def test_use_config_section(): output = StringIO() python3(path2main, program_output, u='TEST', config=config_file, _out=output) with open(program_output_filtered, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def sync(): """ Syncs all repos """ # Try auto-merge; if conflict: && git add && git commit. If that fails, too, then it was a JSON conflict that will have to be handled manually. print("Syncing repos...\n") for downstream, upstream in repos: downstream = f"https://{new_env['CDKBOT_GH']}{downstream}" sys.stdout.write(f"\t{upstream} -> {downstream}\n") identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.makedirs(identifier) for line in sh.git.clone(downstream, identifier, _iter=True): print(line) sh.git.config("", '*****@*****.**', _cwd=identifier) sh.git.config("", 'cdkbot', _cwd=identifier) sh.git.config("--global", "push.default", "simple") sh.git.remote("add", "upstream", upstream, _cwd=identifier) for line in sh.git.fetch("upstream", _cwd=identifier, _iter=True): print(line) sh.git.checkout("master", _cwd=identifier) if 'layer-index' in downstream: sh.python3('', _cwd=identifier) for line in sh.git.merge("upstream/master", _cwd=identifier, _iter=True): print(line) for line in sh.git.push("origin", _cwd=identifier, _iter=True): print(line)
def test_basic_filter_config(): "Filter the file according to the config file." output = StringIO() python3(path2main, 'test/program_output_config', config=config_file, _out=output) with open(program_output_filtered, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def hostPingTest(args): try: # 3대의 호스트에 ping 테스트 ret_val = [] ret_text = "" for host in args.host_names: item = {} ping_check = os.system("ping -c 1 -W 1 " + host + " > /dev/null") if ping_check == 0: item["host"] = host item["status"] = 'up' else: item["host"] = host item["status"] = 'down' ret_text += host + "와 네트워크 테스트 실패하였습니다\n" ret_val.append(item) # ex : ssh root@host echo 명령을 수행시 인증이 되어있으면 바로 응답이 오는데 인증이 되어있지 않으면 정상응답이 오지 않음 # 핑거프린트 해결을 위해 호출 python3(pluginpath + '/python/host/') if ret_text == "": return createReturn(code=200, val="host ping test success") else: return createReturn(code=500, val=ret_text) except Exception as e: # 결과값 리턴 print(e) return createReturn(code=500, val={})
def test_basic_filter_pipe(): output = StringIO() python3(cat(program_output), path2main, start_pattern=start_pattern, error_pattern=error_pattern, _out=output) with open(program_output_filtered, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def test_mail_empty_mail_group(): output = StringIO() python3(path2main, 'test/program_output_mail_empty_group', config=config_file, _err=output) correctly_filtered_output = '' assert correctly_filtered_output == output.getvalue()
def __init__(self, inpath, venv): self.inpath = inpath self.venv = venv sh.python3('-m', 'venv', '--clear', '--copies', self.venv) self.python = sh.Command(os.path.join(self.venv, "bin", "python3")) self.pip = sh.Command(os.path.join(self.venv, "bin", "pip")) self.pip("install", "-I", "cython==0.24") self.pip('install', 'wheel') self.cython = sh.Command(os.path.join(self.venv, "bin", "cython"))
def _sync_upstream(layer_list, dry_run): """ Syncs any of the forked upstream repos layer_list: YAML spec containing git repos and their upstream/downstream properties """ layer_list = yaml.safe_load(Path(layer_list).read_text(encoding="utf8")) new_env = os.environ.copy() for layer_map in layer_list: for layer_name, repos in layer_map.items(): upstream = repos["upstream"] downstream = repos["downstream"] if urlparse(upstream).path.lstrip("/") == downstream: click.echo( f"Skipping {layer_name} :: {upstream} == {downstream}") continue click.echo( f"Syncing {layer_name} :: {repos['upstream']} -> {repos['downstream']}" ) if not dry_run: downstream = f"https://{new_env['CDKBOT_GH_USR']}:{new_env['CDKBOT_GH_PSW']}{downstream}" identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.makedirs(identifier) try: for line in sh.git.clone(downstream, identifier, _iter=True, _bg_exc=False): click.echo(line) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: click.echo(f"Failed to clone repo: {e.stderr.decode()}") sys.exit(1) sh.git.config("", "*****@*****.**", _cwd=identifier) sh.git.config("", "cdkbot", _cwd=identifier) sh.git.config("--global", "push.default", "simple") sh.git.remote("add", "upstream", upstream, _cwd=identifier) for line in sh.git.fetch("upstream", _cwd=identifier, _iter=True, _bg_exc=False): click.echo(line) sh.git.checkout("master", _cwd=identifier) if "layer-index" in downstream: sh.python3("", _cwd=identifier) for line in sh.git.merge("upstream/master", _cwd=identifier, _iter=True, _bg_exc=False): click.echo(line) for line in sh.git.push("origin", _cwd=identifier, _iter=True, _bg_exc=True): click.echo(line)
def test_mail(): output = StringIO() python3(path2main, 'test/program_output_mail', config=config_file, _err=output) with open('test/program_output_filtered_mail', 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def resetCloudCenter(args): success_bool = True #=========== pcs cluster 초기화 =========== # 리소스 삭제 result = json.loads( python3(pluginpath + '/python/pcs/', 'remove', '--resource', 'cloudcenter_res').stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200, 400]: success_bool = False # 클러스터 삭제 result = json.loads( python3(pluginpath + '/python/pcs/', 'destroy').stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200, 400]: success_bool = False # ceph rbd 이미지 삭제 result = os.system("rbd ls -p rbd | grep ccvm > /dev/null") if result == 0: os.system("rbd rm rbd/ccvm") # virsh 초기화 os.system("virsh destroy ccvm > /dev/null") os.system("virsh undefine ccvm > /dev/null") # 작업폴더 생성 os.system("mkdir -p " + pluginpath + "/tools/vmconfig/ccvm") ''' # cloudinit iso 삭제 os.system("rm -f "+pluginpath+"/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/ccvm-cloudinit.iso") # vm xml 템플릿 삭제 os.system("rm -f "+pluginpath+"/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/ccvm.xml") # cloudinit iso에 사용할 hosts 삭제 os.system("rm -f "+pluginpath+"/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/hosts") # cloudinit iso에 사용할 개인키 : id_rsa 삭제 os.system("rm -f "+pluginpath+"/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/id_rsa") # cloudinit iso에 사용할 공개키 : 삭제 os.system("rm -f "+pluginpath+"/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/") ''' # 확인후 폴더 밑 내용 다 삭제해도 무관하면 아래 코드 수행 os.system("rm -rf " + pluginpath + "/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/*") # 결과값 리턴 if success_bool: return createReturn(code=200, val="cloud center reset success") else: return createReturn(code=500, val="cloud center reset fail")
def compile_cython(): '''Compile Cython modules using sh''' print('\n-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-') print('Compiling Cython code...') # compile inpyranoid from sh import python3 shOut = python3('', 'build_ext', '--inplace') print(shOut) # compile mmseqs_parser shOut = python3('', 'build_ext', '--inplace') print(shOut)
def pcsStop(): try: ret = sh.python3(pluginpath + "/python/pcs/","disable", "--resource", "cloudcenter_res").stdout.decode() while True: retPcsStatusJson = json.loads(sh.python3(pluginpath + "/python/pcs/","status", "--resource", "cloudcenter_res").stdout.decode()) if retPcsStatusJson['val']['role'] == 'Stopped': break except Exception as e: ret = createReturn(code=500, val='ERROR') print ('EXCEPTION : ',e) return ret
def import_data(json_name, package_dir): json_path = os.path.join(get_json_dir(), json_name) if os.path.exists(json_path): print('loading %s' % json_name) if IS_PY2: sh.python('', 'loaddata', json_path) else: sh.python3('', 'loaddata', json_path) else: log('%s does not exist' % json_path)
def setupPcsCluster(args): success_bool = True #=========== pcs cluster 구성 =========== # ceph 이미지 등록 os.system("qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O rbd /var/lib/libvirt/images/ablestack-template-back.qcow2 rbd:rbd/ccvm") # ccvm image resize os.system("rbd resize -s 500G ccvm") # 클러스터 구성 result = json.loads(python3(pluginpath + '/python/pcs/', 'config', '--cluster', 'cloudcenter_cluster', '--hosts', args.host_names[0], args.host_names[1], args.host_names[2] ).stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200]: success_bool = False # 리소스 생성 result = json.loads(python3(pluginpath+'/python/pcs/', 'create', '--resource', 'cloudcenter_res', '--xml', pluginpath+'/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/ccvm.xml' ).stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200]: success_bool = False #ccvm이 정상적으로 생성 되었는지 확인 domid_check = "" cnt_num = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) cnt_num += 1 domid_check = os.system("virsh domid ccvm > /dev/null") if domid_check == 0 or cnt_num > 300: break # psc 구성한 3대의 호스트 crontab에 ccvm 스냅샷 기능 추가 for host in args.host_names: os.system("ssh root@"+host+" \"rm -f /var/spool/cron/tmpfile\"") # /var/spool/cron/root 파일이 존재하면 실행 (file_exist 값이 0 이면 존재) file_exist = os.system("ssh root@"+host+" \"ls /var/spool/cron |grep root > /dev/null\"") if file_exist == 0 : os.system("ssh root@"+host+" \"awk '!/' /var/spool/cron/root > /var/spool/cron/tmpfile && mv -f /var/spool/cron/tmpfile /var/spool/cron/root\"") # crontab에 등록 os.system("ssh root@"+host+" \"echo -e \'0 1 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/cockpit/ablestack/python/ccvm_snap/\' >> /var/spool/cron/root | chmod 600 /var/spool/cron/root\"") # crond 재시작 os.system("ssh root@"+host+" \"systemctl restart crond.service\"") if domid_check != 0: success_bool = False # 결과값 리턴 if success_bool: return createReturn(code=200, val="cloud center setup success") else: return createReturn(code=500, val="cloud center setup fail")
def pcsMigration(): try: ret = sh.python3(pluginpath + "/python/pcs/","move", "--resource", "cloudcenter_res", "--target", while True: retPcsStatusJson = json.loads(sh.python3(pluginpath + "/python/pcs/","status", "--resource", "cloudcenter_res").stdout.decode()) if retPcsStatusJson['val']['role'] == 'Started': break sh.python3(pluginpath + "/python/pcs/","cleanup", "--resource", "cloudcenter_res").stdout.decode() except Exception as e: ret = createReturn(code=500, val='ERROR') print ('EXCEPTION : ',e) return ret
def test_filter_empty_group(): file = 'test/program_output_empty_group' filtered_output_file = 'test/program_output_filtered_empty_group' # Test with the file passed as a parameter. output = StringIO() python3(path2main, file, start_pattern=start_pattern, error_pattern=error_pattern, start_group='#### (?P<command>.+) - (?P<date>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', end_group='#### END', mail_to='*****@*****.**', _out=output) with open(filtered_output_file, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def createScvmCloudinit(args): success_bool = True # cloudinit iso에 사용할 hosts 파일 생성 cmd = "cat > "+args.file1+"<< EOF\n" cmd += args.text1 cmd += "\nEOF" os.system(cmd) # cloudinit iso에 사용할 개인키 : id_rsa 파일 생성 cmd = "cat > "+args.file2+"<< EOF\n" cmd += args.text2 cmd += "\nEOF" os.system(cmd) # cloudinit iso에 사용할 공개키 : 생성 cmd = "cat > "+args.file3+"<< EOF\n" cmd += args.text3 cmd += "\nEOF" os.system(cmd) # cloudinit iso 생성 (/usr/share/cockpit/ablestack/tools/vmconfig/scvm/scvm-cloudinit.iso) result = json.loads(python3(pluginpath + '/tools/cloudinit/','--hostname',args.hostname,'--hosts',args.file1,'--privkey',args.file2,'--pubkey',args.file3,'--mgmt-nic','ens20','--mgmt-ip',args.mgmt_ip,'--mgmt-prefix',args.mgmt_prefix,'--mgmt-gw',args.mgmt_gw,'--dns','','--pn-nic','ens21','--pn-ip',args.pn_ip,'--pn-prefix',args.pn_prefix,'--cn-nic','ens22','--cn-ip',args.cn_ip,'--cn-prefix',args.cn_prefix,'--iso-path',pluginpath+'/tools/vmconfig/scvm/scvm-cloudinit.iso','scvm').stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200]: success_bool = False # 결과값 리턴 if success_bool: return createReturn(code=200, val="scvm cloudinit iso create success") else: return createReturn(code=500, val="scvm cloudinit iso create fail")
def import_module(name): ''' Import with debugging >>> module = import_module("syr.user") >>> if IS_PY2: ... str(module) == "<module 'syr.user' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/syr/user.pyc'>" ... else: ... str(module) == "<module 'syr.user' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/syr/'>" True ''' try: log('import_module({})'.format(name)) #DEBUG module = importlib.import_module(name) log('import_module() result: {}'.format(module)) #DEBUG except ImportError as imp_error: log('unable to import {}'.format(name)) log('ImportError: ' + str(imp_error)) msg = 'could not import {}'.format(name) log(msg) # find out why if IS_PY2: log(sh.python('-c', 'import {}'.format(name)).stderr) else: log(sh.python3('-c', 'import {}'.format(name)).stderr) raise BuildException(msg) return module
def test_cli_funcs_arity_two(self): output = sh.python3('', '-deterministic', '-funcs_arity_two', 'add,sub,div', '-max_num_fit_params', 1, '-path_to_db', working_db, qrtic_polynml_csv, num_iters * 10) output = output.strip() print(output) n_results = count_results(working_db) result_list = get_resultlist(working_db) self.assertGreater(n_results, 0.98 * num_iters) flag1 = False flag2 = False flag3 = False for i in range(0, n_results): my_result = result_list._results[i] eqn = my_result._equation self.assertEqual(('mul' in eqn), False) self.assertEqual(('exp' in eqn), False) if 'add' in eqn: flag1 = True if 'sub' in eqn: flag2 = True if 'div' in eqn: flag3 = True self.assertEqual(flag1, True) self.assertEqual(flag2, True) self.assertEqual(flag3, True)
def test_cli_funcs_arity_two(self): output = sh.python3('', '-deterministic', True, '-funcs_arity_two', 'add,sub,div', '-max_num_fit_params', 1, self._dataset_path, self._output_db) output = output.strip() print(output)
def test_cli_combo_params_exhaustive_2(self): output = sh.python3('', '-exhaustive', True, '-funcs_arity_two', 'add,sub', '-max_permitted_trees', 3, '-max_num_fit_params', 1, self._dataset_path, self._output_db) output = output.strip() print(output)
def test_cli_funcs_arity_one(self): output = sh.python3('', '-deterministic', '-funcs_arity_one', 'tan,exp,sinh,cosh', '-funcs_arity_two', 'add', '-max_num_fit_params', 1, '-path_to_db', working_db, qrtic_polynml_csv, num_iters * 20) output = output.strip() print(output) n_results = count_results(working_db) result_list = get_resultlist(working_db) self.assertGreater(n_results, 0.98 * num_iters) flag1 = False flag2 = False flag3 = False flag4 = False for i in range(0, n_results): my_result = result_list._results[i] simple_eqn = my_result._simple_equation if 'cosh' in simple_eqn: flag1 = True if 'tan' in simple_eqn: flag2 = True if 'sinh' in simple_eqn: flag3 = True if 'exp' in simple_eqn: flag4 = True self.assertEqual(flag1, True) self.assertEqual(flag2, True) self.assertEqual(flag3, True) self.assertEqual(flag4, True)
def get_lines(self, repo_path): with sh.pushd(repo_path): a = sh.python3('-c', ugly_one_liner) lines = [ x for x in a.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if '>>>' in x ] return lines
def test_multiprocessing_performance(self): time0 = time.time() sh.python3('./', '-weights', './weights.csv', '-num_iters', '1000', '-simplify_solutions', 'False', './weights_data.csv', './test_output.json') time1 = time.time() diff1 = time1 - time0 sh.python3('./', '-weights', './weights.csv', '-multiprocessing', 'True', '-simplify_solutions', 'False', '-num_iters', '1000', './weights_data.csv', './test_output.json') time2 = time.time() diff2 = time2 - time1 print("Single Processing:", diff1) print("Multiprocessing:", diff2) print("Number cores:", multiprocessing.cpu_count())
def test_cli_five_fit_params(self): output = sh.python3('', '-deterministic', '-max_num_fit_params', 5, '-path_to_db', working_db, qrtic_polynml_csv, num_iters) output = output.strip() print(output) n_results = count_results(working_db) self.assertGreater(n_results, 0.98 * num_iters)
def test_cli_funcs_arity_one(self): output = sh.python3('', '-deterministic', True, '-funcs_arity_one', 'tan,exp,sinh,cosh', '-funcs_arity_two', 'add', '-max_num_fit_params', 1, '-path_to_db', working_db, self._dataset_path, self._output_db) output = output.strip() print(output)
def run_codegen(templates, destination): print('Running codegen') print( python3('.components/codegen/', template=templates, output=destination, ) )
def test_cli_single_processor_deterministic(self): output = sh.python3('', '-single', '-deterministic', '-path_to_db', working_db, qrtic_polynml_csv, num_iters) output = output.strip() print(output) n_results = count_results(working_db) self.assertGreater(n_results, 0.95 * num_iters)
def pcsCleanup(): try: ret = sh.python3(pluginpath + "/python/pcs/","cleanup", "--resource", "cloudcenter_res").stdout.decode() except Exception as e: ret = createReturn(code=500, val='ERROR') print ('EXCEPTION : ',e) return ret
def test_filter_empty_group(): file = 'test/program_output_empty_group' filtered_output_file = 'test/program_output_filtered_empty_group' # Test with the file passed as a parameter. output = StringIO() python3(path2main, file, start_pattern=start_pattern, error_pattern=error_pattern, start_group= '#### (?P<command>.+) - (?P<date>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', end_group='#### END', mail_to='*****@*****.**', _out=output) with open(filtered_output_file, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def setupPcsCluster(args): success_bool = True #=========== pcs cluster 구성 =========== # ceph 이미지 등록 os.system( "qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O rbd /var/lib/libvirt/images/ablestack-template-back.qcow2 rbd:rbd/ccvm" ) # 클러스터 구성 result = json.loads( python3(pluginpath + '/python/pcs/', 'config', '--cluster', 'cloudcenter_cluster', '--hosts', args.host_names[0], args.host_names[1], args.host_names[2]).stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200]: success_bool = False # 리소스 생성 result = json.loads( python3(pluginpath + '/python/pcs/', 'create', '--resource', 'cloudcenter_res', '--xml', pluginpath + '/tools/vmconfig/ccvm/ccvm.xml').stdout.decode()) if result['code'] not in [200]: success_bool = False #ccvm이 정상적으로 생성 되었는지 확인 domid_check = "" cnt_num = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) cnt_num += 1 domid_check = os.system("virsh domid ccvm > /dev/null") if domid_check == 0 or cnt_num > 60: break if domid_check != 0: success_bool = False # 결과값 리턴 if success_bool: return createReturn(code=200, val="cloud center setup success") else: return createReturn(code=500, val="cloud center setup fail")
def test_cli_combo_params_exhaustive_2(self): output = sh.python3('', '-exhaustive', '-funcs_arity_two', 'add,sub', '-max_permitted_trees', 3, '-max_num_fit_params', 1, '-path_to_db', working_db, qrtic_polynml_csv, 10) output = output.strip() print(output) self.assertEqual('42.0' in output, True) n_results = count_results(working_db) result_list = get_resultlist(working_db) self.assertEqual(n_results, 18) # 24 trees must simplify
def test_cli_zero_fit_params(self): output = sh.python3('', '-deterministic', '-max_num_fit_params', 0, '-path_to_db', working_db, qrtic_polynml_csv, num_iters) output = output.strip() print(output) result_list = get_resultlist(working_db) n_results = count_results(working_db) self.assertGreater(n_results, 0.9 * num_iters) for i in range(0, n_results): self.assertEqual(len(result_list._results[i]._params), 0)
def test_filter_end_file(): file = 'test/program_output_end_file' filtered_output_file = 'test/program_output_filtered_end_file' # Test with the file passed as a parameter. output = StringIO() python3(path2main, file, start_pattern=start_pattern, error_pattern=error_pattern, _out=output) with open(filtered_output_file, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue() # Test with stdout output = StringIO() python3(cat(file), path2main, start_pattern=start_pattern, error_pattern=error_pattern, _out=output) with open(filtered_output_file, 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def start(self): ''' Start proxy ''' self.namespace.log.debug('start {}'.format(self)) # if True: with sudo(USER): if use_usewithtor: self.namespace.log.debug('start with usewithtor {}'.format(self)) #DEBUG self.web_process = sh.usewithtor.python( self.program, _out=self.process_output, _err=self.process_output, _bg=True) self.namespace.log.debug('started with usewithtor {}'.format(self)) #DEBUG else: import sh self.namespace.log.debug('start without usewithtor {}'.format(self)) #DEBUG self.web_process = sh.python3( self.program, _out=self.process_output, _err=self.process_output, _bg=True) self.namespace.log.debug('started without usewithtor {}'.format(self)) #DEBUG
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## Autor: David Ochoa from sh import python3 python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('')
import sh import re commit_count = sh.git('rev-list', ['--all']).count('\n') with open('') as f: setup = setup = re.sub("MICRO_VERSION = '[0-9]+'", "MICRO_VERSION = '{}'".format(commit_count), setup) major ="MAJOR_VERSION = '([0-9]+)'", setup).groups()[0] minor ="MINOR_VERSION = '([0-9]+)'", setup).groups()[0] micro ="MICRO_VERSION = '([0-9]+)'", setup).groups()[0] version = '{}.{}.{}'.format(major, minor, micro) with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(setup) with open('sky/') as f: init = with open('sky/', 'w') as f: f.write(re.sub('__version__ = "[0-9.]+"', '__version__ = "{}"'.format(version), init)) print(sh.python3('', ['bdist_wheel', 'upload']))'../') sh.pip3('install', ['-U', 'sky'])
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## Autor: David Ochoa from sh import python3 python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('') python3('')
def test_filter_group(): output = StringIO() python3(path2main, 'test/program_output_group', config=config_file, _out=output) with open('test/program_output_filtered_group', 'r') as correctly_filtered_output: assert == output.getvalue()
def run_codegen(templates, destination): python3('.components/codegen/', template=templates, output=destination)