def create_endpoint_certificate( anchor, common_name = "", email = "", dns = "", anchor_dns = "", expires = 730, organization = "NIST", city = "Gaithersburg", state = "MD", country = "US", rsakey = 2048, aia_der = "", user = "", private_key_path = "", public_key_path = "", completed_anchor_dir = "", include_aia = True, include_crl =True): result = { "sha256_digest": "", "anchor_zip_download_file_name": "", "status": "failed", "serial_number": "-01", "sha1_fingerprint": "", "private_key_path": "", "public_key_path": "", "notes": "Certificate generation in process.", "completed_dir_path": "", "details": "", "aia_url": "", "crl_url": "", "chain_url": "", "x5c_url": "", } dirname = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] tname = dns keysize = "rsa:" + str(rsakey) csrname = tname + ".csr" privkeyname = tname + "Key.key" # Private key in pem format PCKS8privkeyname = tname + "Key.der" # PCKS8 DER formatted private key file p12name = tname + ".p12" # p12 formatted private and public keys public_cert_name = tname + ".pem" #pubic certificate as a PEM public_cert_name_der = tname + ".der" # pubic certificate as a der conf_stub_file_name = tname + "endpoint-stub.cnf" anchor_zip_download_file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + "-" + tname + "" completed_user_dir = os.path.join(anchor.completed_dir_path ) completed_endpoint_dir = os.path.join(anchor.completed_dir_path, "endpoints/") completed_this_endpoint = os.path.join(completed_endpoint_dir, dns) result['crl_url'] = settings.CRL_URL_PREFIX + anchor.common_name + ".crl" result['aia_url'] = settings.AIA_URL_PREFIX + anchor.common_name + ".der" result['x5c_url'] = settings.X5C_URL_PREFIX + common_name + ".json" result['chain_url'] = settings.CHAIN_URL_PREFIX + common_name + ".pem" subj = '/emailAddress=' + email + \ '/C=' + country + \ '/ST=' + state + \ '/L=' + city + \ '/CN=' + common_name + \ '/O=' + organization dirpath = os.path.join(settings.CA_INPROCESS_DIR, "endpoints", dirname) os.umask(0000) os.mkdir(dirpath) os.chdir(dirpath) #print "Temp DIRECTORY is:", dirpath #print "Temp DIRECTORY is:", completed_this_domain_bound_dir #Determine if this is address or domain bound email_bound=False if email.__contains__("@"): email_bound=True # Create the signing request. call(["openssl", "req", "-subj", subj , "-out", csrname, "-new", "-newkey", keysize, "-nodes", "-keyout", privkeyname]) # Copy a stub config file to our directory if email.__contains__("@"): copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR,"email-bound-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) else: copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR,"domain-bound-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) this_conf= os.path.join(conf_stub_file_name) #get the next serial number fp = open(settings.CA_MAIN_SERIAL, "r") serial = str( fp.close() # Modify the stub file error, output = sedswap("|DNS|", dns, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|ANCHORDNS|", anchor_dns, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|COMPLETED_ANCHOR_DIR|", completed_anchor_dir, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|DAYS|", expires, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|CERTIFICATE|", public_key_path, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|PRIVATE_KEY|", private_key_path , this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|SERIAL|", serial[:-1], this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|COUNTRY|", country, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|STATE|", state , this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|CITY|", city, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|COMMON_NAME|",common_name, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|ORGANIZATION|", organization, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|EMAIL_ADDRESS|", email , this_conf) if include_crl: error, output = sedswap("|CRL_URL|", result['crl_url'], this_conf) else: error, output = sedswap2("crlDistributionPoints", "#crlDistributionPoints", this_conf) if include_aia: error, output = sedswap("|AIA_URL|", aia_der , this_conf) else: error, output = sedswap2("authorityInfoAccess", "#authorityInfoAccess" , this_conf) # Build the certificate from the signing request. error, signoutput = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "ca", "-batch", "-config", conf_stub_file_name, "-in", csrname, "-out", public_cert_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() print "Signing ----------------", signoutput output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-text", "-noout"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() result['details'] = output[0] #if the previous step fails, then if str(signoutput.lower()).__contains__("failed to update database") or \ str(signoutput.lower()).__contains__("unable to load ca private key") or \ str(signoutput.lower()).__contains__("error"): print "PUBLIC CERT NAME:", public_cert_name, "FAILED!!!!" result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = signoutput os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result #get the serial number output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-serial","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() try: serialsplit = output.split("=") serial_number = str(serialsplit[1])[:-1] except (IndexError): result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = signoutput os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result #get the sha1 fingerprint output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-fingerprint","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() fpsplit = output.split("=") sha1_fingerprint = str(fpsplit[1])[:-1] #print "SHA1 Fingerprint:", sha1_fingerprint # Convert the public pem into a der output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-outform", "der", "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #convert the private key in pem format to PCKS8 DER formatted private key file output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8", "-out", PCKS8privkeyname, "-in", privkeyname, "-inform", "pem", "-outform", "der", "-nocrypt",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() # Create a p12 file from our der public key and out DER private key output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export", "-inkey", privkeyname, "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", p12name, "-passout", "pass:"******".", completed_this_endpoint) os.chdir(completed_this_endpoint) crl_conf = os.path.join(completed_anchor_dir, "crl.cnf" ) #if a crl.cnf does not exist, then create it. if not os.path.exists(crl_conf): copyfile(conf_stub_file_name, crl_conf) #create the zip file containing the private and public keys) error, output = subprocess.Popen(["zip", anchor_zip_download_file_name, public_cert_name, public_cert_name_der, privkeyname, PCKS8privkeyname, p12name ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #Private Key Path for PEM private_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_endpoint, privkeyname) public_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_endpoint, public_cert_name) #build result dict result.update({"sha256_digest": sha256_digest, "anchor_zip_download_file_name": anchor_zip_download_file_name, "notes": "", "serial_number" : serial_number, "status": "unverified", "sha1_fingerprint": sha1_fingerprint, "private_key_path": private_key_path_pem, "public_key_path": public_key_path_pem, "completed_dir_path" :completed_this_endpoint }) # Get back to the directory we started. os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result
def create_endpoint_certificate(common_name = "", email = "", dns = "", anchor_dns = "", expires = 1095, organization = "NIST", city = "Gaithersburg", state = "MD", country = "US", rsakey = 4096, user = "", private_key_path = "", public_key_path = "", completed_anchor_dir = ""): result = { "sha256_digest": "", "anchor_zip_download_file_name": "", "status": "failed", "serial_number": "-01", "sha1_fingerprint": "", "private_key_path": "", "public_key_path": "", "notes": "Certificate generation in process.", "completed_dir_path": ""} dirname = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] tname = dns keysize = "rsa:" + str(rsakey) csrname = tname + ".csr" privkeyname = tname + "Key.key" # Private key in pem format PCKS8privkeyname = tname + "Key.der" # PCKS8 DER formatted private key file p12name = tname + ".p12" # p12 formatted private and public keys public_cert_name = tname + ".pem" #pubic certificate as a PEM public_cert_name_der = tname + ".der" # pubic certificate as a der conf_stub_file_name = tname + "domain-bound-stub.cnf" anchor_zip_download_file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + "-" + tname + "" completed_user_dir = os.path.join(settings.CA_COMPLETED_DIR, user ) completed_endpoint_dir = os.path.join(completed_anchor_dir, "endpoints/") completed_this_endpoint = os.path.join(completed_endpoint_dir, dns, ) print "Email is ", email subj = '/emailAddress=' + email + \ '/C=' + country + \ '/ST=' + state + \ '/L=' + city + \ '/CN=' + common_name + \ '/O=' + organization dirpath = os.path.join(settings.CA_INPROCESS_DIR, "domain-bound", dirname) os.umask(0000) os.mkdir(dirpath) os.chdir(dirpath) #print "Temp DIRECTORY is:", dirpath #print "Temp DIRECTORY is:", completed_this_domain_bound_dir #Determine if this is address or domain bound email_bound=False if email.__contains__("@"): email_bound=True # Create the signing request. call(["openssl", "req", "-subj", subj , "-out", csrname, "-new", "-newkey", keysize, "-nodes", "-keyout", privkeyname]) # Copy a stub config file to our directory if email.__contains__("@"): copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR,"email-bound-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) else: copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR,"domain-bound-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) #get the next serial number fp = open("/opt/ca/conf/serial", "r") serial = str( fp.close() # Modify the stub file seddns = "s/|DNS|/%s/g" % (dns) sedanchordns = "s/|ANCHORDNS|/%s/g" % (anchor_dns) sedcompletedanchordir = "s#|COMPLETED_ANCHOR_DIR|#%s#g" % (completed_anchor_dir) seddays = "s/|DAYS|/%s/g" % (expires) sedpublickey = "s#|CERTIFICATE|#%s#g" % (public_key_path) sedprivatekey = "s#|PRIVATE_KEY|#%s#g" % (private_key_path) sedserial = "s#|SERIAL|#%s#g" % (serial[:-1]) sedcountry = "s#|COUNTRY|#%s#g" % (country) sedstate= "s#|STATE|#%s#g" % (state) sedcity = "s#|CITY|#%s#g" % (city) sedcommon_name = "s#|COMMON_NAME|#%s#g" % (common_name) sedorganization = "s#|ORGANIZATION|#%s#g" % (organization) sedemail = "s#|EMAIL_ADDRESS|#%s#g" % (email) error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcompletedanchordir, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", seddns, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedanchordns, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", seddays, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedpublickey, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedprivatekey, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedserial, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcountry, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedstate, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcity, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcommon_name, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedorganization, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedemail, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() # Build the certificate from the signing request. error, signoutput = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "ca", "-batch", "-config", conf_stub_file_name, "-in", csrname, "-out", public_cert_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() print "Signing ----------------", output #if the previous step fails, then if str(output.lower()).__contains__("failed to update database") or \ str(output).__contains__("unable to load CA private key"): print "PUBLIC CERT NAME:", public_cert_name, "FAILED!!!!" result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = signoutput os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result #get the serial number output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-serial","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() try: serialsplit = output.split("=") serial_number = str(serialsplit[1])[:-1] except (IndexError): result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = signoutput os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result print "SERIAL:", serial_number #get the sha1 fingerprint output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-fingerprint","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() fpsplit = output.split("=") sha1_fingerprint = str(fpsplit[1])[:-1] #print "SHA1 Fingerprint:", sha1_fingerprint # Convert the public pem into a der print "Convert the public pem into a der" output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-outform", "der", "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #print "convert the private key in pem format to PCKS8 DER formatted private key file" #convert the private key in pem format to PCKS8 DER formatted private key file output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8", "-out", PCKS8privkeyname, "-in", privkeyname, "-inform", "pem", "-outform", "der", "-nocrypt",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() # Create a p12 file from our der public key and out DER private key #print "openssl " + "pkcs12 " + "-export " + "-out " + p12name + " -inkey " + \ # privkeyname + " -in " + PCKS8privkeyname + " -certfile " + public_key_path # call(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export", "-out", p12name, "-inkey", privkeyname, # "-in", PCKS8privkeyname, "-certfile", caCertfile ]) #print "# Create a p12 file from our der public key and out DER private key" output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export", "-inkey", privkeyname, "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", p12name, "-passout", "pass:"******"--------------------------------------------------------------" if not os.path.exists(completed_endpoint_dir): os.makedirs(completed_endpoint_dir) if os.path.exists(completed_this_endpoint): rmtree(completed_this_endpoint) copytree(".", completed_this_endpoint) os.chdir(completed_this_endpoint) crl_conf = os.path.join(completed_anchor_dir, "crl.cnf" ) print "crl_conf = ", crl_conf #if a crl.cnf does not exist, then create it. if not os.path.exists(crl_conf): print conf_stub_file_name copyfile(conf_stub_file_name, crl_conf) #create the zip file containing the private and public keys) error, output = subprocess.Popen(["zip", anchor_zip_download_file_name, public_cert_name, public_cert_name_der, privkeyname, PCKS8privkeyname, p12name ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #Private Key Path for PEM private_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_endpoint, privkeyname) public_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_endpoint, public_cert_name) #build result dict result.update({"sha256_digest": sha256_digest, "anchor_zip_download_file_name": anchor_zip_download_file_name, "notes": "", "serial_number" : serial_number, "status": "unverified", "sha1_fingerprint": sha1_fingerprint, "private_key_path": private_key_path_pem, "public_key_path": public_key_path_pem, "completed_dir_path" :completed_this_endpoint }) # Get back to the directory we started. os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result
def create_trust_anchor_certificate(common_name = "", email = "", dns = "", expires = 730, organization = "ACME", city = "Gaithersburg", state = "MD", country = "US", rsakey = 2048, user = "******", aia_url = settings.CA_ROOT_AIA_URL, include_aia = True, include_crl = True, parent = None ): #a dict for all the things we want to return result = { "sha256_digest": "", "anchor_zip_download_file_name": "", "status": "failed", "serial_number": "-01", "sha1_fingerprint": "", "private_key_path": "", "public_key_path": "", "notes": "Certificate generation in process.", "completed_dir_path": "", "aia_url": "", "crl_url": "", "chain_url": "", "x5c_url": "", "details": "", } dirname = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] this_dir = os.path.join(settings.CA_INPROCESS_ANCHOR_DIR, dirname) tname = dns os.chdir(settings.CA_INPROCESS_ANCHOR_DIR) os.umask(0000) os.mkdir(dirname) os.chdir(this_dir) if not parent: #"Root Trust Anchor" conf_stub_file_name = tname + "trust-anchor-stub.cnf" #conf_intermediate_stub_file_name = tname + "intermediate-anchor-stub.cnf" completed_user_dir = os.path.join(settings.CA_COMPLETED_DIR, user ) completed_user_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_dir, "anchors") completed_this_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_anchor_dir, dns) completed_user_dom_bound_dir = os.path.join(completed_this_anchor_dir, "endoints") completed_user_intermediate_dir = os.path.join(completed_this_anchor_dir, "intermediates") crl_url = settings.CA_ROOT_CRL_URL aia_url = settings.CA_ROOT_AIA_URL # Copy a stub configs to our working directory---------------------------------- copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR, "trust-anchor-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) this_conf = os.path.join(this_dir, conf_stub_file_name) else: #print "Intermediate Anchor" conf_stub_file_name = tname + "intermediate-stub.cnf" completed_user_dir = os.path.join(parent.completed_dir_path) completed_user_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_dir, "anchors") completed_user_intermediate_dir = os.path.join(parent.completed_dir_path, "intermediates") completed_user_dom_bound_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_dir, "endoints") completed_this_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_anchor_dir, dns) # Copy a stub config file to our directory---------------------------------- copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR, "intermediate-anchor-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) this_conf = os.path.join(this_dir, conf_stub_file_name) crl_url = settings.CRL_URL_PREFIX + parent.common_name + ".crl" aia_url = settings.AIA_URL_PREFIX + parent.common_name + ".der" chain_url = settings.CHAIN_URL_PREFIX + common_name + "-chain.pem" x5c_url = settings.X5C_URL_PREFIX + common_name + "-x5c.json" #print "COMPLETED PATH IS: ", completed_this_anchor_dir keysize = "rsa:" + str(rsakey) csrname = tname + ".csr" privkeyname = tname + "Key.key" # Private key in pem format PCKS8privkeyname = tname + "Key.der" # PCKS8 DER formatted private key file p12name = tname + ".p12" # p12 formatted private and public keys public_cert_name = tname + ".pem" #pubic certificate as a PEM public_cert_name_der = tname + ".der" # pubic certificate as a der anchor_zip_download_file_name = tname + "" crl_conf_stub_file_name = tname + "crl.cnf" private_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_anchor_dir, privkeyname) public_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_anchor_dir, public_cert_name) subj = '/emailAddress=' + email + \ '/C=' + country + \ '/ST=' + state + \ '/L=' + city + \ '/CN=' + common_name + \ '/O=' + organization #Create the signing request. ---------------------------------------------- error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "req", "-subj", subj , "-out", csrname, "-new", "-newkey", keysize, "-nodes", "-keyout", privkeyname], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate() print "Signing request", output #Prepare for the signing ---------------------------------- #get the next serial number -------------------------------- fp = open(settings.CA_MAIN_SERIAL, "r") serial = str( fp.close() # Prepare strings for sed, that will be used to fillout our stub into a usable config file. error, output = sedswap("|DNS|", dns, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|DAYS|", expires, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|SERIAL|", serial[:-1], this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|COUNTRY|", country, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|STATE|", state ,this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|CITY|", city , this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|COMMON_NAME|", common_name, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|ORGANIZATION|", organization ,this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|EMAIL_ADDRESS|", email, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|CRL_URL|", crl_url, this_conf) if not parent: error, output = sedswap("|ANCHORDNS|", settings.CA_COMMON_NAME, this_conf) else: error, output = sedswap("|CERTIFICATE|", parent.public_key_path, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|COMPLETED_ANCHOR_DIR|", parent.completed_dir_path, this_conf) error, output = sedswap("|ANCHORDNS|", parent.common_name, conf_stub_file_name) error, output = sedswap("|PRIVATE_KEY|", parent.private_key_path, this_conf) if include_crl: error, output = sedswap("|CRL_URL|", crl_url, this_conf) else: error, output = sedswap2("crlDistributionPoints", "#crlDistributionPoints", this_conf) if include_aia: if not parent: #Points to a DER. aia_url = settings.CA_URL + "aia/" + settings.CA_COMMON_NAME + ".der" else: aia_url = aia_url error, output = sedswap("|AIA_URL|", aia_url, this_conf) else: error, output = sedswap2("authorityInfoAccess", "#authorityInfoAccess", this_conf) # Build the certificate from the signing request. if not parent: password = "******" + settings.PRIVATE_PASSWORD #TODO Find a more secure way to do this error, signoutput = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "ca", "-batch", "-config", this_conf, "-in", csrname, "-out", public_cert_name, "-passin", password], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() else: #print "build cert" error, signoutput = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "ca", "-batch", "-config", this_conf, "-in", csrname, "-out", public_cert_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() print "CERT SIGN OUT", signoutput #if the previous step fails, then if str(signoutput.lower()).__contains__("failed to update database") or \ str(signoutput.lower()).__contains__("error"): print "PUBLIC CERT NAME:", public_cert_name, "FAILED!!!!" result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = signoutput os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-text", "-noout"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() result['details'] = output[0] #The certificate was created so let's start plucking info out. #get the serial number #print "get the serial from the cert" output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-serial","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() try: serialsplit = output.split("=") serial_number = str(serialsplit[1])[:-1] except(IndexError): result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = output os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result #print "SERIAL:", serial_number #get the sha1 fingerprint output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-fingerprint","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() fpsplit = output.split("=") sha1_fingerprint = str(fpsplit[1])[:-1] #print "SHA1 Fingerprint:", sha1_fingerprint # Convert the public pem into a der error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-outform", "der", "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-outform", "der", "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() # Convert the private key in pem format to a PCKS8 DER formatted private key file error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8", "-out", PCKS8privkeyname, "-in", privkeyname, "-inform", "pem", "-outform", "der", "-nocrypt",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #create the sha1 digest of the DER. sha256_digest = sha256_from_filepath(public_cert_name_der) #Create an empty index file if not os.path.exists('index'): open('index', 'w').close() #Since the anchor creation process completed, then build out the perm dirs if not os.path.exists(completed_user_dir): os.makedirs(completed_user_dir) if not os.path.exists(completed_user_anchor_dir): os.makedirs(completed_user_anchor_dir) if not os.path.exists(completed_user_intermediate_dir): os.makedirs(completed_user_intermediate_dir) completed_this_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_anchor_dir, dns) if os.path.exists(completed_this_anchor_dir): rmtree(completed_this_anchor_dir) copytree(".", completed_this_anchor_dir) os.chdir(completed_this_anchor_dir) error, output = subprocess.Popen(["zip", anchor_zip_download_file_name, public_cert_name, public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #build result dict result.update({"sha256_digest": sha256_digest, "anchor_zip_download_file_name": anchor_zip_download_file_name, "notes": "", "serial_number" : serial_number, "status": "unverified", "sha1_fingerprint": sha1_fingerprint, "private_key_path": private_key_path_pem, "public_key_path": public_key_path_pem, "completed_dir_path": completed_this_anchor_dir, "aia_url": aia_url, "crl_url": crl_url, "chain_url": chain_url, "x5c_url": x5c_url }) # Get back to the directory we started. os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result
def create_trust_anchor_certificate(common_name = "", email = "", dns = "", expires = 1095, organization = "NIST", city = "Gaithersburg", state = "MD", country = "US", rsakey = 2048, user = "******",): #a dict for all the things we want to return result = { "sha256_digest": "", "anchor_zip_download_file_name": "", "status": "failed", "serial_number": "-01", "sha1_fingerprint": "", "private_key_path": "", "public_key_path": "", "notes": "Certificate generation in process.", "completed_dir_path": ""} dirname = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:5] tname = dns keysize = "rsa:" + str(rsakey) csrname = tname + ".csr" privkeyname = tname + "Key.key" # Private key in pem format PCKS8privkeyname = tname + "Key.der" # PCKS8 DER formatted private key file p12name = tname + ".p12" # p12 formatted private and public keys public_cert_name = tname + ".pem" #pubic certificate as a PEM public_cert_name_der = tname + ".der" # pubic certificate as a der anchor_zip_download_file_name = tname + "" conf_stub_file_name = tname + "trust-anchor-stub.cnf" crl_conf_stub_file_name = tname + "crl.cnf" completed_user_dir = os.path.join(settings.CA_COMPLETED_DIR, user ) completed_user_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_dir, "anchors") completed_user_dom_bound_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_dir, "endoints") completed_this_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_anchor_dir, str(uuid.uuid4()) ,dns) subj = '/emailAddress=' + email + \ '/C=' + country + \ '/ST=' + state + \ '/L=' + city + \ '/CN=' + common_name + \ '/O=' + organization os.chdir("/opt/ca/inprocess/anchors") os.umask(0000) os.mkdir(dirname) os.chdir(dirname) #Create the signing request. ---------------------------------------------- error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "req", "-subj", subj , "-out", csrname, "-new", "-newkey", keysize, "-nodes", "-keyout", privkeyname], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate() print output #get the next serial number ------------------------------------------------ fp = open("/opt/ca/conf/serial", "r") serial = str( fp.close() # Copy a stub config file to our directory---------------------------------- copyfile(os.path.join(settings.CA_CONF_DIR, "trust-anchor-stub.cnf"), conf_stub_file_name) # Prepare strings for sed, that will be used to fillout our stub into a usable config file. #Prepare sed strings seddns = "s/|DNS|/%s/g" % (dns) seddays = "s/|DAYS|/%s/g" % (expires) sedserial = "s#|SERIAL|#%s#g" % (serial[:-1]) sedcountry = "s#|COUNTRY|#%s#g" % (country) sedstate= "s#|STATE|#%s#g" % (state) sedcity = "s#|CITY|#%s#g" % (city) sedcommon_name = "s#|COMMON_NAME|#%s#g" % (common_name) sedorganization = "s#|ORGANIZATION|#%s#g" % (organization) sedemail = "s#|EMAIL_ADDRESS|#%s#g" % (email) #Apply the sed operations --------------------------------------------------- error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", seddns, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", seddays, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedserial, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcountry, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedstate, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcity, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedcommon_name, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedorganization, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["sed", "-i", "-e", sedemail, conf_stub_file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() # Build the certificate from the signing request. password = "******" + settings.PRIVATE_PASSWORD #TODO Find a more secure way to do this # error, signoutput = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "ca", "-batch", "-config", conf_stub_file_name, "-in", csrname, "-out", public_cert_name, "-passin", password], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #print "CERT SIGN OUT", signoutput #if the previous step fails, then if str(output.lower()).__contains__("failed to update database"): print "PUBLIC CERT NAME:", public_cert_name, "FAILED!!!!" result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = signoutput os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result #get the serial number output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-serial","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() try: serialsplit = output.split("=") serial_number = str(serialsplit[1])[:-1] except(IndexError): result["status"] = "failed" result["notes"] = output os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result #print "SERIAL:", serial_number sedserial = "s#|SERIAL|#%s#g" % (serial_number) #get the sha1 fingerprint output,error = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-in", public_cert_name, "-fingerprint","-noout",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() fpsplit = output.split("=") sha1_fingerprint = str(fpsplit[1])[:-1] #print "SHA1 Fingerprint:", sha1_fingerprint # Convert the public pem into a der error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-outform", "der", "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-outform", "der", "-in", public_cert_name, "-out", public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() # Convert the private key in pem format to a PCKS8 DER formatted private key file error, output = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8", "-out", PCKS8privkeyname, "-in", privkeyname, "-inform", "pem", "-outform", "der", "-nocrypt",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #create the sha1 digest of the DER. sha256_digest = sha256_from_filepath(public_cert_name_der) #Create an empty index file if not os.path.exists('index'): open('index', 'w').close() #Since the anchor creation process completed, then build out the perm dirs if not os.path.exists(completed_user_dir): os.makedirs(completed_user_dir) if not os.path.exists(completed_user_anchor_dir): os.makedirs(completed_user_anchor_dir) completed_this_anchor_dir = os.path.join(completed_user_anchor_dir, dns) if os.path.exists(completed_this_anchor_dir): rmtree(completed_this_anchor_dir) copytree(".", completed_this_anchor_dir) os.chdir(completed_this_anchor_dir) error, output = subprocess.Popen(["zip", anchor_zip_download_file_name, public_cert_name, public_cert_name_der], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() #Private Key Path for PEM private_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_anchor_dir, privkeyname) public_key_path_pem = os.path.join(completed_this_anchor_dir, public_cert_name) #build result dict result.update({"sha256_digest": sha256_digest, "anchor_zip_download_file_name": anchor_zip_download_file_name, "notes": "", "serial_number" : serial_number, "status": "unverified", "sha1_fingerprint": sha1_fingerprint, "private_key_path": private_key_path_pem, "public_key_path": public_key_path_pem, "completed_dir_path": completed_this_anchor_dir, }) # Get back to the directory we started. os.chdir(settings.BASE_DIR) return result