def test_feature_feature(): geojson = json.loads(GEOJSON_FEATURE) assert EXPECTED_FEATURE_QUERY == format.feature(geojson)
def test_feature_feature_collection(): geojson = json.loads(GEOJSON_FEATURE_COLLECTION) assert EXPECTED_FEATURE_QUERY == format.feature(geojson)
def search( aoi=None, rows=None, offset=None, platformname=None, begin_position=None, end_position=None, ingestion_date=None, filename=None, orbit_number=None, last_orbit_number=None, orbit_direction=None, polarization_mode=None, product_type=None, relative_orbit_number=None, last_relative_orbit_number=None, sensor_operational_mode=None, swath_identifier=None): """ Get metadata on products hosted by the Scientific Data Hub. :param aoi: Area of interest as a dictionary representation of a geojson feature :param rows: The number of rows to return :param offset: The row starting offset :param platformname: The platform name (e.g. Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2) :param begin_position: A time interval search based on the sensing start time. This should be a tuple containing a start time and end time. :param end_position: A time interval search based on the sensing end time. This should be a tuple containing a start time and end time. :param ingestion_date: A time interval search based on the time of publication of the product on the Data Hub. This should be a tuple containing a start time and end time. :param filename: :param orbit_number: :param last_orbit_number: :param orbit_direction: :param polarization_mode: :param product_type: :param relative_orbit_number: :param last_relative_orbit_number: :param sensor_operational_mode: :param swath_identifier: """ kwargs = locals() uri = os.path.join(SOLR_ROOT_URI, 'search') params = {} if rows: params['rows'] = rows if offset: params['start'] = offset if aoi: kwargs['footprint'] = format.feature(aoi) if begin_position: kwargs['begin_position'] = format.time_interval(begin_position) if end_position: kwargs['end_position'] = format.time_interval(end_position) if ingestion_date: kwargs['ingestion_date'] = format.time_interval(ingestion_date) params['q'] = format.query_string(**kwargs) r = requests.get(uri, auth=get_auth(), params=params) if len(r.history) > 0: if r.history[0].status_code == 302: raise MaintenanceDowntimeError() r.raise_for_status() return