def slice_and_return_fasta(tb, lz, flank=500): record = fasta.FastaSequence() if lz.zstart1 - flank > 0: ss = lz.zstart1 - flank else: ss = 0 if lz.end1 + flank < len(tb[lz.name1]): se = lz.end1 + flank else: se = len(tb[lz.name1]) record.identifier = "{0}|{1}|{2}-{3}|{4}-{5}||{6}|{7}|{8}-{9}".format( lz.name1, lz.strand1, lz.zstart1, lz.end1, ss, se, lz.name2.strip('>'), lz.strand2, lz.zstart2, lz.end2 ) record.sequence = tb[lz.name1][ss:se] return record
def main(): args = get_args() config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) conn = sqlite3.connect(args.db) c = conn.cursor() if args.extend_db: query = "ATTACH DATABASE '{0}' AS extended".format(args.extend_db) c.execute(query) organisms = get_names_from_config(config, 'Organisms') uces = get_names_from_config(config, 'Loci') #pdb.set_trace() uce_fasta_out = fasta.FastaWriter(args.output) regex = re.compile("[N,n]{1,21}") for organism in organisms: print "Getting {0} reads...".format(organism) written = [] # going to need to do something more generic w/ suffixes #pdb.set_trace() name = organism.replace('_', '-') if args.notstrict: if not organism.endswith('*'): reads = find_file(args.contigs, name) node_dict, missing = get_nodes_for_uces(c, organism, uces, extend=False, notstrict=True) elif args.extend_dir: # remove the asterisk name = name.rstrip('*') reads = find_file(args.extend_dir, name) node_dict, missing = get_nodes_for_uces(c, organism.rstrip('*'), uces, extend=True, notstrict=True) else: if not name.endswith('*'): reads = find_file(args.contigs, name) node_dict, missing = get_nodes_for_uces(c, organism, uces) elif name.endswith('*') and args.extend_dir: # remove the asterisk name = name.rstrip('*') reads = find_file(args.extend_dir, name) node_dict, missing = get_nodes_for_uces(c, organism.rstrip('*'), uces, extend=True) for read in fasta.FastaReader(reads): name = get_name(read.identifier).lower() coverage = get_coverage(read.identifier) if name in node_dict.keys(): uce_seq = fasta.FastaSequence() uce_seq.identifier = ">{0}_{1} |{0}|{2}".format(node_dict[name][0], organism, coverage) # deal with strandedness because aligners dont, which # is annoying if node_dict[name][1] == '-': uce_seq.sequence = transform.DNA_reverse_complement(read.sequence) else: uce_seq.sequence = read.sequence # replace any occurrences of <21 Ns if uce_seq.sequence = re.sub(regex, "", uce_seq.sequence) print "\tReplaced < 20 ambiguous bases in {0}".format(uce_seq.identifier.split(' ')[0]) uce_fasta_out.write(uce_seq) written.append(str(node_dict[name][0])) else: pass #pdb.set_trace() if args.notstrict and missing: args.notstrict.write("[{0}]\n".format(organism)) for name in missing: args.notstrict.write("{0}\n".format(name)) written.append(name) assert set(written) == set(uces), "UCE names do not match" #assert set(written) == set(uces), pdb.set_trace() uce_fasta_out.close()
def setUp(self): self.s = fasta.FastaSequence() self.s.identifier = 'chr5_6255117_6255601_0:0:0_1:0:0_13' self.s.sequence = 'CTTGGATCAGATGAAAATGCAGCTTGTATTTAATCTGGCAAAGAGCCTACGTGTATTGTGTCCAGTGGGAACAATGCTATGTCACCGAGTCTGTAAGAAT'
def main(): args = get_args() # compile some regular expressions we'll use later stripnum = re.compile("s_[0-9]+$") manyn = re.compile("[N,n]{20,}") # get names of loci and taxa uces = get_uce_names_from_probes(args.probes) taxa = get_taxa_names_from_fastas(args.fasta) print "\n" if not args.extend: if args.db is None: db = os.path.join(args.output, 'probe.matches.sqlite') else: db = args.db # create db to hold results conn, c = create_probe_database( db, taxa, uces, True ) else: conn, c = extend_probe_database( args.db, taxa ) # get duplicate probe sequences for filtering if args.dupefile: print "Determining duplicate probes..." dupes = get_dupes(args.dupefile, longfile=False) else: dupes = None # iterate over LASTZ files for each taxon for lz in glob.glob(os.path.join(args.lastz, '*')): # get fasta name from lastz file ff = get_fasta_name_from_lastz_pth(lz, args.fasta, args.pattern) # get taxon name from lastz file taxon = get_taxon_from_filename(ff) print "\n{0}\n{1}\n{0}".format('=' * 30, taxon) # get lastz matches print "\tGetting LASTZ matches from GENOME alignments..." matches, probes = get_matches(lz) # remove bad loci (dupes) print "\tGetting bad (potentially duplicate) GENOME matches..." loci_to_skip = [] for k, v in matches.iteritems(): # check matches to makes sure all is well - keep names lc loci_to_skip.extend(quality_control_matches(matches, probes, dupes, k, v, False)) #pdb.set_trace() # convert to set, to keep only uniques loci_to_skip = set(loci_to_skip) print "\tSkipping {} bad (duplicate hit) loci...".format(len(loci_to_skip)) # get (and possibly assemble) non-skipped seqdict = defaultdict(list) # determine those contigs to skip and group those to assemble for contig in fasta.FastaReader(ff): # make sure all names are lowercase contig.identifier = contig.identifier.lower() name = contig.identifier.split('|')[-4].strip() locus = name.split('_')[0] # skip what we identified as bad loci if locus not in loci_to_skip: seqdict[locus].append(contig) output_name = "{}.fasta".format(taxon.replace('_', '-')) fout_name = os.path.join(args.output, output_name) print "\tOutput filename is {}".format(output_name) fout = fasta.FastaWriter(fout_name) # this tracks "fake" contig number count = 0 # this tracks loci kept kept = 0 # when > 1 contig, assemble contigs across matches sys.stdout.write("\tWriting and Aligning/Assembling UCE loci with multiple probes (dot/1000 loci)") for k, v in seqdict.iteritems(): bad = False contig_names = [] if count % 1000 == 0: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() if len(v) == 1: # trim ambiguous bases on flanks record = v[0] orient = [matches[k][0][1]] if args.flank: record = trim_uce_reads(record, args.flank) contig_names.append(record.identifier) record.sequence = record.sequence.strip('N') # trim many ambiguous bases within contig result = if result: uce_start, uce_end = get_probe_positions(record) uce = record.sequence[uce_start:uce_end] record.sequence = snip_if_many_N_bases(manyn, k, record.sequence, uce, verbose=False) # change header record.identifier = ">Node_{0}_length_{1}_cov_1000".format( count, len(record.sequence) ) fout.write(v[0]) else: orient = list(set([m[1] for m in matches[k]])) # skip any loci having matches of mixed orientation # ['+', '-'] if len(orient) == 1: # create tempfile for the reads fd, temp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.fasta') os.close(fd) temp_out = fasta.FastaWriter(temp) # write all slices to outfile, trimming if we want #pdb.set_trace() for record in v: if args.flank: record = trim_uce_reads(record, args.flank) # keep names of contigs we assembled to store in db assoc # w/ resulting assembled contig name contig_names.append(record.identifier) record.sequence = record.sequence.strip('N') # trim many ambiguous bases within contig result = if result: uce_start, uce_end = get_probe_positions(record) uce = record.sequence[uce_start:uce_end] record.sequence = snip_if_many_N_bases(manyn, k, record.sequence, uce, verbose=False) temp_out.write(record) # make sure to close the file temp_out.close() # assemble aln = Align(temp) aln.run_alignment() record = fasta.FastaSequence() record.sequence = aln.alignment_consensus.tostring() record.identifier = ">Node_{0}_length_{1}_cov_1000".format( count, len(record.sequence) ) fout.write(record) else: bad = True if not bad: # track contig assembly and renaming data in db q = "UPDATE matches SET {0} = 1 WHERE uce = '{1}'".format(taxon, k) c.execute(q) # generate db match and match map tables for data orient_key = "node_{0}({1})".format(count, orient[0]) q = "UPDATE match_map SET {0} = '{1}' WHERE uce = '{2}'".format(taxon, orient_key, k) c.execute(q) # keep track of new name :: old name mapping for old_name in contig_names: q = "INSERT INTO contig_map VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')".format(taxon, k, old_name, record.identifier) c.execute(q) kept += 1 # tracking "fake" contig number count += 1 conn.commit() print "\n\t{0} loci of {1} matched ({2:.0f}%), {3} dupes dropped ({4:.0f}%), {5} ({6:.0f}%) kept".format( count, len(uces), float(count) / len(uces) * 100, len(loci_to_skip), float(len(loci_to_skip)) / len(uces) * 100, kept, float(kept) / len(uces) * 100 ) #conn.commit() c.close() conn.close()