def test_smtpaipheader_addCategory(self):
     """Test SendGrid SMTP Header with just a category."""
     h = SmtpApiHeader()
     # we are testing a string against a string
                      'X-SMTPAPI: {"category": "Transactional"}')
 def test_smtpapiheader_addTo(self):
     """Test SendGrid SMTP header with recipients"""
     expected = 'X-SMTPAPI: {"to": ["*****@*****.**", ' + \
         '"*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"]}'
     tos = ['*****@*****.**',
     h = SmtpApiHeader()
     # remember we are testing a string against a string
     self.assertEqual(h.__str__(), expected)
 def test_smtpapiheader_setUniqueArgs(self):
     """Test SendGrid SMTP Header unique args"""
     expected = 'X-SMTPAPI: {"unique_args": {"testa": 1, "testb": 2}}'
     h = SmtpApiHeader()
     h.set_unique_args({'testa': 1, 'testb': 2})
     self.assertEqual(h.__str__(), expected)