    async def focus(self, ctx):
        """Reviews your deck and tells what the deck focus is"""
        me = CoachService.discord_user_to_coach(ctx.author)
        tourn = TournamentService.get_tournament_using_room(ctx.channel.name)
        deck = [ts.deck for ts in tourn.tournament_signups if ts.coach == me]
        if not deck:
            raise Exception(
                f"#{me.short_name()} is not signed into the tournament. Nice try!"
        focus = DeckService.focus(deck[0])

        await ctx.send(f"Deck focus is {', '.join(focus)}")
    async def comp(self, ctx, *args):
        """Manages in-game competitions for tournaments. Needs to be run in the tournament discord channel
      !comp list
        list all competitions for tournament
      !comp create ladder
        creates ladder comp for tournament if it does not exists
      !comp create 1on1 <competition_name>
        creates 1 on 1 comp with <competition_name> for tournament if it does not exists
      !comp create knockout <team_number> <name>
        creates knockout comp with <name> for <team_number> teams
      !comp ticket <competition_name>
        sends ticket to the <competition_name> to the coach issuing the command in the tournament room
      !comp start <competition_name>
        starts comp with <competition_name> for tournament
        room = ctx.channel.name
        args_len = len(args)
        if args_len == 0 \
            or (args_len > 0 and args[0] not in ["list","create", "ticket", "start"]) \
            or (args[0] == "create" and \
                (args_len < 2 or args[1] not in ["ladder", "1on1","knockout"] or (args[1] == "1on1" and args_len == 2) \
                    or (args[1] == "knockout" and args_len < 4 and not represents_int(args[2])))) \
            or (args[0] in ["ticket", "start"] and args_len < 2):
            raise ValueError("Incorrect arguments")

        tourn = TournamentService.get_tournament_using_room(room)

        if tourn.status != "RUNNING":
            await ctx.send("Tournament is not running!")

        if args[0] == "create":
            if args[1] == "ladder":
                comp_name = tourn.ladder_room_name()
                comp = CompetitionService.create_imperium_ladder(comp_name)
            if args[1] == "1on1":
                comp_name = " ".join(args[2:])
                comp_name = comp_name[:25] if len(
                    comp_name) > 25 else comp_name
                comp = CompetitionService.create_imperium_rr(comp_name)
            if args[1] == "knockout":
                comp_name = " ".join(args[3:])
                comp_name = comp_name[:25] if len(
                    comp_name) > 25 else comp_name
                comp = CompetitionService.create_imperium_knockout(
                    comp_name, int(args[2]))
            await ctx.send(
                f"Competition **{comp.name}** created in **{comp.league_name}**"

        if args[0] == "list":
            msg = []
            msg.append('{:25s} | {:25} | {:25}'.format("League", "Name",
            msg.append(78 * "-")
            for comp in tourn.competitions:
                msg.append('{:25s} | {:25} | {:25}'.format(
                    comp.league_name, comp.name, comp.type_str()))

            await self.send_message(ctx.channel, msg, block=True)
            # await ctx.send("\n".join(msg))

        if args[0] == "ticket":
            comp_name = " ".join(args[1:])
            # get coach
            coach = CoachService.discord_user_to_coach(ctx.author)
            result = CompetitionService.ticket_competition(
                comp_name, coach, tourn)
            team_name = result['ResponseCreateCompetitionTicket'][
            await ctx.send(
                f"Ticket sent to **{team_name}** for competition **{comp_name}**"

        if args[0] == "start":
            comp_name = " ".join(args[1:])
            comp = Competition.query.filter_by(name=comp_name).one_or_none()
            if not comp:
                raise CompetitionError(
                    f"Competition **{comp_name}** does not exist")
            result = CompetitionService.start_competition(comp)
            await ctx.send(f"Started competition **{comp_name}**")