def test_is_http_blocked_returned_true(self, mock_netcat): """ Checks the proper funcitonality of is_http_blocked function when the returncode is non-zero integer """ dest_ip = 'mock_destination_ip' nc_calls = [call('', 'mock_destination_ip', destination_port='80', source_port=None)] mock_netcat.return_value = 1 self.assertTrue(test_utils.is_http_blocked(self.ip, dest_ip)) mock_netcat.assert_has_calls(nc_calls)
def present_results_allowed_http(self): """Check whether the connection between server and client using HTTP protocol is available or not. :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario """ if not test_utils.is_http_blocked(self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip): results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "HTTP works") else: error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP BLOCKED\033[0m') logger.error(error) test_utils.capture_ovs_logs( self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients, error) results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "HTTP is blocked") return results
def present_results_allowed_port_http(self, testcase_config): """Check whether the connection between server and client using HTTP protocol and for a specific port is available or not. :param testcase_config: The config input of the test case :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario """ allowed_port = testcase_config.source_port"Test if HTTP from port %s works" % allowed_port) if not test_utils.is_http_blocked( self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip, allowed_port): results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "HTTP works") else: error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP BLOCKED\033[0m') logger.error(error) test_utils.capture_ovs_logs( self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients, error) results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "HTTP is blocked") return results
def present_results_blocked_port_http(self, testcase_config, test='HTTP'): """Check whether the connection between server and client using HTTP protocol and for a specific port is blocked or not. :param testcase_config: The config input of the test case :param test: custom test string to print on result summary :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario """ allowed_port = testcase_config.source_port"Test if HTTP from port %s doesn't work" % allowed_port) if test_utils.is_http_blocked(self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip, allowed_port): results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", test + " blocked") else: error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP WORKS\033[0m') logger.error(error) test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients, error) results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", test + " works") return results