def MATCHCOSTS(match, P, Q, roadnet):
    costs = []
    for i, j in match:
        p = ROAD.RoadAddress(*P[i])
        q = ROAD.RoadAddress(*Q[j])
        d = ROAD.distance(roadnet, p, q, 'length')
    return costs
 def SPLITTOUR( tour, N, demands, roadmap ) :
     split the tour (seq. of indices) of demands (list of demands) on roadmap
     into k pieces
     tours = []
     tourlen = CYCLECOST( tour, demands, roadmap )
     fragtarget = float(tourlen) / N
     EDGES = zip( tour[-1:] + tour[:-1], tour )      # cycle; first "prev" is last
     x, y = [ ROAD.RoadAddress(None,None) for i in range(2) ]    # storage
     for k in range(N) :
         frag = []
         fraglen = 0.
         while fraglen < fragtarget :
             if not len( EDGES ) > 0 : break
             i, j = EDGES.pop(0)
             prev, curr = demands[i], demands[j]
             p, q, r = prev.delv, curr.pick, curr.delv
             # fetch
             x.init(*p) ; y.init(*q)
             exten = roadpaths.minpath( x, y, roadmap )
             exten = roadpaths.pathExtend( exten, y, roadmap )
             extenlen = roadpaths.pathLength( exten )
             fraglen += roadpaths.pathLength( exten )
             #print exten, extenlen, fraglen, fragtarget
         tours.append( frag )
     return tours
 def CYCLECOST( cycle, demands, roadnet, length_attr='length' ) :
     addr = lambda p : ROAD.RoadAddress( *p )
     carry = [ ROAD.distance( roadnet, addr(dem.pick), addr(dem.delv), length_attr ) for dem in demands ]
     edges = zip( cycle, cycle[1:] + cycle[:1] )
     #print edges
     edges = [ ( demands[i], demands[j] ) for i,j in edges ] 
     empty = [ ROAD.distance( roadnet, addr(dem1.delv), addr(dem2.pick), length_attr ) for dem1,dem2 in edges ]
     return sum( carry ) + sum( empty )
 def ASSIGNFRAGS( tours, agentLocs, demands, roadmap ) :
     assign the fragments to agents in accordance with a minimum matching
     from each agent (its position) to some origin on the tour
     # compute distance to tour (some pickup) from each agent
     graph = nx.Graph()
     x = ROAD.RoadAddress(None,None)
     for agent, agentLoc in agentLocs.iteritems() :
         t = token()
         t.agent = agent
         def cost( demidx ) :
             x.init( *demands[demidx].pick )
             return ROAD.distance( roadmap, agentLoc, x, 'length' )
         for touridx, tour in enumerate( tours ) :
             if len( tour ) > 0 :
                 options = [ ( cost(demidx), k ) for k, demidx in enumerate(tour) ]
             else :
                 options = [ ( 0., 0 ) ]     # empty tour
             copt, kopt = min( options )
             # negative weights for MIN weight
             graph.add_edge( t, touridx, weight = -copt, start_at = kopt )
     # get optimal matching
     MATCH = nx.matching.max_weight_matching( graph, maxcardinality=True )
     assign = {}
     for touridx, tour in enumerate( tours ) :
         u = MATCH[touridx]
         k = graph.get_edge_data( u, touridx ).get( 'start_at' )
         agent = u.agent
         order = tour[k:] + tour[:k]
         assign[agent] = order
     return assign
                pos[v] = np.array( (X[3],-k * band_height) )
                r1, r2, r3 = [ fmt % k for fmt in [ 'LCONN%d', 'BAND%d', 'RCONN%d' ] ]
                roadmap.add_edge(1,u, r1 )
                roadmap.add_edge(u,v, r2 )
                roadmap.add_edge(v,4, r3 )
        # give length annotations
        for u,v, road, data in roadmap.edges_iter( keys=True, data=True ) :
            #p = np.array( pos[u] )
            #q = np.array( pos[v] )
            data['length'] = np.linalg.norm( pos[v] - pos[u] )

        # place the points
        Y = np.linspace(0,1,NUMPOINTS+2)[1:-1]
        S = [ ROAD.RoadAddress('start',y) for y in Y ]
        T = [ ROAD.RoadAddress('end',y) for y in Y ]
        SAMPLE_RANDOMLY = False

    """ congestion function """
    #rho = lambda x : np.power( x, 2. )          # square law, why not!
    p = .07
    rho = lambda x : np.power( abs(x), p )                      # linear congestion?

    # separate instance?

 DEMANDS = [ demand(p,q) for p,q in zip( PP, QQ ) ]
 fhk = RoadMapFHK( roadnet )
 print fhk.cover
 tour = fhk( DEMANDS, demand.getTail, demand.getHead )
 #tour = ROADSSPLICE( DEMANDS, roadnet )
 from setiptah.vehrouting.stackercrane2 import WALKCOST
 tourlen = WALKCOST( tour, DEMANDS, demand.getTail, demand.getHead, fhk.distance )
 #cost = CYCLECOST( tour, DEMANDS, roadnet )
 N = 3
 agentLocs = { 'agent%d' % i : ROAD.RoadAddress( *sampler.sample() ) for i in range(N) }
 assign_star = fhk.kSPLICE( DEMANDS, agentLocs, demand.getTail, demand.getHead )
 assign = SPLITANDASSIGN( tour, agentLocs, DEMANDS, demand.getTail, demand.getHead, fhk.distance )
 print assign == assign_star
 costs = { i : WALKCOST( walk, DEMANDS, demand.getTail, demand.getHead, fhk.distance )
          for i, walk in assign_star.iteritems() }
 #order = ORDERPOINTS( PP, tour )
 #point_tour = [ PP[i] for i in order ]
 #print point_tour
        for road, Cz in objective_dict.iteritems():
            cost = costWrapper(Cz)
            C = [cost(zz) for zz in z]
            plt.plot(z, C, '--', marker='x')

    match = ROADSBIPARTITEMATCH(PP, QQ, roadnet)
    costs = MATCHCOSTS(match, PP, QQ, roadnet)
    cost = ROADMATCHCOST(match, PP, QQ, roadnet)
    print match
    print costs
    print cost

    # compare to optimal matching
    if True and NUMPOINT <= 50:
        PR = [ROAD.RoadAddress(road, y) for road, y in PP]
        QR = [ROAD.RoadAddress(road, y) for road, y in QQ]

        class pointnode():
            def __init__(self, point, idx):
                self.point = point
                self.idx = idx

        RED = [pointnode(p, i) for i, p in enumerate(PR)]
        BLU = [pointnode(q, j) for j, q in enumerate(QR)]
        graph = nx.Graph()
        match_mat = np.zeros((NUMPOINT, NUMPOINT))
        for (i, r), (j, b) in itertools.product(enumerate(RED),
            w = ROAD.distance(roadnet, r.point, b.point, 'length')
            graph.add_edge(r, b, weight=-w)