def display_closest_DVs(consensus, n_closest=10): nth = { 1: "first", 2: "second", 3: "third", 4: "fourth", 5: "fifth", 6: "sixth", 7: "seventh", 8: "eigth", 9: "ninth", 10: "tenth", } df = consensus.get_consensus_cluster()['distance_df'] df.index = format_variable_names(df.index) df.columns = format_variable_names(df.columns) sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(df),n_closest)), index=df.index) sorted_df.columns = [nth[i+1] for i in sorted_df.columns] for name, row in sorted_df.iterrows(): closest = 1-df.loc[name].drop(name).sort_values()[:n_closest] closest = ['%s: %s%%' % (i,int(b*100)) for i,b in closest.iteritems()] sorted_df.loc[name] = closest def magnify(): return [dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("border-top", "2pt solid black"), ("border-bottom", "2pt solid black")]), dict(selector="th:hover", props=[("font-size", "10pt")]), dict(selector="td", props=[('padding', "0em 0em")]), # dict(selector="th:hover", # props=[("font-size", "12pt")]), dict(selector="tr:hover td:hover", props=[('max-width', '200px'), ('font-weight', 'bold'), ('color', 'black'), ('font-size', '9pt')]) ] cm =sns.diverging_palette(220,15,n=161) def color_cell(val): val = val[val.rindex(': ')+2:val.rindex('%')] color = to_hex(cm[int(val)+30]) return 'background-color: %s' % color styler = styler \ .applymap(color_cell) \ .set_properties(**{'max-width': '100px','font-size': '10pt', 'border-color': 'white'})\ .set_precision(2)\ .set_table_styles(magnify()) return styler
def display_closest_DVs(consensus, n_closest=10): nth = { 1: "first", 2: "second", 3: "third", 4: "fourth", 5: "fifth", 6: "sixth", 7: "seventh", 8: "eigth", 9: "ninth", 10: "tenth", } df = consensus.get_consensus_cluster()['distance_df'] df.index = format_variable_names(df.index) df.columns = format_variable_names(df.columns) sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(df), n_closest)), index=df.index) sorted_df.columns = [nth[i + 1] for i in sorted_df.columns] for name, row in sorted_df.iterrows(): closest = 1 - df.loc[name].drop(name).sort_values()[:n_closest] closest = [ '%s: %s%%' % (i, int(b * 100)) for i, b in closest.iteritems() ] sorted_df.loc[name] = closest def magnify(): return [ dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("border-top", "2pt solid black"), ("border-bottom", "2pt solid black")]), dict(selector="th:hover", props=[("font-size", "10pt")]), dict(selector="td", props=[('padding', "0em 0em")]), # dict(selector="th:hover", # props=[("font-size", "12pt")]), dict(selector="tr:hover td:hover", props=[('max-width', '200px'), ('font-weight', 'bold'), ('color', 'black'), ('font-size', '9pt')]) ] cm = sns.diverging_palette(220, 15, n=161) def color_cell(val): val = val[val.rindex(': ') + 2:val.rindex('%')] color = to_hex(cm[int(val) + 30]) return 'background-color: %s' % color styler = styler \ .applymap(color_cell) \ .set_properties(**{'max-width': '100px','font-size': '10pt', 'border-color': 'white'})\ .set_precision(2)\ .set_table_styles(magnify()) return styler
def plot_task_factors(results, c, rotate='oblimin', task_sublists=None, normalize_loadings=False, figsize=10, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots task factors as polar plots Args: results: a dimensional structure results object c: the number of components to use task_sublists: a dictionary whose values are sets of tasks, and whose keywords are labels for those lists dpi: the final dpi for the image figsize: scalar - a width multiplier for the plot ext: the extension for the saved figure plot_dir: the directory to save the figure. If none, do not save """ EFA = results.EFA # plot task factor loading loadings = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) max_loading = abs(loadings).max().max() tasks = np.unique([i.split('.')[0] for i in loadings.index]) if task_sublists is None: task_sublists = {'surveys': [t for t in tasks if 'survey' in t], 'tasks': [t for t in tasks if 'survey' not in t]} for sublist_name, task_sublist in task_sublists.items(): for i, task in enumerate(task_sublist): # plot loading distributions. Each measure is scaled so absolute # comparisons are impossible. Only the distributions can be compared f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(figsize, figsize), subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}) task_loadings = loadings.filter(regex='^%s' % task, axis=0) task_loadings.index = format_variable_names(task_loadings.index) if normalize_loadings: task_loadings = task_loadings = (task_loadings.T/abs(task_loadings).max(1)).T # format variable names task_loadings.index = format_variable_names(task_loadings.index) # plot visualize_task_factors(task_loadings, ax, ymax=max_loading, xticklabels=True, label_size=figsize*2) ax.set_title(' '.join(task.split('_')), y=1.14, fontsize=25) if plot_dir is not None: if normalize_loadings: function_directory = 'factor_DVnormdist_EFA%s_subset-%s' % (c, sublist_name) else: function_directory = 'factor_DVdist_EFA%s_subset-%s' % (c, sublist_name) makedirs(path.join(plot_dir, function_directory), exist_ok=True) filename = '%s.%s' % (task, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, function_directory, filename), {'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi}) plt.close()
def plot_vars(tasks, contrasts, axes=None, xlabel='Value', standardize=False): colors = sns.hls_palette(4) desat_colors = [sns.desaturate(c, .5) for c in colors] for i, task in enumerate(tasks): subset = contrasts.filter(regex='^' + task) if subset.shape[1] != 0: if standardize: subset = subset / subset.std() subset.columns = [c.split('.')[1] for c in subset.columns] subset.columns = format_variable_names(subset.columns) # add mean value to columns means = subset.mean() subset.columns = [ subset.columns[i] + ': %s' % format_num(means.iloc[i]) for i in range(len(means)) ] subset = subset.melt(var_name='Variable', value_name='Value') sns.stripplot(x='Value', y='Variable', hue='Variable', ax=axes[i], data=subset, palette=desat_colors, jitter=True, alpha=.75) # plot central tendency N = len(means) axes[i].scatter(means, range(N), s=200, c=colors[:N], edgecolors='white', linewidths=2, zorder=3) # add legend leg = axes[i].get_legend() leg.set_title('') beautify_legend(leg, colors=colors, fontsize=14) # change axes max_val = subset.Value.abs().max() axes[i].set_xlim(-max_val, max_val) axes[i].set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) axes[i].set_ylabel('') axes[i].set_yticklabels('') axes[i].set_title(format_variable_names([task])[0].title(), fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.3)
def plot_factor_df(EFA, rotate='oblimin'): c = EFA.get_c() loadings = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) loadings = EFA.reorder_factors(loadings, rotate=rotate) grouping = get_factor_groups(loadings) flattened_factor_order = [] for sublist in [i[1] for i in grouping]: flattened_factor_order += sublist loadings = loadings.loc[flattened_factor_order] loadings.index = format_variable_names(loadings.index) loadings.columns = x: str(x).ljust(15)) # visualization functions def magnify(): return [dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("border-top", "2pt solid black"), ("border-bottom", "2pt solid black")]), dict(selector="th:hover", props=[("font-size", "10pt")]), dict(selector="td", props=[('padding', "0em 0em")]), # dict(selector="th:hover", # props=[("font-size", "12pt")]), dict(selector="tr:hover td:hover", props=[('max-width', '200px'), ('font-size', '16pt')]) ] cm =sns.diverging_palette(220,15,n=200) def color_cell(val): color = to_hex(cm[int(val*100)+100]) return 'background-color: %s' % color styler = styler \ .applymap(color_cell) \ .set_properties(**{'max-width': '100px', 'font-size': '0pt', 'border-color': 'white'})\ .set_precision(2)\ .set_table_styles(magnify()) return styler
def plot_factor_df(EFA, rotate='oblimin'): c = EFA.get_c() loadings = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) loadings = EFA.reorder_factors(loadings, rotate=rotate) grouping = get_factor_groups(loadings) flattened_factor_order = [] for sublist in [i[1] for i in grouping]: flattened_factor_order += sublist loadings = loadings.loc[flattened_factor_order] loadings.index = format_variable_names(loadings.index) loadings.columns = x: str(x).ljust(15)) # visualization functions def magnify(): return [ dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("border-top", "2pt solid black"), ("border-bottom", "2pt solid black")]), dict(selector="th:hover", props=[("font-size", "10pt")]), dict(selector="td", props=[('padding', "0em 0em")]), # dict(selector="th:hover", # props=[("font-size", "12pt")]), dict(selector="tr:hover td:hover", props=[('max-width', '200px'), ('font-size', '16pt')]) ] cm = sns.diverging_palette(220, 15, n=200) def color_cell(val): color = to_hex(cm[int(val * 100) + 100]) return 'background-color: %s' % color styler = styler \ .applymap(color_cell) \ .set_properties(**{'max-width': '100px', 'font-size': '0pt', 'border-color': 'white'})\ .set_precision(2)\ .set_table_styles(magnify()) return styler
def plot_communality(results, c, rotate='oblimin', retest_threshold=.2, size=4.6, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): EFA = results.EFA communality = get_communality(EFA, rotate, c) # load retest data retest_data = get_retest_data(dataset=results.dataset.replace('Complete','Retest')) if retest_data is None: print('No retest data found for datafile: %s' % results.dataset) return # reorder data in line with communality retest_data = retest_data.loc[communality.index] # reformat variable names communality.index = format_variable_names(communality.index) retest_data.index = format_variable_names(retest_data.index) if len(retest_data) > 0: adjusted_communality,correlation, noise_ceiling = \ get_adjusted_communality(communality, retest_data, retest_threshold) # plot communality bars woo! if len(retest_data)>0: f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(3*(size/10), size)) plot_bar_factor(communality, axes[0], width=size/10, height=size, label_rows=True, title='Communality') plot_bar_factor(noise_ceiling, axes[1], width=size/10, height=size, label_rows=False, title='Test-Retest') plot_bar_factor(adjusted_communality, axes[2], width=size/10, height=size, label_rows=False, title='Adjusted Communality') else: f = plot_bar_factor(communality, label_rows=True, width=size/3, height=size*2, title='Communality') if plot_dir: filename = 'communality_bars-EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), {'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi}) plt.close() # plot communality histogram if len(retest_data) > 0: with sns.axes_style('white'): colors = sns.color_palette(n_colors=2, desat=.75) f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(size,size)) sns.kdeplot(communality, linewidth=size/4, shade=True, label='Communality', color=colors[0]) sns.kdeplot(adjusted_communality, linewidth=size/4, shade=True, label='Adjusted Communality', color=colors[1]) ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(np.mean(communality), ylim[0], ylim[1], color=colors[0], linewidth=size/4, linestyle='--') ax.vlines(np.mean(adjusted_communality), ylim[0], ylim[1], color=colors[1], linewidth=size/4, linestyle='--') leg=ax.legend(fontsize=size*2, loc='upper right') beautify_legend(leg, colors) plt.xlabel('Communality', fontsize=size*2) plt.ylabel('Normalized Density', fontsize=size*2) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.tick_params(labelsize=size) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.set_xlim(0, ax.get_xlim()[1]) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) #ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # add correlation correlation = format_num(np.mean(correlation)) ax.text(1.1, 1.25, 'Correlation Between Communality \nand Test-Retest: %s' % correlation, size=size*2) if plot_dir: filename = 'communality_dist-EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), {'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi}) plt.close()
def plot_heatmap_factors(results, c, size=4.6, thresh=75, rotate='oblimin', DA=False, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots factor analytic results as bars Args: results: a dimensional structure results object c: the number of components to use dpi: the final dpi for the image size: scalar - the width of the plot. The height is determined by the number of factors thresh: proportion of factor loadings to remove ext: the extension for the saved figure plot_dir: the directory to save the figure. If none, do not save """ if DA: EFA = results.DA else: EFA = results.EFA loadings = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) loadings = EFA.reorder_factors(loadings, rotate=rotate) grouping = get_factor_groups(loadings) flattened_factor_order = [] for sublist in [i[1] for i in grouping]: flattened_factor_order += sublist loadings = loadings.loc[flattened_factor_order] # get threshold for loadings if thresh>0: thresh_val = np.percentile(abs(loadings).values, thresh) print('Thresholding all loadings less than %s' % np.round(thresh_val, 3)) loadings = loadings.mask(abs(loadings) <= thresh_val, 0) # remove variables that don't cross the threshold for any factor kept_vars = list(loadings.index[loadings.mean(1)!=0]) print('%s Variables out of %s are kept after threshold' % (len(kept_vars), loadings.shape[0])) loadings = loadings.loc[kept_vars] # remove masked variabled from grouping threshed_groups = [] for factor, group in grouping: group = [x for x in group if x in kept_vars] threshed_groups.append([factor,group]) grouping = threshed_groups # change variable names to make them more readable loadings.index = format_variable_names(loadings.index) # set up plot variables DV_fontsize = size*2/(loadings.shape[0]//2)*30 figsize = (size,size*2) f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = f.add_axes([0, 0, .08*loadings.shape[1], 1]) cbar_ax = f.add_axes([.08*loadings.shape[1]+.02,0,.04,1]) max_val = abs(loadings).max().max() sns.heatmap(loadings, ax=ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, vmax = max_val, vmin = -max_val, cbar_kws={'ticks': [-max_val, -max_val/2, 0, max_val/2, max_val]}, linecolor='white', linewidth=.01, cmap=sns.diverging_palette(220,15,n=100,as_cmap=True)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(.5,loadings.shape[0]+.5,1)) ax.set_yticklabels(loadings.index, fontsize=DV_fontsize, rotation=0) ax.set_xticklabels(loadings.columns, fontsize=min(size*3, DV_fontsize*1.5), ha='center', rotation=90) ax.tick_params(length=size*.5, width=size/10) # format cbar cbar_ax.set_yticklabels([format_num(-max_val, 2), format_num(-max_val/2, 2), 0, format_num(-max_val/2, 2), format_num(max_val, 2)]) cbar_ax.tick_params(axis='y', length=0) cbar_ax.tick_params(labelsize=DV_fontsize*1.5) cbar_ax.set_ylabel('Factor Loading', rotation=-90, fontsize=DV_fontsize*2) # draw lines separating groups if grouping is not None: factor_breaks = np.cumsum([len(i[1]) for i in grouping])[:-1] for y_val in factor_breaks: ax.hlines(y_val, 0, loadings.shape[1], lw=size/5, color='grey', linestyle='dashed') if plot_dir: filename = 'factor_heatmap_EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), {'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi}) plt.close()
def plot_bar_factors(results, c, size=4.6, thresh=75, rotate='oblimin', bar_kws=None, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots factor analytic results as bars Args: results: a dimensional structure results object c: the number of components to use dpi: the final dpi for the image size: scalar - the width of the plot. The height is determined by the number of factors thresh: proportion of factor loadings to remove ext: the extension for the saved figure plot_dir: the directory to save the figure. If none, do not save """ # set up plot variables EFA = results.EFA loadings = EFA.reorder_factors(EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate)) grouping = get_factor_groups(loadings) flattened_factor_order = [] for sublist in [i[1] for i in grouping]: flattened_factor_order += sublist loadings = loadings.loc[flattened_factor_order] # bootstrap CI bootstrap_CI = EFA.get_boot_stats(c, rotate=rotate) if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI['sds'] * 1.96 bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI.loc[flattened_factor_order] # get threshold for loadings if thresh>0: thresh_val = np.percentile(abs(loadings).values, thresh) print('Thresholding all loadings less than %s' % np.round(thresh_val, 3)) loadings = loadings.mask(abs(loadings) <= thresh_val, 0) # remove variables that don't cross the threshold for any factor kept_vars = list(loadings.index[loadings.mean(1)!=0]) print('%s Variables out of %s are kept after threshold' % (len(kept_vars), loadings.shape[0])) loadings = loadings.loc[kept_vars] if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI.mask(abs(loadings) <= thresh_val, 0) bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI.loc[kept_vars] # remove masked variabled from grouping threshed_groups = [] for factor, group in grouping: group = [x for x in group if x in kept_vars] threshed_groups.append([factor,group]) grouping = threshed_groups # change variable names to make them more readable loadings.index = format_variable_names(loadings.index) if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_CI.index = format_variable_names(bootstrap_CI.index) # plot n_factors = len(loadings.columns) f, axes = plt.subplots(1, n_factors, figsize=(size, size*2)) if bar_kws == None: bar_kws = {} for i, k in enumerate(loadings.columns): loading = loadings[k] ax = axes[i] if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_err = bootstrap_CI[k] else: bootstrap_err = None label_rows=False if i==0: label_rows = True plot_bar_factor(loading, ax, bootstrap_err, width=size/n_factors, height=size*2, grouping=grouping, label_rows=label_rows, title=k, **bar_kws ) if plot_dir: filename = 'factor_bars_EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), {'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi}) plt.close()
def plot_bar_factors(results, c, size=4.6, thresh=75, rotate='oblimin', bar_kws=None, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots factor analytic results as bars Args: results: a dimensional structure results object c: the number of components to use dpi: the final dpi for the image size: scalar - the width of the plot. The height is determined by the number of factors thresh: proportion of factor loadings to remove ext: the extension for the saved figure plot_dir: the directory to save the figure. If none, do not save """ # set up plot variables EFA = results.EFA loadings = EFA.reorder_factors(EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate)) grouping = get_factor_groups(loadings) flattened_factor_order = [] for sublist in [i[1] for i in grouping]: flattened_factor_order += sublist loadings = loadings.loc[flattened_factor_order] # bootstrap CI bootstrap_CI = EFA.get_boot_stats(c, rotate=rotate) if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI['sds'] * 1.96 bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI.loc[flattened_factor_order] # get threshold for loadings if thresh > 0: thresh_val = np.percentile(abs(loadings).values, thresh) print('Thresholding all loadings less than %s' % np.round(thresh_val, 3)) loadings = loadings.mask(abs(loadings) <= thresh_val, 0) # remove variables that don't cross the threshold for any factor kept_vars = list(loadings.index[loadings.mean(1) != 0]) print('%s Variables out of %s are kept after threshold' % (len(kept_vars), loadings.shape[0])) loadings = loadings.loc[kept_vars] if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI.mask(abs(loadings) <= thresh_val, 0) bootstrap_CI = bootstrap_CI.loc[kept_vars] # remove masked variabled from grouping threshed_groups = [] for factor, group in grouping: group = [x for x in group if x in kept_vars] threshed_groups.append([factor, group]) grouping = threshed_groups # change variable names to make them more readable loadings.index = format_variable_names(loadings.index) if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_CI.index = format_variable_names(bootstrap_CI.index) # plot n_factors = len(loadings.columns) f, axes = plt.subplots(1, n_factors, figsize=(size, size * 2)) if bar_kws == None: bar_kws = {} for i, k in enumerate(loadings.columns): loading = loadings[k] ax = axes[i] if bootstrap_CI is not None: bootstrap_err = bootstrap_CI[k] else: bootstrap_err = None label_rows = False if i == 0: label_rows = True plot_bar_factor(loading, ax, bootstrap_err, width=size / n_factors, height=size * 2, grouping=grouping, label_rows=label_rows, title=k, **bar_kws) if plot_dir: filename = 'factor_bars_EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), { 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi }) plt.close()
def plot_subbranches(results, rotate='oblimin', EFA_clustering=True, cluster_range=None, absolute_loading=False, size=2.3, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots HCA results as dendrogram with loadings underneath Args: results: results object c: number of components to use for loadings orientation: horizontal or vertical, which determines the direction the dendrogram leaves should be spread out on plot_dir: if set, where to save the plot inp: which clustering solution to use titles: list of titles. Should correspond to number of clusters in results object if "inp" is not set. Otherwise should be a list of length 1. """ HCA = results.HCA EFA = results.EFA loading = EFA.reorder_factors(EFA.get_loading(rotate=rotate), rotate=rotate) loading.index = format_variable_names(loading.index) if EFA_clustering: inp = 'EFA%s_%s' % (EFA.get_c(), rotate) else: inp = 'data' clustering = HCA.results[inp] name = inp # extract cluster vars link = clustering['linkage'] labels = clustering['clustered_df'].columns labels = format_variable_names(labels) ordered_loading = loading.loc[labels] if absolute_loading: ordered_loading = abs(ordered_loading) # get cluster sizes cluster_labels, DVs= list(zip(*HCA.get_cluster_DVs(inp=name).items())) cluster_sizes = [len(i) for i in DVs] link_function, colors = get_dendrogram_color_fun(link, clustering['reorder_vec'], clustering['labels']) tree = dendrogram(link, link_color_func=link_function, no_plot=True, no_labels=True) if plot_dir is not None: function_directory = 'subbranches_input-%s' % inp makedirs(path.join(plot_dir, function_directory), exist_ok=True) plot_loc = None if cluster_range is None: cluster_range = range(len(cluster_labels)) # titles = figs = [] for cluster_i in cluster_range: if plot_dir: filey = 'cluster_%s.%s' % (str(cluster_i).zfill(2), ext) plot_loc = path.join(plot_dir, function_directory, filey) fig = plot_subbranch(colors[cluster_i], cluster_i, tree, ordered_loading, cluster_sizes, title=cluster_labels[cluster_i], size=size, plot_loc=plot_loc) if fig: figs.append(fig) return figs
def display_cluster_DVs(consensus, results): nth = { 1: "first", 2: "second", 3: "third", 4: "fourth", 5: "fifth", 6: "sixth", 7: "seventh", 8: "eigth", 9: "ninth", 10: "tenth", 11: "11th", 12: "12th", 13: "13th", 14: "14th", 15: "15th", 16: "16th", 17: "17th", 18: "18th", 19: "19th", 20: "20th", } c = results.EFA.get_c() cluster_DVs = results.HCA.get_cluster_DVs(inp='EFA%s_oblimin' % c) df = consensus.get_consensus_cluster()['distance_df'] sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(df), 20)), index=df.index) for name, row in sorted_df.iterrows(): neighbors = [ v for v in cluster_DVs.values() if name in format_variable_names(v) ][0] neighbors = format_variable_names(neighbors) closest = 1 - df.loc[name, neighbors].drop(name).sort_values() closest = [ '%s: %s%%' % (i, int(b * 100)) for i, b in closest.iteritems() ] closest += ['' for _ in range(20 - len(closest))] sorted_df.loc[name] = closest def magnify(): return [ dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("border-top", "2pt solid black"), ("border-bottom", "2pt solid black")]), dict(selector="th:hover", props=[("font-size", "10pt")]), dict(selector="td", props=[('padding', "0em 0em")]), # dict(selector="th:hover", # props=[("font-size", "12pt")]), dict(selector="tr:hover td:hover", props=[('max-width', '200px'), ('font-weight', 'bold'), ('color', 'black'), ('font-size', '9pt')]) ] cm = sns.diverging_palette(220, 15, n=161) def color_cell(val): if val == '': return 'background-color: None' num = val[val.rindex(': ') + 2:val.rindex('%')] color = to_hex(cm[int(num) + 30]) return 'background-color: %s' % color styler = styler \ .applymap(color_cell) \ .set_properties(**{'max-width': '100px', 'font-size': '10pt', 'border-color': 'white'})\ .set_precision(2)\ .set_table_styles(magnify()) return styler
def plot_task_factors(results, c, rotate='oblimin', task_sublists=None, normalize_loadings=False, figsize=10, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots task factors as polar plots Args: results: a dimensional structure results object c: the number of components to use task_sublists: a dictionary whose values are sets of tasks, and whose keywords are labels for those lists dpi: the final dpi for the image figsize: scalar - a width multiplier for the plot ext: the extension for the saved figure plot_dir: the directory to save the figure. If none, do not save """ EFA = results.EFA # plot task factor loading loadings = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) max_loading = abs(loadings).max().max() tasks = np.unique([i.split('.')[0] for i in loadings.index]) if task_sublists is None: task_sublists = { 'surveys': [t for t in tasks if 'survey' in t], 'tasks': [t for t in tasks if 'survey' not in t] } for sublist_name, task_sublist in task_sublists.items(): for i, task in enumerate(task_sublist): # plot loading distributions. Each measure is scaled so absolute # comparisons are impossible. Only the distributions can be compared f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(figsize, figsize), subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}) task_loadings = loadings.filter(regex='^%s' % task, axis=0) task_loadings.index = format_variable_names(task_loadings.index) if normalize_loadings: task_loadings = task_loadings = (task_loadings.T / abs(task_loadings).max(1)).T # format variable names task_loadings.index = format_variable_names(task_loadings.index) # plot visualize_task_factors(task_loadings, ax, ymax=max_loading, xticklabels=True, label_size=figsize * 2) ax.set_title(' '.join(task.split('_')), y=1.14, fontsize=25) if plot_dir is not None: if normalize_loadings: function_directory = 'factor_DVnormdist_EFA%s_subset-%s' % ( c, sublist_name) else: function_directory = 'factor_DVdist_EFA%s_subset-%s' % ( c, sublist_name) makedirs(path.join(plot_dir, function_directory), exist_ok=True) filename = '%s.%s' % (task, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, function_directory, filename), { 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi }) plt.close()
def plot_heatmap_factors(results, c, size=4.6, thresh=75, rotate='oblimin', DA=False, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots factor analytic results as bars Args: results: a dimensional structure results object c: the number of components to use dpi: the final dpi for the image size: scalar - the width of the plot. The height is determined by the number of factors thresh: proportion of factor loadings to remove ext: the extension for the saved figure plot_dir: the directory to save the figure. If none, do not save """ if DA: EFA = results.DA else: EFA = results.EFA loadings = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) loadings = EFA.reorder_factors(loadings, rotate=rotate) grouping = get_factor_groups(loadings) flattened_factor_order = [] for sublist in [i[1] for i in grouping]: flattened_factor_order += sublist loadings = loadings.loc[flattened_factor_order] # get threshold for loadings if thresh > 0: thresh_val = np.percentile(abs(loadings).values, thresh) print('Thresholding all loadings less than %s' % np.round(thresh_val, 3)) loadings = loadings.mask(abs(loadings) <= thresh_val, 0) # remove variables that don't cross the threshold for any factor kept_vars = list(loadings.index[loadings.mean(1) != 0]) print('%s Variables out of %s are kept after threshold' % (len(kept_vars), loadings.shape[0])) loadings = loadings.loc[kept_vars] # remove masked variabled from grouping threshed_groups = [] for factor, group in grouping: group = [x for x in group if x in kept_vars] threshed_groups.append([factor, group]) grouping = threshed_groups # change variable names to make them more readable loadings.index = format_variable_names(loadings.index) # set up plot variables DV_fontsize = size * 2 / (loadings.shape[0] // 2) * 30 figsize = (size, size * 2) f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = f.add_axes([0, 0, .08 * loadings.shape[1], 1]) cbar_ax = f.add_axes([.08 * loadings.shape[1] + .02, 0, .04, 1]) max_val = abs(loadings).max().max() sns.heatmap( loadings, ax=ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, vmax=max_val, vmin=-max_val, cbar_kws={'ticks': [-max_val, -max_val / 2, 0, max_val / 2, max_val]}, linecolor='white', linewidth=.01, cmap=sns.diverging_palette(220, 15, n=100, as_cmap=True)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(.5, loadings.shape[0] + .5, 1)) ax.set_yticklabels(loadings.index, fontsize=DV_fontsize, rotation=0) ax.set_xticklabels(loadings.columns, fontsize=min(size * 3, DV_fontsize * 1.5), ha='center', rotation=90) ax.tick_params(length=size * .5, width=size / 10) # format cbar cbar_ax.set_yticklabels([ format_num(-max_val, 2), format_num(-max_val / 2, 2), 0, format_num(-max_val / 2, 2), format_num(max_val, 2) ]) cbar_ax.tick_params(axis='y', length=0) cbar_ax.tick_params(labelsize=DV_fontsize * 1.5) cbar_ax.set_ylabel('Factor Loading', rotation=-90, fontsize=DV_fontsize * 2) # draw lines separating groups if grouping is not None: factor_breaks = np.cumsum([len(i[1]) for i in grouping])[:-1] for y_val in factor_breaks: ax.hlines(y_val, 0, loadings.shape[1], lw=size / 5, color='grey', linestyle='dashed') if plot_dir: filename = 'factor_heatmap_EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), { 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi }) plt.close()
def plot_subbranches(results, rotate='oblimin', EFA_clustering=True, cluster_range=None, absolute_loading=False, size=2.3, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): """ Plots HCA results as dendrogram with loadings underneath Args: results: results object c: number of components to use for loadings orientation: horizontal or vertical, which determines the direction the dendrogram leaves should be spread out on plot_dir: if set, where to save the plot inp: which clustering solution to use titles: list of titles. Should correspond to number of clusters in results object if "inp" is not set. Otherwise should be a list of length 1. """ HCA = results.HCA EFA = results.EFA loading = EFA.reorder_factors(EFA.get_loading(rotate=rotate), rotate=rotate) loading.index = format_variable_names(loading.index) if EFA_clustering: inp = 'EFA%s_%s' % (EFA.get_c(), rotate) else: inp = 'data' clustering = HCA.results[inp] name = inp # extract cluster vars link = clustering['linkage'] labels = clustering['clustered_df'].columns labels = format_variable_names(labels) ordered_loading = loading.loc[labels] if absolute_loading: ordered_loading = abs(ordered_loading) # get cluster sizes cluster_labels, DVs = list(zip(*HCA.get_cluster_DVs(inp=name).items())) cluster_sizes = [len(i) for i in DVs] link_function, colors = get_dendrogram_color_fun(link, clustering['reorder_vec'], clustering['labels']) tree = dendrogram(link, link_color_func=link_function, no_plot=True, no_labels=True) if plot_dir is not None: function_directory = 'subbranches_input-%s' % inp makedirs(path.join(plot_dir, function_directory), exist_ok=True) plot_loc = None if cluster_range is None: cluster_range = range(len(cluster_labels)) # titles = figs = [] for cluster_i in cluster_range: print(cluster_i) if plot_dir: filey = 'cluster_%s.%s' % (str(cluster_i).zfill(2), ext) print('filey: ' + filey) plot_loc = path.join(plot_dir, function_directory, filey) print('plot_loc: ' + plot_loc) fig = plot_subbranch(colors[cluster_i], cluster_i, tree, ordered_loading, cluster_sizes, title=cluster_labels[cluster_i], size=size, plot_loc=plot_loc) if fig: figs.append(fig) return figs
def plot_cross_communality(all_results, rotate='oblimin', retest_threshold=.2, size=4.6, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): retest_data = None num_cols = 2 num_rows = math.ceil(len(all_results.keys())/2) with sns.axes_style('white'): f, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(size, size/2*num_rows)) max_y = 0 for i, (name, results) in enumerate(all_results.items()): if retest_data is None: # load retest data retest_data = get_retest_data(dataset=results.dataset.replace('Complete','Retest')) if retest_data is None: print('No retest data found for datafile: %s' % results.dataset) c = results.EFA.get_c() EFA = results.EFA loading = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) # get communality from psych out fa = EFA.results['factor_tree_Rout_%s' % rotate][c] communality = get_attr(fa, 'communalities') communality = pd.Series(communality, index=loading.index) # alternative calculation #communality = (loading**2).sum(1).sort_values() communality.index = [i.replace('.logTr','') for i in communality.index] # reorder data in line with communality retest_subset= retest_data.loc[communality.index] # reformat variable names communality.index = format_variable_names(communality.index) retest_subset.index = format_variable_names(retest_subset.index) if len(retest_subset) > 0: # noise ceiling noise_ceiling = retest_subset.pearson # remove very low reliabilities if retest_threshold: noise_ceiling[noise_ceiling<retest_threshold]= np.nan # adjust adjusted_communality = communality/noise_ceiling # plot communality histogram if len(retest_subset) > 0: ax = axes[i] ax.set_title(name.title(), fontweight='bold', fontsize=size*2) colors = sns.color_palette(n_colors=2, desat=.75) sns.kdeplot(communality, linewidth=size/4, ax=ax, vertical=True, shade=True, label='Communality', color=colors[0]) sns.kdeplot(adjusted_communality, linewidth=size/4, ax=ax, vertical=True, shade=True, label='Adjusted Communality', color=colors[1]) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.hlines(np.mean(communality), xlim[0], xlim[1], color=colors[0], linewidth=size/4, linestyle='--') ax.hlines(np.mean(adjusted_communality), xlim[0], xlim[1], color=colors[1], linewidth=size/4, linestyle='--') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.tick_params(labelsize=size*1.2) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.set_xlim(0, ax.get_xlim()[1]) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) if (i+1) == len(all_results): ax.set_xlabel('Normalized Density', fontsize=size*2) leg=ax.legend(fontsize=size*1.5, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1.0), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0) beautify_legend(leg, colors) elif i>=len(all_results)-2: ax.set_xlabel('Normalized Density', fontsize=size*2) ax.legend().set_visible(False) else: ax.legend().set_visible(False) if i%2==0: ax.set_ylabel('Communality', fontsize=size*2) ax.tick_params(labelleft=True, left=True, length=size/4, width=size/8) else: ax.tick_params(labelleft=False, left=True, length=0, width=size/8) # update max_x if ax.get_ylim()[1] > max_y: max_y = ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.grid(False) [i.set_linewidth(size*.1) for i in ax.spines.values()] for ax in axes: ax.set_ylim((0, max_y)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) if plot_dir: filename = 'communality_adjustment.%s' % ext save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, rotate, filename), {'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi}) plt.close()
def display_cluster_DVs(consensus, results): nth = { 1: "first", 2: "second", 3: "third", 4: "fourth", 5: "fifth", 6: "sixth", 7: "seventh", 8: "eigth", 9: "ninth", 10: "tenth", 11: "11th", 12: "12th", 13: "13th", 14: "14th", 15: "15th", 16: "16th", 17: "17th", 18: "18th", 19: "19th", 20: "20th", } c = results.EFA.get_c() cluster_DVs = results.HCA.get_cluster_DVs(inp='EFA%s_oblimin' % c) df = consensus.get_consensus_cluster()['distance_df'] sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(df),20)), index=df.index) for name, row in sorted_df.iterrows(): neighbors = [v for v in cluster_DVs.values() if name in format_variable_names(v)][0] neighbors = format_variable_names(neighbors) closest = 1-df.loc[name, neighbors].drop(name).sort_values() closest = ['%s: %s%%' % (i,int(b*100)) for i,b in closest.iteritems()] closest += ['' for _ in range(20-len(closest))] sorted_df.loc[name] = closest def magnify(): return [dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("border-top", "2pt solid black"), ("border-bottom", "2pt solid black")]), dict(selector="th:hover", props=[("font-size", "10pt")]), dict(selector="td", props=[('padding', "0em 0em")]), # dict(selector="th:hover", # props=[("font-size", "12pt")]), dict(selector="tr:hover td:hover", props=[('max-width', '200px'), ('font-weight', 'bold'), ('color', 'black'), ('font-size', '9pt')]) ] cm =sns.diverging_palette(220,15,n=161) def color_cell(val): if val =='': return 'background-color: None' num = val[val.rindex(': ')+2:val.rindex('%')] color = to_hex(cm[int(num)+30]) return 'background-color: %s' % color styler = styler \ .applymap(color_cell) \ .set_properties(**{'max-width': '100px', 'font-size': '10pt', 'border-color': 'white'})\ .set_precision(2)\ .set_table_styles(magnify()) return styler
def plot_cross_communality(all_results, rotate='oblimin', retest_threshold=.2, size=4.6, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): retest_data = None num_cols = 2 num_rows = math.ceil(len(all_results.keys()) / 2) with sns.axes_style('white'): f, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(size, size / 2 * num_rows)) max_y = 0 for i, (name, results) in enumerate(all_results.items()): if retest_data is None: # load retest data retest_data = get_retest_data( dataset=results.dataset.replace('Complete', 'Retest')) if retest_data is None: print('No retest data found for datafile: %s' % results.dataset) c = results.EFA.get_c() EFA = results.EFA loading = EFA.get_loading(c, rotate=rotate) # get communality from psych out fa = EFA.results['factor_tree_Rout_%s' % rotate][c] communality = get_attr(fa, 'communalities') communality = pd.Series(communality, index=loading.index) # alternative calculation #communality = (loading**2).sum(1).sort_values() communality.index = [ i.replace('.logTr', '') for i in communality.index ] # reorder data in line with communality retest_subset = retest_data.loc[communality.index] # reformat variable names communality.index = format_variable_names(communality.index) retest_subset.index = format_variable_names(retest_subset.index) if len(retest_subset) > 0: # noise ceiling noise_ceiling = retest_subset.pearson # remove very low reliabilities if retest_threshold: noise_ceiling[noise_ceiling < retest_threshold] = np.nan # adjust adjusted_communality = communality / noise_ceiling # plot communality histogram if len(retest_subset) > 0: ax = axes[i] ax.set_title(name.title(), fontweight='bold', fontsize=size * 2) colors = sns.color_palette(n_colors=2, desat=.75) sns.kdeplot(communality, linewidth=size / 4, ax=ax, vertical=True, shade=True, label='Communality', color=colors[0]) sns.kdeplot(adjusted_communality, linewidth=size / 4, ax=ax, vertical=True, shade=True, label='Adjusted Communality', color=colors[1]) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.hlines(np.mean(communality), xlim[0], xlim[1], color=colors[0], linewidth=size / 4, linestyle='--') ax.hlines(np.mean(adjusted_communality), xlim[0], xlim[1], color=colors[1], linewidth=size / 4, linestyle='--') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.tick_params(labelsize=size * 1.2) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.set_xlim(0, ax.get_xlim()[1]) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) if (i + 1) == len(all_results): ax.set_xlabel('Normalized Density', fontsize=size * 2) leg = ax.legend(fontsize=size * 1.5, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 1.0), handlelength=0, handletextpad=0) beautify_legend(leg, colors) elif i >= len(all_results) - 2: ax.set_xlabel('Normalized Density', fontsize=size * 2) ax.legend().set_visible(False) else: ax.legend().set_visible(False) if i % 2 == 0: ax.set_ylabel('Communality', fontsize=size * 2) ax.tick_params(labelleft=True, left=True, length=size / 4, width=size / 8) else: ax.tick_params(labelleft=False, left=True, length=0, width=size / 8) # update max_x if ax.get_ylim()[1] > max_y: max_y = ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.grid(False) [i.set_linewidth(size * .1) for i in ax.spines.values()] for ax in axes: ax.set_ylim((0, max_y)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) if plot_dir: filename = 'communality_adjustment.%s' % ext save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, rotate, filename), { 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi }) plt.close()
def plot_communality(results, c, rotate='oblimin', retest_threshold=.2, size=4.6, dpi=300, ext='png', plot_dir=None): EFA = results.EFA communality = get_communality(EFA, rotate, c) # load retest data retest_data = get_retest_data( dataset=results.dataset.replace('Complete', 'Retest')) if retest_data is None: print('No retest data found for datafile: %s' % results.dataset) return # reorder data in line with communality retest_data = retest_data.loc[communality.index] # reformat variable names communality.index = format_variable_names(communality.index) retest_data.index = format_variable_names(retest_data.index) if len(retest_data) > 0: adjusted_communality,correlation, noise_ceiling = \ get_adjusted_communality(communality, retest_data, retest_threshold) # plot communality bars woo! if len(retest_data) > 0: f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(3 * (size / 10), size)) plot_bar_factor(communality, axes[0], width=size / 10, height=size, label_rows=True, title='Communality') plot_bar_factor(noise_ceiling, axes[1], width=size / 10, height=size, label_rows=False, title='Test-Retest') plot_bar_factor(adjusted_communality, axes[2], width=size / 10, height=size, label_rows=False, title='Adjusted Communality') else: f = plot_bar_factor(communality, label_rows=True, width=size / 3, height=size * 2, title='Communality') if plot_dir: filename = 'communality_bars-EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), { 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi }) plt.close() # plot communality histogram if len(retest_data) > 0: with sns.axes_style('white'): colors = sns.color_palette(n_colors=2, desat=.75) f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(size, size)) sns.kdeplot(communality, linewidth=size / 4, shade=True, label='Communality', color=colors[0]) sns.kdeplot(adjusted_communality, linewidth=size / 4, shade=True, label='Adjusted Communality', color=colors[1]) ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(np.mean(communality), ylim[0], ylim[1], color=colors[0], linewidth=size / 4, linestyle='--') ax.vlines(np.mean(adjusted_communality), ylim[0], ylim[1], color=colors[1], linewidth=size / 4, linestyle='--') leg = ax.legend(fontsize=size * 2, loc='upper right') beautify_legend(leg, colors) plt.xlabel('Communality', fontsize=size * 2) plt.ylabel('Normalized Density', fontsize=size * 2) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.tick_params(labelsize=size) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.set_xlim(0, ax.get_xlim()[1]) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) #ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # add correlation correlation = format_num(np.mean(correlation)) ax.text(1.1, 1.25, 'Correlation Between Communality \nand Test-Retest: %s' % correlation, size=size * 2) if plot_dir: filename = 'communality_dist-EFA%s.%s' % (c, ext) save_figure(f, path.join(plot_dir, filename), { 'bbox_inches': 'tight', 'dpi': dpi }) plt.close()