def myInfo(): user = app.apictx.getUser() if user == None: raise UnauthorizedAccessError() minfo = {} for fn in ('username', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name'): minfo[fn] = getattr(user, fn) return apiresponse({'record': minfo})
def todos(): user = app.apictx.getUser() if user == None: raise UnauthorizedAccessError() (order_by, order_asc) = orderByValidate(request.args.get('order_by', 'id, asc'), 'order_by', ('title', 'id', 'created_at'), Todo) ints = intsValidate( request.args, (IntColumnDef('offset', 0, 0, None), IntColumnDef( 'limit', 10, 1, 1000), IntColumnDef('checked', -1, 0, 1))) filter_by_extra = {} if ints['checked'] != -1: filter_by_extra['checked'] = ints['checked'] with app.apictx.dbsession_scope() as dbs: items = dbs.query(Todo) \ .filter_by(, **filter_by_extra) \ .order_by(order_by.asc() if order_asc else order_by.desc()) \ .offset(ints['offset']).limit(ints['limit']) count = dbs.query(Todo) \ .filter_by(, **filter_by_extra) \ .count() return apiresponse({ 'records': [jsonFromRecord(i, todo_columns) for i in items], 'count': count })
def todoDelete(todo_id): user = app.apictx.getUser() if user == None: raise UnauthorizedAccessError() with app.apictx.dbsession_scope() as dbs: todo = dbs.query(Todo).filter_by(, id=todo_id).first() if todo == None: raise HttpApiError("The todo item does not exists!", 404) dbs.delete(todo) return apiresponse({})
def todo(todo_id): if request.method == 'DELETE': return todoDelete(todo_id) user = app.apictx.getUser() if user == None: raise UnauthorizedAccessError() dbs = app.apictx.dbsession() try: item = dbs.query(Todo).filter_by(, id=todo_id).one() return apiresponse({'record': jsonFromRecord(item, todo_columns)}) except MultipleResultsFound: raise Exception("Panic!, Multiple value for filter pk is not allowed") except NoResultFound: raise HttpApiError("The todo item does not exists!", 404) finally: dbs.close()
def register(): udata = {} # required paramters # also check limit udata = simpleValidate(request.form, User, \ ('username', 'password', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email')) emailValidate(udata['email']) # check username availability with app.apictx.dbsession_scope() as dbs: if dbs.query(User).filter_by(username=udata['username']).count() > 0: raise HttpInputError("Username is not available!") salt = bcrypt.gensalt() udata['password'] = bcrypt.hashpw(udata['password'].encode('UTF-8'), salt).decode('UTF-8') user = User(**udata) dbs.add(user) return apiresponse({}) # no need to send id
def todoCreate(): user = app.apictx.getUser() if user == None: raise UnauthorizedAccessError() data = simpleValidate(request.form, Todo, ('title', )) ints = intsValidate(request.form, [IntColumnDef('checked', 0, 0, 1)]) data['checked'] = ints['checked'] data['owner_id'] = data['created_at'] = sqlfunc.current_timestamp() data['description'] = request.form.get('description', '') if 'image' in request.files: uploadImageValidate(request.files['image']) with app.apictx.dbsession_scope() as dbs: todo = Todo(**data) dbs.add(todo) dbs.commit() if 'image' in request.files: f = request.files['image'] (fbasename, fext) = os.path.splitext(secure_filename(f.filename)) ffn = todoMkImageFN(todo, fext) image_path = '%s/%s' % (UPLOAD_PATH, ffn) todo.image = ffn return apiresponse({'id':})
def login(): for cn in ('username', 'password'): val = request.form.get(cn, '') if len(val) == 0: raise HttpInputError("`%s' is required" % cn) dbs = app.apictx.dbsession() try: user = dbs.query(User).filter_by( username=request.form['username']).one() try: if bcrypt.checkpw(request.form['password'].encode('UTF-8'), user.password.encode('UTF-8')): session['user_id'] = return apiresponse({}) except ValueError: pass except MultipleResultsFound: raise Exception("Panic!, Multiple username is not allowed") except NoResultFound: pass finally: dbs.close() raise HttpApiError("Username or Password are not correct", 403)
def logout(): session.pop('user_id', None) return apiresponse({})