    def as_dto_with_instructions(self, preferred_locale: str = 'en') -> TaskDTO:
        """ Get dto with any task instructions """
        task_history = []
        for action in self.task_history:
            history = TaskHistoryDTO()
            history.history_id = action.id
            history.action = action.action
            history.action_text = action.action_text
            history.action_date = action.action_date
            history.action_by = action.actioned_by.username if action.actioned_by else None


        task_dto = TaskDTO()
        task_dto.task_id = self.id
        task_dto.project_id = self.project_id
        task_dto.task_status = TaskStatus(self.task_status).name
        task_dto.lock_holder = self.lock_holder.username if self.lock_holder else None
        task_dto.task_history = task_history
        task_dto.auto_unlock_seconds = Task.auto_unlock_delta().total_seconds()

        per_task_instructions = self.get_per_task_instructions(preferred_locale)

        # If we don't have instructions in preferred locale try again for default locale
        task_dto.per_task_instructions = per_task_instructions if per_task_instructions else self.get_per_task_instructions(

        return task_dto
    def as_dto(self):
        Creates a Task DTO suitable for transmitting via the API
        :param task_id: Task ID in scope
        :param project_id: Project ID in scope
        :return: JSON serializable Task DTO
        task_history = []
        for action in self.task_history:
            if action.action_text is None:
                continue  # Don't return any history without action text

            history = TaskHistoryDTO()
            history.action = action.action
            history.action_text = action.action_text
            history.action_date = action.action_date
            history.action_by = action.actioned_by.username if action.actioned_by else None


        task_dto = TaskDTO()
        task_dto.task_id = self.id
        task_dto.project_id = self.project_id
        task_dto.task_status = TaskStatus(self.task_status).name
        task_dto.lock_holder = self.lock_holder.username if self.lock_holder else None
        task_dto.task_history = task_history

        return task_dto