def echo_socket(ws): b = TransformBroadcaster() f = open("orientation.txt", "a") while True: message = ws.receive() orient_data = message.split(',') orient_data = [float(data) for data in orient_data] stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = orient_data stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = orient_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) ### Publish to Pose topic for visualization ### q = quaternion_from_euler(orient_data[1], orient_data[2], orient_data[3]) pose_msg = Pose() pose_msg.orientation.x = q[0] pose_msg.orientation.y = q[1] pose_msg.orientation.z = q[2] pose_msg.orientation.w = q[3] pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) b.sendTransform((1, 1, 1), (q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]),, 'child_link', 'base_link') ### END HERE ### print("[INFO:] Orientation{}".format(orient_data)) ws.send(message) print >> f, message f.close()
def gyro_cb(msg_gyro): global rollG, pitchG, yawG, prev_time, q # extract data wx, wy, wz = # we need to calculate dt secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10**(-9) dt = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time # process gyroscope data current_gyro_quat = quaternion_from_euler(wx * dt, wy * dt, wz * dt) q = quaternion_multiply(current_gyro_quat, q) rollG, pitchG, yawG = euler_from_quaternion(q) # lets publish this transform # tf_br.sendTransform((0, 0, 0.5), (q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3]),, "base_link", "world") # print the rollG, pitchG, yawG if DEBUG: print("rollG : {}, pitchG : {}, yawG : {}".format( m.degrees(rollG), m.degrees(pitchG), m.degrees(yawG))) # publish the roll pitch yaw topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollG, pitchG, yawG] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs rpyG_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg)
def gyro_cb(msg_gyro): global q, prev_time, P, INI_SET if not INI_SET: # initial state is not set return # extract data wx, wy, wz = # we need to calculate time_elapsed secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10**(-9) time_elapsed = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time # integrate using eulers integration method to find the estimates and covariance # prediction # q, P = integrateTillT(q, dt, time_elapsed, wx, wy, wz, P) current_gyro_quat = quaternion_from_euler(wx * dt, wy * dt, wz * dt) q = quaternion_multiply(current_gyro_quat, q) # make the covariance prediction P += Q rollF, pitchF, yawF = euler_from_quaternion(q) print("[GYRO_CB] rollF : {}, pitchF : {}, yawF : {}, P: \n{}".format( m.degrees(rollF), m.degrees(pitchF), m.degrees(yawF), P)) # publish to topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollF, pitchF, yawF] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs rpyKF_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg)
def gyro_cb(msg_gyro): global q, prev_time, INI_SET if not INI_SET: return # extract data wx, wy, wz = # we need to calculate dt secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10 ** (-9) dt = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time print("the time gap is: {}".format(dt)) # process gyroscope data current_gyro_quat = quaternion_from_euler(wx * dt, wy * dt, wz * dt) q = quaternion_multiply(current_gyro_quat, q) rollF, pitchF, yawF = euler_from_quaternion(q) print("[GYRO_CB] rollF : {}, pitchF : {}, yawF : {}".format(m.degrees(rollF), m.degrees(pitchF), m.degrees(yawF))) # publish to topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollF, pitchF, yawF] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs rpyCF_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg)
def echo_socket(ws): f = open("gyroscope.txt", "a") while True: message = ws.receive() gyro_data = message.split(',') gyro_data = [float(data) for data in gyro_data] stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = gyro_data stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = gyro_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) print("[INFO:] Gyroscope{}".format(gyro_data)) ws.send(message) print >> f, message f.close()
def echo_socket(ws): f = open("accelerometer.txt", "a") while True: message = ws.receive() accel_data = message.split(',') accel_data = [float(data) for data in accel_data] stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = accel_data stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = accel_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) print("[INFO:] Accelerometer{}".format(accel_data)) ws.send(message) print >> f, message f.close()
def echo_socket(ws): global magneto_data, magneto_pub f = open("magnetometer.txt", "a") while True: message = ws.receive() magneto_data = message.split(',') magneto_data = [float(data) for data in magneto_data] stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = magneto_data stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = magneto_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) print("[INFO:] Magnetometer{}".format(magneto_data)) ws.send(message) print >> f, message f.close()
def echo_socket(ws): global geoloc_data, geoloc_pub f = open("geolocation.txt", "a") while True: message = ws.receive() geoloc_data = message.split(',') geoloc_data = [float(data) for data in geoloc_data] stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = geoloc_data stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = geoloc_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) print("[INFO:] Geolocation{}".format(geoloc_data)) ws.send(message) print >> f, message f.close()
def fusion_cb(msg_gyro, msg_accel, msg_mag): global q, prev_time, P, INI_SET, KF_roll, KF_pitch, KF_yaw, KF_time, roll_correction, pitch_correction, yaw_correction SKIP_GYRO = False if not INI_SET: SKIP_GYRO = True ## extract data ax, ay, az = mx, my, mz = wx, wy, wz = ### ACCELEROMETER AND MAGNETOMETER CALCULATIONS ### ## normalize accelerometer data norm_accel = m.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2 + az**2) ax = ax / norm_accel ay = ay / norm_accel az = az / norm_accel ## normalize the magnetometer data norm_mag = m.sqrt(mx**2 + my**2 + mz**2) mx = mx / norm_mag my = my / norm_mag mz = mz / norm_mag ## get the roll and pitch # rollA = m.atan2(ay, az) + 5 rollA = m.atan2(ay, m.sqrt(ax**2 + az**2)) pitchA = m.atan2(-ax, m.sqrt(ay**2 + az**2)) # pitchA = m.atan2(ay, m.sqrt(ay**2 + az**2)) # rollA = m.atan2(-ax, m.sqrt(ax**2 + az**2)) ## compensate for yaw using magnetometer # Mx = mx * m.cos(pitchA) + mz * m.sin(pitchA) # My = mx * m.sin(rollA) * m.sin(pitchA) + my * m.cos(rollA) - mz * m.sin(rollA) * m.cos(pitchA) # yawM = m.atan2(-My, Mx) # yawM = m.atan2(az, m.sqrt(ax**2 + az**2)) Mx = -mx * m.cos(pitchA) + mz * m.sin(pitchA) My = mx * m.sin(rollA) * m.sin(pitchA) + my * m.cos(rollA) + mz * m.sin( rollA) * m.cos(pitchA) yawM = m.atan2(My, Mx) # yawM = m.atan2(az, m.sqrt(ax**2 + az**2)) ## PREDICTION IF NEEDED if not SKIP_GYRO: # carry out prediction step # we need to calculate time_elapsed secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10**(-9) time_elapsed = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time # integrate using eulers integration method to find the estimates and covariance q, P = integrateTillT(q, dt, time_elapsed, wx, wy, wz, P) # extract angles rollF, pitchF, yawF = euler_from_quaternion(q) # compute kalman gain K =, np.linalg.inv(P + R)) # carry out correction step meas = np.array([[rollA], [pitchA], [yawM]]) #meas = np.array([[rollF],[pitchF],[yawF]]) #ADDED TO IGNORE ACC AND MAG state = np.array([[rollF], [pitchF], [yawF]]) state = state +, meas - state) state = [float(val) for val in state] rollF, pitchF, yawF = state # update the quaternion q = quaternion_from_euler(rollF, pitchF, yawF) # update covariance P = - K), P) else: if comp_time_gt is not None: roll_gt = GT_roll[0] pitch_gt = GT_pitch[0] yaw_gt = GT_yaw[0] roll_ned = rollA pitch_ned = pitchA yaw_ned = yawM roll_correction = (roll_gt - roll_ned) #roll_correction = wrapToPi(0 - roll_ned) pitch_correction = (pitch_gt - pitch_ned) yaw_correction = (yaw_gt - yaw_ned) #yaw_correction = wrapToPi(0 - yaw_ned) # INI_SET = True else: return INI_SET = True # there is no gyro measurement yet rollF = rollA pitchF = pitchA yawF = yawM q = quaternion_from_euler(rollF, pitchF, yawF) P = R # and thus the initial noise would be equal to noise in measurement print("[FUSION_CB] rollF : {}, pitchF : {}, yawF : {}, P: \n{}".format( m.degrees(rollF), m.degrees(pitchF), m.degrees(yawF), P)) # publish to topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollF, pitchF, yawF] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = rpyKF_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) # get time t = + * 10**(-9) - comp_time # append to Global variables KF_roll.append(rollF + roll_correction) KF_pitch.append(pitchF + pitch_correction) KF_yaw.append(yawF + yaw_correction) M_roll.append(wrapToPi(rollA)) M_pitch.append(wrapToPi(pitchA)) M_yaw.append(wrapToPi(yawM)) KF_time.append(t)
def fusion_cb(msg_gyro, msg_accel, msg_mag): global q, prev_time, INI_SET, KF_roll, KF_pitch, KF_yaw, KF_time, roll_correction, pitch_correcton, yaw_correction SKIP_GYRO = False if not INI_SET: SKIP_GYRO = True ## extract data ax, ay, az = mx, my, mz = wx, wy, wz = ### ACCELEROMETER AND MAGNETOMETER CALCULATIONS ### ## normalize accelerometer data norm_accel = m.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2 + az**2) ax = ax / norm_accel ay = ay / norm_accel az = az / norm_accel ## normalize the magnetometer data norm_mag = m.sqrt(mx**2 + my**2 + mz**2) mx = mx / norm_mag my = my / norm_mag mz = mz / norm_mag ## get the roll and pitch rollA = m.atan2(ay, az) pitchA = m.atan2(-ax, m.sqrt(ay**2 + az**2)) ## compensate for yaw using magnetometer Mx = mx * m.cos(pitchA) + mz * m.sin(pitchA) My = mx * m.sin(rollA) * m.sin(pitchA) + my * m.cos(rollA) - mz * m.sin(rollA) * m.cos(pitchA) yawM = m.atan2(-My, Mx) if not SKIP_GYRO: ### GYROSCOPE CALCULATIONS ### ## compute roll, pitch and yaw from gyro secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10 ** (-9) dt = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time print("the time gap is: {}".format(dt)) # process gyroscope data current_gyro_quat = quaternion_from_euler(wx * dt, wy * dt, wz * dt) q = quaternion_multiply(current_gyro_quat, q) rollG, pitchG, yawG = euler_from_quaternion(q) ### COMPLIMENTARY FILTER ### rollF = rollG * g_wt + rollA * am_wt pitchF = pitchG * g_wt + pitchA * am_wt yawF = yawG * g_wt + yawM * am_wt # set back the quaternion q = quaternion_from_euler(rollF, pitchF, yawF) else: if comp_time_gt is not None: roll_gt = GT_roll[0] pitch_gt = GT_pitch[0] yaw_gt = GT_yaw[0] roll_ned = rollA pitch_ned = pitchA yaw_ned = yawM roll_correction = wrapToPi(roll_gt - roll_ned) pitch_correcton = wrapToPi(pitch_gt - pitch_ned) yaw_correction = wrapToPi(yaw_gt - yaw_ned) else: return INI_SET = True q = quaternion_from_euler(rollA, pitchA, yawM) rollF, pitchF, yawF = euler_from_quaternion(q) print("[FUSION_CB] rollF : {}, pitchF : {}, yawF : {}".format(m.degrees(rollF), m.degrees(pitchF), m.degrees(yawF))) # publish to topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollF, pitchF, yawF] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = rpyCF_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg) # get time t = + * 10 ** (-9) - comp_time # append to Global variables KF_roll.append(wrapToPi(rollF + roll_correction)) KF_pitch.append(wrapToPi(pitchF + pitch_correcton)) KF_yaw.append(wrapToPi(yawF + yaw_correction)) KF_time.append(t)
def got_accel_mag(msg_accel, msg_mag): ## GET ROLL AND PITCH FROM THE ACCELEROMETER ax, ay, az = mx, my, mz = if DEBUG: print("raw acceleration values ax : {}, ay : {}, az : {}".format( ax, ay, az)) print("raw magnetometer values mx : {}, my : {}, mz : {}".format( mx, my, mz)) ## NORMALIZE THE ACCELEROMETER DATA norm_accel = m.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2 + az**2) ax = ax / norm_accel ay = ay / norm_accel az = az / norm_accel # ## NORMALIZE THE MAGNETOMETER DATA norm_mag = m.sqrt(mx**2 + my**2 + mz**2) mx = mx / norm_mag my = my / norm_mag mz = mz / norm_mag if DEBUG: print( "normalized acceleration values ax : {}, ay : {}, az : {}".format( ax, ay, az)) print( "normalized magnetometer values mx : {}, my : {}, mz : {}".format( mx, my, mz)) ## GET THE ROLL AND PITCH rollA = m.atan2(ay, az) pitchA = m.atan2(-ax, m.sqrt(ay**2 + az**2)) ## COMPENSATE FOR YAW USING MAGNETOMETER Mx = mx * m.cos(pitchA) + mz * m.sin(pitchA) My = mx * m.sin(rollA) * m.sin(pitchA) + my * m.cos(rollA) - mz * m.sin( rollA) * m.cos(pitchA) yawM = m.atan2(-My, Mx) if DEBUG: print("rollA : {}, pitchA : {}, yawM : {}".format( m.degrees(rollA), m.degrees(pitchA), m.degrees(yawM))) print( "###############################################################################" ) print( " " ) ## CONVERT TO quaternion_from_euler q = quaternion_from_euler(rollA, pitchA, yawM) ## LETS PUBLISH THIS TO THE BROADCASTER tf_br.sendTransform((0.0, 0.0, 0.5), (q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]),, 'base_link', 'world') # publish the roll pitch yaw topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollA, pitchA, yawM] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = * 10**(-9) rpyAM_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg)
def fusion_cb(msg_gyro, msg_accel, msg_mag): print("entered fusion") global q, prev_time, P, INI_SET SKIP_GYRO = False if not INI_SET: SKIP_GYRO = True ## extract data ax, ay, az = mx, my, mz = wx, wy, wz = ### ACCELEROMETER AND MAGNETOMETER CALCULATIONS ### ## normalize accelerometer data norm_accel = m.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2 + az**2) ax = ax / norm_accel ay = ay / norm_accel az = az / norm_accel ## normalize the magnetometer data norm_mag = m.sqrt(mx**2 + my**2 + mz**2) mx = mx / norm_mag my = my / norm_mag mz = mz / norm_mag ## get the roll and pitch rollA = m.atan2(ay, az) pitchA = m.atan2(-ax, m.sqrt(ay**2 + az**2)) ## compensate for yaw using magnetometer Mx = mx * m.cos(pitchA) + mz * m.sin(pitchA) My = mx * m.sin(rollA) * m.sin(pitchA) + my * m.cos(rollA) - mz * m.sin( rollA) * m.cos(pitchA) yawM = m.atan2(-My, Mx) ## rollA, pitchA, yawM are the measurements ## PREDICTION IF NEEDED if not SKIP_GYRO: # carry out prediction step # we need to calculate time_elapsed secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10**(-9) time_elapsed = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time print("starting integrate till T") # integrate using eulers integration method to find the estimates and covariance # q, P = integrateTillT(q, dt, time_elapsed, wx, wy, wz, P) # make the state prediction current_gyro_quat = quaternion_from_euler(wx * dt, wy * dt, wz * dt) q = quaternion_multiply(current_gyro_quat, q) # make the covariance prediction P += Q print("done integrating") # extract angles rollF, pitchF, yawF = euler_from_quaternion(q) # compute kalman gain K =, np.linalg.inv(P + R)) # carry out correction step meas = np.array([[rollA], [pitchA], [yawM]]) state = np.array([[rollF], [pitchF], [yawF]]) state = state +, meas - state) state = [float(val) for val in state] rollF, pitchF, yawF = state # update the quaternion q = quaternion_from_euler(rollF, pitchF, yawF) # update covariance P = - K), P) else: INI_SET = True # there is no gyro measurement yet rollF = rollA pitchF = pitchA yawF = yawM q = quaternion_from_euler(rollF, pitchF, yawF) P = R # and thus the initial noise would be equal to noise in measurement print("[FUSION_CB] rollF : {}, pitchF : {}, yawF : {}, P: \n{}".format( m.degrees(rollF), m.degrees(pitchF), m.degrees(yawF), P)) # publish to topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollF, pitchF, yawF] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = rpyKF_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg)
def fusion_cb(msg_gyro, msg_accel, msg_mag): global q, prev_time, INI_SET SKIP_GYRO = False if not INI_SET: SKIP_GYRO = True ## extract data ax, ay, az = mx, my, mz = wx, wy, wz = ### ACCELEROMETER AND MAGNETOMETER CALCULATIONS ### ## normalize accelerometer data norm_accel = m.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2 + az**2) ax = ax / norm_accel ay = ay / norm_accel az = az / norm_accel ## normalize the magnetometer data norm_mag = m.sqrt(mx**2 + my**2 + mz**2) mx = mx / norm_mag my = my / norm_mag mz = mz / norm_mag ## get the roll and pitch rollA = m.atan2(ay, az) pitchA = m.atan2(-ax, m.sqrt(ay**2 + az**2)) ## compensate for yaw using magnetometer Mx = mx * m.cos(pitchA) + mz * m.sin(pitchA) My = mx * m.sin(rollA) * m.sin(pitchA) + my * m.cos(rollA) - mz * m.sin(rollA) * m.cos(pitchA) yawM = m.atan2(-My, Mx) if not SKIP_GYRO: ### GYROSCOPE CALCULATIONS ### ## compute roll, pitch and yaw from gyro secs = nsecs = cur_time = secs + nsecs * 10 ** (-9) dt = cur_time - prev_time prev_time = cur_time print("the time gap is: {}".format(dt)) # process gyroscope data current_gyro_quat = quaternion_from_euler(wx * dt, wy * dt, wz * dt) q = quaternion_multiply(current_gyro_quat, q) rollG, pitchG, yawG = euler_from_quaternion(q) ### COMPLIMENTARY FILTER ### rollF = rollG * g_wt + rollA * am_wt pitchF = pitchG * g_wt + pitchA * am_wt yawF = yawG * g_wt + yawM * am_wt # set back the quaternion q = quaternion_from_euler(rollF, pitchF, yawF) else: INI_SET = True q = quaternion_from_euler(rollA, pitchA, yawM) rollF, pitchF, yawF = euler_from_quaternion(q) print("[FUSION_CB] rollF : {}, pitchF : {}, yawF : {}".format(m.degrees(rollF), m.degrees(pitchF), m.degrees(yawF))) # publish to topic stamped_msg = SensorMsgStamped() = [rollF, pitchF, yawF] stamped_msg.header.stamp.secs = stamped_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = # lets publish this transform # tf_br.sendTransform((0, 0, 0.5), (q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3]),, "base_link", "world") rpyCF_pub_stamped.publish(stamped_msg)