def verify_incompressibility( out, problem, state, extend = False ):
    """This hook is normally used for post-processing (additional results can
    be inserted into `out` dictionary), but here we just verify the weak
    incompressibility condition."""
    from sfepy.base.base import nm, output, assert_

    vv = problem.get_variables()
    one = nm.ones( (vv['p'].field.n_nod,), dtype = nm.float64 )
    vv['p'].data_from_any( one )
    zero = problem.evaluate('dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, p )', p=one, u=vv['u']())
    output('div( u ) = %.3e' % zero)

    assert_(abs(zero) < 1e-14)

    return out
def verify_incompressibility(out, problem, state, extend=False):
    """This hook is normally used for post-processing (additional results can
    be inserted into `out` dictionary), but here we just verify the weak
    incompressibility condition."""
    from sfepy.base.base import nm, output, assert_

    vv = problem.get_variables()
    one = nm.ones((vv['p'].field.n_nod, ), dtype=nm.float64)
    zero = problem.evaluate('dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, p )', p=one, u=vv['u']())
    output('div( u ) = %.3e' % zero)

    assert_(abs(zero) < 1e-14)

    return out