def main(): import os import numpy as nm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sfepy.fem import MeshIO import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.mechanics.contact_bodies import ContactSphere, plot_points conf_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename_mesh, prefix_dir=conf_dir) bb = io.read_bounding_box() outline = [vv for vv in la.combine(zip(*bb))] ax = plot_points(None, nm.array(outline), 'r*') csc = materials['cs'][0] cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) pps = (bb[1] - bb[0]) * nm.random.rand(5000, 3) + bb[0] mask = cs.mask_points(pps, 0.0) ax = plot_points(ax, cs.centre[None, :], 'b*', ms=30) ax = plot_points(ax, pps[mask], 'kv') ax = plot_points(ax, pps[~mask], 'r.')
def get_fargs(self, force_pars, centre, radius, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): sg, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) assert_((force_pars >= 0.0).all(), 'force parameters must be non-negative!') if self.cs is None: self.cs = ContactSphere(centre, radius) ig = self.char_fun.ig qps = self.get_physical_qps() qp_coors = qps.values[ig] u_qp = self.get(state, 'val').reshape(qp_coors.shape) # Deformed QP coordinates. coors = u_qp + qp_coors force = nm.zeros(coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) normals = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], 3), dtype=nm.float64) fd = None k, f0, eps, a = self._get_force_pars(force_pars, force.shape) # Active points in contact change with displacements! ii = self.cs.mask_points(coors, nm.abs(eps.min())) if diff_var is None: if ii.any(): d, normals[ii] = self.cs.get_distance(coors[ii]) force[ii] = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 0) fmode = 0 else: if ii.any(): d, normals[ii] = self.cs.get_distance(coors[ii]) # Force derivative. force[ii] = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 1) # Force / (R - d). aux = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 0) fd = nm.zeros_like(force) fd[ii] = aux / (self.cs.radius - d) fd.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (1, 1) fmode = 1 force.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (1, 1) normals.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (3, 1) return force, normals, fd, sg, fmode
class ContactSphereTerm(ContactPlaneTerm): r""" Small deformation elastic contact sphere term with penetration penalty. The sphere is given by a centre point :math:`\ul{C}` and a radius :math:`R`. The contact occurs in points that are closer to :math:`\ul{C}` than :math:`R`. In such points, a penetration distance :math:`d(\ul{u}) = R - ||\ul{X} + \ul{u} - \ul{C}||` is computed, and a force :math:`f(d(\ul{u})) \ul{n}(\ul{u})` is applied, where :math:`\ul{n}(\ul{u}) = (\ul{X} + \ul{u} - \ul{C}) / ||\ul{X} + \ul{u} - \ul{C}||`. The force depends on the non-negative parameters :math:`k` (stiffness) and :math:`f_0` (force at zero penetration): - If :math:`f_0 = 0`: .. math:: f(d) = 0 \mbox{ for } d \leq 0 \;, \\ f(d) = k d \mbox{ for } d > 0 \;. - If :math:`f_0 > 0`: .. math:: f(d) = 0 \mbox{ for } d \leq -\frac{2 r_0}{k} \;, \\ f(d) = \frac{k^2}{4 r_0} d^2 + k d + r_0 \mbox{ for } -\frac{2 r_0}{k} < d \leq 0 \;, \\ f(d) = k d + f_0 \mbox{ for } d > 0 \;. In this case the dependence :math:`f(d)` is smooth, and a (small) force is applied even for (small) negative penetrations: :math:`-\frac{2 r_0}{k} < d \leq 0`. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Gamma} \ul{v} \cdot f(d(\ul{u})) \ul{n}(\ul{u}) :Arguments: - material_f : :math:`[k, f_0]` - material_c : :math:`\ul{C}` (special) - material_r : :math:`R` (special) - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_contact_sphere' arg_types = ('material_f', 'material_c', 'material_r', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = {'material_f' : '1, 2', 'material_c' : '.: D', 'material_r' : '.: 1', 'virtual' : ('D', 'state'), 'state' : 'D'} geometries = ['3_4', '3_8'] integration = 'surface' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Term.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.cs = None @staticmethod def function(out, force, normals, fd, geo, fmode): bf =[0] nbf = bf * normals nbf.shape = (normals.shape[0], normals.shape[1], bf.shape[2] * normals.shape[2]) if fmode == 0: out_qp = force * nbf[..., None] else: nbf2 = nbf[..., None] * nbf[..., None, :] dim = normals.shape[2] n_ep = bf.shape[2] bb = bf[:, 0] vb = nm.zeros((bf.shape[0], dim, dim * n_ep)) for ii in range(dim): vb[:, ii, ii*n_ep:(ii+1)*n_ep] = bb ee = nm.eye(3)[None, ...] eebf2 = dot_sequences(vb, dot_sequences(ee, vb), 'ATB') out_qp = force * nbf2 if fd is not None: out_qp -= fd * (eebf2[None, :, :, :] - nbf2) status = geo.integrate(out, nm.ascontiguousarray(out_qp)) return status def get_fargs(self, force_pars, centre, radius, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): sg, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) assert_((force_pars >= 0.0).all(), 'force parameters must be non-negative!') if self.cs is None: self.cs = ContactSphere(centre, radius) ig = self.char_fun.ig qps = self.get_physical_qps() qp_coors = qps.values[ig] u_qp = self.get(state, 'val').reshape(qp_coors.shape) # Deformed QP coordinates. coors = u_qp + qp_coors force = nm.zeros(coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) normals = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], 3), dtype=nm.float64) fd = None k, f0, eps, a = self._get_force_pars(force_pars, force.shape) # Active points in contact change with displacements! ii = self.cs.mask_points(coors, nm.abs(eps.min())) if diff_var is None: if ii.any(): d, normals[ii] = self.cs.get_distance(coors[ii]) force[ii] = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 0) fmode = 0 else: if ii.any(): d, normals[ii] = self.cs.get_distance(coors[ii]) # Force derivative. force[ii] = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 1) # Force / (R - d). aux = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 0) fd = nm.zeros_like(force) fd[ii] = aux / (self.cs.radius - d) fd.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (1, 1) fmode = 1 force.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (1, 1) normals.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (3, 1) return force, normals, fd, sg, fmode
class ContactSphereTerm(ContactPlaneTerm): r""" Small deformation elastic contact sphere term with penetration penalty. The sphere is given by a centre point :math:`\ul{C}` and a radius :math:`R`. The contact occurs in points that are closer to :math:`\ul{C}` than :math:`R`. In such points, a penetration distance :math:`d(\ul{u}) = R - ||\ul{X} + \ul{u} - \ul{C}||` is computed, and a force :math:`f(d(\ul{u})) \ul{n}(\ul{u})` is applied, where :math:`\ul{n}(\ul{u}) = (\ul{X} + \ul{u} - \ul{C}) / ||\ul{X} + \ul{u} - \ul{C}||`. The force depends on the non-negative parameters :math:`k` (stiffness) and :math:`f_0` (force at zero penetration): - If :math:`f_0 = 0`: .. math:: f(d) = 0 \mbox{ for } d \leq 0 \;, \\ f(d) = k d \mbox{ for } d > 0 \;. - If :math:`f_0 > 0`: .. math:: f(d) = 0 \mbox{ for } d \leq -\frac{2 r_0}{k} \;, \\ f(d) = \frac{k^2}{4 r_0} d^2 + k d + r_0 \mbox{ for } -\frac{2 r_0}{k} < d \leq 0 \;, \\ f(d) = k d + f_0 \mbox{ for } d > 0 \;. In this case the dependence :math:`f(d)` is smooth, and a (small) force is applied even for (small) negative penetrations: :math:`-\frac{2 r_0}{k} < d \leq 0`. :Definition: .. math:: \int_{\Gamma} \ul{v} \cdot f(d(\ul{u})) \ul{n}(\ul{u}) :Arguments: - material_f : :math:`[k, f_0]` - material_c : :math:`\ul{C}` (special) - material_r : :math:`R` (special) - virtual : :math:`\ul{v}` - state : :math:`\ul{u}` """ name = 'dw_contact_sphere' arg_types = ('material_f', 'material_c', 'material_r', 'virtual', 'state') arg_shapes = { 'material_f': '1, 2', 'material_c': '.: D', 'material_r': '.: 1', 'virtual': ('D', 'state'), 'state': 'D' } geometries = ['3_4', '3_8'] integration = 'surface' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Term.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.cs = None @staticmethod def function(out, force, normals, fd, geo, fmode): bf =[0] nbf = bf * normals nbf.shape = (normals.shape[0], normals.shape[1], bf.shape[2] * normals.shape[2]) if fmode == 0: out_qp = force * nbf[..., None] else: nbf2 = nbf[..., None] * nbf[..., None, :] dim = normals.shape[2] n_ep = bf.shape[2] bb = bf[:, 0] vb = nm.zeros((bf.shape[0], dim, dim * n_ep)) for ii in range(dim): vb[:, ii, ii * n_ep:(ii + 1) * n_ep] = bb ee = nm.eye(3)[None, ...] eebf2 = dot_sequences(vb, dot_sequences(ee, vb), 'ATB') out_qp = force * nbf2 if fd is not None: out_qp -= fd * (eebf2[None, :, :, :] - nbf2) status = geo.integrate(out, nm.ascontiguousarray(out_qp)) return status def get_fargs(self, force_pars, centre, radius, virtual, state, mode=None, term_mode=None, diff_var=None, **kwargs): sg, _ = self.get_mapping(virtual) assert_((force_pars >= 0.0).all(), 'force parameters must be non-negative!') if self.cs is None: self.cs = ContactSphere(centre, radius) ig = self.char_fun.ig qps = self.get_physical_qps() qp_coors = qps.values[ig] u_qp = self.get(state, 'val').reshape(qp_coors.shape) # Deformed QP coordinates. coors = u_qp + qp_coors force = nm.zeros(coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) normals = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], 3), dtype=nm.float64) fd = None k, f0, eps, a = self._get_force_pars(force_pars, force.shape) # Active points in contact change with displacements! ii = self.cs.mask_points(coors, nm.abs(eps.min())) if diff_var is None: if ii.any(): d, normals[ii] = self.cs.get_distance(coors[ii]) force[ii] = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 0) fmode = 0 else: if ii.any(): d, normals[ii] = self.cs.get_distance(coors[ii]) # Force derivative. force[ii] = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 1) # Force / (R - d). aux = self.smooth_f(d, k[ii], f0[ii], a[ii], eps[ii], 0) fd = nm.zeros_like(force) fd[ii] = aux / (self.cs.radius - d) fd.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (1, 1) fmode = 1 force.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (1, 1) normals.shape = qps.shape[ig][:2] + (3, 1) return force, normals, fd, sg, fmode