文件: quest.py 项目: tjpumis/alchemy
def new_or_save_question(repos_sn: int, quest_sn: int, json_arg):

    now = datetime.utcnow();
    user_sn = webreq.principal_id

    orig_quest = None
    if not quest_sn:
        # 新建的
        quest = ts_quest(quest_sn=ts_quest_seqno(), repos_sn=repos_sn)
        quest.created_ts = now
        # 保存的
        quest = drecall(ts_quest(quest_sn=quest_sn))
        if not quest:
            busilogic.fail('找不到试题%d' % quest_sn)

        orig_quest = ts_quest(quest)

    purpose = json_arg['purpose']
    if purpose:
        quest.purpose_testing = purpose['testing']
        quest.purpose_exercising = purpose['exercising']

    quest.editing_text    = json_arg['editing_text']
    quest.testing_text    = json_arg['testing_text']

    quest.blank_signature = json.dumps(json_arg['blank_signature'])

    if 'question_style' in json_arg:
        question_style = json_arg['question_style']

        # 将题型转换成题型的标签号
        found_labels = find_labels(repos_sn, [question_style], 'S')
        if question_style in found_labels:
            quest.question_style = found_labels[question_style]

    quest.updated_ts = now

    dmerge(quest, orig_quest)

    if not quest_sn:
        # 如果是新建的还需要,一并处理已经打的分类和标签

        if 'saveforlater' in json_arg and json_arg['saveforlater']:
            put_saveforlater(quest.quest_sn, {'status': True})

        if 'tags' in json_arg:
            _put_labels(repos_sn, quest.quest_sn, json_arg['tags'], 'T')

        if 'categories' in json_arg:
            _put_labels(repos_sn, quest.quest_sn, json_arg['categories'], 'C')

    # After it is created, a value should be returned  with a new seqno
    return quest
文件: quest.py 项目: tjpumis/alchemy
def _put_labels(repos_sn, quest_sn, label_texts, label_type):

    found_labels = find_labels(repos_sn, label_texts, label_type)

    not_founds = list(filter(lambda t: t not in found_labels, label_texts))
    if not_founds:
        busilogic.fail('没找到标签号: %s' % ', '.join(not_founds))

    quest_label = ts_quest_labels(quest_sn=quest_sn, type = label_type)
    quest_label.labels = [sn for sn in found_labels.values()]
    quest_label.updated_ts = datetime.utcnow()

    original = drecall(ts_quest_labels(quest_sn=quest_sn, type = label_type))
    dmerge(quest_label, original)