def delete_record(self, relation_name, record):
        """Delete the given record.

            relation_name (unicode): Name of the relation/table
            record (object) : Relation/Table record

           RuntimeError : Fail to store data in Consul
           TypeError : If relation_name is not a 'string' type and/or
                record is None
        if not isinstance(relation_name, six.string_types) or (record is None):
            raise TypeError

        # Find the primary index of the relation
        pi = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'primary')

        # Prepare the key in the required format
        key = consul_key_join(relation_name, pi, getattr(record, pi))

        session_id = self.create_session()

            # Delete the KV pair in Consul

            index, data = self.connection.kv.get(key)
            if data is not None:
                LOG.error("Unable to delete record in Consul")
                raise RuntimeError

            # Also delete the secondary index(es) records from Consul
            si = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'secondary')
            if si is None:

            for index in si:
                key = consul_key_join(relation_name, index,
                                      getattr(record, index), pi,
                                      getattr(record, pi))


                consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(key)
                if data is not None:
                    LOG.error("Unable to delete record in Consul")
                    raise RuntimeError
    def get_key_prefix(self, key_prefix, keys=False):
        """Fetch the records with the Key prefix in Consul

            key_prefix (str): Key Prefix
            keys (bool): If True, only get records' key from consul

            list: List of records

            TypeError: If Key is not a 'string' type
            RuntimeError: Fail to get data from Consul
        if not isinstance(key_prefix, six.string_types):
            raise TypeError

        consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(
            consul_key_join(key_prefix), recurse=True, keys=keys)

        if data is None:
            return []

        if not keys:
            # Prepare a list of all the Consul record 'Value' field
            records = [record['Value'] for record in data]
            return data

        return records
    def get_records(self, relation_name):
        """Retrieve list of all records of a relation/table.

            relation_name (unicode): Name of the relation/table

            list: All records in the relation.

            TypeError : If passed argument is not of 'string' type
        if not isinstance(relation_name, six.string_types):
            raise TypeError

        # Find the primary index of the relation
        field = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'primary')

        # Prepare the prefix of the Consul key in the required format
        # e.g. ikepolicies/UUID/
        key = consul_key_join(relation_name, field) + CONSUL_SEP

        # Retrieve the list of all records from Consul
        # Note : 'recurse=True' option fetches all the record with the
        #   given key prefix
        consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(key, recurse=True)

        if data is None:
            return []

        # Prepare a list of all the Consul record 'Value' field
        records = [str_to_dict(record['Value']) for record in data]

        return records
    def get_record(self, relation_name, primary_index_value):
        """Retrieve a record from Consul with the required primary
        index value
            relation_name (unicode): Name of the relation/table
            primary_index_value (unicode) : Primary index(key) value
            Empty List ([]) OR A record with matching primary index

            TypeError : If passed arguments are not of 'string' type
        if (not isinstance(relation_name, six.string_types)
                or not isinstance(primary_index_value, six.string_types)):
            raise TypeError

        # Find the Primary Index of the relation
        field = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'primary')

        # Prepare the key in the required format
        # e.g. ikepolicies/UUID/fc5221be-b9d0-11e5-8338-005056b46cff
        key = consul_key_join(relation_name, field, primary_index_value)

        # Fetch the record with the prepared key
        consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(key)

        if data is not None:
            return str_to_dict(data['Value'])
            return []
    def _prepare_secondary_indices(self, relation_name, record):
        """Store each secondary index of the relation/table along with
        primary index value for the record. The list of secondary
        index is present in the consul_config.
           relation_name (unicode): Name of the relation/table
           record (Any relation record object) : Relation/Table record

           RuntimeError : Fail to store data in Consul
        # Find the primary index of the relation
        pi = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'primary')

        # Prepare the Consul value
        value = consul_key_join(relation_name, pi, getattr(record, pi))

        # Find the list of Secondary Index
        si_list = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'secondary')
        if si_list is None:

        for si in si_list:
            # Adding primary index value to the key helps in storing
            # multiple values for same index.

            # For update(PUT/PATCH) operation of secondary index(es),
            # first delete the existing secondary index Consul record
            key_prefix = consul_key_join(relation_name, si) + CONSUL_SEP
            key_suffix = CONSUL_SEP.join((pi, getattr(record, pi)))
            consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(key_prefix,
            if data is not None:
                regex = key_prefix + CONSUL_SEP.join(('*', key_suffix))
                match_key = fnmatch.filter(data, regex)
                if match_key:

            # Store secondary index in Consul
            key = key_prefix + CONSUL_SEP.join(
                (getattr(record, si), key_suffix))
            rvalue = self.connection.kv.put(key, value)
            if rvalue is None:
                LOG.error("Unable to store secondary index in Consul")
                raise RuntimeError
    def create_session(self):
        """Create a Consul session for critical section operations

            session_id (int): id of the Consul session
        lock_key = consul_key_join('CONSUL_LOCK')
        lock_delay = 0  # in seconds
        session_id = self.connection.session.create(lock_delay=lock_delay)
        while not self.connection.kv.put(lock_key, '', acquire=session_id):
        return session_id
    def get_records_by_secondary_index(self, relation_name, secondary_index,
        """Retrieve a list of record for a secondary index from a

            relation_name (unicode): Name of the relation/table
            secondary_index (unicode) : Required secondary index
            field_value (unicode) : Secondary index value

            Empty list ([]) OR list of records with the given secondary
            index value in the relation.

            TypeError : If passed arguments are not of 'string' type
        if (not isinstance(relation_name, six.string_types)
                or not isinstance(secondary_index, six.string_types)
                or not isinstance(field_value, six.string_types)):
            raise TypeError

        # Prepare the key prefix with secondary index in the required
        # format
        # e.g. ikepolicies/name/ike_1
        key = consul_key_join(relation_name, secondary_index, field_value)

        # Find the primary index value for the given secondary index
        # value
        consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(key, recurse=True)

        if data is None:
            return []

        primary_index_records = (record['Value'] for record in data
                                 if record['Key'].startswith(key + CONSUL_SEP))

        if primary_index_records is None:
            return []

        records = []
        # Fetch the record with the primary index value
        for primary_index in primary_index_records:
            consul_index, data = self.connection.kv.get(primary_index)
            # Prepare a list of all the Consul records' 'Value' field

        return records
    def _store_record_in_consul(self, relation_name, record):
        """Store record in the Consul with primary index(pi) as the
        'key' and the record in JSON format as the 'value'.
            relation_name (unicode): Name of the relation/table
            record (Any relation record object) : Relation/Table
           RuntimeError : Fail to store data in Consul
        session_id = self.create_session()


            # Find the primary index of the relation
            pi = self._get_relation_index(relation_name, 'primary')

            # Prepare the key in the required format
            # e.g. ikepolicies/UUID/fc5221be-b9d0-11e5-8338-005056b46cff
            key = consul_key_join(relation_name, pi, getattr(record, pi))

            # Convert the object into JSON(dict)
            value = json.dumps(record.__dict__, cls=CustomEncoder)

            # Store secondary indexes in Consul
            self._prepare_secondary_indices(relation_name, record)

            # Store KV pair in Consul
            rvalue = self.connection.kv.put(key, value)

        if rvalue is None:
            LOG.error("Unable to store record in Consul")
            raise RuntimeError