def get_user_contributions(project_id: int) -> ProjectContributionsDTO: """ Get all user contributions on a project""" contrib_query = '''select m.mapped_by, m.username, m.mapped, v.validated_by, v.username, v.validated from (select t.mapped_by, u.username, count(t.mapped_by) mapped from tasks t, users u where t.mapped_by = and t.project_id = {0} and t.mapped_by is not null group by t.mapped_by, u.username) m FULL OUTER JOIN (select t.validated_by, u.username, count(t.validated_by) validated from tasks t, users u where t.validated_by = and t.project_id = {0} and t.validated_by is not null group by t.validated_by, u.username) v ON m.mapped_by = v.validated_by '''.format(project_id) results = db.engine.execute(contrib_query) if results.rowcount == 0: raise NotFound() contrib_dto = ProjectContributionsDTO() for row in results: user_contrib = UserContribution() user_contrib.username = row[1] if row[1] else row[4] user_contrib.mapped = row[2] if row[2] else 0 user_contrib.validated = row[5] if row[5] else 0 contrib_dto.user_contributions.append(user_contrib) return contrib_dto
def get_user_contributions(project_id: int) -> ProjectContributionsDTO: """ Get all user contributions on a project""" contrib_query = '''select m.mapped_by, m.username, m.mapped, v.validated_by, v.username, v.validated from (select t.mapped_by, u.username, count(t.mapped_by) mapped from tasks t, users u where t.mapped_by = and t.project_id = {0} and t.mapped_by is not null group by t.mapped_by, u.username) m FULL OUTER JOIN (select t.validated_by, u.username, count(t.validated_by) validated from tasks t, users u where t.validated_by = and t.project_id = {0} and t.validated_by is not null group by t.validated_by, u.username) v ON m.mapped_by = v.validated_by '''.format(project_id) results = db.engine.execute(contrib_query) if results.rowcount == 0: raise NotFound() contrib_dto = ProjectContributionsDTO() for row in results: if row[0]: user_contrib = UserContribution() user_contrib.username = row[1] if row[1] else row[4] user_contrib.mapped = row[2] if row[2] else 0 user_contrib.validated = row[5] if row[5] else 0 user_contrib.total_time_spent = 0 user_contrib.time_spent_mapping = 0 user_contrib.time_spent_validating = 0 sql = """SELECT SUM(TO_TIMESTAMP(action_text, 'HH24:MI:SS')::TIME) FROM task_history WHERE action='LOCKED_FOR_MAPPING' and user_id = {0} and project_id = {1};""".format(row[0], project_id) total_mapping_time = db.engine.execute(sql) for time in total_mapping_time: total_mapping_time = time[0] if total_mapping_time: user_contrib.time_spent_mapping = total_mapping_time.total_seconds() user_contrib.total_time_spent += user_contrib.time_spent_mapping sql = """SELECT SUM(TO_TIMESTAMP(action_text, 'HH24:MI:SS')::TIME) FROM task_history WHERE action='LOCKED_FOR_VALIDATION' and user_id = {0} and project_id = {1};""".format(row[0], project_id) total_validation_time = db.engine.execute(sql) for time in total_validation_time: total_validation_time = time[0] if total_validation_time: user_contrib.time_spent_validating = total_validation_time.total_seconds() user_contrib.total_time_spent += user_contrib.time_spent_validating contrib_dto.user_contributions.append(user_contrib) return contrib_dto