class setting(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): global HoraVideo super(setting, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_setting() self.ui.setupUi(self) HoraVideo, clave = self.readFile() #print(HoraVideo) try: self.ui.B_Save.clicked.connect(self.Save) self.ui.B_Home.clicked.connect(lambda: self.close()) print(type(clave)) self.ui.lineEditPassword.setText((clave[0])) except Exception as e: print(e) def Save(self): timeEditVideo = self.ui.timeEditVideo.time() fname = open(filevideo, 'w') fname.write(timeEditVideo.toString(Qt.ISODate)) fname.close() lineEditPassword = self.ui.lineEditPassword.text() ftext = open(PinFile, 'w') ftext.write(lineEditPassword) ftext.close() def readFile(self): fname = open(filevideo, 'r') HoraVideo =':') ftext = open(PinFile, 'r') clave =':') #print(Horas) return HoraVideo, clave
def __init__(self): global HoraVideo super(setting, self).__init__() self.ui = Ui_setting() self.ui.setupUi(self) HoraVideo, clave = self.readFile() #print(HoraVideo) try: self.ui.B_Save.clicked.connect(self.Save) self.ui.B_Home.clicked.connect(lambda: self.close()) print(type(clave)) self.ui.lineEditPassword.setText((clave[0])) except Exception as e: print(e)
def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.dashborad = Ui_Dashborad() # self.prepro = Ui_Prepro() # self.prepro.hide() # self.systemconfig = Ui_SystemConfig() # self.systemconfig.hide() self.setting = Ui_Setting() self.setting.hide() self.setupUi() self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.recurring_timer) self.timer.start()
class MyApp(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.dashborad = Ui_Dashborad() # self.prepro = Ui_Prepro() # self.prepro.hide() # self.systemconfig = Ui_SystemConfig() # self.systemconfig.hide() self.setting = Ui_Setting() self.setting.hide() self.setupUi() self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.recurring_timer) self.timer.start() def recurring_timer(self): global clickStart, x, s, g, sd1, count_graph, smooth global x_coordinates1, list_tmp1 global x_coordinates2, list_tmp2 global x_coordinates3, list_tmp3 global x_coordinates4, list_tmp4 global x_coordinates5, list_tmp5 global result1, result2, result3, result4, result5 global x_1, s_1, g_1, sd1_1, sd2_1 global x_2, s_2, g_2, sd1_2, sd2_2 global x_3, s_3, g_3, sd1_3, sd2_3 global x_4, s_4, g_4, sd1_4, sd2_4 global x_5, s_5, g_5, sd1_5, sd2_5 global file_spec, myPath now = # date_arr.append(now) current_time = now.strftime( "<font color=\"white\">%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S</font>") self.dashborad.dateNtime.setText(current_time) self.dashborad.tabWidget.setTabText( 0, self.dashborad.label_result1.text()) self.dashborad.tabWidget.setTabText( 1, self.dashborad.label_result2.text()) self.dashborad.tabWidget.setTabText( 2, self.dashborad.label_result3.text()) self.dashborad.tabWidget.setTabText( 3, self.dashborad.label_result4.text()) self.dashborad.tabWidget.setTabText( 4, self.dashborad.label_result5.text()) Find_file = False if (myPath != ""): file_spec = [] files = glob.glob(os.path.join(myPath, '*.txt')) if (len(files) > 0): files.sort(key=os.path.getmtime) for txtfile in files: file_spec.append(txtfile) Find_file = True else: Find_file = False if (clickStart == True and Find_file == True): if (myPath != ""): if (len(file_spec) > 0): f = open(file_spec[len(file_spec) - 1], "r") print(f) line = 0 X = [] for x in f: if (line >= 8): if (x == "\n"): continue tmp = x.split(";") X.append([float(tmp[4])]) line += 1 f.close() if (file_1 != ""): print("File_1") B = x_1 # x = x_1 X = np.array(X) x = X steps = [ self.setting.comboBox_step1_result1.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step1_result1.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step3_result1.currentText() ] # steps = [self.prepro.comboBox.currentText()] # print("steps :", steps) indexStep = 0 # print("X.shape :",x.shape) # print("B.shape :",B.shape) result = 0 # print("result setup:", result) if steps[0] == '----Select----' and steps[ 1] == '----Select----' and steps[ 2] == '----Select----': result = x else: for step in steps: # print("input shape to next ", step , " steps :", x.shape) if (indexStep >= 1): x = result indexStep += 1 if step == "1st Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result1_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result1_gab.value()) result = self.FirstDev() elif step == "2nd Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result1_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result1_gab.value()) result = self.SecondDev() elif step == "SNV": result = self.snv() elif step == "Smoothing Size": # s = s_3 s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_sm_result1_gab.value()) result = self.smooth_x() # print("output shape:",result.shape) result = (result.transpose()).dot(B) realresult = sum(result) # print("result:",realresult) result1 = realresult + int( self.setting.doubleSpinBox_biasResult1.value()) # print("cal result1 : ", realresult, "+ Bias : ", self.systemconfig.spinBox_4.value(), " = ", result1) self.dashborad.result1.setText(str(np.round(result1, 2))) self.dashborad.figure.clear() ax2 = self.dashborad.figure.add_subplot(111) x_coordinates1.append(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) list_tmp1.append(result1) ax2.plot(x_coordinates1, list_tmp1) ax2.set_xlabel('Time') ax2.set_ylabel('Results') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) ax2.set_position(gs[0:2].get_position( self.dashborad.figure)) ax2.set_subplotspec(gs[0:2]) ax2.set_xticklabels(x_coordinates1, rotation=90, fontsize=8) self.dashborad.canvas.draw() print("draw 1 succ !!") if (file_2 != ""): print("File_2") B = x_2 X = np.array(X) x = X steps = [ self.setting.comboBox_step1_result2.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step2_result2.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step3_result2.currentText() ] # steps = [self.prepro.comboBox.currentText()] # print("steps :", steps) indexStep = 0 # print("X.shape :",x.shape) # print("B.shape :",B.shape) result = 0 # print("result setup:", result) if steps[0] == '----Select----' and steps[ 1] == '----Select----' and steps[ 2] == '----Select----': result = x else: for step in steps: # print("input shape to next ", step , " steps :", x.shape) if (indexStep >= 1): x = result indexStep += 1 if step == "1st Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result2_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result2_gab.value()) result = self.FirstDev() elif step == "2nd Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result2_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result2_gab.value()) result = self.SecondDev() elif step == "SNV": result = self.snv() elif step == "Smoothing Size": # s = s_3 s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_sm_result2_gab.value()) result = self.smooth_x() # print("output shape:",result.shape) result = (result.transpose()).dot(B) realresult = sum(result) result2 = realresult + int( self.setting.doubleSpinBox_biasResult2.value()) # print("cal result2 : ", realresult, "+ Bias : ", self.systemconfig.spinBox_5.value(), " = ", result2) self.dashborad.result2.setText(str(np.round(result2, 2))) self.dashborad.figure1.clear() ax2 = self.dashborad.figure1.add_subplot(111) list_tmp2.append(result2) x_coordinates2.append(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) ax2.plot(x_coordinates2, list_tmp2) ax2.set_xlabel('Time') ax2.set_ylabel('Results') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) ax2.set_position(gs[0:2].get_position( self.dashborad.figure1)) ax2.set_subplotspec(gs[0:2]) ax2.set_xticklabels(x_coordinates2, rotation=90, fontsize=8) self.dashborad.canvas1.draw() print("draw 2 succ !!") if (file_3 != ""): print("File_3") B = x_3 X = np.array(X) x = X steps = [ self.setting.comboBox_step1_result3.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step1_result3.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step3_result3.currentText() ] # steps = [self.prepro.comboBox.currentText()] # print("steps :", steps) indexStep = 0 # print("X.shape :",x.shape) # print("B.shape :",B.shape) result = 0 # print("result setup:", result) if steps[0] == '----Select----' and steps[ 1] == '----Select----' and steps[ 2] == '----Select----': result = x else: for step in steps: # print("input shape to next ", step , " steps :", x.shape) if (indexStep >= 1): x = result indexStep += 1 if step == "1st Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result3_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result3_gab.value()) result = self.FirstDev() elif step == "2nd Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result3_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result3_gab.value()) result = self.SecondDev() elif step == "SNV": result = self.snv() elif step == "Smoothing Size": # s = s_3 s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_sm_result3_gab.value()) result = self.smooth_x() # print("output shape:",result.shape) result = (result.transpose()).dot(B) realresult = sum(result) result3 = realresult + int( self.setting.doubleSpinBox_biasResult3.value()) # print("cal result3 : ", realresult, "+ Bias : ", self.systemconfig.spinBox_6.value(), " = ", result3) self.dashborad.result3.setText(str(np.round(result3, 2))) self.dashborad.figure2.clear() ax2 = self.dashborad.figure2.add_subplot(111) # result3 = result[0][0] list_tmp3.append(result3) x_coordinates3.append(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) ax2.plot(x_coordinates3, list_tmp3) ax2.set_xlabel('Time') ax2.set_ylabel('Results') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) ax2.set_position(gs[0:2].get_position( self.dashborad.figure2)) ax2.set_subplotspec(gs[0:2]) ax2.set_xticklabels(x_coordinates3, rotation=90, fontsize=8) self.dashborad.canvas2.draw() print("draw 3 succ !!") if (file_4 != ""): print("File_4") B = x_4 X = np.array(X) x = X steps = [ self.setting.comboBox_step1_result4.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step1_result4.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step3_result4.currentText() ] # steps = [self.prepro.comboBox.currentText()] # print("steps :", steps) indexStep = 0 # print("X.shape :",x.shape) # print("B.shape :",B.shape) result = 0 # print("result setup:", result) if steps[0] == '----Select----' and steps[ 1] == '----Select----' and steps[ 2] == '----Select----': result = x else: for step in steps: # print("input shape to next ", step , " steps :", x.shape) if (indexStep >= 1): x = result indexStep += 1 if step == "1st Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result4_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result4_gab.value()) result = self.FirstDev() elif step == "2nd Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result4_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result4_gab.value()) result = self.SecondDev() elif step == "SNV": result = self.snv() elif step == "Smoothing Size": # s = s_3 s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_sm_result4_gab.value()) result = self.smooth_x() # print("output shape:",result.shape) result = (result.transpose()).dot(B) realresult = sum(result) result4 = realresult + int( self.setting.doubleSpinBox_biasResult4.value()) # print("cal result4 : ", realresult, "+ Bias : ", self.systemconfig.spinBox_7.value(), " = ", result4) self.dashborad.result4.setText(str(np.round(result4, 2))) self.dashborad.figure3.clear() ax2 = self.dashborad.figure3.add_subplot(111) # result4 = result[0][0] list_tmp4.append(result4) x_coordinates4.append(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) ax2.plot(x_coordinates4, list_tmp4) ax2.set_xlabel('Time') ax2.set_ylabel('Results') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) ax2.set_position(gs[0:2].get_position( self.dashborad.figure3)) ax2.set_subplotspec(gs[0:2]) ax2.set_xticklabels(x_coordinates4, rotation=90, fontsize=8) self.dashborad.canvas3.draw() print("draw 4 succ !!") if (file_5 != ""): print("File_5") B = x_5 X = np.array(X) x = X steps = [ self.setting.comboBox_step1_result5.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step1_result5.currentText(), self.setting.comboBox_step3_result5.currentText() ] # steps = [self.prepro.comboBox.currentText()] # print("steps :", steps) indexStep = 0 # print("X.shape :",x.shape) # print("B.shape :",B.shape) result = 0 # print("result setup:", result) if steps[0] == '----Select----' and steps[ 1] == '----Select----' and steps[ 2] == '----Select----': result = x else: for step in steps: # print("input shape to next ", step , " steps :", x.shape) if (indexStep >= 1): x = result indexStep += 1 if step == "1st Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result5_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_1D_result5_gab.value()) result = self.FirstDev() elif step == "2nd Derivative": s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result5_sg.value()) g = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_2D_result5_gab.value()) result = self.SecondDev() elif step == "SNV": result = self.snv() elif step == "Smoothing Size": # s = s_3 s = int(self.setting. doubleSpinBox_sm_result5_gab.value()) result = self.smooth_x() # print("output shape:",result.shape) result = (result.transpose()).dot(B) realresult = sum(result) result5 = realresult + int( self.setting.doubleSpinBox_biasResult5.value()) # print("cal result5 : ", realresult, "+ Bias : ", self.systemconfig.spinBox_8.value(), " = ", result5) self.dashborad.result5.setText(str(np.round(result5, 2))) self.dashborad.figure4.clear() ax2 = self.dashborad.figure4.add_subplot(111) x_coordinates5.append(now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) # self.dashborad.result5.setText(str(int(result5))) list_tmp5.append(result5) ax2.plot(x_coordinates5, list_tmp5) ax2.set_xlabel('Time') ax2.set_ylabel('Results') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) ax2.set_position(gs[0:2].get_position( self.dashborad.figure4)) ax2.set_subplotspec(gs[0:2]) ax2.set_xticklabels(x_coordinates5, rotation=90, fontsize=8) self.dashborad.canvas4.draw() print("draw 5 succ !!") count_graph = count_graph + 1 def setupUi(self): ################ remove ##################### # self.dashborad.buttonSysConfig.clicked.connect( # self.dashborad.buttonSysConfig.clicked.connect(self.dashborad.hide) # self.dashborad.buttonPrePro.clicked.connect( # self.dashborad.buttonPrePro.clicked.connect(self.dashborad.hide) ############################################## # self.prepro.btnBack.clicked.connect(self.prepro.centralwidget.hide) # self.prepro.btnBack.clicked.connect( ################# add feature ############### self.dashborad.buttonSetting.clicked.connect( self.dashborad.buttonSetting.clicked.connect(self.dashborad.hide) ############################################## # self.prepro.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.prepro.hide) # self.prepro.pushButton_3.clicked.connect( # self.systemconfig.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.systemconfig.hide) # self.systemconfig.pushButton_3.clicked.connect( self.setting.cancel.clicked.connect(self.setting.hide) self.setting.cancel.clicked.connect( self.setting.apply.clicked.connect(self.setting.hide) self.setting.apply.clicked.connect( self.setting.pushButton_selectfolder.clicked.connect(self.specific) # self.systemconfig.btnBack.clicked.connect(self.systemconfig.centralwidget.hide) # self.systemconfig.btnBack.clicked.connect( self.setting.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.getbtn1) self.setting.pushButton2.clicked.connect(self.getbtn2) self.setting.pushButton3.clicked.connect(self.getbtn3) self.setting.pushButton4.clicked.connect(self.getbtn4) self.setting.pushButton5.clicked.connect(self.getbtn5) self.dashborad.START.clicked.connect(self.getWave) self.dashborad.STOP.clicked.connect(self.getApply) self.setting.apply.clicked.connect(self.getApply) # self.systemconfig.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.getApply) # self.prepro.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.getPrepair) # self.systemconfig.btnApply.clicked.connect(self.getApply) # self.prepro.btnApply.clicked.connect(self.getPrepair) # self.prepro.Export.clicked.connect(self.getTxt) def specific(self): global file_spec, myPath myPath = str( QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Directory")) print("specific path:", myPath) self.setting.label_directotyfolder.setText( "<html><head/><body><p align=\"center\"><span style=\" font-size:14pt;\">" + myPath + "</span></p></body></html>") def getbtn1(self): print() global file_1 fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', 'c:/', "files (*.csv)") imagePath = fname[0] file_1 = fname[0] file_tmp = imagePath.split("/") self.setting.label_file1.setText(file_tmp[len(file_tmp) - 1]) def getbtn2(self): global file_2 fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', 'c:/', "files (*.csv)") imagePath = fname[0] file_2 = fname[0] file_tmp = imagePath.split("/") self.setting.label_file2.setText(file_tmp[len(file_tmp) - 1]) def getbtn3(self): global file_3 fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', 'c:/', "files (*.csv)") imagePath = fname[0] file_3 = fname[0] file_tmp = imagePath.split("/") self.setting.label_file3.setText(file_tmp[len(file_tmp) - 1]) def getbtn4(self): global file_4 fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', 'c:/', "files (*.csv)") imagePath = fname[0] file_4 = fname[0] file_tmp = imagePath.split("/") self.setting.label_file4.setText(file_tmp[len(file_tmp) - 1]) def getbtn5(self): global file_5 fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', 'c:/', "files (*.csv)") imagePath = fname[0] file_5 = fname[0] file_tmp = imagePath.split("/") self.setting.label_file5.setText(file_tmp[len(file_tmp) - 1]) def getTxt(self): if (str(self.prepro.widget_name.text()) == "Type your name..."): f = open("undefined.txt", "w") else: f = open(str(self.prepro.widget_name.text()) + ".txt", "w") f.write( str(self.dashborad.label_result1.text()) + " = " + str(self.dashborad.result1.text()) + "\n") f.write( str(self.dashborad.label_result2.text()) + " = " + str(self.dashborad.result2.text()) + "\n") f.write( str(self.dashborad.label_result3.text()) + " = " + str(self.dashborad.result3.text()) + "\n") f.write( str(self.dashborad.label_result4.text()) + " = " + str(self.dashborad.result4.text()) + "\n") f.write( str(self.dashborad.label_result5.text()) + " = " + str(self.dashborad.result5.text()) + "\n") f.close() # self.prepro.hide() # def getApply(self): print("[func] : getApply") global file_1, file_2, file_3, file_4, file_5 global x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5 global x_coordinates1, list_tmp1 global x_coordinates2, list_tmp2 global x_coordinates3, list_tmp3 global x_coordinates4, list_tmp4 global x_coordinates5, list_tmp5 global result1, result2, result3, result4, result5 global count_graph, clickStart clickStart = False result1 = [] result2 = [] result3 = [] result4 = [] result5 = [] count_graph = 0 x_coordinates1 = [] x_coordinates2 = [] x_coordinates3 = [] x_coordinates4 = [] x_coordinates5 = [] list_tmp1 = [] list_tmp2 = [] list_tmp3 = [] list_tmp4 = [] list_tmp5 = [] if (file_1 != ""): print(file_1) X = pd.read_csv(file_1, header=None) x_1 = np.array(X) if (file_2 != ""): print(file_2) X = pd.read_csv(file_2, header=None) x_2 = np.array(X) if (file_3 != ""): print(file_3) X = pd.read_csv(file_3, header=None) x_3 = np.array(X) if (file_4 != ""): print(file_4) X = pd.read_csv(file_4, header=None) x_4 = np.array(X) if (file_5 != ""): print(file_5) X = pd.read_csv(file_5, header=None) x_5 = np.array(X) # self.systemconfig.hide() # def getWave(self): global clickStart clickStart = True print("[func] : getWave") def FirstDev(self): global x, s, g, sd1 x = x.transpose() xx = x.shape[0] xy = x.shape[1] sd1 = np.zeros([xx, xy]) for i in range(int(s + g / 2 + 0.5), int(xy - s - g / 2 + 0.5)): sa = np.mean(x[:, int(i - s - g / 2 + 0.5):int(i - g / 2 - 0.5)], axis=1) sc = np.mean(x[:, int(i + g / 2 + 0.5):int(i + g / 2 - 0.5 + s)], axis=1) sd1[:, i] = sc - sa sd1 = sd1.transpose() return sd1 def SecondDev(self): global x, s, g, sd2 x = x.transpose() xx = x.shape[0] xy = x.shape[1] sd2 = np.zeros([xx, xy]) for i in range(int( / 2, s) + g + 0.5), int(xy - / 2, s) - g + 0.5)): x_c = np.mean(x[:, int(i + s / 2 + g + 0.5):int(i + / 2, s) + g - 0.5)], axis=1) x_a = np.mean(x[:, int(i - / 2, s) - g + 0.5):int(i - s / 2 - g - 0.5)], axis=1) x_b = np.mean(x[:, int(i - s / 2 + 0.5):int(i + s / 2 - 0.5)], axis=1) sd2[:, i] = (x_c) -, (x_b)) + (x_a) sd2 = sd2.transpose() return sd2 def smooth_x(self): global x, s, smooth x = x.transpose() # print("smoothing x,s :", x , s) xx = x.shape[0] xy = x.shape[1] smooth = np.zeros([xx, xy]) # print("smoothing x,s :", x , s) for i in range(s + 1, xy - s): sa = np.mean(x[:, int(i - s):int(i + s)], axis=1) smooth[:, i] = sa smooth = smooth.transpose() return smooth def snv(self): global x, s, g, snv_data xx = x.shape[0] xy = x.shape[1] mean_x = np.mean(x, axis=0) # print("mean_x",mean_x) std_d = np.std(x, axis=0) # print("std_d",std_d) meand = np.tile(mean_x, (xy, 1)).T stdd = np.tile(std_d, (xy, 1)).T # print("meand,stdd",meand,stdd) snv_data = (x - meand) / stdd return snv_data