def get_config(self, filename): try: tree = ET.parse(filename) except IOError as e: raise ConfigError("File handling error: %s" % e) except ET.ParseError as e: raise XmlError("Error in xml syntax: %s" % e) root = tree.getroot() pattern = root.find('pattern') if pattern is not None: self.pattern = re.compile(pattern.text) else: raise ConfigError("Pattern is not found in the %s" % filename) timeout = root.find('timeout') if timeout is not None: self.timeout = int(timeout.text) log_file = root.find('logfile') if log_file is not None: self.log_file = log_file.text else: raise ConfigError("Log file is no spicified in %s" % filename) mailconfig = root.find('mailconfig') if mailconfig is not None: mailconfig_str = ET.tostring(mailconfig) self.mail_handler = sendmail.SendMail(mailconfig_str) else: raise ConfigError("Mailconfig is not found in %s" % filename)
def post(self): username = self.get_argument('txtName') password = self.get_argument('txtPwd') sex = self.get_argument('sex') txtEmail = self.get_argument('txtEmail') txtColege = self.get_argument('txtColege') print "[Regist]", username, password, sex, txtEmail, txtColege if (CheckUserRegisted(username)): #已经被人注册了 print "[-]username already registed" self.redirect('/register.html?error=1') return sql = sqlite3.connect("chatroom.db") sql.execute( "insert into user (name,password,email,gender,verify,valid) values('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')" .format(username, password, txtEmail, sex, md5.md5(username).hexdigest(), 0)) sql.commit() sql.close() varifyUrl = "http://" + address + "/verify?action=" + md5.md5( username).hexdigest() mailword = '{},welcome,thanks for your registering!Please confirm your regist!\n{}'.format( username, varifyUrl) sendmail.SendMail(txtEmail, "[Chatroom]Confirm regist", mailword) self.redirect('/login.html')
def get_config(self, root): pattern = root.find('pattern') if pattern is not None: self.pattern = re.compile(pattern.text) else: raise ConfigError("Pattern is not found in the %s" % filename) timeout = root.find('timeout') if timeout is not None: self.timeout = int(timeout.text) update_interval = root.find('UpdateInterval') if update_interval is not None: try: self.update_interval = float(update_interval.text) / 1000 except ValueError: raise ConfigError("Update interval (ms) should be integer") log_file = root.find('logfile') if log_file is not None: self.log_file = log_file.text else: raise ConfigError("Log file is no spicified in %s" % filename) mailconfig = root.find('mailconfig') if mailconfig is not None: mailconfig_str = ET.tostring(mailconfig) self.mail_handler = sendmail.SendMail(mailconfig_str) else: raise ConfigError("Mailconfig is not found in %s" % filename) self._process_on_event(root)
def Mail_System(msg_recipient, recipient_name): import sendmail mail = sendmail.SendMail('srmgupta', 'SRM@75000') msg_from = 'HDFC RED <*****@*****.**>' msg_subject = 'HDFC RED: Recommended Properties For You' msg_text = '<html><body><p>Hi %s, </p><p>Hope you are doing well.</p><p><b>Recommended Projects</b></p><p>Take a look at our exclusive recommendation for you.</p><br><table><tbody><tr><td><div style="float:left;width:125px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:35px"><a href="" style="display:block" target="_blank"><div><div><img class="CToWUd" src="" height="100" width="100"><small>Vinay Unique Developers <br> <span>32 L+ </span></small></div></div></a></div></td><td><div style="float:left;width:125px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:35px"><a href="" style="display:block" target="_blank"><div><div><img class="CToWUd" src="" height="100" width="100"><small>Usha Breco Realty Limited<br> <span>25 L+ </span></small></div></div></a></div></td><td><div style="float:left;width:125px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:35px"><a href="" style="display:block" target="_blank"><div><div><img class="CToWUd" src="" height="100" width="100"><small>Mayuresh Group<br> <span>31 L+ </span></small></div></div></a></div></td></tr></tbody></table></body></html>' % ( recipient_name) mail.send_mail(msg_recipient, msg_from, msg_subject, msg_text)
def SendMail(self, to, frm, subject): import sendmail if self.log: replyto = frm sendmail.SendMail(to, frm, replyto, subject, self.log)
parser.add_option('-e', '--email', action='store_true', dest='email', default=False, help='send an e-mail when an event occurs. %default by default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 1: directory = args[0] elif len(args)>1: print 'incorrect number of arguments' sys.exit(2) if mail = sendmail.SendMail() print 'e-mail option set' wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() flags = pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE | pyinotify.IN_MOVED_TO class EventHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE(self, event): print "\n%s Finished writing: %s"%(time.strftime('%a %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S'),event.pathname) if event.pathname[-3:]=='mkv': print '\n-------------------------------\nStarting conversion of %s' % event.pathname converter.convert(event.pathname) if
def __init__(self, _cat, _trigger, _val, _com=None, _validity=3600): self.mail = sendmail.SendMail() self.ring = ringring.RingRing() self.alert = (_cat, _trigger, _val, _com, int(_validity)) self.fs = 0
sp = pyttsx3.init() sp.say("Incorrect OTP") sp.runAndWait() except: sp1 = pyttsx3.init() sp1.say( "Sorry, we are unable to perform the operations..Please wait.." ) sp1.runAndWait() break else: cv2.imwrite( f"{path_to_dir}//intruder//intruder" + str(intr) + '.jpg', frame) sendmail.SendMail(f"{path_to_dir}//intruder//intruder" + str(intr) + '.jpg') cv2.imshow('Face Recognition', image) time.sleep(40) imapper = easyimap.connect('', From, Password) for mail_id in imapper.listids(limit=1): mail = imapper.mail(mail_id) # print("hi") print(mail.body[0:3]) if mail.body[0:3] == "yes" or mail.body[0:3] == "Yes": #door unlock ser.write(b'v') time.sleep(10) break else: cv2.putText(image, "Locked", (250, 450), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,