def check_mail(): """Checks IMAP box for incoming mail""" uid = Configuration.conf('imap_act') if empty(uid): raise ConfigurationError('Incoming message user not configured') counter = 0 user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) server = Configuration.get_imap_server() typ, data =, "UnSeen") for num in data[0].split(): #logging.debug("** Processing message %s" % num) typ, data = server.fetch(num, "(RFC822)") # parsestr() seems to return an email.message? msg = Parser().parsestr(data[0][1]) Note.from_email(msg, user) #server.copy(num, 'servo'), '+FLAGS', '\\Seen') counter += 1 server.close() server.logout() return '%d messages processed' % counter
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DeviceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if Configuration.false('checkin_require_password'): self.fields['password'].required = False if Configuration.true('checkin_require_condition'): self.fields['condition'].required = True if kwargs.get('instance'): prod = gsxws.Product('') prod.description = self.instance.description if prod.is_ios: self.fields['password'].label = _('Passcode') if not prod.is_ios: del (self.fields['imei']) if not prod.is_mac: del (self.fields['username']) if Configuration.true('checkin_password'): self.fields['password'].widget = forms.TextInput( attrs={'class': 'span12'})
def init_session(request): """ Initialize the session for the check-in interface. Only run for GET requests """ if not request.user.is_authenticated(): request.session.flush() if not Configuration.checkin_enabled(): raise ConfigurationError(_('Check-in interface not enabled')) # initialize locale init_locale(request) # set test cookie request.session.set_test_cookie() # initialize vars request.session['checkin_device'] = None request.session['checkin_customer'] = None user = User.get_checkin_user() location = user.location if not request.session.get('company_name'): request.session['company_name'] = Configuration.conf('company_name') if request.user.is_authenticated(): # these are our fallback defaults user = request.user location = user.location try: location_id = request.GET['l'] except KeyError: # not given - try session, then default to user's location location_id = request.session.get('checkin_location', finally: location = get_object_or_404(Location, pk=location_id) try: user_id = request.GET['u'] except KeyError: # not given - default to session, then auth user user_id = request.session.get('checkin_user', user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id) request.session['checkin_locations'] = Location.get_checkin_list() checkin_users = User.get_checkin_group() queryset = checkin_users.filter(location=location) request.session['checkin_users'] = User.serialize(queryset) request.session['checkin_user'] = request.session['checkin_location'] = request.session['checkin_user_name'] = user.get_name() request.session['checkin_location_name'] = location.title
def get_amount_stocked(self, user): """ Returns the amount of this product in the same location as the user. Caches the result for faster access later. """ amount = 0 track_inventory = Configuration.track_inventory() if not track_inventory: return 0 if self.part_type == "SERVICE" or not return 0 cache_key = "product_%d_amount_stocked" % if cache.get(cache_key): return cache.get(cache_key) location = user.get_location() try: inventory = Inventory.objects.get(product=self, location=location) amount = inventory.amount_stocked except Inventory.DoesNotExist: pass cache.set(cache_key, amount) return amount
def status(request): """ Status checking through the checkin """ title = _('Repair Status') if request.GET.get('code'): timeline = [] form = StatusCheckForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): code = form.cleaned_data['code'] try: order = Order.objects.get(code=code) status_description = order.get_status_description() if Configuration.conf('checkin_timeline'): timeline = order.orderstatus_set.all() if order.status is None: order.status_name = _(u'Waiting to be processed') except Order.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, _(u'Order %s not found') % code) return render(request, "checkin/status-show.html", locals()) else: form = StatusCheckForm() return render(request, "checkin/status.html", locals())
def get_checkin_locations(user): from servo.models import User if user.is_authenticated(): return user.locations.all() else: user_id = Configuration.conf('checkin_user') return User.objects.get(pk=user_id).locations.all()
def handle(self, *args, **options): uid = Configuration.conf('imap_act') if uid in [None, '']: return user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) tz = timezone.get_current_timezone() for i in Escalation.objects.exclude(Q(escalation_id='') | Q(status='C')): i.gsx_account.connect(i.created_by) r = i.get_escalation().lookup() aware = timezone.make_aware(r.lastModifiedTimestamp, tz) if aware < i.updated_at: # hasn't been updated continue try: parent = i.note_set.latest() except Note.DoesNotExist: continue bodies = [n.body for n in i.note_set.all()] for x in r.escalationNotes.iterchildren(): if x.text in bodies: # skip notes we already have continue note = Note(created_by=user, escalation=i, body=x.text) parent.add_reply(note) i.updated_at = i.status = r.escalationStatus
def track_inventory(self): if not Configuration.track_inventory(): return False if self.part_type == "SERVICE": return False return True
def get_checkin_locations(user): """Return possible checkin location choices for this user.""" from servo.models import User if user.is_authenticated(): return user.locations.enabled() else: user_id = Configuration.conf('checkin_user') return User.objects.get(pk=user_id).locations.enabled()
def print_invoice(request, pk): from servo.models import Configuration invoice = get_object_or_404(Invoice, pk=pk) template = invoice.order.get_print_template("receipt") title = _("Receipt #%d") % conf = Configuration.conf() order = invoice.order return render(request, template, locals())
def handle(self, *args, **options): uid = Configuration.conf('imap_act') if uid == '': raise ValueError('Incoming message user not configured') user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) server = Configuration.get_imap_server() typ, data =, "UnSeen") for num in data[0].split(): #logging.debug("** Processing message %s" % num) typ, data = server.fetch(num, "(RFC822)") # parsestr() seems to return an email.message? msg = Parser().parsestr(data[0][1]) Note.from_email(msg, user) #server.copy(num, 'servo'), '+FLAGS', '\\Seen') server.close() server.logout()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DeviceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if Configuration.false('checkin_require_password'): self.fields['password'].required = False if Configuration.true('checkin_require_condition'): self.fields['condition'].required = True if kwargs.get('instance'): prod = gsxws.Product('') prod.description = self.instance.description if prod.is_ios: self.fields['password'].label = _('Passcode') if not prod.is_ios: del(self.fields['imei']) if not prod.is_mac: del(self.fields['username']) if Configuration.true('checkin_password'): self.fields['password'].widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'span12'})
def sell(self, amount, location): """ Deduct product from inventory with specified location """ track_inventory = Configuration.track_inventory() if self.part_type == "SERVICE" or not track_inventory: return try: inventory = Inventory.objects.get(product=self, location=location) inventory.amount_stocked = inventory.amount_stocked - amount except Inventory.DoesNotExist: raise ValueError(_(u"Product %s not found in inventory.") % self.code)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DeviceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if Configuration.false("checkin_require_password"): self.fields["password"].required = False if Configuration.true("checkin_require_condition"): self.fields["condition"].required = True if kwargs.get("instance"): prod = gsxws.Product("") prod.description = self.instance.description if prod.is_ios: self.fields["password"].label = _("Passcode") if not prod.is_ios: del (self.fields["imei"]) if not prod.is_mac: del (self.fields["username"]) if Configuration.true("checkin_password"): self.fields["password"].widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "span12"})
def init_session(request): # initialize some basic vars if not request.user.is_authenticated(): request.session.flush() # initialize locale init_locale(request) request.session['checkin_device'] = None request.session['checkin_customer'] = None user = User.get_checkin_user() location = user.location if not request.session.get('company_name'): request.session['company_name'] = Configuration.conf('company_name') if request.user.is_authenticated(): # these are our fallback defaults user = request.user location = user.location try: location_id = request.GET['l'] except KeyError: # not given - try session, then default to user's location location_id = request.session.get('checkin_location', finally: location = get_object_or_404(Location, pk=location_id) try: user_id = request.GET['u'] except KeyError: # not given - default to session, then auth user user_id = request.session.get('checkin_user', user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id) request.session['checkin_locations'] = Location.get_checkin_list() checkin_users = User.get_checkin_group() queryset = checkin_users.filter(location=location) request.session['checkin_users'] = User.serialize(queryset) request.session['checkin_user'] = request.session['checkin_location'] = request.session['checkin_user_name'] = user.get_name() request.session['checkin_location_name'] = location.title
def calculate_price(self, price, shipping=0.0): """ Calculates price and returns it w/ and w/o tax """ conf = Configuration.conf() shipping = shipping or 0.0 if not isinstance(shipping, Decimal): shipping = Decimal(shipping) margin = get_margin(price) vat = Decimal(conf.get("pct_vat", 0.0)) # TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2 # same as Decimal('0.01') # @TODO: make rounding configurable! wo_tax = ((price * 100) / (100 - margin) + shipping).to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) with_tax = (wo_tax * (vat + 100) / 100).to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) return wo_tax, with_tax
def calculate_price(self, price, shipping=0.0): """ Calculates price and returns it w/ and w/o tax """ conf = Configuration.conf() shipping = shipping or 0.0 if not isinstance(shipping, Decimal): shipping = Decimal(shipping) margin = get_margin(price) vat = Decimal(conf.get("pct_vat", 0.0)) # TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2 # same as Decimal('0.01') # @TODO: make rounding configurable! wo_tax = ((price*100)/(100-margin)+shipping).to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) with_tax = (wo_tax*(vat+100)/100).to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) return wo_tax, with_tax
def handle(self, *args, **options): # get local user to create notes as uid = Configuration.conf('imap_act') if empty(uid): raise ConfigurationError('Incoming message user not defined') user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) tz = timezone.get_current_timezone() for i in Escalation.objects.exclude( Q(escalation_id='') | Q(status='C')): # connect per-user since the escalations can be under different ship-tos try: i.gsx_account.connect(i.created_by) except Exception: continue # skip auth errors so we don't get stuck r = i.get_escalation().lookup() aware = timezone.make_aware(r.lastModifiedTimestamp, tz) if aware < i.updated_at: # hasn't been updated continue try: parent = i.note_set.latest() except Note.DoesNotExist: continue bodies = [n.body for n in i.note_set.all()] for x in r.escalationNotes.iterchildren(): if x.text in bodies: # skip notes we already have continue note = Note(created_by=user, escalation=i, body=x.text) parent.add_reply(note) i.updated_at = i.status = r.escalationStatus
def reset_session(request): # initialize some basic vars if not request.user.is_authenticated(): request.session.flush() # initialize locale init_locale(request) request.session['checkin_device'] = None request.session['checkin_customer'] = None if not request.session.get('company_name'): request.session['company_name'] = Configuration.conf('company_name') if request.user.is_authenticated(): if request.GET.get('u'): user = User.objects.get(pk=request.GET['u']) else: user = request.user if request.GET.get('l'): location = Location.objects.get(pk=request.GET['l']) else: location = user.location checkin_users = User.get_checkin_group() request.session['checkin_users'] = User.get_checkin_group_list() request.session['checkin_locations'] = request.user.get_location_list() queryset = checkin_users.filter(location=location) request.session['checkin_users'] = User.serialize(queryset) else: user = User.get_checkin_user() location = user.location request.session['checkin_user'] = request.session['checkin_location'] = request.session['checkin_user_name'] = user.get_name() request.session['checkin_location_name'] = location.title
def handle(self, *args, **options): # get local user to create notes as uid = Configuration.conf('imap_act') if empty(uid): raise ConfigurationError('Incoming message user not defined') user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) tz = timezone.get_current_timezone() for i in Escalation.objects.exclude(Q(escalation_id='') | Q(status='C')): # connect per-user since the escalations can be under different ship-tos try: i.gsx_account.connect(i.created_by) except Exception: continue # skip auth errors so we don't get stuck r = i.get_escalation().lookup() aware = timezone.make_aware(r.lastModifiedTimestamp, tz) if aware < i.updated_at: # hasn't been updated continue try: parent = i.note_set.latest() except Note.DoesNotExist: continue bodies = [n.body for n in i.note_set.all()] for x in r.escalationNotes.iterchildren(): if x.text in bodies: # skip notes we already have continue note = Note(created_by=user, escalation=i, body=x.text) parent.add_reply(note) i.updated_at = i.status = r.escalationStatus
def status(request): """Check service order status through the checkin.""" title = _('Repair Status') if request.GET.get('code'): timeline = [] form = StatusCheckForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): code = form.cleaned_data['code'] try: order = Order.objects.get(code=code) status_description = order.get_status_description() if Configuration.conf('checkin_timeline'): timeline = order.orderstatus_set.all() if order.status is None: order.status_name = _(u'Waiting to be processed') except Order.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, _(u'Order %s not found') % code) return render(request, "checkin/status-show.html", locals()) else: form = StatusCheckForm() return render(request, "checkin/status.html", locals())
def default_vat(): conf = Configuration.conf() return conf.get("pct_vat", 0.0)
def from_gsx(cls, part): """ Creates a Servo Product from GSX partDetail. We don't do GSX lookups here since we can't determine the correct GSX Account at this point. """ conf = Configuration.conf() try: shipping = Decimal(conf.get("shipping_cost")) except TypeError: shipping = Decimal(0.0) part_number = part.originalPartNumber or part.partNumber product = Product(code=part_number) product.title = part.partDescription if part.originalPartNumber: product.subst_code = part.partNumber if part.stockPrice and not product.fixed_price: # calculate stock price purchase_sp = part.stockPrice or 0.0 purchase_sp = Decimal(purchase_sp) sp, vat_sp = product.calculate_price(purchase_sp, shipping) product.pct_margin_stock = get_margin(purchase_sp) product.price_notax_stock = sp product.price_sales_stock = vat_sp # @TODO: make rounding configurable product.price_purchase_stock = purchase_sp.to_integral_exact( rounding=ROUND_CEILING ) try: # calculate exchange price purchase_ep = part.exchangePrice or 0.0 purchase_ep = Decimal(purchase_ep) if purchase_ep > 0 and not product.fixed_price: ep, vat_ep = product.calculate_price(purchase_ep, shipping) product.price_notax_exchange = ep product.price_sales_exchange = vat_ep product.pct_margin_exchange = Configuration.get_margin(purchase_ep) # @TODO: make rounding configurable product.price_purchase_exchange = purchase_ep.to_integral_exact( rounding=ROUND_CEILING ) except AttributeError: pass # Not all parts have exchange prices product.brand = "Apple" product.shipping = shipping product.warranty_period = 3 product.labour_tier = part.laborTier product.part_type = part.partType.upper() # EEE and componentCode are sometimes missing if part.eeeCode: product.eee_code = str(part.eeeCode).strip() if part.componentCode: product.component_code = str(part.componentCode).strip() product.is_serialized = part.isSerialized return product
def index(request): """ Render the checkin homepage. @FIXME: would be nice to break this into smaller chunks... """ if request.method == 'GET': try: init_session(request) except ConfigurationError as e: error = {'message': e} return render(request, 'checkin/error.html', error) title = _('Service Order Check-In') dcat = request.GET.get('d', 'mac') dmap = { 'mac': _('Mac'), 'iphone': _('iPhone'), 'ipad': _('iPad'), 'ipod': _('iPod'), 'acc': _('Apple Accessory'), 'beats': _('Beats Products'), 'other': _('Other Devices'), } issue_form = IssueForm() device = Device(description=dmap[dcat]) if dcat in ('mac', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'ipod'): sn_form = AppleSerialNumberForm() else: sn_form = SerialNumberForm() tags = Tag.objects.filter(type="order") device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) customer_form = CustomerForm(request) if request.method == 'POST': if not request.session.test_cookie_worked(): error = { 'message': _('Please enable cookies to use this application.') } return render(request, 'checkin/error.html', error) else: request.session.delete_test_cookie() sn_form = SerialNumberForm(request.POST) issue_form = IssueForm(request.POST, request.FILES) customer_form = CustomerForm(request, request.POST) device_form = DeviceForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if device_form.is_valid() and issue_form.is_valid( ) and customer_form.is_valid(): user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=request.session['checkin_user']) idata = issue_form.cleaned_data ddata = device_form.cleaned_data cdata = customer_form.cleaned_data customer_id = request.session.get('checkin_customer') if customer_id: customer = get_object_or_404(Customer, pk=customer_id) else: customer = Customer() name = u'{0} {1}'.format(cdata['fname'], cdata['lname']) if len(cdata['company']): name += ', ' + cdata['company'] = name = cdata['city'] = cdata['phone'] = cdata['email'] = cdata['phone'] customer.zip_code = cdata['postal_code'] customer.street_address = cdata['address'] order = Order(customer=customer, created_by=user) order.location_id = request.session['checkin_location'] order.checkin_location = cdata['checkin_location'] order.checkout_location = cdata['checkout_location'] order.check_in(user) try: device = get_device(request, ddata['sn']) except GsxError as e: pass device.username = ddata['username'] device.password = ddata['password'] device.description = ddata['description'] device.purchased_on = ddata['purchased_on'] device.purchase_country = ddata['purchase_country'] order.add_device(device, user) note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['issue_description']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # Proof of purchase was supplied if ddata.get('pop'): f = {'content_type': Attachment.get_content_type('note').pk} f['object_id'] = a = AttachmentForm(f, {'content': ddata['pop']}) if request.POST.get('tags'): order.set_tags(request.POST.getlist('tags'), request.user) # Check checklists early for validation answers = [] # @FIXME: should try to move this to a formset... for k, v in request.POST.items(): if k.startswith('__cl__'): answers.append('- **' + k[6:] + '**: ' + v) if len(answers) > 0: note = Note(created_by=user, body="\r\n".join(answers)) if Configuration.true('checkin_report_checklist'): note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down internal notes (only if logged in) if len(idata.get('notes')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['notes']) note.is_reported = False note.order = order # mark down condition of device if len(ddata.get('condition')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=ddata['condition']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down supplied accessories if len(ddata.get('accessories')): accs = ddata['accessories'].strip().split("\n") order.set_accessories(accs, device) redirect_to = thanks """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): if request.user.autoprint: redirect_to = print_confirmation """ return redirect(redirect_to, order.url_code) try: pk = Configuration.conf('checkin_checklist') questions = ChecklistItem.objects.filter(checklist_id=pk) except ValueError: # Checklists probably not configured pass if request.GET.get('phone'): return find_customer(request, request.GET['phone']) if request.GET.get('sn'): return find_device(request) return render(request, "checkin/newindex.html", locals())
def terms(request): """Show terms of service.""" conf = Configuration.conf() return render(request, 'checkin/terms.html', locals())
def from_gsx(cls, part): """ Creates a Servo Product from GSX partDetail. We don't do GSX lookups here since we can't determine the correct GSX Account at this point. """ conf = Configuration.conf() try: shipping = Decimal(conf.get("shipping_cost")) except TypeError: shipping = Decimal(0.0) part_number = part.originalPartNumber or part.partNumber product = Product(code=part_number) product.title = part.partDescription if part.originalPartNumber: product.subst_code = part.partNumber if part.stockPrice and not product.fixed_price: # calculate stock price purchase_sp = part.stockPrice or 0.0 purchase_sp = Decimal(purchase_sp) sp, vat_sp = product.calculate_price(purchase_sp, shipping) product.pct_margin_stock = get_margin(purchase_sp) product.price_notax_stock = sp product.price_sales_stock = vat_sp # @TODO: make rounding configurable product.price_purchase_stock = purchase_sp.to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) try: # calculate exchange price purchase_ep = part.exchangePrice or 0.0 purchase_ep = Decimal(purchase_ep) if purchase_ep > 0 and not product.fixed_price: ep, vat_ep = product.calculate_price(purchase_ep, shipping) product.price_notax_exchange = ep product.price_sales_exchange = vat_ep product.pct_margin_exchange = Configuration.get_margin(purchase_ep) # @TODO: make rounding configurable product.price_purchase_exchange = purchase_ep.to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_CEILING) except AttributeError: pass # Not all parts have exchange prices product.brand = "Apple" product.shipping = shipping product.warranty_period = 3 product.labour_tier = part.laborTier product.part_type = part.partType.upper() # EEE and componentCode are sometimes missing if part.eeeCode: product.eee_code = str(part.eeeCode).strip() if part.componentCode: product.component_code = str(part.componentCode).strip() product.is_serialized = part.isSerialized return product
def index(request): if request.method == 'GET': reset_session(request) title = _('Service Order Check-In') dcat = request.GET.get('d', 'mac') dmap = { 'mac' : _('Mac'), 'iphone' : _('iPhone'), 'ipad' : _('iPad'), 'ipod' : _('iPod'), 'acc' : _('Apple Accessory'), 'beats' : _('Beats Products'), 'other' : _('Other Devices'), } issue_form = IssueForm() device = Device(description=dmap[dcat]) if dcat in ('mac', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'ipod'): sn_form = AppleSerialNumberForm() else: sn_form = SerialNumberForm() tags = Tag.objects.filter(type="order") device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) customer_form = CustomerForm(request) if request.method == 'POST': sn_form = SerialNumberForm(request.POST) issue_form = IssueForm(request.POST, request.FILES) customer_form = CustomerForm(request, request.POST) device_form = DeviceForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if device_form.is_valid() and issue_form.is_valid() and customer_form.is_valid(): user = User.objects.get(pk=request.session['checkin_user']) idata = issue_form.cleaned_data ddata = device_form.cleaned_data cdata = customer_form.cleaned_data customer_id = request.session.get('checkin_customer') if customer_id: customer = Customer.objects.get(pk=customer_id) else: customer = Customer() name = u'{0} {1}'.format(cdata['fname'], cdata['lname']) if len(cdata['company']): name += ', ' + cdata['company'] = name = cdata['city'] = cdata['phone'] = cdata['email'] = cdata['phone'] customer.zip_code = cdata['postal_code'] customer.street_address = cdata['address'] order = Order(customer=customer, created_by=user) order.location_id = request.session['checkin_location'] order.checkin_location = cdata['checkin_location'] order.checkout_location = cdata['checkout_location'] order.check_in(user) try: device = get_device(request, ddata['sn']) except GsxError as e: pass device.username = ddata['username'] device.password = ddata['password'] device.description = ddata['description'] device.purchased_on = ddata['purchased_on'] device.purchase_country = ddata['purchase_country'] order.add_device(device, user) note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['issue_description']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # Proof of purchase was supplied if ddata.get('pop'): f = {'content_type': Attachment.get_content_type('note').pk} f['object_id'] = a = AttachmentForm(f, {'content': ddata['pop']}) if request.POST.get('tags'): order.set_tags(request.POST.getlist('tags'), request.user) # Check checklists early for validation answers = [] # @FIXME: should try to move this to a formset... for k, v in request.POST.items(): if k.startswith('__cl__'): answers.append('- **' + k[6:] + '**: ' + v) if len(answers) > 0: note = Note(created_by=user, body="\r\n".join(answers)) if Configuration.true('checkin_report_checklist'): note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down internal notes (only if logged in) if len(idata.get('notes')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['notes']) note.is_reported = False note.order = order # mark down condition of device if len(ddata.get('condition')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=ddata['condition']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down supplied accessories if len(ddata.get('accessories')): accs = ddata['accessories'].strip().split("\n") order.set_accessories(accs, device) redirect_to = thanks """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): if request.user.autoprint: redirect_to = print_confirmation """ return redirect(redirect_to, order.url_code) try: pk = Configuration.conf('checkin_checklist') questions = ChecklistItem.objects.filter(checklist_id=pk) except ValueError: # Checklists probably not configured pass if request.GET.get('phone'): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return results = [] for c in Customer.objects.filter(phone=request.GET['phone']): title = '%s - %s' % (, results.append({'id':, 'name':, 'title': title}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results), content_type='application/json') if request.GET.get('sn'): device = Device(sn=request.GET['sn']) device.description = _('Other Device') device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) try: apple_sn_validator( except Exception as e: # not an Apple serial number return render(request, "checkin/device_form.html", locals()) try: device = get_device(request, device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) except GsxError as e: error = e return render(request, "checkin/device_form.html", locals()) return render(request, "checkin/newindex.html", locals())
def terms(request): conf = Configuration.conf() return render(request, 'checkin/terms.html', locals())