needs_setuptools.add('install') if len(needs_setuptools.intersection(sys.argv)) > 0: import setuptools # This dict is used for passing extra arguments that are setuptools # specific to setup setuptools_extra_args = {} if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: # develop should check for submodules from setuptools.command.develop import develop setup_args['cmdclass']['develop'] = require_submodules(develop) setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = {'console_scripts':find_entry_points()} setup_args['extras_require'] = dict( parallel = 'pyzmq>=2.1.11', qtconsole = ['pyzmq>=2.1.11', 'pygments'], zmq = 'pyzmq>=2.1.11', doc = 'Sphinx>=0.3', test = 'nose>=0.10.1', notebook = ['tornado>=3.1', 'pyzmq>=2.1.11', 'jinja2'], nbconvert = ['pygments', 'jinja2', 'Sphinx>=0.3'] ) everything = set() for deps in setup_args['extras_require'].values(): if not isinstance(deps, list): deps = [deps] for dep in deps: everything.add(dep)
install_requires.append('pexpect') everything = set() for deps in extras_require.values(): everything.update(deps) extras_require['all'] = everything if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: # develop should check for submodules from setuptools.command.develop import develop setup_args['cmdclass']['develop'] = require_submodules(develop) setup_args['cmdclass']['bdist_wheel'] = css_js_prerelease(get_bdist_wheel()) setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': find_entry_points(), 'pygments.lexers': [ 'ipythonconsole = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonConsoleLexer', 'ipython = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonLexer', 'ipython3 = IPython.lib.lexers:IPython3Lexer', ], } setup_args['extras_require'] = extras_require requires = setup_args['install_requires'] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and \
if "setuptools" in sys.modules: for key in list(extras_require): if "platform_python_implementation" in key: new_key = key.replace("platform_python_implementation", "python_implementation") extras_require[new_key] = extras_require.pop(key) everything = set() for key, deps in extras_require.items(): if ":" not in key: everything.update(deps) extras_require["all"] = everything if "setuptools" in sys.modules: setuptools_extra_args["zip_safe"] = False setuptools_extra_args["entry_points"] = { "console_scripts": find_entry_points(), "pygments.lexers": [ "ipythonconsole = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonConsoleLexer", "ipython = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonLexer", "ipython3 = IPython.lib.lexers:IPython3Lexer", ], } setup_args["extras_require"] = extras_require requires = setup_args["install_requires"] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if "bdist_wininst" in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and ("sdist" in sys.argv or "bdist_rpm" in sys.argv):
if sys.platform == 'darwin': if any(arg.startswith('bdist') for arg in sys.argv) or not setupext.check_for_readline(): install_requires.append('gnureadline') elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Pyreadline has unicode and Python 3 fixes in 2.0 install_requires.append('pyreadline>=2.0') if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: # develop should check for submodules from setuptools.command.develop import develop setup_args['cmdclass']['develop'] = require_submodules(develop) setup_args['cmdclass']['bdist_wheel'] = get_bdist_wheel() setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': find_entry_points()} setup_args['extras_require'] = extras_require requires = setup_args['install_requires'] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and \ ('sdist' in sys.argv or 'bdist_rpm' in sys.argv): print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: bdist_wininst must be run alone. Exiting." sys.exit(1) setup_args['data_files'].append( ['Scripts', ('scripts/ipython.ico', 'scripts/ipython_nb.ico')]) setup_args['scripts'] = [
if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: for key in list(extras_require): if 'platform_python_implementation' in key: new_key = key.replace('platform_python_implementation', 'python_implementation') extras_require[new_key] = extras_require.pop(key) everything = set() for key, deps in extras_require.items(): if ':' not in key: everything.update(deps) extras_require['all'] = everything if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': find_entry_points(), 'pygments.lexers': [ 'ipythonconsole = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonConsoleLexer', 'ipython = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonLexer', 'ipython3 = IPython.lib.lexers:IPython3Lexer', ], } setup_args['extras_require'] = extras_require requires = setup_args['install_requires'] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and \
if len(needs_setuptools.intersection(sys.argv)) > 0: import setuptools # This dict is used for passing extra arguments that are setuptools # specific to setup setuptools_extra_args = {} if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: # develop should check for submodules from setuptools.command.develop import develop setup_args['cmdclass']['develop'] = require_submodules(develop) setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': find_entry_points() } setup_args['extras_require'] = dict( parallel='pyzmq>=2.1.11', qtconsole=['pyzmq>=2.1.11', 'pygments'], zmq='pyzmq>=2.1.11', doc=['Sphinx>=1.1', 'numpydoc'], test='nose>=0.10.1', notebook=['tornado>=3.1', 'pyzmq>=2.1.11', 'jinja2'], nbconvert=['pygments', 'jinja2', 'Sphinx>=0.3']) everything = set() for deps in setup_args['extras_require'].values(): if not isinstance(deps, list): deps = [deps] for dep in deps: everything.add(dep)
if 'platform_python_implementation' in key: new_key = key.replace('platform_python_implementation', 'python_implementation') extras_require[new_key] = extras_require.pop(key) everything = set() for key, deps in extras_require.items(): if ':' not in key: everything.update(deps) extras_require['all'] = everything if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': find_entry_points(), 'pygments.lexers': [ 'ipythonconsole = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonConsoleLexer', 'ipython = IPython.lib.lexers:IPythonLexer', 'ipython3 = IPython.lib.lexers:IPython3Lexer', ], } setup_args['extras_require'] = extras_require requires = setup_args['install_requires'] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and \
# add readline if sys.platform == 'darwin': if 'bdist_wheel' in sys.argv[1:] or not setupext.check_for_readline(): install_requires.append('gnureadline') elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): extras_require['terminal'].append('pyreadline>=2.0') if 'setuptools' in sys.modules: # develop should check for submodules from setuptools.command.develop import develop setup_args['cmdclass']['develop'] = require_submodules(develop) setup_args['cmdclass']['bdist_wheel'] = css_js_prerelease(get_bdist_wheel()) setuptools_extra_args['zip_safe'] = False setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = {'console_scripts':find_entry_points()} setup_args['extras_require'] = extras_require requires = setup_args['install_requires'] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and \ ('sdist' in sys.argv or 'bdist_rpm' in sys.argv): print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: bdist_wininst must be run alone. Exiting." sys.exit(1) setup_args['data_files'].append( ['Scripts', ('scripts/ipython.ico', 'scripts/ipython_nb.ico')]) setup_args['scripts'] = [pjoin('scripts','')]
if sys.platform == "darwin": if any(arg.startswith("bdist") for arg in sys.argv) or not setupext.check_for_readline(): install_requires.append("gnureadline") elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): extras_require["terminal"].append("pyreadline>=2.0") if "setuptools" in sys.modules: # develop should check for submodules from setuptools.command.develop import develop setup_args["cmdclass"]["develop"] = require_submodules(develop) setup_args["cmdclass"]["bdist_wheel"] = css_js_prerelease(get_bdist_wheel()) setuptools_extra_args["zip_safe"] = False setuptools_extra_args["entry_points"] = {"console_scripts": find_entry_points()} setup_args["extras_require"] = extras_require requires = setup_args["install_requires"] = install_requires # Script to be run by the windows binary installer after the default setup # routine, to add shortcuts and similar windows-only things. Windows # post-install scripts MUST reside in the scripts/ dir, otherwise distutils # doesn't find them. if "bdist_wininst" in sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) > 2 and ("sdist" in sys.argv or "bdist_rpm" in sys.argv): print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: bdist_wininst must be run alone. Exiting." sys.exit(1) setup_args["data_files"].append(["Scripts", ("scripts/ipython.ico", "scripts/ipython_nb.ico")]) setup_args["scripts"] = [pjoin("scripts", "")] setup_args["options"] = {"bdist_wininst": {"install_script": ""}}