def change_source_parameter(data, parameter_key: str, old_value, new_value, scope: EditScope) -> List[ItemId]: """Change the parameter of all sources of the specified type and the same old value to the new value. Return the ids of the changed reports, subjects, metrics, and sources. """ changed_ids: List[ItemId] = [] for source, uuids in _sources_to_change(data, scope): if source["type"] == data.source["type"] and ( source["parameters"].get(parameter_key) or None) == (old_value or None): source["parameters"][parameter_key] = new_value changed_ids.extend(uuids) return list(unique(changed_ids))
def changelog(database: Database, nr_changes: int, **uuids): """Return the changelog, narrowed to a single report, subject, metric, or source if so required. The uuids keyword arguments may contain report_uuid="report_uuid", and one of subject_uuid="subject_uuid", metric_uuid="metric_uuid", and source_uuid="source_uuid".""" projection = {"delta.description": True, "": True, "timestamp": True} delta_filter: Dict[str, Union[Dict, List]] = {"delta": DOES_EXIST} changes: List[Change] = [] if not uuids: changes.extend(database.reports_overviews.find( filter=delta_filter, sort=TIMESTAMP_DESCENDING, limit=nr_changes*2, projection=projection)) old_report_delta_filter = {f"delta.{key}": value for key, value in uuids.items() if value} new_report_delta_filter = {"delta.uuids": {"$in": list(uuids.values())}} delta_filter["$or"] = [old_report_delta_filter, new_report_delta_filter] changes.extend(database.reports.find( filter=delta_filter, sort=TIMESTAMP_DESCENDING, limit=nr_changes*2, projection=projection)) changes = sorted(changes, reverse=True, key=lambda change: change["timestamp"]) # Weed out potential duplicates, because when a user moves items between reports both reports get the same delta return list(unique(changes, lambda change: cast(Dict[str, str], change["delta"])["description"]))[:nr_changes]