def _cleanup_session(settings: TrainSettings): if settings.current_session.holdover <= 0: filetools.deldir(settings.replay_folder) time.sleep(0.5) return os.rename(settings.replay_folder, HOLDOVER_DIR) rb.ensure_max_length(HOLDOVER_DIR, settings.current_session.holdover)
def merge_many(outpath: str, *paths, auto_open_zips=True): """Merges the result of multiple runs. Copies select npz and mat files from the given folders, stacks them on dimension 0, and then outputs them to the specified output path. Example: merge_many('repeats/all/epoch_finished', *[f'repeats/repeat{i}/epoch_finished' for i in range(10)]) Args: outpath (str): where the final merged files are stored paths (tuple[str]): the paths passed to save_using that will be merged auto_open_zips (bool, default True): if True then if we come across a directory that doesn't exist in paths we will check if the corresponding zip does exist. If so, we extract, fetch, and rezip """ if not paths: raise ValueError(f'must have at least one path!') if os.path.exists(outpath): filetools.deldir(outpath) os.makedirs(outpath) cur_all = None for path in paths: to_rezip = [] if auto_open_zips: to_rezip = filetools.recur_unzip(path) with np.load(os.path.join(path, 'all.npz')) as allnp: if cur_all is None: cur_all = dict() for k in allnp.keys(): cur_all[k] = np.expand_dims(allnp[k], 0) else: cur_all: dict for k in allnp.keys(): if k in cur_all: if allnp[k].shape != cur_all[k].shape[1:]: print(f'allnp[{k}].shape = {allnp[k].shape}, cur_all[k].shape = {cur_all[k].shape}; path={path}') cur_all[k] = np.concatenate((cur_all[k], np.expand_dims(allnp[k], 0)), axis=0) for k in cur_all: if k not in allnp.keys(): del cur_all[k] if auto_open_zips: filetools.zipmany(*to_rezip), 'all'), cur_all) # pylint: disable=no-member np.savez(os.path.join(outpath, 'all'), **cur_all) if SAVE_SPLIT: for key, val in cur_all.items():, key), {key: val}) # pylint: disable=no-member np.savez(os.path.join(outpath, key), val)
def save(self, outpath: str, exist_ok: bool = False): """Saves this model to the given outpath. The outpath should be a folder. This will store the following things: - an equivalent network which can be loaded with just pytorch. This is accomplished by replacing the more memory efficient EvaluatingAbsoluteNormLayer with a linear layer with lots of 0s layers.npz - stores the fully connected layers with lyr_weight_i and lyr_bias_i, storing the norms in norm_means_i and norm_inv_std_i, where norm_inv_std_i is 1/std(feature) layers.mat - stores the equivalent data as layers.npz in matlab format readme.txt - relevant documentation for loading the model """ if os.path.exists(outpath): if not exist_ok: raise FileExistsError(outpath) if not os.path.isdir(outpath): raise ValueError( f'expected outpath is dir, got {outpath} (not isdir)') filetools.deldir(outpath) os.makedirs(outpath) equiv_net = torch.nn.Sequential( self.anorms[0].to_linear(), cp_utils.copy_linear(self.fc_layers[0]), torch.nn.Tanh(), self.anorms[1].to_linear(), cp_utils.copy_linear(self.fc_layers[1]), torch.nn.Tanh(), self.anorms[2].to_linear(), cp_utils.copy_linear(self.fc_layers[2]), torch.nn.Tanh()), os.path.join(outpath, '')) del equiv_net layers = {} for i, norm in enumerate(self.anorms): layers[f'norm_means_{i}'] = norm.means.clone().numpy() layers[f'norm_inv_std_{i}'] = norm.inv_std.clone().numpy() for i, lyr in enumerate(self.fc_layers): layers[f'lyr_weight_{i}'] = layers[f'lyr_bias_{i}'] = np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(outpath, 'layers.npz'), **layers), 'layers.mat'), layers) with open(os.path.join(outpath, 'readme.txt'), 'w') as outfile: print('Model: Deep1ModelEval', file=outfile) print(f'Date: {}', file=outfile) print('Constants:', file=outfile) for nm, const in { 'ALPHA': ALPHA, 'CUTOFF': CUTOFF, 'ENCODE_DIM': ENCODE_DIM, 'HIDDEN_DIM': HIDDEN_DIM }.items(): print(f' {nm}: {const}', file=outfile) print('Class Documentation:', file=outfile) print(Deep1ModelEval.__doc__, file=outfile) print(file=outfile) print('Function Documentation: ', file=outfile) print(, file=outfile)
def _get_experiences_async(settings: TrainSettings, executable: str, port_min: int, port_max: int, create_flags: int, aggressive: bool, spec: bool, nthreads: int): num_ticks_to_do = settings.current_session.tar_ticks if os.path.exists(settings.replay_folder): replay = rb.FileReadableReplayBuffer(settings.replay_folder) num_ticks_to_do -= len(replay) replay.close() if num_ticks_to_do <= 0: print(f'get_experiences_async nothing to do (already at {settings.replay_folder})') return replay_paths = [os.path.join(settings.bot_folder, f'replay_{i}') for i in range(nthreads)] setting_paths = [os.path.join(settings.bot_folder, f'settings_{i}.json') for i in range(nthreads)] workers = [] serd_settings = ser.serialize_embeddable(settings) ports_per = (port_max - port_min) // nthreads if ports_per < 3: raise ValueError('not enough ports assigned ' + f'({nthreads} threads, {port_max-port_min} ports)') ticks_per = int(math.ceil(num_ticks_to_do / nthreads)) for worker in range(nthreads): proc = Process(target=_get_experiences_target, args=(serd_settings, executable, port_min + worker*ports_per, port_min + (worker+1)*ports_per, create_flags, aggressive, spec, replay_paths[worker], setting_paths[worker], ticks_per)) proc.start() workers.append(proc) time.sleep(1) for proc in workers: proc.join() print(f'get_experiences_async finished, storing in {settings.replay_folder}') if os.path.exists(settings.replay_folder): filetools.deldir(settings.replay_folder) if os.path.exists(settings.replay_folder): tmp_replay_folder = settings.replay_folder + '_tmp' os.rename(settings.replay_folder, tmp_replay_folder) replay_paths.append(tmp_replay_folder) if os.path.exists(HOLDOVER_DIR): replay_paths.append(HOLDOVER_DIR) rb.merge_buffers(replay_paths, settings.replay_folder) for path in replay_paths: filetools.deldir(path)
def _cache_markers(markers: typing.List[typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, str]]): """Stores the given mask and marker combination so that it will be loaded by _mark_cached_moves and returned""" if os.path.exists(STORED_MARKER_FP): filetools.deldir(STORED_MARKER_FP) os.makedirs(STORED_MARKER_FP) metafile = os.path.join(STORED_MARKER_FP, 'meta.json') with open(metafile, 'w') as outfile: json.dump({ 'markers': list(mark for _, mark in markers) }, outfile) np.savez_compressed( os.path.join(STORED_MARKER_FP, 'masks.npz'), **dict((f'mask_{i}', mask) for i, (mask, _) in enumerate(markers)))
def on_move(self, game_state: GameState, move: Move) -> None: self.gstate_cache.put(game_state) if self.save_activations: qbot: HiddenStateQBot = self.qbot acts = qbot.get_hidden(game_state, move) self.activations.append_acts(acts) if self.activations.num_pts == self.activations_per_block: save_folder = os.path.join(self.activations_folder, self.activations_block) if os.path.exists(save_folder): deldir(save_folder) self.activations_block += 1 self.activations.num_pts = 0 if not self.frozen: self.history.append((game_state.tick, move)) if len(self.history) >= self.qbot.cutoff + 1: self._teach()
def main(): """Main entry for tests""" if os.path.exists(FILEPATH): filetools.deldir(FILEPATH) buf = rb.FileWritableReplayBuffer(os.path.join(FILEPATH, '1'), exist_ok=False) sbuf = [] for _ in range(5): exp = make_exp() buf.add(exp) sbuf.append(exp) buf2 = rb.FileWritableReplayBuffer(os.path.join(FILEPATH, '2'), exist_ok=False) for _ in range(5): exp = make_exp() buf2.add(exp) sbuf.append(exp) buf.close() buf2.close() rb.merge_buffers([os.path.join(FILEPATH, '2'), os.path.join(FILEPATH, '1')], os.path.join(FILEPATH, '3')) buf.close() buf = rb.FileReadableReplayBuffer(os.path.join(FILEPATH, '3')) for _ in range(3): missing = [exp for exp in sbuf] for _ in range(10): got = buf.sample(1)[0] for i in range(len(missing)): #pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate if got == missing[i]: missing.pop(i) break else: raise ValueError(f'got bad value: {got} expected one of \n' + '\n'.join(repr(exp) for exp in missing)) buf.mark() got = buf.sample(1)[0] buf.reset() got2 = buf.sample(1)[0] if got != got2: raise ValueError(f'mark did not retrieve same experience: {got} vs {got2}') buf.close() buf = rb.MemoryPrioritizedReplayBuffer(os.path.join(FILEPATH, '3')) saw = [] buf.mark() for _ in range(15): got = buf.sample(1)[0] saw.append(got) buf.reset() for _ in range(15): got = buf.sample(1)[0] if got != saw[0]: raise ValueError(f'got bad value: {got}, expected {saw[-1]}') saw.pop(0) for _ in range(15): got = buf.pop()[2] found = False for exp in sbuf: if got == exp: found = True got.last_td_error = random.random() exp.last_td_error = got.last_td_error buf.add(got) break if not found: raise ValueError(f'got {got}, expected one of ' + '\n'.join(repr(exp) for exp in sbuf)) buf.close()
def plot_trajectory(traj: pca_gen.PCTrajectoryGen, filepath: str, exist_ok: bool = False, markers: typing.List[str] = ('<', '>', '^', 'v'), cmap: typing.Union[mcolors.Colormap, str] = 'cividis', norm: mcolors.Normalize = mcolors.Normalize(-1, 1), transparent: bool = False): """Plots the given trajectory (from a deep2-style network) to the given folder. Arguments: traj (PCTrajectoryGen): the trajectory to plot filepath (str): where to save the output, should be a folder exist_ok (bool): False to error if the filepath exists, True to delete it if it already exists markers (list[str]): the marker corresponding to each preferred action cmap (str or Colormap, optional): The color map to use. Defaults to 'cividis'. norm (mcolors.Normalize, optional): Normalizes the scalars that are passed to the color map to the range 0-1. Defaults to normalizing linearly from [-1, 1] to [0, 1] transparent (bool): True for a transparent background, False for a white one """ tus.check( traj=(traj, pca_gen.PCTrajectoryGen), filepath=(filepath, str), exist_ok=(exist_ok, bool), ) tus.check_listlike(markers=(markers, str)) ots = pca_gen.MaxOTSMapping() s = 12 alpha = 0.8 outfile_wo_ext = mutils.process_outfile(filepath, exist_ok, False)[1] if exist_ok and os.path.exists(outfile_wo_ext): filetools.deldir(outfile_wo_ext) os.makedirs(outfile_wo_ext) num_splots_req = traj.num_layers + 1 closest_square: int = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_splots_req))) num_cols: int = int(math.ceil(num_splots_req / closest_square)) local_fig, local_axs = plt.subplots(num_cols, closest_square, squeeze=False, figsize=FRAME_SIZE) layer: int = 0 for x in range(num_cols): for y in range(closest_square): if layer >= num_splots_req: local_axs[x][y].remove() continue elif layer >= traj.num_layers: lspace = np.linspace(norm.vmin, norm.vmax, 100) axis = local_axs[x][y] axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) axis.imshow(lspace[..., np.newaxis], cmap=cmap, norm=norm, aspect=0.2) layer += 1 continue snapshot: pca_gen.PCTrajectoryGenSnapshot = traj[layer] projected = snapshot.projected_samples projected_lbls = snapshot.projected_sample_labels min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = (torch.min(projected[:, 0]), torch.min(projected[:, 1]), torch.max(projected[:, 0]), torch.max(projected[:, 1])) min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = min_x.item(), min_y.item( ), max_x.item(), max_y.item() if max_x - min_x < 1e-3: min_x -= 5e-4 max_x += 5e-4 if max_y - min_y < 1e-3: min_y -= 5e-4 max_y += 5e-4 extents_x = max_x - min_x extents_y = max_y - min_y if extents_x > extents_y: upd = (extents_x - extents_y) / 2 min_y -= upd max_y += upd else: upd = (extents_y - extents_x) / 2 min_x -= upd max_x += upd padding_x = (max_x - min_x) * .1 padding_y = (max_y - min_y) * .1 vis_min_x = min_x - padding_x vis_max_x = max_x + padding_x vis_min_y = min_y - padding_y vis_max_y = max_y + padding_y markers_selected = projected_lbls.max(dim=1)[1] axis = local_axs[x][y] for marker_ind, marker in enumerate(markers): marker_projected = projected[markers_selected == marker_ind] marker_projected_lbls = projected_lbls[markers_selected == marker_ind] projected_colors = ots(marker_projected_lbls) axis.scatter(marker_projected[:, 0].numpy(), marker_projected[:, 1].numpy(), s=s, alpha=alpha, c=projected_colors.numpy(), cmap=mcm.get_cmap(cmap), norm=norm, marker=marker) axis.set_xlim([vis_min_x, vis_max_x]) axis.set_ylim([vis_min_y, vis_max_y]) axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) layer += 1 local_path = os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'local.png') local_fig.tight_layout() local_fig.savefig(local_path, transparent=transparent, DPI=DPI) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'principal_vectors.npz'), *[snapshot.principal_vectors for snapshot in traj]) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'principal_values.npz'), *[snapshot.principal_values for snapshot in traj]) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'projected_samples.npz'), *[snapshot.projected_samples for snapshot in traj]) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'projected_sample_labels.npz'), *[snapshot.projected_sample_labels for snapshot in traj])
def save(self, filepath: str, exist_ok: bool = False, compress: bool = True) -> None: """Saves these clusters along with a description about how to load them to the given filepath. If the filepath has an extension, it must be .zip and it will be ignored in favor of compress. Arguments: filepath (str): the folder or zip file where these clusters should be saves exist_ok (bool): effects the behavior if the folder or zip file already exists. If this is False, then an error is thrown. If this is True, the existing files are deleted compress (bool): if True, the folder is compressed to a zip file after saving and the folder is deleted. If False, the result is left as a folder """ outfile, outfile_wo_ext = mutils.process_outfile( filepath, exist_ok, compress) if os.path.exists(outfile_wo_ext): filetools.deldir(outfile_wo_ext) os.makedirs(outfile_wo_ext) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'clusters.npz'), samples=self.samples, centers=self.centers, labels=self.labels) with open(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'calculate_params.json'), 'w') as out: json.dump(self.calculate_params, out) with open(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, ''), 'w') as out: def _print(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, **kwargs, file=out) _print('Clusters') _print(' clusters.npz:') _print( ' samples [n_samples, n_features] - the samples the clusters were calculated' + ' from') _print( ' centers [n_clusters, n_features] - the centers of the clusters' ) _print( ' labels [n_samples] - the index in centers for the closest cluster ' + 'to each label') _print(' calculate_params.json:') _print( ' Varies. Gives information about how clusters were calculated' ) if compress: if os.path.exists(outfile): os.remove(outfile) filetools.zipdir(outfile_wo_ext)
def plot_trajectory(traj: PCTrajectoryGen, filepath: str, exist_ok: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.5, square: bool = True, transparent: bool = True, s: int = 1, ots: OutputToScalarMapping = SqueezeOTSMapping(), cmap: typing.Union[mcolors.Colormap, str] = 'cividis', norm: mcolors.Normalize = mcolors.Normalize(-1, 1), compress: bool = False): """Plots the given trajectory by storing it in the given filepath. If the output of the trajectory is not itself a scalar, the output to scalar mapping must be set. The other arguments are related to display. Args: traj (PCTrajectoryGen): The trajectory to plot. Must have at least 2 pcs filepath (str): Where to store the given trajectory, either a folder or a zip file. The file zip extension will only be used if compress is true exist_ok (bool, optional): If the filepath already exists, then this determines if it should be overwritten (True) or an error should be raised (False). Defaults to False. alpha (float, optional): The transparency value for each vector. Defaults to 0.5. square (bool, optional): If the dimensions of the space should be equal for width and height (such that 1 inch width and height visually corresponds to the same amount of distance in pc-space). Since pc space is naturally rectangular, not setting this can easily lead to misinterpretations. Defaults to True. transparent (bool, optional): Determines the background color of the saved images, where True is transparency and False is near-white. Defaults to True. s (int, optional): The size of each projected sample. Defaults to 1. ots (OutputToScalarMapping, optional): Maps the labels of the trajectory to samples which are then converted to colors using the color map. Defaults to SqueezeOTSMapping(). cmap (str or Colormap, optional): The color map to use. Defaults to 'cividis'. norm (mcolors.Normalize, optional): Normalizes the scalars that are passed to the color map to the range 0-1. Defaults to normalizing linearly from [-1, 1] to [0, 1] compress (bool): if the folder should be zipped """ tus.check( traj=(traj, PCTrajectoryGen), filepath=(filepath, str), exist_ok=(exist_ok, bool), alpha=(alpha, float), square=(square, bool), transparent=(transparent, bool), s=(s, int), ots=(ots, OutputToScalarMapping), cmap=(cmap, (str, mcolors.Colormap)) ) outfile, outfile_wo_ext = mutils.process_outfile(filepath, exist_ok, compress) if not compress and exist_ok and os.path.exists(outfile_wo_ext): filetools.deldir(outfile_wo_ext) os.makedirs(outfile_wo_ext) num_splots_req = traj.num_layers + 1 closest_square: int = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_splots_req))) num_cols: int = int(math.ceil(num_splots_req / closest_square)) local_fig, local_axs = plt.subplots(num_cols, closest_square, squeeze=False, figsize=FRAME_SIZE) layer: int = 0 for x in range(num_cols): for y in range(closest_square): if layer >= num_splots_req: local_axs[x][y].remove() continue elif layer >= traj.num_layers: lspace = np.linspace(norm.vmin, norm.vmax, 100) axis = local_axs[x][y] axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) axis.imshow(lspace[..., np.newaxis], cmap=cmap, norm=norm, aspect=0.2) layer += 1 continue snapshot: PCTrajectoryGenSnapshot = traj[layer] projected = snapshot.projected_samples projected_lbls = snapshot.projected_sample_labels min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = (torch.min(projected[:, 0]), torch.min(projected[:, 1]), torch.max(projected[:, 0]), torch.max(projected[:, 1])) min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = min_x.item(), min_y.item(), max_x.item(), max_y.item() if max_x - min_x < 1e-3: min_x -= 5e-4 max_x += 5e-4 if max_y - min_y < 1e-3: min_y -= 5e-4 max_y += 5e-4 if square: extents_x = max_x - min_x extents_y = max_y - min_y if extents_x > extents_y: upd = (extents_x - extents_y) / 2 min_y -= upd max_y += upd else: upd = (extents_y - extents_x) / 2 min_x -= upd max_x += upd padding_x = (max_x - min_x) * .1 padding_y = (max_y - min_y) * .1 vis_min_x = min_x - padding_x vis_max_x = max_x + padding_x vis_min_y = min_y - padding_y vis_max_y = max_y + padding_y projected_colors = ots(projected_lbls) axis = local_axs[x][y] axis.scatter(projected[:, 0].numpy(), projected[:, 1].numpy(), s=s, alpha=alpha, c=projected_colors.numpy(), cmap=mcm.get_cmap(cmap), norm=norm) axis.set_xlim([vis_min_x, vis_max_x]) axis.set_ylim([vis_min_y, vis_max_y]) axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) layer += 1 local_path = os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'local.png') local_fig.tight_layout() local_fig.savefig(local_path, transparent=transparent, DPI=DPI) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'principal_vectors.npz'), *[snapshot.principal_vectors for snapshot in traj]) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'principal_values.npz'), *[snapshot.principal_values for snapshot in traj]) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'projected_samples.npz'), *[snapshot.projected_samples for snapshot in traj]) np.savez(os.path.join(outfile_wo_ext, 'projected_sample_labels.npz'), *[snapshot.projected_sample_labels for snapshot in traj]) if compress: if os.path.exists(outfile): os.remove(outfile) filetools.zipdir(outfile_wo_ext)
def save(self, outpath: str, exist_ok: bool = False): """Saves this network to the given path. The path should be a folder, because inside the folder we will store: - an equivalent network which can be shared and loaded with just pytorch layers.npz - the fully connected layer weights and biases in numpy form Each fully connected layer i has its weights stored in lyr_weight_i and its biases stored in lyr_bias_i layers.mat - the fully connected layer weights and biases in matlab form Same variable names as layers.npz readme.txt - stores relevant documentation for loading this model """ if os.path.exists(outpath): if not exist_ok: raise FileExistsError(outpath) if not os.path.isdir(outpath): raise ValueError( f'expected outpath is directory, got {outpath} (not isdir)' ) filetools.deldir(outpath) os.makedirs(outpath) equiv_net = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(ENCODE_DIM, affine=False, track_running_stats=False), cp_utils.copy_linear(self.fc_layers[0]), torch.nn.Tanh(), torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(HIDDEN_DIM, affine=False, track_running_stats=False), cp_utils.copy_linear(self.fc_layers[1]), torch.nn.Tanh(), torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(HIDDEN_DIM, affine=False, track_running_stats=False), cp_utils.copy_linear(self.fc_layers[2]), torch.nn.Tanh()), os.path.join(outpath, '')) del equiv_net layer_data = {} for i, lyr in enumerate(self.fc_layers): layer_data[f'lyr_weight_{i}'] = layer_data[f'lyr_bias_{i}'] = np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(outpath, 'layers.npz'), **layer_data), 'layers.mat'), layer_data) with open(os.path.join(outpath, 'readme.txt'), 'w') as outfile: print('Model: Deep1ModelTrain', file=outfile) print(f'Date: {}', file=outfile) print('Constants:', file=outfile) for nm, const in { 'ALPHA': ALPHA, 'CUTOFF': CUTOFF, 'ENCODE_DIM': ENCODE_DIM, 'HIDDEN_DIM': HIDDEN_DIM }.items(): print(f' {nm}: {const}', file=outfile) print('Class Documentation:', file=outfile) print(Deep1ModelTrain.__doc__, file=outfile) print(file=outfile) print('Function Documentation: ', file=outfile) print(, file=outfile)