def _get_view_hierachy(file_path): """Gets leaf nodes view hierarchy lists. Args: file_path: The full path of an input xml/json file. Returns: A ViewHierarchy object. Raises: ValueError: unsupported file format. """ with gfile.GFile(file_path, 'r') as f: data = _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) if file_extension == '.xml': vh = view_hierarchy.ViewHierarchy(screen_width=config.SCREEN_WIDTH, screen_height=config.SCREEN_HEIGHT) vh.load_xml(data) elif file_extension == '.json': vh = view_hierarchy.ViewHierarchy( screen_width=config.RICO_SCREEN_WIDTH, screen_height=config.RICO_SCREEN_HEIGHT) vh.load_json(data) else: raise ValueError('unsupported file format %s' % file_extension) return vh
def get_feature_dict(screen_info_proto, padding_shape=None, lower_case=False): """Gets screen feature dictionary from screen_info protobuf. Args: screen_info_proto: protobuf defined in word2act/proto/rehearsal.proto. Contains screenshot and xml padding_shape: The shape of padding size for final feature list. shape = (max_object_num, max_word_num, max_word_length) If the shape is not given, then returns the original list without padding. lower_case: lower case all the ui texts. Returns: A feature dictionary. If padding_shape is not None, all values of the dictionary are padded. The shape after padding is shown as 'shape = ...'. Otherwise, shapes of values are not a fixed value. screenshot: numpy array of screen_info_proto.screenshot 'ui_obj_str_seq': uiobject's name/content_descriotion/resource_id, numpy array of strings. 'ui_obj_word_id_seq': encoded word sequence, np int array, shape = (max_object_num, max_word_num) 'ui_obj_char_id_seq': encoded char sequence, np int array, shape = (max_object_num, max_word_num, max_word_length) 'ui_obj_type_seq': type sequence, np int array, shape = (max_object_num,) 'ui_obj_clickable_seq': clickable sequence, np int array, shape = (max_object_num,) 'ui_obj_cord_x_seq': x cordinate sequence, np int array, shape = (max_object_num*2,) 'ui_obj_cord_y_seq': y cordinate sequence, np int array, shape = (max_object_num*2,) 'ui_obj_v_distance': vertical relation matrix, np float array, shape = (max_object_num, max_object_num) 'ui_obj_h_distance': horizontal relation matrix, np float array, shape = (max_object_num, max_object_num) 'ui_obj_dom_distance': dom relation matrix, np int array, shape = (max_object_num, max_object_num) 'ui_obj_dom_location_seq': dom index from tree traversal, np int array, shape = (max_object_num*3,) """ screenshot = screenshot = np.asarray(screenshot, np.float32) vh = view_hierarchy.ViewHierarchy() vh.load_xml(screen_info_proto.view_hierarchy.xml.encode('utf-8')) view_hierarchy_leaf_nodes = vh.get_leaf_nodes() ui_object_features_dict = get_ui_objects_feature_dict( view_hierarchy_leaf_nodes, padding_shape, lower_case) ui_object_features_dict['screenshot'] = screenshot return ui_object_features_dict
def update_info_from_screen(self, screen_info, dedup=False): """Updates action event attributes from screen_info. Updates coordinates_x(y)_pixel and object_id from the screen_info proto. Args: screen_info: ScreenInfo protobuf dedup: whether dedup the UI objs with same text or content desc. Raises: ValueError when fail to find object id. """ self.update_norm_coordinates( (config.SCREEN_WIDTH, config.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) vh = view_hierarchy.ViewHierarchy() vh.load_xml(screen_info.view_hierarchy.xml.encode('utf-8')) if dedup: vh.dedup( (self.coordinates_x_pixel[0], self.coordinates_y_pixel[0])) self.leaf_nodes = vh.get_leaf_nodes() ui_object_list = vh.get_ui_objects() self._update_object_id(ui_object_list)