def run_test(self, filled_buckets, irregular_buckets, start, end, rollup, zerofilled_buckets): filled_buckets = [(start + (rollup * bucket), val) for bucket, val in filled_buckets] buckets = [(to_timestamp(date), val) for date, val in filled_buckets + irregular_buckets] sort_key = lambda row: row[0] buckets.sort(key=sort_key) zerofilled_buckets = [ (to_timestamp(start + (rollup * bucket)), []) for bucket in zerofilled_buckets ] expected = buckets + zerofilled_buckets expected.sort(key=sort_key) assert zerofill(buckets, start, end, int(rollup.total_seconds())) == expected
def test_last_bucket(self): # the start does NOT align the first bucket due to the zerofill start =, second=0, microsecond=0) rollup = timedelta(minutes=10) buckets = [ (to_timestamp(start + timedelta(minutes=1)), [9]), (to_timestamp(start + timedelta(minutes=16)), [3]), ] zerofilled_buckets = zerofill(buckets, start, start + timedelta(minutes=20), int(rollup.total_seconds())) assert zerofilled_buckets == [ (to_timestamp(start - timedelta(minutes=5)), []), (to_timestamp(start + timedelta(minutes=1)), [9]), (to_timestamp(start + timedelta(minutes=5)), []), (to_timestamp(start + timedelta(minutes=16)), [3]), ]
def zerofill_clean(data): return clean(zerofill(data, start, stop, rollup, fill_default=0))