph):
                self.pedal_speed_kph = self.speed_limit_kph
                # reset MovingAverage for fleet speed when speed limit changes
        else:  # reset internal speed limit, so double pull doesn't set higher speed than current (e.g. after leaving the highway)
            self.speed_limit_kph = 0.
        self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16

        if not self.pcc_available or not enabled:
            return 0., 0, idx
        # Alternative speed decision logic that uses the lead car's distance
        # and speed more directly.
        # Bring in the lead car distance from the radarState feed
        radSt = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
        mapd = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.live_map_data)
        if radSt is not None:
            self.lead_1 = radSt.radarState.leadOne
            if _is_present(self.lead_1):
                self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
                self.continuous_lead_sightings += 1
                self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0

        v_ego = CS.v_ego
        following = self.lead_1.status and self.lead_1.dRel < MAX_RADAR_DISTANCE and self.lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and self.lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0
        accel_limits = [float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego)]
        accel_limits[1] *= _accel_limit_multiplier(CS, self.lead_1)
        accel_limits[0] = _decel_limit(accel_limits[0], CS.v_ego, self.lead_1,
                                       CS, self.pedal_speed_kph)
        jerk_limits = [
            min(-0.1, accel_limits[0] / 2.),
            max(0.1, accel_limits[1] / 2.)
        ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
        #accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego, CS.angle_steers, accel_limits, CS.CP)

        output_gb = 0
        # this mode (Follow) uses the Follow logic created by JJ for ACC
        # once the speed is detected we have to use our own PID to determine
        # how much accel and break we have to do
        if PCCModes.is_selected(FollowMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            enabled = self.enable_pedal_cruise and self.LoC.long_control_state in [
                LongCtrlState.pid, LongCtrlState.stopping
            # determine if pedal is pressed by human
            self.prev_accelerator_pedal_pressed = self.accelerator_pedal_pressed
            self.accelerator_pedal_pressed = CS.pedal_interceptor_value > 10
            #reset PID if we just lifted foot of accelerator
            if (not self.accelerator_pedal_pressed
                ) and self.prev_accelerator_pedal_pressed:

            if self.enable_pedal_cruise and not self.accelerator_pedal_pressed:
                self.v_pid = self.calc_follow_speed_ms(CS, alca_enabled)

                if mapd is not None:
                    v_curve = max_v_in_mapped_curve_ms(mapd.liveMapData,
                    if v_curve:
                        self.v_pid = min(self.v_pid, v_curve)
                # take fleet speed into consideration
                self.v_pid = min(
                        CS, self.pedal_speed_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS, frame))
                # cruise speed can't be negative even if user is distracted
                self.v_pid = max(self.v_pid, 0.)

                jerk_min, jerk_max = _jerk_limits(CS.v_ego, self.lead_1,
                                                  self.v_pid * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                    jerk_limits[0],  #jerk_max, jerk_min,

                # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
                self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)

                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise
                self.v_acc_future = self.v_pid

                # Interpolation of trajectory
                self.a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (_DT / _DT_MPC) * (
                    self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
                self.v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + _DT * (
                    self.a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0

                self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_sol
                self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_sol

                # we will try to feed forward the pedal position.... we might want to feed the last_output_gb....
                # op feeds forward self.a_acc_sol
                # it's all about testing now.
                vTarget = clip(self.v_acc_sol, 0, self.v_cruise)
                self.vTargetFuture = clip(self.v_acc_future, 0, self.v_pid)
                feedforward = self.a_acc_sol
                #feedforward = self.last_output_gb
                t_go, t_brake = self.LoC.update(
                    self.enable_pedal_cruise, CS.v_ego, CS.brake_pressed != 0,
                    CS.standstill, False, self.v_cruise, vTarget,
                    self.vTargetFuture, feedforward, CS.CP)
                output_gb = t_go - t_brake
                #print ("Output GB Follow:", output_gb)
                #print ("PID reset")
                output_gb = 0.
                starting = self.LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
                a_ego = min(CS.a_ego, 0.0)
                reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else CS.v_ego
                reset_accel = CS.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
                self.v_acc = reset_speed
                self.a_acc = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
                self.v_cruise = reset_speed
                self.a_cruise = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_sol = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_sol = reset_accel
                self.v_pid = reset_speed
                self.last_speed_kph = None

        # This mode uses the longitudinal MPC built in OP
        # we use the values from actuator.accel and actuator.brake
        elif PCCModes.is_selected(OpMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            output_gb = actuators.gas - actuators.brake
            self.v_pid = -10.

        self.last_output_gb = output_gb
        # accel and brake
        apply_accel = clip(
            output_gb, 0.,
            _accel_pedal_max(CS.v_ego, self.v_pid, self.lead_1,
                             self.prev_tesla_accel, CS))
        apply_brake = -clip(
            output_gb * MPC_BRAKE_MULTIPLIER,
            _brake_pedal_min(CS.v_ego, self.v_pid, self.lead_1, CS,
                             self.pedal_speed_kph), 0.)

        # if speed is over 5mph, the "zero" is at PedalForZeroTorque; otherwise it is zero
        pedal_zero = 0.
        if CS.v_ego >= 5. * CV.MPH_TO_MS:
            pedal_zero = self.PedalForZeroTorque
        tesla_brake = clip((1. - apply_brake) * pedal_zero, 0, pedal_zero)
        tesla_accel = clip(apply_accel * (MAX_PEDAL_VALUE - pedal_zero), 0,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE - pedal_zero)
        tesla_pedal = tesla_brake + tesla_accel

        tesla_pedal = self.pedal_hysteresis(tesla_pedal, enabled)

        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, self.prev_tesla_pedal - PEDAL_MAX_DOWN,
                           self.prev_tesla_pedal + PEDAL_MAX_UP)
        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, 0.,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE) if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.
        enable_pedal = 1. if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.

        self.torqueLevel_last = CS.torqueLevel
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = tesla_pedal * enable_pedal
        self.prev_tesla_accel = apply_accel * enable_pedal
        self.prev_v_ego = CS.v_ego

        return self.prev_tesla_pedal, enable_pedal, idx

    # function to calculate the cruise speed based on a safe follow distance
    def calc_follow_speed_ms(self, CS, alca_enabled):
        # Make sure we were able to populate lead_1.
        if self.lead_1 is None:
            return None, None, None
        # dRel is in meters.
        lead_dist_m = self.lead_1.dRel
        if not CS.useTeslaRadar:
            lead_dist_m = _visual_radar_adjusted_dist_m(lead_dist_m, CS)
        # Grab the relative speed.
        v_rel = self.lead_1.vRel if abs(self.lead_1.vRel) > .5 else 0
        a_rel = self.lead_1.aRel if abs(self.lead_1.aRel) > .5 else 0
        rel_speed_kph = (v_rel + 0 * CS.apFollowTimeInS * a_rel) * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # v_ego is in m/s, so safe_distance is in meters.
        safe_dist_m = _safe_distance_m(CS.v_ego, CS)
        # Current speed in kph
        actual_speed_kph = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # speed and brake to issue
        if self.last_speed_kph is None:
            self.last_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph
        new_speed_kph = self.last_speed_kph
        ###   Logic to determine best cruise speed ###
        if self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            # If no lead is present, accel up to max speed
            if lead_dist_m == 0 or lead_dist_m > MAX_RADAR_DISTANCE:
                new_speed_kph = self.pedal_speed_kph
            elif lead_dist_m > 0:
                #BB Use the Kalman lead speed and acceleration
                lead_absolute_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph + rel_speed_kph  #(self.lead_1.vLeadK + _DT * self.lead_1.aLeadK) * CV.MS_TO_KPH
                rel_speed_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph - actual_speed_kph
                if lead_dist_m < MIN_SAFE_DIST_M and rel_speed_kph >= 3:
                    # If lead is going faster, but we're not at a safe distance, hold
                    # speed and let the lead car move father away from us
                    new_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph
                # If lead is not going faster than 3kpm from us, lets slow down a
                # bit to get him moving faster relative to us
                elif lead_dist_m < MIN_SAFE_DIST_M:
                    new_speed_kph = MIN_PCC_V_KPH
                # In a 10 meter cruise zone, lets match the car in front
                elif safe_dist_m + 2 > lead_dist_m > MIN_SAFE_DIST_M:  # BB we might want to try this and rel_speed_kph > 0:
                    min_vrel_kph_map = OrderedDict([
                        # (distance in m, min allowed relative kph)
                        (0.5 * safe_dist_m, 3.0),
                        (0.8 * safe_dist_m, 2.0),
                        (1.0 * safe_dist_m, 0.0)
                    min_vrel_kph = _interp_map(lead_dist_m, min_vrel_kph_map)
                    new_speed_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph - min_vrel_kph
                    # Force speed into a band that is generally slower than lead if too
                    # close, and faster than lead if too far. Allow a range of speeds at
                    # any given distance, to prevent continuous jerky adjustments.
                    # BB band should be % of v_ego
                    min_vrel_kph_map = OrderedDict([
                        # (distance in m, min allowed relative kph)
                        (0.5 * safe_dist_m, 3),
                        (1.0 * safe_dist_m,
                         -1 - 0.025 * CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH),
                        (1.5 * safe_dist_m,
                         -5 - 0.05 * CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH),
                        (3.0 * safe_dist_m,
                         -10 - 0.1 * CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH)
                    min_vrel_kph = _interp_map(lead_dist_m, min_vrel_kph_map)
                    max_vrel_kph_map = OrderedDict([
                        # (distance in m, max allowed relative kph)
                        (0.5 * safe_dist_m, 6),
                        (1.0 * safe_dist_m, 2),
                        (1.5 * safe_dist_m, -3),
                        # With visual radar the relative velocity is 0 until the confidence
                        # gets high. So even a small negative number here gives constant
                        # accel until lead lead car gets close enough to read.
                        (3 * safe_dist_m, -7)
                    max_vrel_kph = _interp_map(lead_dist_m, max_vrel_kph_map)
                    #if CS.useTeslaRadar:
                    #  min_vrel_kph = -1
                    #  max_vrel_kph = -2
                    min_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph - max_vrel_kph
                    max_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph - min_vrel_kph
                    # In the special case were we are going faster than intended but it's
                    # still an acceptable speed, accept it. This could happen if the
                    # driver manually accelerates, or if we roll down a hill. In either
                    # case, don't fight the extra velocity unless necessary.
                    if lead_dist_m >= 0.8 * safe_dist_m and lead_absolute_speed_kph > actual_speed_kph and self.lead_1.aLeadK >= 0.:
                        new_speed_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph
                    new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, min_kph, max_kph)
                    if (actual_speed_kph > new_speed_kph) and (
                            min_kph < actual_speed_kph <
                            max_kph) and (lead_absolute_speed_kph > 30):
                        new_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph
                    #BB disabled this condition as it might not allow fast enough braking
                    #if (actual_speed_kph > 80) and abs(actual_speed_kph - new_speed_kph) < 3.:
                    #  new_speed_kph = (actual_speed_kph + new_speed_kph)/2.0
                    # Enforce limits on speed in the presence of a lead car.
                    new_speed_kph = min(
                        new_speed_kph, _max_safe_speed_kph(self.lead_1, CS),
                            lead_absolute_speed_kph - _min_safe_vrel_kph(
                                self.lead_1, CS, actual_speed_kph), 2))
        # Enforce limits on speed
        new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH, MAX_PCC_V_KPH)
        new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
        if CS.turn_signal_blinking or (abs(CS.angle_steers) >
                                       ANGLE_STOP_ACCEL) or alca_enabled:
            # Don't accelerate during manual turns, curves or ALCA.
            new_speed_kph = min(new_speed_kph, self.last_speed_kph)
        #BB Last safety check. Zero if below MIN_SAFE_DIST_M
        if (MIN_SAFE_DIST_M > lead_dist_m > 0) and (rel_speed_kph < 3.):
            new_speed_kph = MIN_PCC_V_KPH
        self.last_speed_kph = new_speed_kph
        return new_speed_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    def pedal_hysteresis(self, pedal, enabled):
        # for small accel oscillations within PEDAL_HYST_GAP, don't change the command
        if not enabled:
            # send 0 when disabled, otherwise acc faults
            self.pedal_steady = 0.
        elif pedal > self.pedal_steady + PEDAL_HYST_GAP:
            self.pedal_steady = pedal - PEDAL_HYST_GAP
        elif pedal < self.pedal_steady - PEDAL_HYST_GAP:
            self.pedal_steady = pedal + PEDAL_HYST_GAP
        return self.pedal_steady

    def _update_pedal_state(self, CS, frame):
        if CS.pedal_idx != CS.prev_pedal_idx:
            # time out pedal after 500ms without receiving a new CAN message from it
            self.pedal_timeout_frame = frame + 50
        self.prev_pcc_available = self.pcc_available
        pedal_ready = frame < self.pedal_timeout_frame and CS.pedal_interceptor_state == 0
        acc_disabled = CS.forcePedalOverCC or CruiseState.is_off(
        # Mark pedal unavailable while traditional cruise is on.
        self.pcc_available = pedal_ready and acc_disabled

        if self.pcc_available != self.prev_pcc_available:
            CS.config_ui_buttons(self.pcc_available, pedal_ready
                                 and not acc_disabled)
class ACCController():

    # Tesla cruise only functions above 17 MPH

    def __init__(self, carcontroller):
        self.CC = carcontroller
        self.human_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.automated_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.radarState = messaging.sub_sock('radarState', conflate=True)
        self.last_update_time = 0
        self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
        self.prev_enable_adaptive_cruise = False
        # Whether to re-engage automatically after being paused due to low speed or
        # user-initated deceleration.
        self.autoresume = False
        self.adaptive = False
        self.last_brake_press_time = 0
        self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.IDLE
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = 0
        self.acc_speed_kph = 0.
        self.speed_limit_kph = 0.
        self.prev_speed_limit_kph = 0.
        self.user_has_braked = False
        self.has_gone_below_min_speed = False
        self.fast_decel_time = 0
        self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = 0
        # BB speed for testing
        self.new_speed = 0
        average_speed_over_x_suggestions = 20  # 1 second (20x a second)
        self.fleet_speed = FleetSpeed(average_speed_over_x_suggestions)

    # Updates the internal state of this controller based on user input,
    # specifically the steering wheel mounted cruise control stalk, and OpenPilot
    # UI buttons.
    def update_stat(self, CS, enabled):
        # Check if the cruise stalk was double pulled, indicating that adaptive
        # cruise control should be enabled. Twice in .75 seconds counts as a double
        # pull.
        self.prev_enable_adaptive_cruise = self.enable_adaptive_cruise
        acc_string = CS.cstm_btns.get_button_label2(ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME)
        acc_mode = ACCMode.from_label(acc_string)
            ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME).btn_label2 = acc_mode.label
        self.autoresume = acc_mode.autoresume
        self.adaptive = acc_mode.adaptive
        curr_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        # Handle pressing the enable button.
        if (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN
                or CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
            ) and self.prev_cruise_buttons != CS.cruise_buttons:
            double_pull = curr_time_ms - self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time < 750
            self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = curr_time_ms
            ready = (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(
                ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME) > ACCState.OFF and
                     (enabled or (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
                                  and not self.adaptive))
                     and CruiseState.is_enabled_or_standby(CS.pcm_acc_status)
                     and CS.v_ego > self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS)
            if ready and double_pull and (
                (self.adaptive and CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN) or
                ((not self.adaptive)
                 and CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET)):
                # A double pull enables ACC. updating the max ACC speed if necessary.
                self.enable_adaptive_cruise = True
                # Increase ACC speed to match current, if applicable.
                if self.adaptive:
                    self.acc_speed_kph = max(CS.v_ego_raw * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                    self.acc_speed_kph = CS.v_ego_raw * CV.MS_TO_KPH
                self.user_has_braked = False
                self.has_gone_below_min_speed = False
                # A single pull disables ACC (falling back to just steering).
                if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN:
                    self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
        # Handle pressing the cancel button.
        if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
            self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
            self.acc_speed_kph = 0.
            self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        # Handle pressing up and down buttons.
        elif (CS.cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.MAIN
              and self.enable_adaptive_cruise
              and CS.cruise_buttons != self.prev_cruise_buttons):

        if CS.brake_pressed:
            self.user_has_braked = True
            self.last_brake_press_time = _current_time_millis()
            if not self.autoresume:
                self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False

        if CS.v_ego < self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS:
            self.has_gone_below_min_speed = True

        # If autoresume is not enabled and not in standard CC, disable if we hit the brakes or gone below 18mph
        if not self.autoresume:
            if (self.adaptive and not enabled
                ) or self.user_has_braked or self.has_gone_below_min_speed:
                self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False

        # Notify if ACC was toggled
        if self.prev_enable_adaptive_cruise and not self.enable_adaptive_cruise:
                3, "%s Disabled" % ("ACC" if self.adaptive else "CC"), 150, 4)
        elif self.enable_adaptive_cruise:
            if not self.prev_enable_adaptive_cruise:
                    2, "%s Enabled" % ("ACC" if self.adaptive else "CC"), 150)

        # Update the UI to show whether the current car state allows ACC.
        if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(
                ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME) in [ACCState.STANDBY, ACCState.NOT_READY]:
            if ((enabled or not self.adaptive)
                    and CruiseState.is_enabled_or_standby(CS.pcm_acc_status)
                    and CS.v_ego > self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS):

        # Update prev state after all other actions.
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CS.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = CS.pcm_acc_status

    def _update_max_acc_speed(self, CS):
        # Adjust the max ACC speed based on user cruise stalk actions.
        half_press_kph, full_press_kph = self._get_cc_units_kph(
        speed_change_map = {
            CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL: half_press_kph,
            CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND: full_press_kph,
            CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET: -1 * half_press_kph,
            CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND: -1 * full_press_kph
        self.acc_speed_kph += speed_change_map.get(CS.cruise_buttons, 0)

        # Clip ACC speed between 0 and 170 KPH.
        self.acc_speed_kph = min(self.acc_speed_kph, 170)
        self.acc_speed_kph = max(self.acc_speed_kph, 0)

    # Decide which cruise control buttons to simluate to get the car to the desired speed.
    def update_acc(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed,
                   speed_limit_kph, set_speed_limit_active,
        # Adaptive cruise control
        self.prev_speed_limit_kph = self.speed_limit_kph
        if set_speed_limit_active and speed_limit_kph > 0:
            self.speed_limit_kph = speed_limit_kph + speed_limit_offset
            if int(self.prev_speed_limit_kph) != int(self.speed_limit_kph):
                self.acc_speed_kph = self.speed_limit_kph
        else:  # reset internal speed limit, so double pull doesn't set higher speed than current (e.g. after leaving the highway)
            self.speed_limit_kph = 0.
        current_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        if CruiseButtons.should_be_throttled(CS.cruise_buttons):
            self.human_cruise_action_time = current_time_ms
        button_to_press = None

        # If ACC is disabled, disengage traditional cruise control.
        if ((self.prev_enable_adaptive_cruise)
                and (not self.enable_adaptive_cruise)
                and (CS.pcm_acc_status == CruiseState.ENABLED)):
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL

        #if non addaptive and we just engaged ACC but pcm is not engaged, then engage
        if (not self.adaptive) and self.enable_adaptive_cruise and (
                CS.pcm_acc_status != CruiseState.ENABLED):
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.MAIN

        #if plain cc, not adaptive, then just return None or Cancel
        if (not self.adaptive) and self.enable_adaptive_cruise:
            self.acc_speed_kph = CS.v_cruise_actual  #if not CS.imperial_speed_units else CS.v_cruise_actual * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
            return button_to_press

        #disengage if cruise is canceled
        if (not self.enable_adaptive_cruise) and (CS.pcm_acc_status >= 2) and (
                CS.pcm_acc_status <= 4):
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
        lead_1 = None
        #if enabled:
        lead = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
        if lead is not None:
            lead_1 = lead.radarState.leadOne
            if lead_1.dRel:
                self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = current_time_ms
        if self.enable_adaptive_cruise and enabled:  # and (button_to_press == None):
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_label2(
                    ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME) in ["OP", "AutoOP"]:
                button_to_press = self._calc_button(CS, pcm_speed)
                self.new_speed = pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
                # Alternative speed decision logic that uses the lead car's distance
                # and speed more directly.
                # Bring in the lead car distance from the radarState feed

                button_to_press = self._calc_follow_button(
                    CS, lead_1, speed_limit_kph, set_speed_limit_active,
                    speed_limit_offset, frame)
        if button_to_press:
            self.automated_cruise_action_time = current_time_ms
            # If trying to slow below the min cruise speed, just cancel cruise.
            # This prevents a SCCM crash which is triggered by repeatedly pressing
            # stalk-down when already at min cruise speed.
            if (CruiseButtons.is_decel(button_to_press)
                    and CS.v_cruise_actual - 1 <
                    self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS * CV.MS_TO_KPH):
                button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
            if button_to_press == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
                self.fast_decel_time = current_time_ms
            # Debug logging (disable in production to reduce latency of commands)
            #print "***ACC command: %s***" % button_to_press
        return button_to_press

    # function to calculate the cruise button based on a safe follow distance
    def _calc_follow_button(self, CS, lead_car, speed_limit_kph,
                            set_speed_limit_active, speed_limit_offset, frame):
        if lead_car is None:
            return None
        # Desired gap (in seconds) between cars.
        follow_time_s = CS.apFollowTimeInS
        # v_ego is in m/s, so safe_dist_m is in meters.
        safe_dist_m = CS.v_ego * follow_time_s
        current_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        # Make sure we were able to populate lead_1.
        # dRel is in meters.
        lead_dist_m = lead_car.dRel
        lead_speed_kph = (lead_car.vRel + CS.v_ego) * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # Relative velocity between the lead car and our set cruise speed.
        future_vrel_kph = lead_speed_kph - CS.v_cruise_actual
        # How much we can accelerate without exceeding the max allowed speed.
        max_acc_speed_kph = self.fleet_speed.adjust(
            CS, self.acc_speed_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS, frame) * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        available_speed_kph = max_acc_speed_kph - CS.v_cruise_actual
        half_press_kph, full_press_kph = self._get_cc_units_kph(
        # button to issue
        button = None
        # debug msg
        msg = None

        # Automatically engage traditional cruise if ACC is active.
        if self._should_autoengage_cc(
                lead_car=lead_car) and self._no_action_for(milliseconds=100):
            button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
        # If traditional cruise is engaged, then control it.
        elif CS.pcm_acc_status == CruiseState.ENABLED:

            # Disengage cruise control if a slow object is seen ahead. This triggers
            # full regen braking, which is stronger than the braking that happens if
            # you just reduce cruise speed.
            if self._fast_decel_required(
                    lead_car) and self._no_human_action_for(milliseconds=500):
                msg = "Off (Slow traffic)"
                button = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
                self.new_speed = 1

            # if cruise is set to faster than the max speed, slow down
            elif CS.v_cruise_actual > max_acc_speed_kph and self._no_action_for(
                msg = "Slow to max"
                button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
                self.new_speed = max_acc_speed_kph

            elif (  # if we have a populated lead_distance
                    lead_dist_m > 0 and self._no_action_for(milliseconds=300)
                    # and we're moving
                    and CS.v_cruise_actual > full_press_kph):
                ### Slowing down ###
                # Reduce speed significantly if lead_dist < safe dist
                # and if the lead car isn't already pulling away.
                if lead_dist_m < safe_dist_m * .5 and future_vrel_kph < 2:
                    msg = "-5 (Significantly too close)"
                    button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
                    self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH - full_press_kph
                # Don't rush up to lead car
                elif future_vrel_kph < -15:
                    msg = "-5 (approaching too fast)"
                    button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
                    self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH - full_press_kph
                elif future_vrel_kph < -8:
                    msg = "-1 (approaching too fast)"
                    button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
                    self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH - half_press_kph
                elif lead_dist_m < safe_dist_m and future_vrel_kph <= 0:
                    msg = "-1 (Too close)"
                    button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
                    self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH - half_press_kph
                # Make slow adjustments if close to the safe distance.
                # only adjust every 1 secs
                elif (lead_dist_m < safe_dist_m * 1.3
                      and future_vrel_kph < -1 * half_press_kph
                      and self._no_action_for(milliseconds=1000)):
                    msg = "-1 (Near safe distance)"
                    button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
                    self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH - half_press_kph

                ### Speed up ###
                elif (available_speed_kph > half_press_kph
                      and lead_dist_m > safe_dist_m
                      and self._no_human_action_for(milliseconds=1000)):
                    lead_is_far = lead_dist_m > safe_dist_m * 1.75
                    closing = future_vrel_kph < -2
                    lead_is_pulling_away = future_vrel_kph > 4
                    if lead_is_far and not closing or lead_is_pulling_away:
                        msg = "+1 (Beyond safe distance and speed)"
                        button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
                        self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH + half_press_kph

            # If lead_dist is reported as 0, no one is detected in front of you so you
            # can speed up. Only accel on straight-aways; vision radar often
            # loses lead car in a turn.
            elif (lead_dist_m == 0 and CS.angle_steers < 2.0
                  and half_press_kph < available_speed_kph
                  and self._no_action_for(milliseconds=500)
                  and self._no_human_action_for(milliseconds=1000)
                  and current_time_ms > self.lead_last_seen_time_ms + 4000):
                msg = "+1 (road clear)"
                button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
                self.new_speed = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH + half_press_kph

        if (current_time_ms > self.last_update_time + 1000):
            ratio = 0
            if safe_dist_m > 0:
                ratio = (lead_dist_m / safe_dist_m) * 100
                "Ratio: {0:.1f}%  lead: {1:.1f}m  avail: {2:.1f}kph  vRel: {3:.1f}kph  Angle: {4:.1f}deg"
                .format(ratio, lead_dist_m, available_speed_kph,
                        lead_car.vRel * CV.MS_TO_KPH, CS.angle_steers))
            self.last_update_time = current_time_ms
            if msg is not None:
                print("ACC: " + msg)
        return button

    def _should_autoengage_cc(self, CS, lead_car=None):
        # Automatically (re)engage cruise control so long as
        # 1) The carstate allows cruise control
        # 2) There is no imminent threat of collision
        # 3) The user did not cancel ACC by pressing the brake
        cruise_ready = (self.enable_adaptive_cruise
                        and CS.pcm_acc_status == CruiseState.STANDBY
                        and CS.v_ego >= self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS and
                        _current_time_millis() > self.fast_decel_time + 2000)

        slow_lead = lead_car and lead_car.dRel > 0 and lead_car.vRel < 0 or self._fast_decel_required(
            CS, lead_car)  # pylint: disable=chained-comparison

        # "Autoresume" mode allows cruise to engage even after brake events, but
        # shouldn't trigger DURING braking.
        autoresume_ready = (
            self.autoresume and CS.a_ego >= 0.1
            and not self.CC.HSO.human_control
            and _current_time_millis() > self.last_brake_press_time + 1000)

        braked = self.user_has_braked or self.has_gone_below_min_speed

        return cruise_ready and not slow_lead and (autoresume_ready
                                                   or not braked)

    def _fast_decel_required(self, CS, lead_car):
        """ Identifies situations which call for rapid deceleration. """
        if not lead_car or not lead_car.dRel:
            return False

        collision_imminent = self._seconds_to_collision(CS, lead_car) < 4

        lead_absolute_speed_ms = lead_car.vRel + CS.v_ego
        lead_too_slow = lead_absolute_speed_ms < self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS

        return collision_imminent or lead_too_slow

    def _seconds_to_collision(self, CS, lead_car):
        if not lead_car or not lead_car.dRel:
            return sys.maxsize
        elif lead_car.vRel >= 0:
            return sys.maxsize
        return abs(float(lead_car.dRel) / lead_car.vRel)

    def _get_cc_units_kph(self, is_imperial_units):
        # Cruise control buttons behave differently depending on whether the car
        # is configured for metric or imperial units.
        if is_imperial_units:
            # Imperial unit cars adjust cruise in units of 1 and 5 mph.
            half_press_kph = 1 * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
            full_press_kph = 5 * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
            # Metric cars adjust cruise in units of 1 and 5 kph.
            half_press_kph = 1
            full_press_kph = 5
        return half_press_kph, full_press_kph

    # Adjust speed based off OP's longitudinal model. As of OpenPilot 0.5.3, this
    # is inoperable because the planner crashes when given only visual radar
    # inputs. (Perhaps this can be used in the future with a radar install, or if
    # OpenPilot planner changes.)
    def _calc_button(self, CS, desired_speed_ms):
        button_to_press = None
        # Automatically engange traditional cruise if appropriate.
        if self._should_autoengage_cc(CS) and desired_speed_ms >= CS.v_ego:
            button_to_press = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
        # If traditional cruise is engaged, then control it.
        elif (CS.pcm_acc_status == CruiseState.ENABLED
              # But don't make adjustments if a human has manually done so in
              # the last 3 seconds. Human intention should not be overridden.
              and self._no_human_action_for(milliseconds=3000) and
            # The difference between OP's target speed and the current cruise
            # control speed, in KPH.
            speed_offset_kph = (desired_speed_ms * CV.MS_TO_KPH -

            half_press_kph, full_press_kph = self._get_cc_units_kph(

            # Reduce cruise speed significantly if necessary. Multiply by a % to
            # make the car slightly more eager to slow down vs speed up.
            if desired_speed_ms < self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS:
                button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
            if speed_offset_kph < -2 * full_press_kph and CS.v_cruise_actual > 0:
                button_to_press = CruiseButtons.CANCEL
            elif speed_offset_kph < -0.6 * full_press_kph and CS.v_cruise_actual > 0:
                # Send cruise stalk dn_2nd.
                button_to_press = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
            # Reduce speed slightly if necessary.
            elif speed_offset_kph < -0.9 * half_press_kph and CS.v_cruise_actual > 0:
                # Send cruise stalk dn_1st.
                button_to_press = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
            # Increase cruise speed if possible.
            elif CS.v_ego > self.MIN_CRUISE_SPEED_MS:
                # How much we can accelerate without exceeding max allowed speed.
                available_speed_kph = self.acc_speed_kph - CS.v_cruise_actual
                if speed_offset_kph >= full_press_kph and full_press_kph < available_speed_kph:
                    # Send cruise stalk up_2nd.
                    button_to_press = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND
                elif speed_offset_kph >= half_press_kph and half_press_kph < available_speed_kph:
                    # Send cruise stalk up_1st.
                    button_to_press = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
        return button_to_press

    def _no_human_action_for(self, milliseconds):
        return _current_time_millis(
        ) > self.human_cruise_action_time + milliseconds

    def _no_automated_action_for(self, milliseconds):
        return _current_time_millis(
        ) > self.automated_cruise_action_time + milliseconds

    def _no_action_for(self, milliseconds):
        return self._no_human_action_for(
            milliseconds) and self._no_automated_action_for(milliseconds)