def zzz(ctx, force=False): """ Step 6: Cleanup. Remove local branches and close Jira ticket :param force: Force delete the local branch even if it's not fully merged """ helpers.check_mongo_repo_root() ticket_conf = helpers.get_ticket_conf(ctx) feature_branch = git.cur_branch_name(ctx) base_branch = ticket_conf.base_branch get_logger().info(f'🍦 Congrats on completing {feature_branch.upper()}! 🍦') input(actionable(f'Press any key to remove local branches and close the Jira ticket')) config.Config().in_progress_tickets.pop(feature_branch)'git checkout {base_branch}') try: if force:'git branch -D {feature_branch}') else:'git branch --delete {feature_branch}') except UnexpectedExit as e: get_logger().error(e) get_logger().error(f'Failed to delete branch, please manually delete your local branch {feature_branch}') jira.transition_ticket( feature_branch.upper(), 'In Code Review', 'Close Issue' )
def patch(ctx, finalize='yes', alias='required'): """ Step 3: Run a patch build in Evergreen CI :param alias: the Evergreen alias for determining the set of tasks to run, defaults to "required". :param finalize: pass in any falsy value to avoid kicking off the patch build immediately. """ helpers.check_mongo_repo_root() ticket_conf = helpers.get_ticket_conf(ctx) if not ticket_conf.commits: get_logger().warning('Did not find any commits on this branch. Please make sure you run `commit` ' 'before `patch`') # Use the commit message from the latest commit as the patch build description. commit_msg ='git log -1 --pretty=%B').stdout.strip() cmd = f'evergreen patch --alias {alias} --description "{commit_msg}" --yes' if finalize == 'yes': # Any other value specified through the commandline is considered falsy. cmd += ' --finalize' res =, hide=False, echo=True) # Sketchy regex parsing of the output of "evergreen patch" evg_url ="Build : (.*)", res.stdout, re.MULTILINE).group(1) patch_id = evg_url.split('/')[-1] with'evergreen patch-set-module --id {patch_id} --module enterprise --yes', hide=False, echo=True) ticket_conf = helpers.get_ticket_conf(ctx) ticket_conf.patch_ids.append(patch_id) if finalize != 'yes': # Point the user to the patch build URL if finalize is false. else: get_logger().info(f'Patch build starting at URL: {evg_url}') get_logger().info('You can configure Slack and Email notifications for your patch builds at ' '')
def ship(ctx): """ Step 5: Provide instructions on pushing your changes to master Also add the URL of the latest patch build to the Jira ticket. """ helpers.check_mongo_repo_root() ticket_conf = helpers.get_ticket_conf(ctx) cur_branch = git.cur_branch_name(ctx) if ticket_conf.patch_ids: jira.add_comment( cur_branch.upper(), f'Patch Build: {urllib.parse.urljoin(config.EVG_PATCH_URL_BASE, ticket_conf.patch_ids[-1])}', visibility={'type': 'role', 'value': 'Developers'} ) else: get_logger().warning('No patch builds were created for this ticket, not adding patch build URL to Jira') # This will implicitly check for uncommitted changes on the feature branch git.refresh_repos(ctx, ticket_conf.base_branch) lines = [ actionable('Please run the following commands to push your changes to the upstream MongoDB repository:'), '', f' git rebase --interactive {ticket_conf.base_branch}', f' git checkout {ticket_conf.base_branch}', f' git merge --ff-only {cur_branch}', f' git push origin {ticket_conf.base_branch} --dry-run', f' git push origin {ticket_conf.base_branch}', '', 'As part of `git rebase --interactive`, you should squash your local commits into one commit. Please refer to', 'this guide for an intro to interactive rebase:', '', 'If you encounter errors during any of the above steps, please ask your mentor for advice.', '', 'Finally, when you\'ve pushed your changes, run `workflow zzz` to delete your local branches' ] log.log_multiline(get_logger().info, lines)
def commit(ctx): """ Step 2: Format code and commit changes to existing files; please manually `git add` new files """ helpers.check_mongo_repo_root() raw_commit_msg = input('Please enter your commit message (without ticket number): ') # Format code before committing. helpers.format_code(ctx) commit_info = config.CommitInfo() def do_commit(repo): has_changes ='git diff HEAD').stdout.strip() if has_changes: branch = git.cur_branch_name(ctx)'git add -u', echo=True, hide=False)'git commit -m "{branch.upper()} {raw_commit_msg}"', echo=True, hide=False) commit_hash ='git rev-parse --verify HEAD').stdout.strip() if repo == 'community': = commit_hash elif repo == 'enterprise': commit_info.enterprise = commit_hash else: raise ValueError('Unknown repo type %s', repo) else: get_logger().info('No changes found in repo: %s', repo) try: do_commit('community') with do_commit('enterprise') finally: if not commit_info.is_empty(): ticket_conf = helpers.get_ticket_conf(ctx) ticket_conf.commits.append(commit_info)
def review(ctx): """ Step 4: Open a new code review (CR) or put up a new patch to an existing code review """ helpers.check_mongo_repo_root() ticket_conf = helpers.get_ticket_conf(ctx) if not ticket_conf.commits: get_logger().warning('Did not find any commits on this branch. Please make sure you run `commit` ' 'before `review`') with ctx.prefix(helpers.virtualenv): def upload(existing_cr, repo_name): has_changes ='git diff {ticket_conf.base_branch}').stdout.strip() if has_changes: get_logger().info(f'Submitting code review for the {repo_name} repo') else: get_logger().info(f'There are no changes in the {repo_name} repository, skipping code review') return cmd = f'python {str(config.UPLOAD_PY)} --rev {ticket_conf.base_branch}...' # Yes three dots. cmd += ' --nojira -y --git_similarity 90 --check-clang-format --check-eslint' if existing_cr is not None: # Continue an existing CR. cmd += f' -i {existing_cr}' else: # Start a new CR. commit_msg ='git log -1 --pretty=%B').stdout.strip() cr_title = input(f'Please enter the title for this code review (without the ticket number). ' f'Default: {commit_msg}') if not cr_title: cr_title = commit_msg else: # Add the ticket number to the description. cr_title = f'{git.cur_branch_name(ctx).upper()} {commit_msg}' cmd += f' -t "{cr_title}"' get_logger().info('Opening browser to authenticate with OAuth2... ') # Simulate some newline inputs to get the browser to open. sim_stdin = io.StringIO(initial_value='\n\n') res =, in_stream=sim_stdin) if existing_cr is None: cr_url ='Issue created. URL: (.*)', res.stdout.strip()).group(1) cr_issue_number = cr_url.split('/')[-1] get_logger().info(f'Code review created: {cr_url}') ticket_number = git.cur_branch_name(ctx).upper() jira.transition_ticket(ticket_number, 'In Progress', 'Start Code Review') jira.add_comment( ticket_number, f'Code Review: {cr_url}', visibility={'type': 'role', 'value': 'Developers'} ) return cr_issue_number else: get_logger().info(f'Code review updated') return existing_cr = upload(, 'community') with ticket_conf.cr_info.enterprise = upload(ticket_conf.cr_info.enterprise, 'enterprise') note = actionable('Note:') get_logger().info('') get_logger().info(f'{note} Step 3 (patch build) and Step 4 (code review) may need to be repeated to address') get_logger().info(' CR feedback or to validate new changes. Please consult with your mentor on the exact') get_logger().info(' workflow for your team.') get_logger().info('') req_input('Press any key to open the code review app...')'')