    def TakeAction(self, action):
        if not self.injail:
            proposal = Point((self.current_state.x + action[0],
                              self.current_state.y + action[1]))
            #print proposal.x, proposal.y
            path = LineString([self.current_state, proposal])

            if self.obstacles:
                for obstacle in self.obstacles:
                    if obstacle.intersects(path):
                        self.injail = True
                        self.current_state = Point((-1, -1))
            if self.muds:
                for mud in self.muds:
                    if mud.intersects(path):
                        #                         print 'we are here'
                        path_inmud = mud.intersection(path)
                        coords = [path.coords[0], path.coords[1]]
                        for loc in path_inmud.coords:
                            if loc not in coords:
                        coords.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
                        p_in_mud = proposal.intersects(mud)
                        s_in_mud = self.current_state.intersects(mud)
                        if p_in_mud and not s_in_mud:
                            #                             print 'current not in mud'
                            if coords.index((self.current_state.x,
                                             self.current_state.y)) == 0:
                                x = coords[1][0] - coords[0][0] + 0.5 * (
                                    coords[-1][0] - coords[1][0])
                                y = coords[1][1] - coords[0][1] + 0.5 * (
                                    coords[-1][1] - coords[1][1])
                                proposal = Point(
                                    (coords[0][0] + x, coords[0][1] + y))
                                x = coords[1][0] - coords[-1][0] + 0.5 * (
                                    coords[0][0] - coords[1][0])
                                y = coords[1][1] - coords[-1][1] + 0.5 * (
                                    coords[0][1] - coords[1][1])
                                proposal = Point(
                                    (coords[-1][0] + x, coords[-1][1] + y))
                        elif s_in_mud and not p_in_mud:
                            #                             print 'proposal not in mud'
                            if coords.index((self.current_state.x,
                                             self.current_state.y)) == 0:
                                x = 0.5 * (coords[1][0] - coords[0][0]) + (
                                    coords[-1][0] - coords[1][0])
                                y = 0.5 * (coords[1][1] - coords[0][1]) + (
                                    coords[-1][1] - coords[1][1])
                                proposal = Point(
                                    (coords[0][0] + x, coords[0][1] + y))
                                x = 0.5 * (coords[1][0] - coords[-1][0]) + (
                                    coords[0][0] - coords[1][0])
                                y = 0.5 * (coords[1][1] - coords[-1][1]) + (
                                    coords[0][1] - coords[1][1])
                                proposal = Point(
                                    (coords[-1][0] + x, coords[-1][1] + y))
                            proposal = Point(
                                (self.current_state.x + action[0] * 0.5,
                                 self.current_state.y + action[1] * 0.5))

            path = LineString([self.current_state, proposal])
            bounds = LinearRing(self.maze.exterior.coords)
            if bounds.intersects(path):
                onedge = bounds.intersection(path)
                if type(onedge) is MultiPoint:
                    for point in onedge:
                        if not point.equals(self.current_state):
                            proposal = point
                elif type(onedge) is Point:
                    if not onedge.equals(self.current_state):
                        proposal = onedge
                    elif not self.maze.contains(proposal):
                        proposal = bounds.interpolate(bounds.project(proposal))

            self.current_state = proposal
            self.deadend_toleration = self.deadend_toleration - 1
        return self.GetCurrentState()
class DeepRacer(object):
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Constructor for the Deep Racer object, will load track and waypoints
        # Wait for required services to be available
        # We have no guarantees as to when gazebo will load the model, therefore we need
        # to wait until the model is loaded prior to resetting it for the first time
        get_model_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state',
        wait_for_model = True
        while wait_for_model:
            # If the model is not loaded the get model service will log an error
            # Therefore, we add an timer to prevent the log from getting spammed with
            # errors
            model = get_model_client('racecar', '')
            wait_for_model = not model.success

            bundle_prefix = os.environ.get(BUNDLE_KEY, None)
            route_file_name = os.path.join(
                bundle_prefix, 'install', 'deepracer_simulation', 'share',
                'deepracer_simulation', 'routes',

            self.waypoints = np.load(route_file_name)
        except Exception as ex:
            print('[ERROR] Unable to import the waypoints {}'.format(ex))
        # Find the centerline
        is_loop = np.all(self.waypoints[0, :] == self.waypoints[-1, :])
        self.center_line = LinearRing(self.waypoints[:, 0:2]) if is_loop \
                           else LineString(self.waypoints[:, 0:2])
        # Create the service that allows clients to retrieve the waypoints
        self.waypoints_service = rospy.Service(WAYPOINT_SRV_NAME,
        # Create service that allows clients to reset the car
        self.resetcar_service = rospy.Service(RESET_CAR_SRV_NAME, ResetCarSrv,
        # Gazebo service that allows us to position the car
        self.model_state_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state',
        # Place the car at the starting point facing the forward direction
        self.reset_car(0, 1)

    def reset_car(self, ndist, next_index):
        ''' Reset's the car on the track
            ndist - normalized track distance
            next_index - index of the next way point
        # Compute the starting position and heading
        start_point = self.center_line.interpolate(ndist, normalized=True)
        start_yaw = math.atan2(
            self.center_line.coords[next_index][1] - start_point.y,
            self.center_line.coords[next_index][0] - start_point.x)
        start_quaternion = Rotation.from_euler('zyx',
                                               [start_yaw, 0, 0]).as_quat()

        # Construct the model state and send to Gazebo
        model_state = ModelState()
        model_state.model_name = 'racecar'
        model_state.pose.position.x = start_point.x
        model_state.pose.position.y = start_point.y
        model_state.pose.position.z = 0
        model_state.pose.orientation.x = start_quaternion[0]
        model_state.pose.orientation.y = start_quaternion[1]
        model_state.pose.orientation.z = start_quaternion[2]
        model_state.pose.orientation.w = start_quaternion[3]
        model_state.twist.linear.x = 0
        model_state.twist.linear.y = 0
        model_state.twist.linear.z = 0
        model_state.twist.angular.x = 0
        model_state.twist.angular.y = 0
        model_state.twist.angular.z = 0

    def handle_get_waypoints(self, req):
        '''Request handler for get way point, unconditionally returns the waypoint list
           req - Request from the client which is empty for this service
        # Unfortunately, there is no clean way to send a numpy array through the ROS system.
        # Therefore, we need to unroll the array and let the client recreate and reshape the
        # numpy object
        waypoint_shape = self.waypoints.shape
        return GetWaypointSrvResponse(waypoint_shape[0], waypoint_shape[1],

    def handle_reset_car(self, req):
        '''Request handler for resetting the car
           req - Request from the client, should contain ndist and next_index
        self.reset_car(req.ndist, req.next_index)
        return ResetCarSrvResponse(1)
def intersectionsGridFrontiere(P, X, Y):
    """Calcule la trace de la grille cartésienne définie par X, Y sur le Polyligne P
     autrement dit les intersections de P  avec les droites
        - x = X[i] verticales et
        - y = Y[j] horizontales
        qui représentent la grille.
    :param P : un polyligne np.ndarray de shape (n,3) ou (n,2). La 3-eme dimension est ignorée.
    :param X, Y : la grille cartésienne.
        X et Y sont des np.ndarray de shape (nx,1) et (ny,1) qui représentent
        les abscisses et les ordonnées de la grille
        - On suppose que X et Y sont croissants (i)
        - On suppose également que la grille recouvre entièrement P, et déborde, i.e.
            min(X) < xmin(P) <= xmax(P) < max(X)
            min(Y) < ymin(P) <= ymax(P) < max(Y)
    :return PD: np.ndarray((npd,2)) contenant les points
    #     nx, ny = len(X), len(Y)
    #     for x in X : plt.plot(ny*[x], Y, 'y-', linewidth=0.3,)
    #     for y in Y : plt.plot(X, nx*[y], 'y-', linewidth=0.3)
    #     plt.plot(P[:,0],P[:,1], 'r.')
    #     P = LineString(P)
    P = LinearRing(P)
    #     x,y = P.xy
    #     plt.plot(x,y,'g-')
    #     plt.axes().set_aspect('equal')
    #     debug(P)
    (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = P.bounds
    #     debug(P.bounds)
    #Les numeros de droites verticales intersectant P
    iX = np.where(np.logical_and(minx < X, X < maxx))[0]
    #     px = X[iX]#une croix pour marquer les droite concernées (graphique)
    #     plt.plot(px, len(px)*[min(Y)], 'rx')
    #les droites verticales
    ms = [((X[i], Y[0]), (X[i], Y[-1])) for i in iX]

    #Les numeros de droites horizontales intersectant P
    iY = np.where(np.logical_and(miny < Y, Y < maxy))[0]
    #     px = Y[iY]#une croix pour marquer les droite concernées
    #     plt.plot(len(px)*[max(X)], px, 'rx')

    #     plt.legend()
    #     plt.show()
    #Les droites horizontales concernées par P
    ms.extend([((X[0], Y[i]), (X[-1], Y[i])) for i in iY])

    D = MultiLineString(ms)  #La famille des droites de la grille
    #     debug(len(D))

    #convex_hull pour réordonner les points, en faire un polygone
    #array_interface pour recuperer les data pures numpy
    PD = P.intersection(D)  #.array_interface()
    #     debug(type(PD))
    D = [P.project(pd)
         for pd in PD]  #abscisse curviligne des points d'intersection
    PD = [P.interpolate(d).xy for d in D]  #Les points dans l'ordre
    #     PD = PD.array_interface()
    #     exit()

    #     shape = PD['shape']
    #PD.reshape(...) : si le tableau PD doit être recopié => en silence
    #PD = array(PD['data']).reshape(shape)
    #     PD = array(PD['data'])
    PD = array(PD)
    #PD.shape=... : si le tableau PD doit être recopié => erreur
    #     PD.shape = shape
    return PD