    def __init__(self, args):

        # Create an event which we will use to wait on. The "service stop"
        # request will set this event.
        # * We must make it inheritable so we can pass it to the child
        #   process via the cmd-line
        # * Must be manual reset so each child process and our service
        #   all get woken from a single set of the event.
        sa = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
        sa.bInheritHandle = True
        self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(sa, True, False, None)

        self.args = args
        self.dirs = None
        self.runner_prefix = None

        # Patch up the service messages file in a frozen exe.
        # (We use the py2exe option that magically bundles the .pyd files
        # into the .zip file - so servicemanager.pyd doesn't exist.)
        if is_frozen and servicemanager.RunningAsService():
            msg_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable),
            if os.path.isfile(msg_file):
                servicemanager.Initialize("BuildBot", msg_file)
                self.warning("Strange - '%s' does not exist" % (msg_file, ))
def redirectSystemStreamsIfNecessary(stdout=None, stderr=None):
	# Python programs running as Windows NT services must not send output to
	# the default sys.stdout or sys.stderr streams, because those streams are
	# not fully functional in the NT service execution environment.  Sending
	# output to them will eventually (but not immediately) cause an IOError
	# ("Bad file descriptor"), which can be quite mystifying to the
	# uninitiated.  This problem can be overcome by replacing the default
	# system streams with a stream that discards any data passed to it (like
	# redirection to /dev/null on Unix).
	# However, the pywin32 service framework supports a debug mode, under which
	# the streams are fully functional and should not be redirected.
	shouldRedirect = True
		import servicemanager
	except ImportError:
		# If we can't even 'import servicemanager', we're obviously not running
		# as a service, so the streams shouldn't be redirected.
		shouldRedirect = False
		# Unlike previous builds, pywin32 builds >= 200 allow the
		# servicemanager module to be imported even in a program that isn't
		# running as a service.  In such a situation, it would not be desirable
		# to redirect the system streams.
		# However, it was not until pywin32 build 203 that a 'RunningAsService'
		# predicate was added to allow client code to determine whether it's
		# running as a service.
		# This program logic redirects only when necessary if using any build
		# of pywin32 except 200-202.  With 200-202, the redirection is a bit
		# more conservative than is strictly necessary.
		if servicemanager.Debugging() or \
				(hasattr(servicemanager, 'RunningAsService') and not
			shouldRedirect = False

	if shouldRedirect:
		if not stdout:
			stdout = open('nul', 'w')
		sys.stdout = stdout
		if not stderr:
			stderr = open('nul', 'w')
		sys.stderr = stderr
	return shouldRedirect
def main(cmd, base_path, home_conf, winhndl=None):
    if base_path not in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(0, base_path)
    log = file_log(Path.sched_log)

    globals()['log'] = log

    # Trying to adjust signals when running as a windows service won't work
    # since it needs to be adjusted while on the main thread.
    if not servicemanager.RunningAsService():
        if os.name == "posix":
            signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, safe_shutdown)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, safe_shutdown)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, safe_shutdown)

    cmds = {'start': start}
        log.info("Resuming emadb %s Windows service", __version__)
        logger.sysLogInfo("Resuming emadb %s Windows service" % __version__)

    def SvcOtherEx(self, control, event_type, data):
        '''Implements a Reload functionality as a  service custom control'''
        if control == SERVICE_CONTROL_RELOAD:

    def SvcDoReload(self):
        logger.sysLogInfo("reloading emadb service")

    def SvcDoRun(self):
        '''Service Run entry point'''
        logger.sysLogInfo("Starting emadb %s Windows service" % __version__)
        logger.sysLogInfo("emadb %s Windows service stopped" % __version__)

def ctrlHandler(ctrlType):
    return True

if not servicemanager.RunningAsService():
    win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrlHandler, True)