def solve_optimize(conf, options): opts = conf.options trunk = io.get_trunk(conf.filename_mesh) data = {} dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, '_'.join(('equations_direct', opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) = 'direct' dpb.time_update(None) apb = dpb.copy('adjoint') equations = getattr( conf, '_'.join( ('equations_adjoint', opts.problem, opts.objective_function))) apb.set_equations(equations) apb.time_update(None) apb.ebcs.zero_dofs() apb.update_equations(None, ebcs=apb.ebcs) ls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf( dnls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) anls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_adjoint) opt_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.optimizer) dpb.init_solvers(ls_conf=ls_conf, nls_conf=dnls_conf) apb.init_solvers(ls_conf=ls_conf, nls_conf=anls_conf) shape_opt = so.ShapeOptimFlowCase.from_conf(conf, dpb, apb) design0 = shape_opt.dsg_vars.val shape_opt.cache = Struct(design=design0 + 100, state=None, i_mesh=-1) opt_status = IndexedStruct() optimizer = Solver.any_from_conf(opt_conf, obj_fun=so.obj_fun, obj_fun_grad=so.obj_fun_grad, status=opt_status, obj_args=(shape_opt, opts)) ## # State problem solution for the initial design. vec_dp0 = so.solve_problem_for_design(dpb, design0, shape_opt, opts) dpb.save_state(trunk + '_direct_initial.vtk', vec_dp0) ## # Optimize. des = optimizer(design0) print opt_status ## # Save final state (for "optimal" design). dpb.domain.mesh.write(trunk + '_opt.mesh', io='auto') dpb.save_state(trunk + '_direct_current.vtk', shape_opt.cache.state) print des
def solve_optimize(conf, options): opts = conf.options trunk = io.get_trunk(conf.filename_mesh) data = {} dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, "_".join(("equations_direct", opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) = "direct" dpb.time_update(None) apb = dpb.copy("adjoint") equations = getattr(conf, "_".join(("equations_adjoint", opts.problem, opts.objective_function))) apb.set_equations(equations) apb.time_update(None) apb.ebcs.zero_dofs() apb.update_equations(None, ebcs=apb.ebcs) ls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf( dnls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) anls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_adjoint) opt_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.optimizer) dpb.init_solvers(ls_conf=ls_conf, nls_conf=dnls_conf) apb.init_solvers(ls_conf=ls_conf, nls_conf=anls_conf) shape_opt = so.ShapeOptimFlowCase.from_conf(conf, dpb, apb) design0 = shape_opt.dsg_vars.val shape_opt.cache = Struct(design=design0 + 100, state=None, i_mesh=-1) opt_status = IndexedStruct() optimizer = Solver.any_from_conf( opt_conf, obj_fun=so.obj_fun, obj_fun_grad=so.obj_fun_grad, status=opt_status, obj_args=(shape_opt, opts) ) ## # State problem solution for the initial design. vec_dp0 = so.solve_problem_for_design(dpb, design0, shape_opt, opts) dpb.save_state(trunk + "_direct_initial.vtk", vec_dp0) ## # Optimize. des = optimizer(design0) print opt_status ## # Save final state (for "optimal" design). dpb.domain.mesh.write(trunk + "_opt.mesh", io="auto") dpb.save_state(trunk + "_direct_current.vtk", shape_opt.cache.state) print des
def solve_adjoint(conf, options, dpb, vec_dp, data): """ Solve the adjoint (linear) problem. """ opts = conf.options if dpb: apb = dpb.copy('adjoint') else: apb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf) equations = getattr(conf, '_'.join(('equations_adjoint', opts.problem, opts.objective_function))) apb.set_equations(equations) apb.time_update(None) apb.ebcs.zero_dofs() apb.update_equations(None, ebcs=apb.ebcs) var_data = dpb.equations.get_state_parts(vec_dp) var_data = remap_dict(var_data, opts.var_map) nls_conf = apb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_adjoint) vec_ap = apb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf, var_data=var_data) trunk = io.get_trunk(conf.filename_mesh) apb.save_state(trunk + '_adjoint.vtk', vec_ap) shape_opt = so.ShapeOptimFlowCase.from_conf(conf, dpb, apb) ## print shape_opt ## pause() if options.test is not None: ## # Test shape sensitivity. if shape_opt.test_terms_if_test: so.test_terms([options.test], opts.term_delta, shape_opt, var_data, vec_ap) shape_opt.check_sensitivity([options.test],, var_data, vec_ap) ## # Compute objective function. val = shape_opt.obj_fun(vec_dp) print 'actual obj_fun:', val ## pause() ## # Compute shape sensitivity. vec_sa = shape_opt.sensitivity(var_data, vec_ap) print 'actual sensitivity:', vec_sa
def solve_generic_direct(conf, options): opts = conf.options dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, "_".join(("equations_direct", opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) dpb.time_update(None) nls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) state_dp = dpb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf) return dpb, state_dp, {}
def solve_generic_direct(conf, options): opts = conf.options dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, '_'.join(('equations_direct', opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) dpb.time_update(None) nls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) state_dp = dpb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf) return dpb, state_dp, {}
def solve_adjoint(conf, options, dpb, state_dp, data): """ Solve the adjoint (linear) problem. """ opts = conf.options if dpb: apb = dpb.copy('adjoint') else: apb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr( conf, '_'.join( ('equations_adjoint', opts.problem, opts.objective_function))) apb.set_equations(equations) apb.time_update(None) apb.ebcs.zero_dofs() apb.update_equations(None, ebcs=apb.ebcs) var_data = state_dp.get_parts() var_data = remap_dict(var_data, opts.var_map) nls_conf = apb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_adjoint) state_ap = apb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf, var_data=var_data) trunk = io.get_trunk(conf.filename_mesh) apb.save_state(trunk + '_adjoint.vtk', state_ap) shape_opt = so.ShapeOptimFlowCase.from_conf(conf, dpb, apb) if options.test is not None: ## # Test shape sensitivity. if shape_opt.test_terms_if_test: so.test_terms([options.test], opts.term_delta, shape_opt, var_data, state_ap) shape_opt.check_sensitivity([options.test],, var_data, state_ap) ## # Compute objective function. val = shape_opt.obj_fun(state_dp) print 'actual obj_fun:', val ## # Compute shape sensitivity. vec_sa = shape_opt.sensitivity(var_data, state_ap) print 'actual sensitivity:', vec_sa
def solve_navier_stokes(conf, options): opts = conf.options dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, "_".join(("equations_direct", opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) ls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf( nls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) method = opts.direct_method if method == "stationary": data = {} dpb.time_update(None) state_dp = dpb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf) elif method == "transient": ls = Solver.any_from_conf(ls_conf) ts_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.ts_direct) data = {"ts": Struct(dt=ts_conf.dt)} # Plug in mass term. mequations = {} for key, eq in equations.iteritems(): if "dw_div_grad" in eq: eq = "+".join((ts_conf.mass_term, eq)).replace("++", "+") mequations[key] = eq if ts_conf.stokes_init: state_dp0 = solve_stokes(dpb, conf.equations_direct_stokes, nls_conf) dpb.set_equations(mequations) else: dpb.set_equations(mequations) state_dp0 = dpb.create_state() dpb.time_update(None) state_dp0.apply_ebc() from sfepy.base.log import Log log = Log.from_conf(Struct(is_plot=True), ([r"$||u||$"], [r"$||p||$"])) output("Navier-Stokes...") ev = BasicEvaluator(dpb, ts=Struct(dt=ts_conf.dt)) nls = Solver.any_from_conf(nls_conf, evaluator=ev, lin_solver=ls) n_step = ts_conf.n_step step = 0 while 1: for ii in xrange(n_step): output(step) vec_u = state_dp0("w") vec_p = state_dp0("r") log(nm.linalg.norm(vec_u), nm.linalg.norm(vec_p)) dpb.variables.set_data_from_state("w_0", state_dp0(), "w") vec_dp = nls(state_dp0()) step += 1 state_dp = state_dp0.copy() state_dp.set_reduced(vec_dp) state_dp0 = state_dp if ts_conf.interactive: try: n_step = int(raw_input("continue: ")) if n_step <= 0: break except: break vec_u = state_dp("w") vec_p = state_dp("r") log(nm.linalg.norm(vec_u), nm.linalg.norm(vec_p), finished=True) else: raise "unknown Navier-Stokes solution method (%s)!" % method return dpb, state_dp, data
def solve_navier_stokes(conf, options): opts = conf.options dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, '_'.join(('equations_direct', opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) ls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf( ) nls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) method = opts.direct_method if method == 'stationary': data = {} dpb.time_update(None) vec_dp = dpb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf) elif method == 'transient': ls = Solver.any_from_conf( ls_conf ) ts_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf( opts.ts_direct ) data = {'ts' : Struct( dt = ts_conf.dt )} # Plug in mass term. mequations = {} for key, eq in equations.iteritems(): if 'dw_div_grad' in eq: eq = '+'.join( (ts_conf.mass_term, eq) ).replace( '++', '+') mequations[key] = eq if ts_conf.stokes_init: vec_dp0 = solve_stokes( dpb, conf.equations_direct_stokes, nls_conf ) dpb.set_equations( mequations ) else: dpb.set_equations( mequations ) vec_dp0 = dpb.create_state_vector() dpb.time_update( None ) dpb.apply_ebc( vec_dp0 ) from sfepy.base.log import Log log = Log.from_conf( Struct( is_plot = True ), ([r'$||u||$'], [r'$||p||$']) ) output( 'Navier-Stokes...' ) ev = BasicEvaluator( dpb, ts = Struct( dt = ts_conf.dt ) ) nls = Solver.any_from_conf( nls_conf, evaluator = ev, lin_solver = ls ) n_step = ts_conf.n_step step = 0 while 1: for ii in xrange( n_step ): output( step ) vec_u = dpb.variables.get_state_part_view( vec_dp0, 'w' ) vec_p = dpb.variables.get_state_part_view( vec_dp0, 'r' ) log( nm.linalg.norm( vec_u ), nm.linalg.norm( vec_p ) ) dpb.variables.non_state_data_from_state( 'w_0', vec_dp0, 'w' ) vec_dp = nls( vec_dp0 ) step += 1 vec_dp0 = vec_dp.copy() if ts_conf.interactive: try: n_step = int( raw_input( 'continue: ' ) ) if n_step <= 0: break except: break vec_u = dpb.variables.get_state_part_view( vec_dp, 'w' ) vec_p = dpb.variables.get_state_part_view( vec_dp, 'r' ) log( nm.linalg.norm( vec_u ), nm.linalg.norm( vec_p ), finished = True ) else: raise 'unknown Navier-Stokes solution method (%s)!' % method return dpb, vec_dp, data
def solve_navier_stokes(conf, options): opts = conf.options dpb = ProblemDefinition.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) equations = getattr(conf, '_'.join(('equations_direct', opts.problem))) dpb.set_equations(equations) ls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf( nls_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.nls_direct) method = opts.direct_method if method == 'stationary': data = {} dpb.time_update(None) state_dp = dpb.solve(nls_conf=nls_conf) elif method == 'transient': ls = Solver.any_from_conf(ls_conf) ts_conf = dpb.get_solver_conf(opts.ts_direct) data = {'ts': Struct(dt=ts_conf.dt)} # Plug in mass term. mequations = {} for key, eq in equations.iteritems(): if 'dw_div_grad' in eq: eq = '+'.join((ts_conf.mass_term, eq)).replace('++', '+') mequations[key] = eq if ts_conf.stokes_init: state_dp0 = solve_stokes(dpb, conf.equations_direct_stokes, nls_conf) dpb.set_equations(mequations) else: dpb.set_equations(mequations) state_dp0 = dpb.create_state() dpb.time_update(None) state_dp0.apply_ebc() from sfepy.base.log import Log log = Log.from_conf(Struct(is_plot=True), ([r'$||u||$'], [r'$||p||$'])) output('Navier-Stokes...') ev = BasicEvaluator(dpb, ts=Struct(dt=ts_conf.dt)) nls = Solver.any_from_conf(nls_conf, evaluator=ev, lin_solver=ls) n_step = ts_conf.n_step step = 0 while 1: for ii in xrange(n_step): output(step) vec_u = state_dp0('w') vec_p = state_dp0('r') log(nm.linalg.norm(vec_u), nm.linalg.norm(vec_p)) dpb.variables.non_state_data_from_state( 'w_0', state_dp0(), 'w') vec_dp = nls(state_dp0()) step += 1 state_dp = state_dp0.copy() state_dp.set_reduced(vec_dp) state_dp0 = state_dp if ts_conf.interactive: try: n_step = int(raw_input('continue: ')) if n_step <= 0: break except: break vec_u = state_dp('w') vec_p = state_dp('r') log(nm.linalg.norm(vec_u), nm.linalg.norm(vec_p), finished=True) else: raise 'unknown Navier-Stokes solution method (%s)!' % method return dpb, state_dp, data