def main():
    TODO: Add argparse, --delete : Deletes existing users in openstack (Never use in PROD)
    openstack = Provider.objects.filter(
    if not openstack:
        raise Provider.DoesNotExist("No OpenStack Provider Found")
    openstack = openstack[0]
    os_driver = OSAccountDriver(openstack)
    found = 0
    create = 0
    usernames = os_driver.list_usergroup_names()
    quota_dict = {
        'cpu': 10,
        'memory': 20,
        'storage': 10,
        'storage_count': 10
    higher_quota = Quota.objects.get_or_create(**quota_dict)[0]
    for user in usernames:
        # Openstack account exists, but we need the identity.
        ident = os_driver.create_account(user)
        if is_staff(ident):
            im = ident.identity_membership.all()[0]
            # Disable time allocation
            im.allocation = None
        # Raise everybody's quota
        im.quota = higher_quota
    print "Total users added to atmosphere:%s" % len(usernames)
def main():
    TODO: Add argparse, --delete : Deletes existing users in openstack (Never use in PROD)
    openstack = Provider.objects.filter(
    if not openstack:
        raise Provider.DoesNotExist("No OpenStack Provider Found")
    openstack = openstack[0]
    os_driver = OSAccountDriver(openstack)
    found = 0
    create = 0
    usernames = os_driver.list_usergroup_names()
    quota_dict = {'cpu': 10, 'memory': 20, 'storage': 10, 'storage_count': 10}
    higher_quota = Quota.objects.get_or_create(**quota_dict)[0]
    for user in usernames:
        # Openstack account exists, but we need the identity.
        ident = os_driver.create_account(user)
        if is_staff(ident):
            im = ident.identity_membership.all()[0]
            #Disable time allocation
            im.allocation = None
        #Raise everybody's quota
        im.quota = higher_quota
    print "Total users added to atmosphere:%s" % len(usernames)
def main():
    TODO: Add argparse, --delete : Deletes existing users in openstack (Never use in PROD)
    openstack = Provider.objects.get(location='iPlant Cloud - Tucson')
    os_driver = OSAccountDriver(openstack)
    found = 0
    create = 0
    quota_dict = {
        'memory': 128,
        'storage': 10,
        'storage_count': 10
    higher_quota = Quota.objects.get_or_create(**quota_dict)[0]

    usernames = os_driver.list_usergroup_names()
    staff = get_staff_users()

    staff_users = sorted(list(set(staff) & set(usernames)))
    non_staff = sorted(list(set(usernames) - set(staff)))
    for user in non_staff:
        #Raise everybody's quota
        im_list = IdentityMembership.objects.filter(identity__created_by__username=user, identity__provider=openstack)
        if not im_list:
            print "Missing user:%s" % user
        im = im_list[0]
        if not im.allocation:
            print "User missing Allocation: %s" % user
            im.allocation = Allocation.default_allocation()
        #Ignore the quota set if you are above it..
        if im.quota.cpu >= quota_dict["cpu"] \
                or im.quota.memory >= quota_dict["memory"]:
        print "Existing Quota CPU:%s should be %s" % (im.quota.cpu, quota_dict["cpu"])
        im.quota = higher_quota
        print 'Found non-staff user:%s -- Update quota and add allocation' % user
    #for user in staff_users:
    #    # Openstack account exists, but we need the identity.
    #    im = IdentityMembership.objects.filter(identity__created_by__username=user, identity__provider=openstack)
    #    if not im:
    #        print "Missing user:%s" % user
    #        continue
    #    im = im[0]
    #    if im.quota.cpu == quota_dict["cpu"]:
    #        continue
    #    #Disable time allocation
    #    im.allocation = None
    #    im.quota = higher_quota
    #    print 'Found staff user:%s -- Update quota and no allocation' % user
    print "Total users added to atmosphere:%s" % len(usernames)
def main():
    TODO: Add argparse, --delete : Deletes existing users in openstack (Never use in PROD)
    openstack = Provider.objects.get(location='iPlant Cloud - Tucson')
    os_driver = OSAccountDriver(openstack)
    found = 0
    create = 0
    quota_dict = {'cpu': 16, 'memory': 128, 'storage': 10, 'storage_count': 10}
    higher_quota = Quota.objects.get_or_create(**quota_dict)[0]

    usernames = os_driver.list_usergroup_names()
    staff = get_staff_users()

    staff_users = sorted(list(set(staff) & set(usernames)))
    non_staff = sorted(list(set(usernames) - set(staff)))
    for user in non_staff:
        #Raise everybody's quota
        im_list = IdentityMembership.objects.filter(
            identity__created_by__username=user, identity__provider=openstack)
        if not im_list:
            print "Missing user:%s" % user
        im = im_list[0]
        if not im.allocation:
            print "User missing Allocation: %s" % user
            im.allocation = Allocation.default_allocation()
        #Ignore the quota set if you are above it..
        if im.quota.cpu >= quota_dict["cpu"] \
                or im.quota.memory >= quota_dict["memory"]:
        print "Existing Quota CPU:%s should be %s" % (im.quota.cpu,
        im.quota = higher_quota
        print 'Found non-staff user:%s -- Update quota and add allocation' % user
    #for user in staff_users:
    #    # Openstack account exists, but we need the identity.
    #    im = IdentityMembership.objects.filter(identity__created_by__username=user, identity__provider=openstack)
    #    if not im:
    #        print "Missing user:%s" % user
    #        continue
    #    im = im[0]
    #    if im.quota.cpu == quota_dict["cpu"]:
    #        continue
    #    #Disable time allocation
    #    im.allocation = None
    #    im.quota = higher_quota
    #    print 'Found staff user:%s -- Update quota and no allocation' % user
    print "Total users added to atmosphere:%s" % len(usernames)