def create_wheel_buttons(frame):
    # WHEEL_BUTTONS (762) Message sent to cancel ACC.
    start = b"\x01"  # acc cancel set
    counter = (frame % 10) << 4
    dat = start + counter.to_bytes(1, 'little') + b"\x00"
    dat = dat[:-1] + calc_checksum(dat).to_bytes(1, 'little')
    return make_can_msg(0x2fa, dat, 0)
def make_tester_present_msg(addr, bus, subaddr=None):
    dat = [0x02, SERVICE_TYPE.TESTER_PRESENT, 0x0]
    if subaddr is not None:
        dat.insert(0, subaddr)

    dat.extend([0x0] * (8 - len(dat)))
    return make_can_msg(addr, bytes(dat), bus)
def create_lkas_hud(packer, gear, lkas_active, hud_alert, hud_count,
    # LKAS_HUD 0x2a6 (678) Controls what lane-keeping icon is displayed.

    if hud_alert in (VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw):
        msg = b'\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        return make_can_msg(0x2a6, msg, 0)

    color = 1  # default values are for park or neutral in 2017 are 0 0, but trying 1 1 for 2019
    lines = 1
    alerts = 0

    if hud_count < (1 * 4):  # first 3 seconds, 4Hz
        alerts = 1
    # had color = 1 and lines = 1 but trying 2017 hybrid style for now.
    if gear in (GearShifter.drive, GearShifter.reverse, GearShifter.low):
        if lkas_active:
            color = 2  # control active, display green.
            lines = 6
            color = 1  # control off, display white.
            lines = 1

    values = {
        "LKAS_ICON_COLOR": color,  # byte 0, last 2 bits
        "CAR_MODEL": lkas_car_model,  # byte 1
        "LKAS_LANE_LINES": lines,  # byte 2, last 4 bits
        "LKAS_ALERTS": alerts,  # byte 3, last 4 bits

    return packer.make_can_msg("LKAS_HUD", 0, values)  # 0x2a6
def create_adas_time_status(bus, tt, idx):
    dat = [(tt >> 20) & 0xff, (tt >> 12) & 0xff, (tt >> 4) & 0xff,
           ((tt & 0xf) << 4) + (idx << 2)]
    chksum = 0x1000 - dat[0] - dat[1] - dat[2] - dat[3]
    chksum = chksum & 0xfff
    dat += [0x40 + (chksum >> 8), chksum & 0xff, 0x12]
    return make_can_msg(0xa1, bytes(dat), bus)
def test_boardd_loopback():
    # wait for boardd to init
    spinner = Spinner()

    with Timeout(60, "boardd didn't start"):
        sm = messaging.SubMaster(['pandaState'])
        while sm.rcv_frame['pandaState'] < 1:

    # boardd blocks on CarVin and CarParams
    cp = car.CarParams.new_message()
    cp.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.allOutput
    Params().put("CarVin", b"0" * 17)
    Params().put_bool("ControlsReady", True)
    Params().put("CarParams", cp.to_bytes())

    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
    can = messaging.sub_sock('can', conflate=False, timeout=100)


    n = 1000
    for i in range(n):
        spinner.update(f"boardd loopback {i}/{n}")

        sent_msgs = defaultdict(set)
        for _ in range(random.randrange(10)):
            to_send = []
            for __ in range(random.randrange(100)):
                bus = random.randrange(3)
                addr = random.randrange(1, 1 << 29)
                dat = bytes([
                    for _ in range(random.randrange(1, 9))
                sent_msgs[bus].add((addr, dat))
                to_send.append(make_can_msg(addr, dat, bus))
            sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(to_send, msgtype='sendcan'))

        max_recv = 10
        while max_recv > 0 and any(len(sent_msgs[bus]) for bus in range(3)):
            recvd = messaging.drain_sock(can, wait_for_one=True)
            for msg in recvd:
                for m in msg.can:
                    if m.src >= 128:
                        k = (m.address, m.dat)
                        assert k in sent_msgs[m.src - 128]
                        sent_msgs[m.src - 128].discard(k)
            max_recv -= 1

        # if a set isn't empty, messages got dropped
        for bus in range(3):
            assert not len(
            ), f"loop {i}: bus {bus} missing {len(sent_msgs[bus])} messages"

def create_adas_accelerometer_speed_status(bus, speed_ms, idx):
  spd = int(speed_ms * 16) & 0xfff
  accel = 0 & 0xfff
  # 0 if in park/neutral, 0x10 if in reverse, 0x08 for D/L
  #stick = 0x08
  near_range_cutoff = 0x27
  near_range_mode = 1 if spd <= near_range_cutoff else 0
  far_range_mode = 1 - near_range_mode
  dat = [0x08, spd >> 4, ((spd & 0xf) << 4) | (accel >> 8), accel & 0xff, 0]
  chksum = 0x62 + far_range_mode + (idx << 2) + dat[0] + dat[1] + dat[2] + dat[3] + dat[4]
  dat += [(idx << 5) + (far_range_mode << 4) + (near_range_mode << 3) + (chksum >> 8), chksum & 0xff]
  return make_can_msg(0x308, bytes(dat), bus)
def create_lka_icon_command(bus, active, critical, steer):
    if active and steer == 1:
        if critical:
            dat = b"\x50\xc0\x14"
            dat = b"\x50\x40\x18"
    elif active:
        if critical:
            dat = b"\x40\xc0\x14"
            dat = b"\x40\x40\x18"
        dat = b"\x00\x00\x00"
    return make_can_msg(0x104c006c, dat, bus)
def create_lkas_command(packer, lkas_run, frame, apply_steer):  #,
    counter = frame % 0x10
    values = {
        "ALLFFFF": 0xffff,
        "A1": 1,
        "HIGH_TORQ": 0,
        "ALL11": 3,
        "COUNTER": counter,
        "STEER_TORQ": apply_steer,
        "LKAS_GREEN": 1

    #       cs                cnt3  torq
    #       0      1     2     3     4
    dat = [0xeb, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00]

    torq, dat[0] = find_steer_torq(counter, apply_steer)
    dat[3] = (((counter << 3) | ((torq & 0x700) >> 8)) | 0x80)
    dat[4] = torq & 0xFF

    candat = binascii.hexlify(bytearray(dat))

    #return  packer.make_can_msg("LKAS_RUN", 0, dat)
    return make_can_msg(0x28F, codecs.decode(candat, 'hex'), 0)
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, visual_alert, pcm_cancel):

        can_sends = []
        steer_alert = visual_alert in (VisualAlert.steerRequired,

        apply_steer = actuators.steer

        if pcm_cancel:
            #print "CANCELING!!!!"

        if (frame % 3) == 0:

            curvature = self.vehicle_model.calc_curvature(
                math.radians(actuators.steeringAngleDeg), CS.out.vEgo, 0.0)

            # The use of the toggle below is handy for trying out the various LKAS modes
            if TOGGLE_DEBUG:
                self.lkas_action += int(CS.out.genericToggle
                                        and not self.generic_toggle_last)
                self.lkas_action &= 0xf
                self.lkas_action = 5  # 4 and 5 seem the best. 8 and 9 seem to aggressive and laggy

                create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, enabled,
                                     CS.lkas_state, CS.out.steeringAngleDeg,
                                     curvature, self.lkas_action))
            self.generic_toggle_last = CS.out.genericToggle

        if (frame % 100) == 0:

                make_can_msg(973, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
            #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(984, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x45\x60\x30', 0))

        if (frame % 100) == 0 or (self.enabled_last != enabled) or (self.main_on_last != CS.out.cruiseState.available) or \
           (self.steer_alert_last != steer_alert):
                create_lkas_ui(self.packer, CS.out.cruiseState.available,
                               enabled, steer_alert))

        if (frame % 200) == 0:
                make_can_msg(1875, b'\x80\xb0\x55\x55\x78\x90\x00\x00', 1))

        if (frame % 10) == 0:

                make_can_msg(1648, b'\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x50\x00', 1))
                make_can_msg(1649, b'\x10\x10\xf1\x70\x04\x00\x00\x00', 1))

                make_can_msg(1664, b'\x00\x00\x03\xe8\x00\x01\xa9\xb2', 1))
                make_can_msg(1674, b'\x08\x00\x00\xff\x0c\xfb\x6a\x08', 1))
                make_can_msg(1675, b'\x00\x00\x3b\x60\x37\x00\x00\x00', 1))
                make_can_msg(1690, b'\x70\x00\x00\x55\x86\x1c\xe0\x00', 1))

                make_can_msg(1910, b'\x06\x4b\x06\x4b\x42\xd3\x11\x30', 1))
                make_can_msg(1911, b'\x48\x53\x37\x54\x48\x53\x37\x54', 1))
                make_can_msg(1912, b'\x31\x34\x47\x30\x38\x31\x43\x42', 1))
                make_can_msg(1913, b'\x31\x34\x47\x30\x38\x32\x43\x42', 1))
                make_can_msg(1969, b'\xf4\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))
                make_can_msg(1971, b'\x0b\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))

        static_msgs = range(1653, 1658)
        for addr in static_msgs:
            cnt = (frame % 10) + 1
                make_can_msg(addr, (cnt << 4).to_bytes(1, 'little') +
                             b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))

        self.enabled_last = enabled
        self.main_on_last = CS.out.cruiseState.available
        self.steer_alert_last = steer_alert

        return actuators, can_sends
def create_adas_headlights_status(bus):
    return make_can_msg(0x310, b"\x42\x04", bus)
def create_adas_steering_status(bus, idx):
    dat = [idx << 6, 0xf0, 0x20, 0, 0, 0]
    chksum = 0x60 + sum(dat)
    dat += [chksum >> 8, chksum & 0xff]
    return make_can_msg(0x306, bytes(dat), bus)
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, visual_alert, pcm_cancel,

        can_sends = []
        steer_alert = visual_alert == car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert.steerRequired

        apply_steer = actuators.steer

        # dp
        blinker_on = CS.out.leftBlinker or CS.out.rightBlinker
        if not enabled:
            self.blinker_end_frame = 0
        if self.last_blinker_on and not blinker_on:
            self.blinker_end_frame = frame + dragonconf.dpSignalOffDelay
        apply_steer = common_controller_ctrl(
            enabled, dragonconf, blinker_on or frame < self.blinker_end_frame,
            apply_steer, CS.out.vEgo)
        self.last_blinker_on = blinker_on

        if self.enable_camera:

            if pcm_cancel:
                #print "CANCELING!!!!"

            if (frame % 3) == 0:

                curvature = self.vehicle_model.calc_curvature(
                    actuators.steerAngle * 3.1415 / 180., CS.out.vEgo)

                # The use of the toggle below is handy for trying out the various LKAS modes
                if TOGGLE_DEBUG:
                    self.lkas_action += int(CS.out.genericToggle
                                            and not self.generic_toggle_last)
                    self.lkas_action &= 0xf
                    self.lkas_action = 5  # 4 and 5 seem the best. 8 and 9 seem to aggressive and laggy

                    create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, enabled,
                                         CS.lkas_state, CS.out.steeringAngle,
                                         curvature, self.lkas_action))
                self.generic_toggle_last = CS.out.genericToggle

            if (frame % 100) == 0:

                    make_can_msg(973, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(984, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x45\x60\x30', 0))

            if (frame % 100) == 0 or (self.enabled_last != enabled) or (self.main_on_last != CS.out.cruiseState.available) or \
               (self.steer_alert_last != steer_alert):
                    create_lkas_ui(self.packer, CS.out.cruiseState.available,
                                   enabled, steer_alert))

            if (frame % 200) == 0:
                    make_can_msg(1875, b'\x80\xb0\x55\x55\x78\x90\x00\x00', 1))

            if (frame % 10) == 0:

                    make_can_msg(1648, b'\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x50\x00', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1649, b'\x10\x10\xf1\x70\x04\x00\x00\x00', 1))

                    make_can_msg(1664, b'\x00\x00\x03\xe8\x00\x01\xa9\xb2', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1674, b'\x08\x00\x00\xff\x0c\xfb\x6a\x08', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1675, b'\x00\x00\x3b\x60\x37\x00\x00\x00', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1690, b'\x70\x00\x00\x55\x86\x1c\xe0\x00', 1))

                    make_can_msg(1910, b'\x06\x4b\x06\x4b\x42\xd3\x11\x30', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1911, b'\x48\x53\x37\x54\x48\x53\x37\x54', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1912, b'\x31\x34\x47\x30\x38\x31\x43\x42', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1913, b'\x31\x34\x47\x30\x38\x32\x43\x42', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1969, b'\xf4\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))
                    make_can_msg(1971, b'\x0b\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))

            static_msgs = range(1653, 1658)
            for addr in static_msgs:
                cnt = (frame % 10) + 1
                    make_can_msg(addr, (cnt << 4).to_bytes(1, 'little') +
                                 b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))

            self.enabled_last = enabled
            self.main_on_last = CS.out.cruiseState.available
            self.steer_alert_last = steer_alert

        return can_sends
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
               left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart,

        # *** compute control surfaces ***
        if self.sm.updated['radarState']:
            self.lead_v = self.sm['radarState'].leadOne.vRel
            self.lead_a = self.sm['radarState'].leadOne.aRel
            self.lead_d = self.sm['radarState'].leadOne.dRel
        if self.sm.updated['controlsState']:
            self.LCS = self.sm['controlsState'].longControlState
            if frame % 500 == 0:  # *** 5 sec interval? ***

        # gas and brake

#    apply_gas = 0.
#    apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

#    if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor and enabled and CS.out.vEgo < MIN_ACC_SPEED:
#      apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)
#      # converts desired acceleration to gas percentage for pedal
#      # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when applying very small gas
#      if apply_accel * CarControllerParams.ACCEL_SCALE > coast_accel(CS.out.vEgo):
#        apply_gas = clip(compute_gb_pedal(apply_accel * CarControllerParams.ACCEL_SCALE, CS.out.vEgo), 0., 1.)
#      apply_accel += 0.06

        apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)

        if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # send only negative accel if interceptor is detected. otherwise, send the regular value
            # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
            #apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake    # Original
            if lead:
                apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake
                #apply_accel = 0.06
                apply_accel = 0.06
            # End new
            apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            apply_accel, self.accel_steady, enabled)
        apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * CarControllerParams.ACCEL_SCALE,

        # steer torque
        new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX))
        apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(
            new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps,
        self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

        # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s)
        if not enabled or abs(CS.out.steeringRateDeg) > 100:
            #if not enabled or CS.steer_state in [9, 25] or CS.out.epsDisabled==1 or abs(CS.out.steeringRateDeg) > 100:    #Original statement
            apply_steer = 0
            apply_steer_req = 0
            apply_steer_req = 1

        #if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:    # Original
        if not enabled:
            # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
            pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

        # on entering standstill, send standstill request
        if CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR and not self.standstill_hack:
            self.standstill_req = True
        if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
            # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
            self.standstill_req = False

        self.last_steer = apply_steer
        self.last_accel = apply_accel
        self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

        can_sends = []

        if (frame % 2 == 0):
                create_lead_command(self.packer, self.lead_v, self.lead_a,

        #*** control msgs ***
        #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

        # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
        # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
        # on consecutive messages
        if Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
                create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req,
            if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
                    create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))

            # LTA mode. Set ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and whitelist 0x191 in the panda
            # if frame % 2 == 0:
            #   can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))
            #   can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, actuators.steeringAngleDeg, apply_steer_req, frame // 2))

        # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
        if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or (
                pcm_cancel_cmd and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus):
            lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.  # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

            # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
            if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, apply_accel,
                                         pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req,
                #can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead))   # Original value
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, 500, pcm_cancel_cmd,
                                         False, lead))

        if (frame % 2 == 0) and (CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor):
            # send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
            # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
                create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, frame // 2))

        # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
        # - there is something to display
        # - there is something to stop displaying
        fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
        steer_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired

        send_ui = False
        if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
           (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
            send_ui = True
            self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
        elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
            # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
            send_ui = True

        if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui) and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
                create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd,
                                  left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart,

        if frame % 100 == 0 and Ecu.dsu in self.fake_ecus:
            can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

        #*** static msgs ***

        for (addr, ecu, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_MSGS:
            if frame % fr_step == 0 and ecu in self.fake_ecus and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
                can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

        return can_sends
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
               left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart,

        # *** compute control surfaces ***

        # gas and brake

        apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)

        if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # send only negative accel if interceptor is detected. otherwise, send the regular value
            # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
            apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake
            apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            apply_accel, self.accel_steady, enabled)
        apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * ACCEL_SCALE, ACCEL_MIN, ACCEL_MAX)

        # steer torque
        new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))
        apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer,
        self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

        # only cut torque when steer state is a known fault
        if CS.steer_state in [9, 25]:
            self.last_fault_frame = frame

        # Cut steering for 2s after fault
        if not enabled or (frame - self.last_fault_frame < 200):
            apply_steer = 0
            apply_steer_req = 0
            apply_steer_req = 1

        self.steer_angle_enabled, self.ipas_reset_counter = \
          ipas_state_transition(self.steer_angle_enabled, enabled, CS.ipas_active, self.ipas_reset_counter)
        #print("{0} {1} {2}".format(self.steer_angle_enabled, self.ipas_reset_counter, CS.ipas_active))

        # steer angle
        if self.steer_angle_enabled and CS.ipas_active:
            apply_angle = actuators.steerAngle
            angle_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_MAX_BP, ANGLE_MAX_V)
            apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, -angle_lim, angle_lim)

            # windup slower
            if self.last_angle * apply_angle > 0. and abs(apply_angle) > abs(
                angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP,
                angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP,

            apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, self.last_angle - angle_rate_lim,
                               self.last_angle + angle_rate_lim)
            apply_angle = CS.angle_steers

        if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
            pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

        # on entering standstill, send standstill request
        if CS.standstill and not self.last_standstill:
            self.standstill_req = True
        if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
            # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
            self.standstill_req = False

        self.last_steer = apply_steer
        self.last_angle = apply_angle
        self.last_accel = apply_accel
        self.last_standstill = CS.standstill

        can_sends = []

        #*** control msgs ***
        #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

        # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
        # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
        # on consecutive messages
        if Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
            if self.angle_control:
                    create_steer_command(self.packer, 0., 0, frame))
                    create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer,
                                         apply_steer_req, frame))

        if self.angle_control:
                create_ipas_steer_command(self.packer, apply_angle,
                                          self.steer_angle_enabled, Ecu.apgs
                                          in self.fake_ecus))
        elif Ecu.apgs in self.fake_ecus:
            can_sends.append(create_ipas_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0,

        # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
        if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or (
                pcm_cancel_cmd and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus):
            lead = lead or CS.v_ego < 12.  # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

            # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
            if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, apply_accel,
                                         pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req,
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False,

        if (frame % 2 == 0) and (CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor):
            # send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
            # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
                create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, frame // 2))

        # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
        # - there is something to display
        # - there is something to stop displaying
        alert_out = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)
        steer, fcw = alert_out

        if (any(alert_out) and not self.alert_active) or \
           (not any(alert_out) and self.alert_active):
            send_ui = True
            self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
            send_ui = False

        # disengage msg causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
        if pcm_cancel_cmd:
            send_ui = True

        if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui) and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
                create_ui_command(self.packer, steer, pcm_cancel_cmd,
                                  left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart,

        if frame % 100 == 0 and Ecu.dsu in self.fake_ecus:
            can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw))

        #*** static msgs ***

        for (addr, ecu, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_MSGS:
            if frame % fr_step == 0 and ecu in self.fake_ecus and self.car_fingerprint in cars:
                can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

        return can_sends
  def update(self, enabled, active, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
             left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart):

    # gas and brake
    if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor and active:
      # RAV4 has very sensitive gas pedal
        PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.15, 0.3, 0.0])
      elif CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.COROLLA,):
        PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.3, 0.4, 0.0])
        PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.4, 0.5, 0.0])
      # offset for creep and windbrake
      pedal_offset = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, 2.3, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [-.4, 0.0, 0.2])
      pedal_command = PEDAL_SCALE * (actuators.accel + pedal_offset)
      interceptor_gas_cmd = clip(pedal_command, 0., MAX_INTERCEPTOR_GAS)
      interceptor_gas_cmd = 0.
    pcm_accel_cmd = clip(actuators.accel, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MIN, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MAX)

    # steer torque
    new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX))
    apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps, CarControllerParams)
    self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

    # TODO: probably can delete this. CS.pcm_acc_status uses a different signal
    # than CS.cruiseState.enabled. confirm they're not meaningfully different
    if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
      pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

    # on entering standstill, send standstill request
    if CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR:
      self.standstill_req = True
    if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
      # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
      self.standstill_req = False

    self.last_steer = apply_steer
    self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

    can_sends = []

    if CS.CP.steerControlType == car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle:
      can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame))
      # On TSS2 cars, the LTA and STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR messages use relative steering angle signals that start
      # at 0 degrees, so we need to offset the commanded angle as well.
      # Also need to pulse steer_req to prevent 5 second steering lockout in some cases
      steer_req = active  # TODO(thinh): Check and cut out steering while we are in a known fault state
      percentage = interp(abs(CS.out.steeringTorque), [50, 100], [100, 0])
      commanded_angle = interp(percentage, [-10, 100], [CS.out.steeringAngleDeg + CS.out.steeringAngleOffsetDeg,
                    actuators.steeringAngleDeg + CS.out.steeringAngleOffsetDeg])
      can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, commanded_angle, steer_req, frame))
      # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s)
      if not active or CS.steer_state in (9, 25):
        apply_steer = 0
        apply_steer_req = 0
        apply_steer_req = 1
      # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
      # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
      # on consecutive messages
      can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req, frame))
      if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
        can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))

    # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
    if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or pcm_cancel_cmd:
      lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.    # at low speed we always assume the lead is present so ACC can be engaged

      # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
      if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.LEXUS_IS, CAR.LEXUS_RC):
      elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
        can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, pcm_accel_cmd, pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req, lead, CS.acc_type, CS.distance_btn))
        self.accel = pcm_accel_cmd
        can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead, CS.acc_type, CS.distance_btn))

    if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
      # send exactly zero if gas cmd is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and gas cmd.
      # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
      can_sends.append(create_gas_interceptor_command(self.packer, interceptor_gas_cmd, frame // 2))
      self.gas = interceptor_gas_cmd

    # ui mesg is at 1Hz but we send asap if:
    # - there is something to display
    # - there is something to stop displaying
    fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
    steer_alert = hud_alert in (VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw)

    send_ui = False
    if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
       (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
      send_ui = True
      self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
    elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
      # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
      send_ui = True

    if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui):
      can_sends.append(create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd, left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart, enabled))

    if frame % 100 == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu:
      can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

    # *** static msgs ***
    for (addr, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_DSU_MSGS:
      if frame % fr_step == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
        can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

    new_actuators = actuators.copy()
    new_actuators.steer = apply_steer / CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX
    new_actuators.accel = self.accel
    new_actuators.gas = self.gas

    return new_actuators, can_sends
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
               left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart,

        # *** compute control surfaces ***

        # gas and brake
        interceptor_gas_cmd = 0.
        pcm_accel_cmd = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # handle hysteresis when around the minimum acc speed
            if CS.out.vEgo < MIN_ACC_SPEED:
                self.use_interceptor = True
            elif CS.out.vEgo > MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_HYST_GAP:
                self.use_interceptor = False

            if self.use_interceptor and enabled:
                # only send negative accel when using interceptor. gas handles acceleration
                # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
                interceptor_gas_cmd = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)
                pcm_accel_cmd = 0.06 - actuators.brake

        pcm_accel_cmd, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            pcm_accel_cmd, self.accel_steady, enabled)
        pcm_accel_cmd = clip(pcm_accel_cmd * CarControllerParams.ACCEL_SCALE,

        # steer torque
        new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX))
        apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(
            new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps,
        self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

        # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s)
        if not enabled or CS.steer_state in [9, 25]:
            apply_steer = 0
            apply_steer_req = 0
            apply_steer_req = 1

        if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
            pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

        # on entering standstill, send standstill request
        if CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR:
            self.standstill_req = True
        if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
            # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
            self.standstill_req = False

        self.last_steer = apply_steer
        self.last_accel = pcm_accel_cmd
        self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

        can_sends = []

        #*** control msgs ***
        #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

        # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
        # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
        # on consecutive messages
            create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req,
        if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
                create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))

        # LTA mode. Set ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and whitelist 0x191 in the panda
        # if frame % 2 == 0:
        #   can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))
        #   can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, actuators.steeringAngleDeg, apply_steer_req, frame // 2))

        # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
        if (frame % 3 == 0
                and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or pcm_cancel_cmd:
            lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.  # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

            # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
            if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, pcm_accel_cmd,
                                         pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req,
                                         lead, CS.acc_type))
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False,
                                         lead, CS.acc_type))

        if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # send exactly zero if gas cmd is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and gas cmd.
            # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
                create_gas_command(self.packer, interceptor_gas_cmd,
                                   frame // 2))

        # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
        # - there is something to display
        # - there is something to stop displaying
        fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
        steer_alert = hud_alert in [VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw]

        send_ui = False
        if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
           (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
            send_ui = True
            self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
        elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
            # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
            send_ui = True

        if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui):
                create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd,
                                  left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart,

        if frame % 100 == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu:
            can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

        #*** static msgs ***

        for (addr, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_DSU_MSGS:
            if frame % fr_step == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
                can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

        return can_sends
def create_adas_keepalive(bus):
    dat = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
    return [make_can_msg(0x409, dat, bus), make_can_msg(0x40a, dat, bus)]
  def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
             left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart, dragonconf):

    # *** compute control surfaces ***

    # gas and brake

    apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)

    if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
      # send only negative accel if interceptor is detected. otherwise, send the regular value
      # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
      apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake
      apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

    apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(apply_accel, self.accel_steady, enabled)
    apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * ACCEL_SCALE, ACCEL_MIN, ACCEL_MAX)

    # steer torque
    new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))
    apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps, SteerLimitParams)
    self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

    # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s)
    if not enabled or CS.steer_state in [9, 25] or abs(CS.out.steeringRate) > 100 or (abs(CS.out.steeringAngle) > 150 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.RAV4H, CAR.PRIUS]):
      apply_steer = 0
      apply_steer_req = 0
      apply_steer_req = 1

    if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
      # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
      pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

    # on entering standstill, send standstill request
    if not dragonconf.dpToyotaSng and CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR:
      self.standstill_req = True
    if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
      # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
      self.standstill_req = False

    # dp
    blinker_on = CS.out.leftBlinker or CS.out.rightBlinker
    if not enabled:
      self.blinker_end_frame = 0
    if self.last_blinker_on and not blinker_on:
      self.blinker_end_frame = frame + dragonconf.dpSignalOffDelay
    apply_steer = common_controller_ctrl(enabled,
                                         blinker_on or frame < self.blinker_end_frame,
                                         apply_steer, CS.out.vEgo)
    self.last_blinker_on = blinker_on

    self.last_steer = apply_steer
    self.last_accel = apply_accel
    self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

    can_sends = []

    #*** control msgs ***
    #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

    # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
    # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
    # on consecutive messages
    if Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
      can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req, frame))

      # LTA mode. Set ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and whitelist 0x191 in the panda
      # if frame % 2 == 0:
      #   can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))
      #   can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, actuators.steerAngle, apply_steer_req, frame // 2))

    # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
    if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or (pcm_cancel_cmd and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus):
      lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.    # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

      # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
      if not dragonconf.dpAtl:
        if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
        elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
          can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, apply_accel, pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req, lead))
          can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead))

    if (frame % 2 == 0) and (CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor):
      # send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
      # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
      can_sends.append(create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, frame//2))

    # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
    # - there is something to display
    # - there is something to stop displaying
    fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
    steer_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired

    send_ui = False
    if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
       (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
      send_ui = True
      self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
    elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
      # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
      send_ui = True

    # dp
    if dragonconf.dpToyotaLdw:
      dragon_left_lane_depart = left_lane_depart
      dragon_right_lane_depart = right_lane_depart
      dragon_left_lane_depart = False
      dragon_right_lane_depart = False

    if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui) and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
      can_sends.append(create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd, left_line, right_line, dragon_left_lane_depart, dragon_right_lane_depart))

    if frame % 100 == 0 and Ecu.dsu in self.fake_ecus:
      can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

    #*** static msgs ***

    for (addr, ecu, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_MSGS:
      if frame % fr_step == 0 and ecu in self.fake_ecus and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
        can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

    return can_sends
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
               left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart,
               right_lane_depart, dragonconf):

        # *** compute control surfaces ***

        # gas and brake
        interceptor_gas_cmd = 0.
        pcm_accel_cmd = actuators.accel

        if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # handle hysteresis when around the minimum acc speed
            if CS.out.vEgo < MIN_ACC_SPEED:
                self.use_interceptor = True
            elif CS.out.vEgo > MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_HYST_GAP:
                self.use_interceptor = False

            if self.use_interceptor and enabled:
                # only send negative accel when using interceptor. gas handles acceleration
                # +0.18 m/s^2 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
                MAX_INTERCEPTOR_GAS = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED],
                                             [0.2, 0.5])
                interceptor_gas_cmd = clip(actuators.accel / PEDAL_SCALE, 0.,
                pcm_accel_cmd = 0.18 - max(0, -actuators.accel)

        pcm_accel_cmd, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            pcm_accel_cmd, self.accel_steady, enabled)
        pcm_accel_cmd = clip(pcm_accel_cmd, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MIN,

        # steer torque
        new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX))
        apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(
            new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps,
        self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

        # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s)
        if not enabled or CS.steer_state in [
                9, 25
        ] or abs(CS.out.steeringRateDeg) > 100 or (
                abs(CS.out.steeringAngleDeg) > 150
                and CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.RAV4H, CAR.PRIUS]):
            apply_steer = 0
            apply_steer_req = 0
            apply_steer_req = 1

        # TODO: probably can delete this. CS.pcm_acc_status uses a different signal
        # than CS.cruiseState.enabled. confirm they're not meaningfully different
        if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

        # on entering standstill, send standstill request
        if not dragonconf.dpToyotaSng and CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR:
            self.standstill_req = True
        if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
            # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
            self.standstill_req = False

        # dp
        blinker_on = CS.out.leftBlinker or CS.out.rightBlinker
        if not enabled:
            self.blinker_end_frame = 0
        if self.last_blinker_on and not blinker_on:
            self.blinker_end_frame = frame + dragonconf.dpSignalOffDelay
        apply_steer = common_controller_ctrl(
            enabled, dragonconf, blinker_on or frame < self.blinker_end_frame,
            apply_steer, CS.out.vEgo)
        self.last_blinker_on = blinker_on

        self.last_steer = apply_steer
        self.last_accel = pcm_accel_cmd
        self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

        can_sends = []

        #*** control msgs ***
        #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

        # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
        # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
        # on consecutive messages
            create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req,
        if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
                create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))

        # LTA mode. Set ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and whitelist 0x191 in the panda
        # if frame % 2 == 0:
        #   can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))
        #   can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, actuators.steeringAngleDeg, apply_steer_req, frame // 2))

        if dragonconf.dpAtl and dragonconf.dpAtlOpLong and not CS.out.cruiseActualEnabled:
            pcm_accel_cmd = 0.
            if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
                interceptor_gas_cmd = 0.

        # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
        if (frame % 3 == 0
                and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or pcm_cancel_cmd:
            lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.  # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

            if dragonconf.dpAtl and not dragonconf.dpAtlOpLong:
            # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
            elif pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, pcm_accel_cmd,
                                         pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req,
                                         lead, CS.acc_type, CS.distance))
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False,
                                         lead, CS.acc_type, CS.distance))

        if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # send exactly zero if gas cmd is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and gas cmd.
            # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
                create_gas_command(self.packer, interceptor_gas_cmd,
                                   frame // 2))

        # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
        # - there is something to display
        # - there is something to stop displaying
        fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
        steer_alert = hud_alert in [VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw]

        send_ui = False
        if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
           (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
            send_ui = True
            self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
        elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
            # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
            send_ui = True

        # dp
        if not dragonconf.dpToyotaLdw:
            left_lane_depart = False
            right_lane_depart = False

        if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui):
                create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd,
                                  left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart,
                                  right_lane_depart, enabled))

        if frame % 100 == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu:
            can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

        #*** static msgs ***

        for (addr, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_DSU_MSGS:
            if frame % fr_step == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
                can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

        return can_sends
    def test_loopback(self):
        # wait for boardd to init

        with Timeout(60, "boardd didn't start"):
            sm = messaging.SubMaster(['pandaStates'])
            while sm.rcv_frame['pandaStates'] < 1 and len(
                    sm['pandaStates']) == 0:

        num_pandas = len(sm['pandaStates'])
        if TICI:
            self.assertGreater(num_pandas, 1,
                               "connect another panda for multipanda tests")

        # boardd blocks on CarVin and CarParams
        cp = car.CarParams.new_message()

        safety_config = car.CarParams.SafetyConfig.new_message()
        safety_config.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.allOutput
        cp.safetyConfigs = [safety_config] * num_pandas

        params = Params()
        params.put("CarVin", b"0" * 17)
        params.put_bool("ControlsReady", True)
        params.put("CarParams", cp.to_bytes())

        sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
        can = messaging.sub_sock('can', conflate=False, timeout=100)

        n = 200
        for i in range(n):
            self.spinner.update(f"boardd loopback {i}/{n}")

            sent_msgs = defaultdict(set)
            for _ in range(random.randrange(10)):
                to_send = []
                for __ in range(random.randrange(100)):
                    bus = random.choice(
                        [b for b in range(3 * num_pandas) if b % 4 != 3])
                    addr = random.randrange(1, 1 << 29)
                    dat = bytes([
                        for _ in range(random.randrange(1, 9))
                    sent_msgs[bus].add((addr, dat))
                    to_send.append(make_can_msg(addr, dat, bus))
                sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(to_send, msgtype='sendcan'))

            for _ in range(100 * 2):
                recvd = messaging.drain_sock(can, wait_for_one=True)
                for msg in recvd:
                    for m in msg.can:
                        if m.src >= 128:
                            key = (m.address, m.dat)
                            assert key in sent_msgs[
                                m.src -
                                128], f"got unexpected msg: {m.src=} {m.address=} {m.dat=}"
                            sent_msgs[m.src - 128].discard(key)

                if all(len(v) == 0 for v in sent_msgs.values()):

            # if a set isn't empty, messages got dropped
            for bus in sent_msgs.keys():
                assert not len(
                ), f"loop {i}: bus {bus} missing {len(sent_msgs[bus])} messages"
def set_blindspot_debug_mode(lr, enable):
    if enable:
        m = lr + b'\x02\x10\x60\x00\x00\x00\x00'
        m = lr + b'\x02\x10\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00'
    return make_can_msg(0x750, m, 0)
  def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
             left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart):

    # dp
    if frame % 500 == 0:
      modified = get_last_modified()
      if self.dp_last_modified != modified:
        self.dragon_lane_departure_warning = False if params.get("DragonToyotaLaneDepartureWarning", encoding='utf8') == "0" else True
        self.dragon_toyota_sng_mod = True if params.get("DragonToyotaSnGMod", encoding='utf8') == "1" else False

        self.dragon_lat_ctrl, \
        self.lane_change_enabled, \
        self.dragon_enable_steering_on_signal = common_controller_update(self.lane_change_enabled)

        self.dp_last_modified = modified

    # *** compute control surfaces ***

    # gas and brake

    apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)

    if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
      # send only negative accel if interceptor is detected. otherwise, send the regular value
      # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
      apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake
      apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

    apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(apply_accel, self.accel_steady, enabled)
    apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * ACCEL_SCALE, ACCEL_MIN, ACCEL_MAX)

    # steer torque
    new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))
    apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps, SteerLimitParams)
    self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

    # only cut torque when steer state is a known fault
    if CS.steer_state in [9, 25]:
      self.last_fault_frame = frame

    # # Cut steering for 2s after fault
    if not enabled: # or (frame - self.last_fault_frame < 200):
      apply_steer = 0
      apply_steer_req = 0
      apply_steer_req = 1

    if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
      # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
      pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

    # on entering standstill, send standstill request
    if not self.dragon_toyota_sng_mod and CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill:
      self.standstill_req = True
    if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
      # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
      self.standstill_req = False

    self.last_steer = apply_steer
    self.last_accel = apply_accel
    self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

    # dp
    apply_steer_req = common_controller_ctrl(enabled,

    can_sends = []

    #*** control msgs ***
    #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

    # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
    # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
    # on consecutive messages
    if Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
      can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req, frame))

    # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
    if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or (pcm_cancel_cmd and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus):
      lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.    # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

      # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
      if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.LEXUS_IS, CAR.LEXUS_ISH, CAR.LEXUS_GSH]:
      elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
        can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, apply_accel, pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req, lead))
        can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead))

    if (frame % 2 == 0) and (CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor):
      # send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
      # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
      can_sends.append(create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, frame//2))

    # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
    # - there is something to display
    # - there is something to stop displaying
    fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
    steer_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired

    send_ui = False
    if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
       (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
      send_ui = True
      self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
    elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
      # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
      send_ui = True

    # dp
    if self.dragon_lane_departure_warning:
      dragon_left_lane_depart = left_lane_depart
      dragon_right_lane_depart = right_lane_depart
      dragon_left_lane_depart = False
      dragon_right_lane_depart = False

    if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui) and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
      can_sends.append(create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd, left_line, right_line, dragon_left_lane_depart, dragon_right_lane_depart))

    if frame % 100 == 0 and Ecu.dsu in self.fake_ecus:
      can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

    #*** static msgs ***

    for (addr, ecu, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_MSGS:
      if frame % fr_step == 0 and ecu in self.fake_ecus and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
        can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

    return can_sends
def poll_blindspot_status(lr):
    m = lr + b'\x02\x21\x69\x00\x00\x00\x00'
    return make_can_msg(0x750, m, 0)
  def update(self, enabled, active, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
             left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart):

    # *** compute control surfaces ***

    # gas and brake
    if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor and enabled:
      # RAV4 has very sensitive gas pedal
        PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.15, 0.3, 0.0])
      elif CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.COROLLA]:
        PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.3, 0.4, 0.0])
        PEDAL_SCALE = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, MIN_ACC_SPEED, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [0.4, 0.5, 0.0])
      # offset for creep and windbrake
      pedal_offset = interp(CS.out.vEgo, [0.0, 2.3, MIN_ACC_SPEED + PEDAL_TRANSITION], [-.4, 0.0, 0.2])
      pedal_command = PEDAL_SCALE * (actuators.accel + pedal_offset)
      interceptor_gas_cmd = clip(pedal_command, 0., MAX_INTERCEPTOR_GAS)
      interceptor_gas_cmd = 0.
    pcm_accel_cmd = clip(actuators.accel, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MIN, CarControllerParams.ACCEL_MAX)

    # steer torque
    new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * CarControllerParams.STEER_MAX))
    apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps, CarControllerParams)
    self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

    # Cut steering while we're in a known fault state (2s)
    if not enabled or CS.steer_state in [9, 25]:
      apply_steer = 0
      apply_steer_req = 0
      apply_steer_req = 1

    # TODO: probably can delete this. CS.pcm_acc_status uses a different signal
    # than CS.cruiseState.enabled. confirm they're not meaningfully different
    if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
      pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

    # on entering standstill, send standstill request
    if CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill and CS.CP.carFingerprint not in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR:
      self.standstill_req = True
    if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
      # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
      self.standstill_req = False

    self.last_steer = apply_steer
    self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

    can_sends = []

    #*** control msgs ***
    #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

    # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
    # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
    # on consecutive messages
    can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req, frame))
    if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
      can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))

    # LTA mode. Set ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and whitelist 0x191 in the panda
    # if frame % 2 == 0:
    #   can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, frame // 2))
    #   can_sends.append(create_lta_steer_command(self.packer, actuators.steeringAngleDeg, apply_steer_req, frame // 2))

    # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
    if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or pcm_cancel_cmd:
      lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.    # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

      # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
      if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.LEXUS_IS, CAR.LEXUS_RC]:
      elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
        can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, pcm_accel_cmd, pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req, lead, CS.acc_type))
        can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead, CS.acc_type))

    if frame % 2 == 0 and CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
      # send exactly zero if gas cmd is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and gas cmd.
      # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
      can_sends.append(create_gas_interceptor_command(self.packer, interceptor_gas_cmd, frame // 2))

    # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
    # - there is something to display
    # - there is something to stop displaying
    fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
    steer_alert = hud_alert in [VisualAlert.steerRequired, VisualAlert.ldw]

    send_ui = False
    if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
       (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
      send_ui = True
      self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
    elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
      # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
      send_ui = True

    if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui):
      can_sends.append(create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd, left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart, enabled))

    if frame % 100 == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu:
      can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

    #*** static msgs ***

    for (addr, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_DSU_MSGS:
      if frame % fr_step == 0 and CS.CP.enableDsu and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
        can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

    return can_sends
    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
               left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart,
        #if not enabled:
        #  self.sm.update(0)
        #if self.sm.updated['pathPlan']:
        #  blinker = CS.out.leftBlinker or CS.out.rightBlinker
        #  ldw_allowed = CS.out.vEgo > 12.5 and not blinker
        #  CAMERA_OFFSET = op_params.get('camera_offset', 0.06)
        #  right_lane_visible = self.sm['pathPlan'].rProb > 0.5
        #  left_lane_visible = self.sm['pathPlan'].lProb > 0.5
        #  self.rightLaneDepart = bool(ldw_allowed and self.sm['pathPlan'].rPoly[3] > -(0.93 + CAMERA_OFFSET) and right_lane_visible)
        #  self.leftLaneDepart = bool(ldw_allowed and self.sm['pathPlan'].lPoly[3] < (0.93 - CAMERA_OFFSET) and left_lane_visible)
        #  print("blinker")
        #  print(blinker)
        #  print("ldw_allowed")
        #  print(ldw_allowed)
        #  print("CAMERA_OFFSET")
        #  print(CAMERA_OFFSET)
        #  print("right_lane_visible")
        #  print(right_lane_visible)
        #  print("left_lane_visible")
        #  print(left_lane_visible)
        #  print("self.rightLaneDepart")
        #  print(self.rightLaneDepart)
        #  print("self.leftLaneDepart")
        #  print(self.leftLaneDepart)
        # *** compute control surfaces ***

        # gas and brake

        apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)

        if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            # send only negative accel if interceptor is detected. otherwise, send the regular value
            # +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
            apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake
            apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            apply_accel, self.accel_steady, enabled)
        apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * ACCEL_SCALE, ACCEL_MIN, ACCEL_MAX)

        if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            if CS.out.gasPressed:
                apply_accel = max(apply_accel, 0.06)
            if CS.out.brakePressed:
                apply_gas = 0.0
                apply_accel = min(apply_accel, 0.00)
            if CS.out.gasPressed:
                apply_accel = max(apply_accel, 0.0)
            if CS.out.brakePressed and CS.out.vEgo > 1:
                apply_accel = min(apply_accel, 0.0)

        # steer torque
        new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))

        # only cut torque when steer state is a known fault
        if CS.steer_state in [9, 25]:
            self.last_fault_frame = frame

        # Cut steering for 1s after fault
        if (frame - self.last_fault_frame < 100) or abs(
                CS.out.steeringRate) > 100 or (abs(CS.out.steeringAngle) > 100
                                               and CS.CP.carFingerprint
                                               in [CAR.RAV4H, CAR.PRIUS]):
            new_steer = 0
            apply_steer_req = 0
            apply_steer_req = 1

        if not enabled and right_lane_depart and CS.out.vEgo > 12.5 and not CS.out.rightBlinker:
            new_steer = self.last_steer + 3
            new_steer = min(new_steer, 800)
            apply_steer_req = 1

        if not enabled and left_lane_depart and CS.out.vEgo > 12.5 and not CS.out.leftBlinker:
            new_steer = self.last_steer - 3
            new_steer = max(new_steer, -800)
            apply_steer_req = 1

        apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(
            new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.out.steeringTorqueEps,
        self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

        if not enabled and abs(apply_steer) > 800 and not (right_lane_depart or
            apply_steer = 0
            apply_steer_req = 0

        if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
            pcm_cancel_cmd = 1

        # on entering standstill, send standstill request
        if CS.out.standstill and not self.last_standstill:
            self.standstill_req = True
        if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
            # pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
            self.standstill_req = False

        self.last_steer = apply_steer
        self.last_accel = apply_accel
        self.last_standstill = CS.out.standstill

        can_sends = []

        #*** control msgs ***
        #print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)

        # toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
        # sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
        # on consecutive messages
        if Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
                create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req,

        # we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
        if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or (
                pcm_cancel_cmd and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus):
            lead = lead or CS.out.vEgo < 12.  # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged

            # Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
            if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, apply_accel,
                                         pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req,
                    create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False,

        if (frame % 2 == 0) and (CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor):
            # send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
            # This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
                create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, frame // 2))

        # ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
        # - there is something to display
        # - there is something to stop displaying
        fcw_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw
        steer_alert = hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired

        send_ui = False
        if ((fcw_alert or steer_alert) and not self.alert_active) or \
           (not (fcw_alert or steer_alert) and self.alert_active):
            send_ui = True
            self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
        elif pcm_cancel_cmd:
            # forcing the pcm to disengage causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
            send_ui = True

        if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui) and Ecu.fwdCamera in self.fake_ecus:
                create_ui_command(self.packer, steer_alert, pcm_cancel_cmd,
                                  left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart,

        if frame % 100 == 0 and (Ecu.dsu in self.fake_ecus
                                 or Ecu.unknown in self.fake_ecus):
            can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw_alert))

        #*** static msgs ***

        for (addr, ecu, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_MSGS:
            if frame % fr_step == 0 and ecu in self.fake_ecus and CS.CP.carFingerprint in cars:
                can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))

        # Enable blindspot debug mode once
        if frame > 1000 and not (
                CS.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR or CS.CP.carFingerprint
                == CAR.CAMRY):  # 10 seconds after start and not a tss2 car
                self.blindspot_blink_counter_left += 1
                self.blindspot_blink_counter_right += 1
                #print("debug blindspot alwayson!")
            elif CS.out.leftBlinker:
                self.blindspot_blink_counter_left += 1
                #print("debug Left Blinker on")
            elif CS.out.rightBlinker:
                self.blindspot_blink_counter_right += 1
                #print("debug Right Blinker on")
                self.blindspot_blink_counter_left = 0
                self.blindspot_blink_counter_right = 0
                if self.blindspot_debug_enabled_left:
                        set_blindspot_debug_mode(LEFT_BLINDSPOT, False))
                    #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x41\x02\x10\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                    self.blindspot_debug_enabled_left = False
                    #print ("debug Left blindspot debug disabled")
                if self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right:
                        set_blindspot_debug_mode(RIGHT_BLINDSPOT, False))
                    #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x42\x02\x10\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                    self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right = False
                    #print("debug Right blindspot debug disabled")
            if self.blindspot_blink_counter_left > 9 and not self.blindspot_debug_enabled_left:  #check blinds
                    LEFT_BLINDSPOT, True))
                #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x41\x02\x10\x60\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                #print("debug Left blindspot debug enabled")
                self.blindspot_debug_enabled_left = True
            if self.blindspot_blink_counter_right > 5 and not self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right:  #enable blindspot debug mode
                if CS.out.vEgo > 6:  #polling at low speeds switches camera off
                    #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x42\x02\x10\x60\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                        set_blindspot_debug_mode(RIGHT_BLINDSPOT, True))
                    #print("debug Right blindspot debug enabled")
                    self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right = True
            if CS.out.vEgo < 6 and self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right:  # if enabled and speed falls below 6m/s
                #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x42\x02\x10\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                    set_blindspot_debug_mode(RIGHT_BLINDSPOT, False))
                self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right = False
                #print("debug Right blindspot debug disabled")
        if self.blindspot_debug_enabled_left:
            if frame % 20 == 0 and frame > 1001:  # Poll blindspots at 5 Hz
                #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x41\x02\x21\x69\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                #print("debug Left blindspot poll")
        if self.blindspot_debug_enabled_right:
            if frame % 20 == 10 and frame > 1005:  # Poll blindspots at 5 Hz
                #can_sends.append(make_can_msg(0x750, b'\x42\x02\x21\x69\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
                #print("debug Right blindspot poll")

        return can_sends