    def make_backup(self,
        Create a Backup with specific message info.

        ``grading`` is a string where each character is a grade for a question:

            'c' - correct
            'p' - passed at least one testcase
            'f' - failed
            ' ' - omitted

        ``attempts`` is a string where each character is the number of attempts
        for a question:

            '#' - number of attempts
            ' ' - omitted

        ``submit`` where the Backup is a submission
        grading = grading or ''
        attempts = attempts or ''
        custom_time = time or dt.datetime.utcnow()
        messages = {
            'grading': {
                q: {
                    'failed': 0 if result == 'c' else 1,
                    'locked': 0 if result == 'c' else 1,
                    'passed': 1 if result == 'p' else 0
                for q, result in enumerate(grading) if result != ' '
            'analytics': {
                'history': {
                    'questions': {
                        q: {
                            'solved': result == 'c',
                            'attempts': int(n) if n != ' ' else 0
                        for q, (result, n) in enumerate(
                            zip_longest(grading, attempts, fillvalue=' '))
                        if not (result == ' ' and n == ' ')
        backup = api.make_backup(self.user1, self.assignment.id, messages,
        backup.created = custom_time
        return backup
文件: student.py 项目: gratimax/ok
def submit_assignment(name):
    assign = get_assignment(name)
    group = Group.lookup(current_user, assign)
    user_ids = assign.active_user_ids(current_user.id)
    fs = assign.final_submission(user_ids)

    if not assign.uploads_enabled:
        flash("This assignment cannot be submitted online", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('.assignment', name=assign.name))
    if not assign.active:
        flash("It's too late to submit this assignment", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('.assignment', name=assign.name))

    form = UploadSubmissionForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        files = request.files.getlist("upload_files")
        if files:
            templates = assign.files
            messages = {'file_contents': {}}
            for upload in files:
                data = upload.read()
                if len(data) > 2097152:
                    # File is too large (over 2 MB)
                    flash("{} is over the maximum file size limit of 2MB".format(upload.filename),
                    return redirect(url_for('.submit_assignment', name=assign.name))
                messages['file_contents'][upload.filename] = str(data, 'latin1')
            if templates:
                missing = []
                for template in templates:
                    if template not in messages['file_contents']:
                if missing:
                    flash(("Missing files: {}. The following files are required: {}"
                           .format(', '.join(missing), ', '.join([t for t in templates]))
                           ), 'danger')
                    return redirect(url_for('.submit_assignment', name=assign.name))

            backup = make_backup(current_user, assign.id, messages, True)
            if form.flag_submission.data:
                assign.flag(backup.id, user_ids)
            if assign.autograding_key:
                except ValueError as e:
                    logger.warning('Web submission did not autograde', exc_info=True)
                    flash('Did not send to autograder: {}'.format(e), 'warning')

            flash("Uploaded submission (ID: {})".format(backup.hashid), 'success')
            return redirect(url_for('.assignment', name=assign.name))

    return render_template('student/assignment/submit.html', assignment=assign,
                           group=group, course=assign.course, form=form)
    def test_extension_after_backups(self):
        """ Backups from before the extension was made should use the extension
        time instead of the submission time.
        now = dt.datetime.utcnow()
        self.assignment.due_date = now - dt.timedelta(hours=1)

        # Make a late backup
        backup = api.make_backup(self.user1, self.assignment.id, messages={}, submit=True)
        self.assertFalse(backup.submission_time <= self.assignment.due_date)

        # After an extension, backup should no longer be late
        early = now - dt.timedelta(days=1)
        ext = self._make_ext(self.assignment, self.user1, custom_time=early)
        self.assertTrue(backup.submission_time <= self.assignment.due_date)
    def test_extension_after_backups(self):
        """ Backups from before the extension was made should use the extension
        time instead of the submission time.
        now = dt.datetime.utcnow()
        self.assignment.due_date = now - dt.timedelta(hours=1)

        # Make a late backup
        backup = api.make_backup(self.user1, self.assignment.id, messages={}, submit=True)
        self.assertFalse(backup.submission_time <= self.assignment.due_date)

        # After an extension, backup should no longer be late
        early = now - dt.timedelta(days=1)
        ext = self._make_ext(self.assignment, self.user1, custom_time=early)
        self.assertTrue(backup.submission_time <= self.assignment.due_date)
def staff_submit_backup(cid, email, aid):
    assign = Assignment.query.filter_by(id=aid, course_id=cid).one_or_none()
    if not assign or not Assignment.can(assign, current_user, 'grade'):
        return abort(404)
    result_page = url_for('.student_assignment_detail', cid=cid,
                          email=email, aid=aid)
    student = User.lookup(email)
    if not student:
    user_ids = assign.active_user_ids(student.id)
    # TODO: DRY - Unify with student upload code - should just be a function
    form = forms.UploadSubmissionForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        files = request.files.getlist("upload_files")
        if files:
            templates = assign.files
            messages = {'file_contents': {}}
            for upload in files:
                data = upload.read()
                if len(data) > 2097152:
                    # File is too large (over 2 MB)
                    flash(("{} is over the maximum file size limit of 2MB"
                    return redirect(result_page)
                messages['file_contents'][upload.filename] = str(data, 'latin1')
            if templates:
                missing = []
                for template in templates:
                    if template not in messages['file_contents']:
                if missing:
                    flash(("Missing files: {}. The following files are required: {}"
                           .format(', '.join(missing), ', '.join([t for t in templates]))
                           ), 'danger')
                    return redirect(result_page)
            # use student, not current_user
            backup = ok_api.make_backup(student, assign.id, messages, True)
            if form.flag_submission.data:
                assign.flag(backup.id, user_ids)
            if assign.autograding_key:
                except ValueError as e:
                    flash('Did not send to autograder: {}'.format(e), 'warning')

            flash("Uploaded submission (ID: {})".format(backup.hashid), 'success')
            return redirect(result_page)
文件: admin.py 项目: gratimax/ok
def staff_submit_backup(cid, email, aid):
    assign = Assignment.query.filter_by(id=aid, course_id=cid).one_or_none()
    if not assign or not Assignment.can(assign, current_user, 'grade'):
        return abort(404)
    result_page = url_for('.student_assignment_detail', cid=cid,
                          email=email, aid=aid)
    student = User.lookup(email)
    if not student:
    user_ids = assign.active_user_ids(student.id)
    # TODO: DRY - Unify with student upload code - should just be a function
    form = forms.UploadSubmissionForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        files = request.files.getlist("upload_files")
        if files:
            templates = assign.files
            messages = {'file_contents': {}}
            for upload in files:
                data = upload.read()
                if len(data) > 2097152:
                    # File is too large (over 2 MB)
                    flash(("{} is over the maximum file size limit of 2MB"
                    return redirect(result_page)
                messages['file_contents'][upload.filename] = str(data, 'latin1')
            if templates:
                missing = []
                for template in templates:
                    if template not in messages['file_contents']:
                if missing:
                    flash(("Missing files: {}. The following files are required: {}"
                           .format(', '.join(missing), ', '.join([t for t in templates]))
                           ), 'danger')
                    return redirect(result_page)
            # use student, not current_user
            backup = ok_api.make_backup(student, assign.id, messages, True)
            if form.flag_submission.data:
                assign.flag(backup.id, user_ids)
            if assign.autograding_key:
                except ValueError as e:
                    flash('Did not send to autograder: {}'.format(e), 'warning')

            flash("Uploaded submission (ID: {})".format(backup.hashid), 'success')
            return redirect(result_page)
    def make_backup(self, grading=None, attempts=None, submit=False, time=None):
        Create a Backup with specific message info.

        ``grading`` is a string where each character is a grade for a question:

            'c' - correct
            'p' - passed at least one testcase
            'f' - failed
            ' ' - omitted

        ``attempts`` is a string where each character is the number of attempts
        for a question:

            '#' - number of attempts
            ' ' - omitted

        ``submit`` where the Backup is a submission
        grading = grading or ''
        attempts = attempts or ''
        custom_time = time or dt.datetime.utcnow()
        messages = {
            'grading': {
                q: {
                    'failed': 0 if result == 'c' else 1,
                    'locked': 0 if result == 'c' else 1,
                    'passed': 1 if result == 'p' else 0
                for q, result in enumerate(grading) if result != ' '
            'analytics': {
                'history': {
                    'questions': {
                q: {
                    'solved': result == 'c',
                    'attempts': int(n) if n != ' ' else 0
                for q, (result, n) in enumerate(zip_longest(grading, attempts, fillvalue=' '))
                    if not (result == ' ' and n == ' ')
        backup = api.make_backup(self.user1, self.assignment.id, messages, submit)
        backup.created = custom_time
        return backup
文件: student.py 项目: xiaomeow/ok
def submit_assignment(name):
    assign = get_assignment(name)
    group = Group.lookup(current_user, assign)
    user_ids = assign.active_user_ids(current_user.id)
    fs = assign.final_submission(user_ids)

    if not assign.uploads_enabled:
        flash("This assignment cannot be submitted online", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('.assignment', name=assign.name))
    if not assign.active:
        flash("It's too late to submit this assignment", 'warning')
        return redirect(url_for('.assignment', name=assign.name))

    form = UploadSubmissionForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        files = request.files.getlist("upload_files")
        if files:
            templates = assign.files
            messages = {'file_contents': {}}
            for upload in files:
                data = upload.read()
                if len(data) > 2097152:
                    # File is too large (over 2 MB)
                        "{} is over the maximum file size limit of 2MB".format(
                            upload.filename), 'danger')
                    return redirect(
                        url_for('.submit_assignment', name=assign.name))
                messages['file_contents'][upload.filename] = str(
                    data, 'latin1')
            if templates:
                missing = []
                for template in templates:
                    if template not in messages['file_contents']:
                if missing:
                        "Missing files: {}. The following files are required: {}"
                        .format(', '.join(missing), ', '.join(
                            [t for t in templates]))), 'danger')
                    return redirect(
                        url_for('.submit_assignment', name=assign.name))

            backup = make_backup(current_user, assign.id, messages, True)
            if form.flag_submission.data:
                assign.flag(backup.id, user_ids)
            if assign.autograding_key:
                except ValueError as e:
                    logger.warning('Web submission did not autograde',
                    flash('Did not send to autograder: {}'.format(e),

            flash("Uploaded submission (ID: {})".format(backup.hashid),
            return redirect(url_for('.assignment', name=assign.name))

    return render_template('student/assignment/submit.html',