 def build_model(self):
     country = self.Country
     gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(country, 'GOV', 'Government')
     hh = Household(country, 'HH', 'Household', alpha_income=.6, alpha_fin=.4)
     # A literally non-profit business sector
     bus = FixedMarginBusiness(country, 'BUS', 'Business Sector')
     # Create the linkages between sectors - tax flow, markets - labour ('LAB'), goods ('GOOD')
     tax = TaxFlow(country, 'TF', 'TaxFlow', taxrate=.2)
     labour = Market(country, 'LAB', 'Labour market')
     goods = Market(country, 'GOOD', 'Goods market')
     if self.UseBookExogenous:
         # Need to set the exogenous variable - Government demand for Goods ("G" in economist symbology)
         gov.SetExogenous('DEM_GOOD', '[0.,] + [20.,] * 105')
     return self.Model
 def build_model(self):
     country = self.Country
     gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(country, 'GOV', 'Government')
     hh = HouseholdWithExpectations(country, 'HH', 'Household', alpha_income=.6, alpha_fin=.4)
     # A literally non-profit business sector
     bus = FixedMarginBusiness(country, 'BUS', 'Business Sector')
     # Create the linkages between sectors - tax flow, markets - labour ('LAB'), goods ('GOOD')
     tax = TaxFlow(country, 'TF', 'TaxFlow', .2)
     labour = Market(country, 'LAB', 'Labour market')
     goods = Market(country, 'GOOD', 'Goods market')
     if self.UseBookExogenous:
         # Need to set the exogenous variable - Government demand for Goods ("G" in economist symbology)
         gov.SetExogenous('DEM_GOOD', '[0.,] + [20.,] * 105')
         # In order to replicate the book results, we need to patch in this initial condition so that the
         # expected income in period 1 is 16.
         self.Model.AddInitialCondition('HH', 'AfterTax', 16.)
     return self.Model
 def test_LookupSector(self):
     mod = Model()
     can = Country(mod, 'Eh', 'Canada')
     gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(can, 'GOV', 'Government')
     hh = Household(can, 'HH', 'Household', .9)
     self.assertEqual(can.LookupSector('HH').ID, hh.ID)
     self.assertEqual(can.LookupSector('GOV').ID, gov.ID)
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
 def test_getitem(self):
     # Hits both Model and Country GetItem
     mod = Model()
     can = Country(mod, 'CA', 'Can')
     gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(can, 'GOV', 'Gov')
     us = Country(mod, 'US', 'US')
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
     self.assertEqual(gov, mod['CA']['GOV'])
def CreateCountry(mod, name, code):
    # Create the country.
    cntry = Country(mod, code, name)
    # Create sectors
    ConsolidatedGovernment(cntry, 'GOV', 'Government')
    hou = Household(cntry, 'HH', 'Household')
    hou.AddVariable('TaxRate', 'Tax rate for workers', '.2')
    cap = Capitalists(cntry, 'CAP', 'Capitalists')
    cap.AddVariable('TaxRate', 'Tax rate for capitalists', '0.3')
    FixedMarginBusiness(cntry, 'BUS', 'Business Sector')
    # Create the linkages between sectors - tax flow, markets - labour ('LAB'), goods ('GOOD')
    TaxFlow(cntry, 'TF', 'TaxFlow', .2)
    Market(cntry, 'LAB', 'Labour market')
    Market(cntry, 'GOOD', 'Goods market')
    return cntry
def main():
    # The next line of code sets the name of the output files based on the code file's name.
    # This means that if you paste this code into a new file, get a new log name.
    sfc_models.register_standard_logs('output', __file__)
    # Create model, which holds all entities
    mod = Model()
    # Create first country - Canada. (This model only has one country.)
    can = Country(mod, 'CA', 'Canada')
    # Create sectors
    gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(can, 'GOV', 'Government')
    hh = Household(can, 'HH', 'Household')
    # A literally non-profit business sector
    bus = FixedMarginBusiness(can, 'BUS', 'Business Sector')
    # Create the linkages between sectors - tax flow, markets - labour ('LAB'), goods ('GOOD')
    tax = TaxFlow(can, 'TF', 'TaxFlow', .2)
    labour = Market(can, 'LAB', 'Labour market')
    goods = Market(can, 'GOOD', 'Goods market')
    # Add the financial markets
    # GOV -> issuing sector
    mm = MoneyMarket(can, issuer_short_code='GOV')
    dep = DepositMarket(can, issuer_short_code='GOV')
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Financial asset demand equations
    # Need the full variable name for 'F' in household
    hh_F = hh.GetVariableName('F')
    hh.AddVariable('DEM_MON', 'Demand for Money', '0.5 * ' + hh_F)
    hh.AddVariable('DEM_DEP', 'Demand for deposits', '0.5 * ' + hh_F)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Need to set the exogenous variables
    # Government demand for Goods ("G" in economist symbology)
    mod.AddExogenous('GOV', 'DEM_GOOD', '[20.,] * 105')
    mod.AddExogenous('DEP', 'r', '[0.0,] * 5 + [0.04]*100')
    mod.AddInitialCondition('HH', 'F', 80.)

    mod.TimeSeriesSupressTimeZero = True
    mod.TimeSeriesCutoff = 20
    Quick2DPlot(mod.GetTimeSeries('t'), mod.GetTimeSeries('GOOD__SUP_GOOD'),
                'Goods supplied (national production Y)')
    Quick2DPlot(mod.GetTimeSeries('t'), mod.GetTimeSeries('HH__F'),
                'Household Financial Assets (F)')
 def test_contains(self):
     mod = Model()
     can = Country(mod, 'CA', 'Can')
     gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(can, 'GOV', 'Gov')
     self.assertIn(gov, can)
 def test_AddSector(self):
     mod = Model()
     can = Country(mod, 'Eh', 'Canada')
     gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(can, 'GOV', 'Government')
     self.assertEqual(can.SectorList[0].ID, gov.ID)
def main():
    # The next line of code sets the name of the output files based on the code file's name.
    # This means that if you paste this code into a new file, get a new log name.
    sfc_models.register_standard_logs('output', __file__)
    # Create model, which holds all entities
    mod = Model()
    # Create first country - Canada.
    can = Country(mod, 'CA', 'Canada')
    # Create sectors
    gov = ConsolidatedGovernment(can, 'GOV', 'Government')
    hh = Household(can, 'HH', 'Household')
    # A literally non-profit business sector
    bus = FixedMarginBusiness(can, 'BUS', 'Business Sector')
    # Create the linkages between sectors - tax flow, markets - labour ('LAB'), goods ('GOOD')
    tax = TaxFlow(can, 'TF', 'TaxFlow', .2)
    labour = Market(can, 'LAB', 'Labour market')
    goods = Market(can, 'GOOD', 'Goods market')

    # Create a second country, with non-zero profits
    # This is a very error-prone way of building the model; if we repeat code blocks, they should be in
    # a function.
    # Create United States - Almost identical to Canada.
    us = Country(mod, 'US', 'United States')
    # Create sectors
    gov2 = ConsolidatedGovernment(us, 'GOV', 'Government')
    hh2 = Household(us, 'HH', 'Household')
    # ********** Profit margin of 10% *****************
    bus2 = FixedMarginBusiness(us, 'BUS', 'Business Sector', profit_margin=.1)
    # Create the linkages between sectors - tax flow, markets - labour ('LAB'), goods ('GOOD')
    tax2 = TaxFlow(us, 'TF', 'TaxFlow', .2)
    labor2 = Market(us, 'LAB', 'Labor market')
    goods2 = Market(us, 'GOOD', 'Goods market')
    # *****************************************************************
    # Need to set the exogenous variable - Government demand for Goods ("G" in economist symbology)
    # Since we have a two country model, we need to specify the full sector code, which includes the country code.
    mod.AddExogenous('CA_GOV', 'DEM_GOOD', '[20.,] * 105')
    mod.AddExogenous('US_GOV', 'DEM_GOOD', '[20.,] * 105')

    # Do the main work of building and solving the model
    CUT = 25
    t = mod.GetTimeSeries('t', cutoff=CUT)
    Y_CA = mod.GetTimeSeries('CA_GOOD__SUP_GOOD', cutoff=CUT)
    Y_US = mod.GetTimeSeries('US_GOOD__SUP_GOOD', cutoff=CUT)
    p = Quick2DPlot([t, t], [Y_CA, Y_US], 'Output - Y', run_now=False)
    p.Legend = ['Canada (0% profit)', 'U.S. (10% Profit)']
    F_CA = mod.GetTimeSeries('CA_BUS__F', cutoff=CUT)
    F_US = mod.GetTimeSeries('US_BUS__F', cutoff=CUT)
    p = Quick2DPlot([t, t], [F_CA, F_US],
                    'Business Sector Financial Assets (F)',
    p.Legend = ['Canada (0% profit)', 'U.S. (10% Profit)']
    BAL_CA = mod.GetTimeSeries('CA_GOV__FISC_BAL', cutoff=CUT)
    BAL_US = mod.GetTimeSeries('US_GOV__FISC_BAL', cutoff=CUT)
    p = Quick2DPlot([t, t], [BAL_CA, BAL_US],
                    'Government Financial Balance',
    p.Legend = ['Canada (0% profit)', 'U.S. (10% Profit)']