def get(self): user = Authorization.isAuthenticated() if user: employees = EmployeeService.getAll() template_values = { 'employees' : employees } template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('partials/employees.html') self.response.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.redirect('/')
def get(self, employeeKeyUrlSafe): user = Authorization.isAuthenticated() if user: employee = EmployeeService.get(employeeKeyUrlSafe) template_values = { 'employeeName' : employee.employeeName, 'employeeKeyUrlSafe' : employeeKeyUrlSafe } template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('partials/employeeEdit.html') self.response.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.redirect('/')
def get(self, employeeKeyUrlSafe): user = Authorization.isAuthenticated() if user: try: dateFrom = CalendarDetail.dateFrom except: dateFrom = DateService.getFirstDateOfMonth().strftime('%m/%d/%Y') try: dateTo = CalendarDetail.dateTo except: dateTo = DateService.getLastDateOfMonth().strftime('%m/%d/%Y') employee = EmployeeService.get(employeeKeyUrlSafe) clients = ClientService.getAll() lineItems = LineItemService.getAllInRangeForEmployee(employeeKeyUrlSafe, clients, dateFrom, dateTo) if lineItems == None: lineItems = [] lineItemDates = [] for lineItem in lineItems: if lineItem.dateOfService not in lineItemDates: lineItemDates.append(lineItem.dateOfService) calendarLineItemViewModels = [] for lineItemDate in lineItemDates: lineItemServices = [] for lineItem in lineItems: if lineItem.dateOfService == lineItemDate: lineItemServices.append(lineItem.service) calendarLineItemViewModel = CalendarLineItem(lineItemDate, lineItemServices) calendarLineItemViewModels.append(calendarLineItemViewModel) template_values = { 'dateFrom' : dateFrom, 'dateTo' : dateTo, 'employee' : employee, 'calendarLineItemViewModels' : calendarLineItemViewModels } template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('partials/calendarDetail.html') self.response.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.redirect('/')
def post(self): user = Authorization.isAuthenticated() if user: try: addNewEmployee = self.request.get('addNewEmployee') updateEmployee = self.request.get('updateEmployee') deleteEmployee = self.request.get('deleteEmployee') employeeAccountManagerSubmit = self.request.get('employeeAccountManagerSubmit') if addNewEmployee: EmployeeService.saveNew(self.request) elif updateEmployee: EmployeeService.update(self.request) elif deleteEmployee: EmployeeService.delete(self.request) elif employeeAccountManagerSubmit: AccountManagerService.update(self.request) except: logging.error(" => post") finally: self.redirect('/employees') else: self.redirect('/')
class EmployeeUI: def __init__(self): self.__employee_service = EmployeeService() def header(self, i): """ This the header on the employee user interface we use it here in the functions down below :param i: :return: """ print("-" * 50) print("|{:^48}|".format(i)) print("-" * 50) print() def print_employees(self, emp): """ Prints out all style up and prints out the employees :param emp: :return: """ start = 0 stop = 10 count = 1 while True: print( "{:^6}|{:^22}|{:^17}|{:^11}|{:^17}|{:^32}|{:^14}|{:^18}|{:^5}|" .format("ID", "Name", "Passport number", "Country", "Address", "E-mail", "Phone number", "Driving license", "Age")) print("-" * 153) for ix, customer in enumerate(emp[start:stop]): print("{:^8}{:<23}{:<18}{:<12}{:<18}{:<33}{:<15}{:<19}{:<7}". format(ix + count, customer["Name"], customer["Passport number"], customer["Country"], customer["Address"], customer["Mail"], customer["Phone number"], customer["license"], customer["Age"])) print() y_n = input("Next / Previous / Quit searching (N/P/Q): ").lower() if y_n == "n" and count + 10 < len(emp): start, stop, count = self.__employee_service.next_list(stop) elif y_n == "n" and count + 10 >= len(emp): print("\nCant go forwards while on the last page\n") elif y_n == "p" and count != 1: start, stop, count = self.__employee_service.prev_list(start) elif y_n == 'p' and count == 1: print("\nCant go back while on the first page\n") continue elif y_n == 'q': return y_n else: print("\n\33[;31mWrong input, try again!\33[;0m\n") continue def add_employee(self): """ this give you the chance to create an employee. by asking you details about the customer. :return: """ self.header("Add employee") try: print("Creating Employee:") kt = input("\tEnter PPN/Kt number: ").translate(remove_punct_map) if self.__employee_service.check_kt(kt): print("\nCustomer already exists\n") else: name = input("\tEnter name: ").translate(remove_punct_map) country = input("\tEnter country: ").translate( remove_punct_map) address = input("\tEnter address: ").translate( remove_punct_map) mail = input("\tEnter mail: ").strip() phone = input("\tEnter phone number: ").translate( remove_punct_map) customer_license = input("\tEnter drivers license: ") age = int(input("\tEnter age: ")) new_employee = Employee(name, kt, country, address, mail, phone, customer_license, age) print(new_employee) if input( "Do you want to create this Employee? (\33[;32mY\33[;0m/\33[;31mN\33[;0m): " ).upper() == "Y": self.__employee_service.add_employee(new_employee) print("\nEmployee created!\n") else: print("\nNo employee created.\n") except Exception: print( "\n\33[;31mSomething went wrong, no employee created.\33[;0m\n" ) input("\33[;32mPress enter to continue \33[;0m") def list_employees(self, employees): """ This calls the print_employees function and list the employees, or tells you that there are no employees in the csv file. :param employees: :return: """ self.header("Employees") if employees: self.print_employees(employees) else: print("No employees\n") input("\33[;32mPress enter to continue \33[;0m") def remove_employee(self, employees): """ Remove an employee from the csv file.. by delete all employees, and all all the employee back without the specific employee that you chose by the ID :param employees: :return: """ self.header("Remove employee") if employees: removing = True while removing: self.print_employees(employees) employee_to_delete = input( "Select employee by Id (\33[;31mq to quit\33[;0m): ") if employee_to_delete.isdigit(): try: are_you_sure = input( "Are you sure you want to delete this employee? (\33[;32mY\33[;0m/\33[;31mN\33[;0m): " ).lower() if are_you_sure == "y": emp = self.__employee_service.get_employee_by_id( int(employee_to_delete)) print(emp["Name"]) self.__employee_service.remove_employee( int(employee_to_delete)) removing = False except Exception: print("\n\33[;31mCanceled\33[;0m\n") elif employee_to_delete.lower() == 'q': break else: print("\nPlease enter a correct input\n") else: print("No employee to delete\n") input("\33[;32mPress enter to continue \33[;0m") def edit_employee(self, employees): """ offers you you change details about the employee (e. Edit name) :param employees: :return: """ self.header("Edit employee") if employees: try: editing = True while editing: self.print_employees(employees) c_id = input( "Select employee by Id (\33[;31mq to quit\33[;0m): ") if c_id.isdigit() and int(c_id) <= len(employees): employee = self.__employee_service.get_employee_by_id( int(c_id)) if employee: print(employee["Name"]) new_employee = Employee( employee["Name"], employee["Passport number"], employee["Country"], employee["Address"], employee["Mail"], employee["Phone number"], int(employee["license"]), employee["Age"]) choice = "" while choice != "q": print( "\n1. Edit Name\n2. Edit Passport\n3. Edit country\n4. Edit Address\n5. Edit mail\n" "6. Edit Phone number\n7. Edit license\n8. Edit Age\n\n\33[;31mPress q to quit\33[;0m\n" ) choice = input("Enter your choice: ").lower() if choice == "1": new_employee.set_name( input("Enter new Name: ").translate( remove_punct_map)) elif choice == "2": new_employee.set_kt( input("Enter new PPN/Kt: ").translate( remove_punct_map)) elif choice == "3": new_employee.set_country( input("Enter new Country: ").translate( remove_punct_map)) elif choice == "4": new_employee.set_address( input("Enter Address: ").translate( remove_punct_map)) elif choice == "5": new_employee.set_mail( input("Enter new Mail: ")) elif choice == "6": new_employee.set_phone_number( input("Enter new Phone number: "). translate(remove_punct_map)) elif choice == "7": new_employee.set_license( input("Enter new License: ").translate( remove_punct_map)) elif choice == "8": new_employee.set_age( input("Enter new Age: ").replace( string.punctuation, "")) self.__employee_service.remove_employee(int(c_id)) self.__employee_service.add_employee(new_employee) print(new_employee) editing = False elif c_id.lower() == 'q': break else: print( "\n\33[;31mPlease enter a correct input\33[;0m\n") except Exception: print("\n\33[;31mSomething went wrong!\33[;0m\n") else: print("No employee to edit\n") input("\33[;32mPress enter to continue \33[;0m") def main_menu(self): """ This is the main menu for the employees user interface.. offers you to press (e. 1. list all the employees. :return: """ action = "" while action != 'q': employees = self.__employee_service.get_employees() os.system('cls') self.header("Employees") print("You can do the following: ") print( "1. Add an employee\n2. List all employees\n3. Remove employee\n4. Edit employee\n\33[;31mPress q to go back \33[;0m" ) action = input("\nChoose an option: ").lower() if action == "1": self.add_employee() elif action == '2': self.list_employees(employees) elif action == "3": self.remove_employee(employees) elif action == "4": self.edit_employee(employees)
def __init__(self): self.__employee_service = EmployeeService()
class Employee(Model, UserMixin): __tablename__ = 'employee' __table_args__ = { 'autoload': True, 'autoload_with': DatabaseService.DBEngine() } service = EmployeeService() def __init__(self): self.is_authenticated = True self.type = "Employee" def setCredentials(self, username, passw): self.username = username self.setPassword(passw) def setPassword(self, passw): self.password = generate_password_hash(passw) def __repr__(self): return '<User %r>' % self.username def is_authenticated(self): return self.is_authenticated def is_active(self): return True def is_anonymous(self): return False def get_id(self): return str(self.employee_id) @staticmethod def getById(id): employee = Employee.service.get(id) print employee if (employee != None): = False return employee @staticmethod def getByUsername(username): employee = Employee.service.getByUsername(username) print employee if (employee != None): = False return employee @staticmethod def getAllExcluding(ids, visible='Y'): employee = Employee.service.getAllByFilter(ids, visible) print employee return employee @staticmethod def getAll(): employee = Employee.service.getAll() print employee return employee @staticmethod def getByCredential(username, passw): employee = Employee.service.getByCredential(username, passw) print employee if (employee is not None): = False return employee @staticmethod def add(employee): old_employee = Employee.service.getByUsername(employee.username) if (old_employee is not None): "throw exception user already exists" return False Employee.service.add(employee) return True @staticmethod def delete(employee): return Employee.service.delete(employee) def update(self): Employee.service.update(self)