def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, jcache):
    if isinstance(jcache, bool) and jcache: jcache = shared.JCache
    if jcache: shared.JCache.ensure()

    if type(passes) == str:
        passes = [passes]

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != '\n':
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n')  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    # Find suffix
    suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix = ''
    if suffix_start >= 0:
        suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
        suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
        # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
        generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker) + 1:]))

    # Find markers
    start_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS\n'
    end_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n'
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)
    assert (start_funcs >= 0) == (end_funcs >= 0) == (not not suffix)
    asm_registerize = 'asm' in passes and 'registerize' in passes
    if asm_registerize:
        start_asm_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
        end_asm_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    if not suffix and jcache:
        # JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
        # This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
        # anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache'
        jcache = False

    if suffix:
        if not asm_registerize:
            pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
            post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
            if 'asm' not in passes:  # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post

                class Finals:
                    buf = []

                def process(line):
                    if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(
                        ('Module[', 'if (globalScope)'))
                                          or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
                        return False
                    return True

                js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
                post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
            post = end_funcs_marker + post
            # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
            pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
            post = js[end_asm:]
            asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs +
                           len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

            minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
            asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(
                asm_shell, 'compress' in passes).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();')
            asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})')
            pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
            post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

            minify_info = minifier.serialize()
            #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
        # remove suffix if no longer needed
        if 'last' in passes:
            suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
            suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
            post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

        pre = ''
        post = ''

    # Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
    # If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
    parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
    funcs = []
    for i in range(len(parts)):
        func = parts[i]
        if i < len(parts) - 1: func += '\n}\n'  # last part needs no }
        m = func_sig.search(func)
        if m:
            ident = m.group(2)
            if suffix: continue  # ignore whitespace
            ident = 'anon_%d' % i
        assert ident
        funcs.append((ident, func))
    parts = None
    total_size = len(js)
    js = None

    cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE,
                     max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))

    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size,
                             jcache.get_cachename('jsopt') if jcache else None)

    if jcache:
        # load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
        cached_outputs = []

        def load_from_cache(chunk):
            keys = [chunk]
            shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(
                keys)  # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
            out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
            if out:
                return False
            return True

        chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
        if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, '  loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache' % len(
            cached_outputs = []

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, 'w')
            if asm_registerize:
                f.write('// MINIFY_INFO:' + minify_info)
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    if len(filenames) > 0:
        # XXX Use '--nocrankshaft' to disable crankshaft to work around v8 bug 1895, needed for older v8/node (node 0.6.8+ should be ok)
        commands = map(
            lambda filename: js_engine +
            [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] + passes, filenames)
        #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

        cores = min(cores, filenames)
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (
                    len(chunks), chunk_size, cores, total_size /
                    (1024 * 1024.))
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d' % (
                    len(chunks), chunk_size)
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
        filenames = []

    for filename in filenames:

    filename += '.jo.js'
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    for out_file in filenames:
    if jcache:
        for cached in cached_outputs:
            # TODO: preserve order
    # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

    if jcache:
        # save chunks to cache
        for i in range(len(chunks)):
            chunk = chunks[i]
            keys = [chunk]
            shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
            shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
        if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
            print >> sys.stderr, '  saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache' % len(

    return filename
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, source_map=False, extra_info=None, just_split=False, just_concat=False):
  if type(passes) == str:
    passes = [passes]

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  # Find suffix
  suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
  suffix = ''
  if suffix_start >= 0:
    suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
    suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
    # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.

  # Find markers
  start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
  end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

  if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs or not suffix:
    logging.critical('Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s, suffix_start: %s' % (start_funcs, end_funcs, suffix_start))

  minify_globals = 'minifyNames' in passes and 'asm' in passes
  if minify_globals:
    passes = map(lambda p: p if p != 'minifyNames' else 'minifyLocals', passes)
    start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
    end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
    assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

  closure = 'closure' in passes
  if closure:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure', passes) # we will do it manually

  cleanup = 'cleanup' in passes
  if cleanup:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'cleanup', passes) # we will do it manually

  split_memory = 'splitMemory' in passes

  if not minify_globals:
    pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
    post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
    if 'asm' not in passes: # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post
      class Finals:
        buf = []
      def process(line):
        if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(('Module[', 'if (globalScope)')) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
          return False
        return True
      js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
      post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
    post = end_funcs_marker + post
    # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
    pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
    post = js[end_asm:]
    asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

    # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
    minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
    def check_symbol_mapping(p):
      if p.startswith('symbolMap='):
        minifier.symbols_file = p.split('=')[1]
        return False
      if p == 'profilingFuncs':
        minifier.profiling_funcs = True
        return False
      return True
    passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
    asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes, source_map).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
    asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
    pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
    post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

    minify_info = minifier.serialize()
    #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
  # remove suffix if no longer needed
  if suffix and 'last' in passes:
    suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
    post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

  total_size = len(js)
  funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split)
  js = None

  # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
  # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
  cores = 1 if source_map else int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

  if not just_split:
    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)
    # keep same chunks as before
    chunks = map(lambda f: f[1], funcs)

  chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
  if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(map(len, chunks))
  funcs = None

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')
      if minify_globals:
        if extra_info:
          for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
            assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
            minify_info[key] = value
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(minify_info))
      elif extra_info:
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(extra_info))
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  if len(filenames) > 0:
    if not use_native(passes, source_map) or not get_native_optimizer():
      commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine +
          [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
          (['--debug'] if source_map else []) + passes, filenames)
      # use the native optimizer
      shared.logging.debug('js optimizer using native')
      assert not source_map # XXX need to use js optimizer
      commands = map(lambda filename: [get_native_optimizer(), filename] + passes, filenames)
    #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

    cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
    if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
      # We can parallelize
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
      pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
      filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
      # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
      if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (len(chunks))
      filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
    filenames = []

  for filename in filenames: temp_files.note(filename)

  if closure or cleanup or split_memory:
    # run on the shell code, everything but what we js-optimize
    start_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
    end_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
    cl_sep = 'wakaUnknownBefore(); var asm=wakaUnknownAfter(global,env,buffer)\n'

    cle = temp_files.get('.cl.js').name
    c = open(cle, 'w')
    pre_1, pre_2 = pre.split(start_asm)
    post_1, post_2 = post.split(end_asm)
    cld = cle
    if split_memory:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running splitMemory on shell code'
      cld = run_on_chunk(js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, cld, 'splitMemoryShell'])
      f = open(cld, 'a')
    if closure:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running closure on shell code'
      cld = shared.Building.closure_compiler(cld, pretty='minifyWhitespace' not in passes)
    elif cleanup:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running cleanup on shell code'
      next = cld + '.cl.js'
      proc = subprocess.Popen(js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, cld, 'noPrintMetadata', 'JSDCE'] + (['minifyWhitespace'] if 'minifyWhitespace' in passes else []), stdout=open(next, 'w'))
      assert proc.returncode == 0
      cld = next
    coutput = open(cld).read()
    coutput = coutput.replace('wakaUnknownBefore();', start_asm)
    after = 'wakaUnknownAfter'
    start = coutput.find(after)
    end = coutput.find(')', start)
    pre = coutput[:start] + '(function(global,env,buffer) {\n' + pre_2[pre_2.find('{')+1:]
    post = post_1 + end_asm + coutput[end+1:]

  filename += '.jo.js'
  f = open(filename, 'w')
  pre = None

  if not just_concat:
    # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
    funcses = []
    for out_file in filenames:
      funcses.append(split_funcs(open(out_file).read(), False))
    funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
    funcses = None
    def sorter(x, y):
      diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
      if diff != 0: return diff
      if x[0] < y[0]: return 1
      elif x[0] > y[0]: return -1
      return 0
    if not os.environ.get('EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT'):

    if 'last' in passes and len(funcs) > 0:
      count = funcs[0][1].count('\n')
      if count > 3000:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: Output contains some very large functions (%s lines in %s), consider building source files with -Os or -Oz, and/or trying OUTLINING_LIMIT to break them up (see settings.js; note that the parameter there affects AST nodes, while we measure lines here, so the two may not match up)' % (count, funcs[0][0])

    for func in funcs:
    funcs = None
    # just concat the outputs
    for out_file in filenames:
  # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

  return filename
def run_on_js(filename,
    if type(passes) == str:
        passes = [passes]

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != '\n':
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n')  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    # Find suffix
    suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix = ''
    if suffix_start >= 0:
        suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
        suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
        # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.

    # Find markers
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

    if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs or not suffix:
            'Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s, suffix_start: %s'
            % (start_funcs, end_funcs, suffix_start))

    minify_globals = 'minifyNames' in passes and 'asm' in passes
    if minify_globals:
        passes = map(lambda p: p
                     if p != 'minifyNames' else 'minifyLocals', passes)
        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    closure = 'closure' in passes
    if closure:
        passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure',
                        passes)  # we will do it manually

    cleanup = 'cleanup' in passes
    if cleanup:
        passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'cleanup',
                        passes)  # we will do it manually

    split_memory = 'splitMemory' in passes

    if not minify_globals:
        pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
        post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
        if 'asm' not in passes:  # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post

            class Finals:
                buf = []

            def process(line):
                if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(
                    ('Module[', 'if (globalScope)'))
                                      or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
                    return False
                return True

            js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
            post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
        post = end_funcs_marker + post
        # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
        pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
        post = js[end_asm:]
        asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs +
                       len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

        # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
        minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)

        def check_symbol_mapping(p):
            if p.startswith('symbolMap='):
                minifier.symbols_file = p.split('=')[1]
                return False
            if p == 'profilingFuncs':
                minifier.profiling_funcs = True
                return False
            return True

        passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
        asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(
            asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes,
        asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})')
        pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
        post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

        minify_info = minifier.serialize()
        #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
    # remove suffix if no longer needed
    if suffix and 'last' in passes:
        suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
        suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
        post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

    total_size = len(js)
    funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split)
    js = None

    # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
    # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
    cores = 1 if source_map else int(
        os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    if not just_split:
        intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
        chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE,
                         max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
        chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)
        # keep same chunks as before
        chunks = map(lambda f: f[1], funcs)

    chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(
            funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(
                chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(
                    map(len, chunks))
    funcs = None

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, 'w')
            if minify_globals:
                if extra_info:
                    for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
                        assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[
                            key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
                        minify_info[key] = value
                f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(minify_info))
            elif extra_info:
                f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(extra_info))
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('run_optimizer'):
        if len(filenames) > 0:
            if not use_native(passes,
                              source_map) or not get_native_optimizer():
                commands = map(
                    lambda filename: js_engine +
                    [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
                    (['--debug'] if source_map else []) + passes, filenames)
                # use the native optimizer
                shared.logging.debug('js optimizer using native')
                assert not source_map  # XXX need to use js optimizer
                commands = map(
                    lambda filename: [get_native_optimizer(), filename] +
                    passes, filenames)
            #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

            cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
            if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
                # We can parallelize
                if DEBUG:
                    print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (
                        len(chunks), cores, total_size / (1024 * 1024.))
                pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
                filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
                    # Shut down the pool, since otherwise processes are left alive and would only be lazily terminated,
                    # and in other parts of the toolchain we also build up multiprocessing pools.
                except Exception, e:
                    # On Windows we get occassional "Access is denied" errors when attempting to tear down the pool, ignore these.
                        'Attempting to tear down multiprocessing pool failed with an exception: '
                        + str(e))
                # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
                if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                    print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (
                filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
def run_on_js(filename, gen_hash_info=False):
    js_engine = shared.NODE_JS

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != '\n':
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n')  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    equivalentfn_hash_info = None
    passed_in_filename = filename

    # Find markers
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

    if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs:
            'Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s)'
            % (start_funcs, end_funcs))

    if not gen_hash_info:
        equivalentfn_hash_info = js[js.rfind('//'):]

        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

        # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
        pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
        post = js[end_asm:]
        asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs +
                       len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

        # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
        asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = process_shell(
            js, js_engine, asm_shell,
        asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})')
        pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
        post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

        if not gen_hash_info:
            # We don't need the extra info at the end
            post = post[:post.rfind('//')].strip()
        pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
        post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
        post = end_funcs_marker + post

    total_size = len(js)
    funcs = split_funcs(js, False)

    js = None

    # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
    # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
    cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE,
                     max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)

    chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(
            funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(
                chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(
                    map(len, chunks))
    funcs = None

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, 'w')

            if not gen_hash_info:
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    old_filenames = filenames[:]
    if len(filenames) > 0:
        commands = map(
            lambda filename: js_engine + [
                DUPLICATE_FUNCTION_ELIMINATOR, filename, '--gen-hash-info'
                if gen_hash_info else '--use-hash-info',
            ], filenames)

        if DEBUG and commands is not None:
            print >> sys.stderr, [
                ' '.join(command if command is not None else '(null)')
                for command in commands

        cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (
                    len(chunks), cores, total_size / (1024 * 1024.))
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
        filenames = []

    json_files = []

    # We're going to be coalescing the files back at the end
    # Just replace the file list with the ones provided in
    # the command list - and save off the generated Json
    if gen_hash_info:
        json_files = filenames[:]
        filenames = old_filenames[:]

    for filename in filenames:

    filename += '.jo.js'
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    pre = None

    # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
    funcses = []
    for out_file in filenames:
        funcses.append(split_funcs(open(out_file).read(), False))
    funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
    funcses = None

    def sorter(x, y):
        diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
        if diff != 0: return diff
        if x[0] < y[0]: return 1
        elif x[0] > y[0]: return -1
        return 0

    if not os.environ.get('EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT'):

    for func in funcs:
    funcs = None

    # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

    if gen_hash_info and len(json_files) > 0:
        write_equivalent_fn_hash_to_file(f, json_files, passed_in_filename)

    return filename
def run_on_js(filename,
    if isinstance(jcache, bool) and jcache: jcache = shared.JCache
    if jcache: shared.JCache.ensure()

    if type(passes) == str:
        passes = [passes]

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != '\n':
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n')  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    # Find suffix
    suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix = ''
    if suffix_start >= 0:
        suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
        suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
        # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
        generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker) + 1:]))

    # Find markers
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

    know_generated = suffix or start_funcs >= 0

    minify_globals = 'minifyNames' in passes and 'asm' in passes
    if minify_globals:
        passes = map(lambda p: p
                     if p != 'minifyNames' else 'minifyLocals', passes)
        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    closure = 'closure' in passes
    if closure:
        passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure',
                        passes)  # we will do it manually

    cleanup = 'cleanup' in passes
    if cleanup:
        passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'cleanup',
                        passes)  # we will do it manually

    if not know_generated and jcache:
        # JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
        # This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
        # anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache'
        jcache = False

    if know_generated:
        if not minify_globals:
            pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
            post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
            if 'asm' not in passes:  # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post

                class Finals:
                    buf = []

                def process(line):
                    if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(
                        ('Module[', 'if (globalScope)'))
                                          or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
                        return False
                    return True

                js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
                post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
            post = end_funcs_marker + post
            # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
            pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
            post = js[end_asm:]
            asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs +
                           len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

            # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
            minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)

            def check_symbol_mapping(p):
                if p.startswith('symbolMap='):
                    minifier.symbols_file = p.split('=')[1]
                    return False
                return True

            passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
            asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(
                asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes,
            asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})')
            pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
            post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

            minify_info = minifier.serialize()
            #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
        # remove suffix if no longer needed
        if suffix and 'last' in passes:
            suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
            suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
            post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

        pre = ''
        post = ''

    def split_funcs(js, just_split=False):
        if just_split:
            return map(lambda line: ('(json)', line), js.split('\n'))
        # Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
        # If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
        parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
        funcs = []
        for i in range(len(parts)):
            func = parts[i]
            if i < len(parts) - 1: func += '\n}\n'  # last part needs no }
            m = func_sig.search(func)
            if m:
                ident = m.group(1)
                if know_generated: continue  # ignore whitespace
                ident = 'anon_%d' % i
            assert ident
            funcs.append((ident, func))
        return funcs

    total_size = len(js)
    funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split)
    js = None

    # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
    # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
    cores = 1 if source_map else int(
        os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    if not just_split:
        intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
        chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE,
                         max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
        chunks = shared.chunkify(
            funcs, chunk_size,
            jcache.get_cachename('jsopt') if jcache else None)
        # keep same chunks as before
        chunks = map(lambda f: f[1], funcs)

    chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(
            funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(
                chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(
                    map(len, chunks))
    funcs = None

    if jcache:
        # load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
        cached_outputs = []

        def load_from_cache(chunk):
            keys = [chunk]
            shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(
                keys)  # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
            out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
            if out:
                return False
            return True

        chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
        if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, '  loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache' % len(
            cached_outputs = []

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, 'w')
            if minify_globals:
                if extra_info:
                    for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
                        assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[
                            key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
                        minify_info[key] = value
                f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(minify_info))
            elif extra_info:
                f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(extra_info))
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    if len(filenames) > 0:
        if not use_native(passes, source_map) or not get_native_optimizer():
            commands = map(
                lambda filename: js_engine +
                [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
                (['--debug'] if source_map else []) + passes, filenames)
            # use the native optimizer
            shared.logging.debug('js optimizer using native')
            assert not source_map  # XXX need to use js optimizer
            commands = map(
                lambda filename: [get_native_optimizer(), filename] + passes,
        #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

        cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (
                    len(chunks), cores, total_size / (1024 * 1024.))
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
        filenames = []

    for filename in filenames:

    if closure or cleanup:
        # run on the shell code, everything but what we js-optimize
        start_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
        end_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
        cl_sep = 'wakaUnknownBefore(); var asm=wakaUnknownAfter(global,env,buffer)\n'

        cle = temp_files.get('.cl.js').name
        c = open(cle, 'w')
        pre_1, pre_2 = pre.split(start_asm)
        post_1, post_2 = post.split(end_asm)
        if closure:
            if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running closure on shell code'
            cld = shared.Building.closure_compiler(cle,
                                                   not in passes)
            if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running cleanup on shell code'
            cld = cle + '.js'
                js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, cle, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
                (['minifyWhitespace'] if 'minifyWhitespace' in passes else []),
                stdout=open(cld, 'w')).communicate()
        coutput = open(cld).read()
        coutput = coutput.replace('wakaUnknownBefore();', start_asm)
        after = 'wakaUnknownAfter'
        start = coutput.find(after)
        end = coutput.find(')', start)
        pre = coutput[:start] + '(function(global,env,buffer) {\n' + pre_2[
            pre_2.find('{') + 1:]
        post = post_1 + end_asm + coutput[end + 1:]

    filename += '.jo.js'
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    pre = None

    if not just_concat:
        # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
        funcses = []
        for out_file in filenames:
        funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
        funcses = None

        def sorter(x, y):
            diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
            if diff != 0: return diff
            if x[0] < y[0]: return 1
            elif x[0] > y[0]: return -1
            return 0


        if 'last' in passes and len(funcs) > 0:
            count = funcs[0][1].count('\n')
            if count > 3000:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: Output contains some very large functions (%s lines in %s), consider building source files with -Os or -Oz, and/or trying OUTLINING_LIMIT to break them up (see settings.js; note that the parameter there affects AST nodes, while we measure lines here, so the two may not match up)' % (
                    count, funcs[0][0])

        for func in funcs:
        funcs = None
        # just concat the outputs
        for out_file in filenames:
        assert not jcache
    if jcache:
        for cached in cached_outputs:
            # TODO: preserve order
    # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

    if jcache:
        # save chunks to cache
        for i in range(len(chunks)):
            chunk = chunks[i]
            keys = [chunk]
            shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
            shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
        if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
            print >> sys.stderr, '  saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache' % len(

    return filename
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, jcache):
  if isinstance(jcache, bool) and jcache: jcache = shared.JCache
  if jcache: shared.JCache.ensure()

  if type(passes) == str:
    passes = [passes]

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  # Find suffix
  suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
  suffix = ''
  if suffix_start >= 0:
    suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
    suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
    # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
    generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker)+1:]))

  # Find markers
  start_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS\n'
  end_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n'
  start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
  end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)
  #assert (start_funcs >= 0) == (end_funcs >= 0) == (not not suffix)

  minify_globals = 'registerizeAndMinify' in passes and 'asm' in passes
  if minify_globals:
    passes = map(lambda p: p if p != 'registerizeAndMinify' else 'registerize', passes)
    start_asm_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
    end_asm_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
    start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
    end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
    assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

  closure = 'closure' in passes
  if closure:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure', passes) # we will do it manually

  if not suffix and jcache:
    # JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
    # This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
    # anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
    if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, 'js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache'
    jcache = False

  if suffix:
    if not minify_globals:
      pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
      post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
      js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
      if 'asm' not in passes: # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post
        class Finals:
          buf = []
        def process(line):
          if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(('Module[', 'if (globalScope)')) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
            return False
          return True
        js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
        post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
      post = end_funcs_marker + post
      # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
      pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
      post = js[end_asm:]
      asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
      js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

      minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
      asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
      asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
      pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
      post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

      minify_info = minifier.serialize()
      #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
    # remove suffix if no longer needed
    if 'last' in passes:
      suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
      suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
      post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

    pre = ''
    post = ''

  # Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
  # If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
  parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
  funcs = []
  for i in range(len(parts)):
    func = parts[i]
    if i < len(parts)-1: func += '\n}\n' # last part needs no }
    m = func_sig.search(func)
    if m:
      ident = m.group(2)
      if suffix: continue # ignore whitespace
      ident = 'anon_%d' % i
    assert ident
    funcs.append((ident, func))
  parts = None
  total_size = len(js)
  js = None

  cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
  intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
  chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))

  chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size, jcache.get_cachename('jsopt') if jcache else None)

  if jcache:
    # load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
    cached_outputs = []
    def load_from_cache(chunk):
      keys = [chunk]
      shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys) # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
      out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
      if out:
        return False
      return True
    chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
    if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, '  loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache' % len(cached_outputs)
      cached_outputs = []

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')
      if minify_globals:
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + minify_info)
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  if len(filenames) > 0:
    # XXX Use '--nocrankshaft' to disable crankshaft to work around v8 bug 1895, needed for older v8/node (node 0.6.8+ should be ok)
    commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] + passes, filenames)
    #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

    cores = min(cores, filenames)
    if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
      # We can parallelize
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), chunk_size, cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
      pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
      filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
      # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
      if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d' % (len(chunks), chunk_size)
      filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
    filenames = []

  for filename in filenames: temp_files.note(filename)

  if closure:
    # run closure on the shell code, everything but what we js-optimize
    start_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
    end_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
    closure_sep = 'wakaUnknownBefore(); var asm=wakaUnknownAfter(global,env,buffer)\n'

    closuree = temp_files.get('.closure.js').name
    c = open(closuree, 'w')
    pre_1, pre_2 = pre.split(start_asm)
    post_1, post_2 = post.split(end_asm)
    closured = shared.Building.closure_compiler(closuree, pretty='minifyWhitespace' not in passes)
    coutput = open(closured).read()
    coutput = coutput.replace('wakaUnknownBefore();', '')
    after = 'wakaUnknownAfter'
    start = coutput.find(after)
    end = coutput.find(')', start)
    pre = coutput[:start] + '(function(global,env,buffer) {\n' + start_asm + pre_2[pre_2.find('{')+1:]
    post = post_1[:post_1.rfind('}')] + '\n' + end_asm + '\n})' + coutput[end+1:]

  filename += '.jo.js'
  f = open(filename, 'w')
  for out_file in filenames:
  if jcache:
    for cached in cached_outputs:
      f.write(cached); # TODO: preserve order
  # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

  if jcache:
    # save chunks to cache
    for i in range(len(chunks)):
      chunk = chunks[i]
      keys = [chunk]
      shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
      shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, '  saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache' % len(chunks)

  return filename
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, source_map=False, extra_info=None, just_split=False, just_concat=False):
    if type(passes) == str:
        passes = [passes]

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != "\n":
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, "\n")  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    # Find suffix
    suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix = ""
    if suffix_start >= 0:
        suffix_end = js.find("\n", suffix_start)
        suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + "\n"
        # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
        generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker) + 1 :]))

    # Find markers
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

    know_generated = suffix or start_funcs >= 0

    minify_globals = "minifyNames" in passes and "asm" in passes
    if minify_globals:
        passes = map(lambda p: p if p != "minifyNames" else "minifyLocals", passes)
        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    closure = "closure" in passes
    if closure:
        passes = filter(lambda p: p != "closure", passes)  # we will do it manually

    cleanup = "cleanup" in passes
    if cleanup:
        passes = filter(lambda p: p != "cleanup", passes)  # we will do it manually

    if know_generated:
        if not minify_globals:
            pre = js[: start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
            post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker) :]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker) : end_funcs]
            if "asm" not in passes:  # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post

                class Finals:
                    buf = []

                def process(line):
                    if len(line) > 0 and (
                        line.startswith(("Module[", "if (globalScope)")) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')
                        return False
                    return True

                js = "\n".join(filter(process, js.split("\n")))
                post = "\n".join(Finals.buf) + "\n" + post
            post = end_funcs_marker + post
            # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
            pre = js[: start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
            post = js[end_asm:]
            asm_shell = (
                js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker) : start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
                + """
                + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker) : end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker) : end_funcs]

            # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
            minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)

            def check_symbol_mapping(p):
                if p.startswith("symbolMap="):
                    minifier.symbols_file = p.split("=")[1]
                    return False
                if p == "profilingFuncs":
                    minifier.profiling_funcs = True
                    return False
                return True

            passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
            asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(
                asm_shell, "minifyWhitespace" in passes, source_map
            asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace("});", "})")
            pre += asm_shell_pre + "\n" + start_funcs_marker
            post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

            minify_info = minifier.serialize()
            # if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
        # remove suffix if no longer needed
        if suffix and "last" in passes:
            suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
            suffix_end = post.find("\n", suffix_start)
            post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

        pre = ""
        post = ""

    total_size = len(js)
    funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split, know_generated)
    js = None

    # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
    # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
    cores = 1 if source_map else int(os.environ.get("EMCC_CORES") or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    if not just_split:
        intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
        chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
        chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)
        # keep same chunks as before
        chunks = map(lambda f: f[1], funcs)

    chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
        print >>sys.stderr, "chunkification: num funcs:", len(funcs), "actual num chunks:", len(
        ), "chunk size range:", max(map(len, chunks)), "-", min(map(len, chunks))
    funcs = None

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get(".jsfunc_%d.js" % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, "w")
            if minify_globals:
                if extra_info:
                    for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
                        assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
                        minify_info[key] = value
                f.write("// EXTRA_INFO:" + json.dumps(minify_info))
            elif extra_info:
                f.write("// EXTRA_INFO:" + json.dumps(extra_info))
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    if len(filenames) > 0:
        if not use_native(passes, source_map) or not get_native_optimizer():
            commands = map(
                lambda filename: js_engine
                + [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, "noPrintMetadata"]
                + (["--debug"] if source_map else [])
                + passes,
            # use the native optimizer
            shared.logging.debug("js optimizer using native")
            assert not source_map  # XXX need to use js optimizer
            commands = map(lambda filename: [get_native_optimizer(), filename] + passes, filenames)
        # print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

        cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)" % (
                    total_size / (1024 * 1024.0),
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "splitting up js optimization into %d chunks" % (len(chunks))
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
        filenames = []

    for filename in filenames:

    if closure or cleanup:
        # run on the shell code, everything but what we js-optimize
        start_asm = "// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n"
        end_asm = "// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n"
        cl_sep = "wakaUnknownBefore(); var asm=wakaUnknownAfter(global,env,buffer)\n"

        cle = temp_files.get(".cl.js").name
        c = open(cle, "w")
        pre_1, pre_2 = pre.split(start_asm)
        post_1, post_2 = post.split(end_asm)
        if closure:
            if DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "running closure on shell code"
            cld = shared.Building.closure_compiler(cle, pretty="minifyWhitespace" not in passes)
            if DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "running cleanup on shell code"
            cld = cle + ".js"
                + [JS_OPTIMIZER, cle, "noPrintMetadata"]
                + (["minifyWhitespace"] if "minifyWhitespace" in passes else []),
                stdout=open(cld, "w"),
        coutput = open(cld).read()
        coutput = coutput.replace("wakaUnknownBefore();", start_asm)
        after = "wakaUnknownAfter"
        start = coutput.find(after)
        end = coutput.find(")", start)
        pre = coutput[:start] + "(function(global,env,buffer) {\n" + pre_2[pre_2.find("{") + 1 :]
        post = post_1 + end_asm + coutput[end + 1 :]

    filename += ".jo.js"
    f = open(filename, "w")
    pre = None

    if not just_concat:
        # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
        funcses = []
        for out_file in filenames:
            funcses.append(split_funcs(open(out_file).read(), False, know_generated))
        funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
        funcses = None

        def sorter(x, y):
            diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
            if diff != 0:
                return diff
            if x[0] < y[0]:
                return 1
            elif x[0] > y[0]:
                return -1
            return 0

        if not os.environ.get("EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT"):

        if "last" in passes and len(funcs) > 0:
            count = funcs[0][1].count("\n")
            if count > 3000:
                print >>sys.stderr, "warning: Output contains some very large functions (%s lines in %s), consider building source files with -Os or -Oz, and/or trying OUTLINING_LIMIT to break them up (see settings.js; note that the parameter there affects AST nodes, while we measure lines here, so the two may not match up)" % (

        for func in funcs:
        funcs = None
        # just concat the outputs
        for out_file in filenames:
    # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

    return filename
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, jcache, source_map=False, extra_info=None, just_split=False, just_concat=False):
  if isinstance(jcache, bool) and jcache: jcache = shared.JCache
  if jcache: shared.JCache.ensure()

  if type(passes) == str:
    passes = [passes]

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  # Find suffix
  suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
  suffix = ''
  if suffix_start >= 0:
    suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
    suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
    # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
    generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker)+1:]))

  # Find markers
  start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
  end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

  know_generated = suffix or start_funcs >= 0

  minify_globals = 'minifyNames' in passes and 'asm' in passes
  if minify_globals:
    passes = map(lambda p: p if p != 'minifyNames' else 'minifyLocals', passes)
    start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
    end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
    assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

  closure = 'closure' in passes
  if closure:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure', passes) # we will do it manually

  cleanup = 'cleanup' in passes
  if cleanup:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'cleanup', passes) # we will do it manually

  if not know_generated and jcache:
    # JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
    # This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
    # anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
    if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, 'js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache'
    jcache = False

  if know_generated:
    if not minify_globals:
      pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
      post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
      js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
      if 'asm' not in passes: # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post
        class Finals:
          buf = []
        def process(line):
          if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(('Module[', 'if (globalScope)')) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
            return False
          return True
        js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
        post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
      post = end_funcs_marker + post
      # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
      pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
      post = js[end_asm:]
      asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
      js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

      # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
      minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
      def check_symbol_mapping(p):
        if p.startswith('symbolMap='):
          minifier.symbols_file = p.split('=')[1]
          return False
        return True
      passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
      asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes, source_map).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
      asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
      pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
      post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

      minify_info = minifier.serialize()
      #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
    # remove suffix if no longer needed
    if suffix and 'last' in passes:
      suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
      suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
      post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

    pre = ''
    post = ''

  def split_funcs(js, just_split=False):
    if just_split: return map(lambda line: ('(json)', line), js.split('\n'))
    # Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
    # If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
    parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
    funcs = []
    for i in range(len(parts)):
      func = parts[i]
      if i < len(parts)-1: func += '\n}\n' # last part needs no }
      m = func_sig.search(func)
      if m:
        ident = m.group(1)
        if know_generated: continue # ignore whitespace
        ident = 'anon_%d' % i
      assert ident
      funcs.append((ident, func))
    return funcs

  total_size = len(js)
  funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split)
  js = None

  # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
  # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
  cores = 1 if source_map else int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
  intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
  chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))

  chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size, jcache.get_cachename('jsopt') if jcache else None)
  chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
  if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: intended size:', chunk_size, 'num funcs:', len(funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(map(len, chunks))
  funcs = None

  if jcache:
    # load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
    cached_outputs = []
    def load_from_cache(chunk):
      keys = [chunk]
      shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys) # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
      out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
      if out:
        return False
      return True
    chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
    if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, '  loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache' % len(cached_outputs)
      cached_outputs = []

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')
      if minify_globals:
        if extra_info:
          for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
            assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
            minify_info[key] = value
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(minify_info))
      elif extra_info:
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(extra_info))
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  if len(filenames) > 0:
    # XXX Use '--nocrankshaft' to disable crankshaft to work around v8 bug 1895, needed for older v8/node (node 0.6.8+ should be ok)
    commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine +
        [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
        (['--debug'] if source_map else []) + passes, filenames)
    #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

    cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
    if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
      # We can parallelize
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), chunk_size, cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
      pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
      filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
      # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
      if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d' % (len(chunks), chunk_size)
      filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
    filenames = []

  for filename in filenames: temp_files.note(filename)

  if closure or cleanup:
    # run on the shell code, everything but what we js-optimize
    start_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
    end_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
    cl_sep = 'wakaUnknownBefore(); var asm=wakaUnknownAfter(global,env,buffer)\n'

    cle = temp_files.get('.cl.js').name
    c = open(cle, 'w')
    pre_1, pre_2 = pre.split(start_asm)
    post_1, post_2 = post.split(end_asm)
    if closure:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running closure on shell code'
      cld = shared.Building.closure_compiler(cle, pretty='minifyWhitespace' not in passes)
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running cleanup on shell code'
      cld = cle + '.js'
      subprocess.Popen(js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, cle, 'noPrintMetadata'] + (['minifyWhitespace'] if 'minifyWhitespace' in passes else []), stdout=open(cld, 'w')).communicate()
    coutput = open(cld).read()
    coutput = coutput.replace('wakaUnknownBefore();', start_asm)
    after = 'wakaUnknownAfter'
    start = coutput.find(after)
    end = coutput.find(')', start)
    pre = coutput[:start] + '(function(global,env,buffer) {\n' + pre_2[pre_2.find('{')+1:]
    post = post_1 + end_asm + coutput[end+1:]

  filename += '.jo.js'
  f = open(filename, 'w')
  pre = None

  if not just_concat:
    # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
    funcses = []
    for out_file in filenames:
    funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
    funcses = None
    def sorter(x, y):
      diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
      if diff != 0: return diff
      if x[0] < y[0]: return 1
      elif x[0] > y[0]: return -1
      return 0

    if 'last' in passes and len(funcs) > 0:
      count = funcs[0][1].count('\n')
      if count > 3000:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: Output contains some very large functions (%s lines in %s), consider building source files with -Os or -Oz, and/or trying OUTLINING_LIMIT to break them up (see settings.js; note that the parameter there affects AST nodes, while we measure lines here, so the two may not match up)' % (count, funcs[0][0])

    for func in funcs:
    funcs = None
    # just concat the outputs
    for out_file in filenames:
    assert not jcache
  if jcache:
    for cached in cached_outputs:
      f.write(cached); # TODO: preserve order
  # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

  if jcache:
    # save chunks to cache
    for i in range(len(chunks)):
      chunk = chunks[i]
      keys = [chunk]
      shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
      shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, '  saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache' % len(chunks)

  return filename
def run_on_js(filename, gen_hash_info=False):

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  equivalentfn_hash_info = None
  passed_in_filename = filename

  # Find markers
  start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
  end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

  if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs:
    logging.critical('Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s)' % (start_funcs, end_funcs))

  if not gen_hash_info:
    equivalentfn_hash_info = js[js.rfind('//'):]

    start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
    end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
    assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
    pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
    post = js[end_asm:]
    asm_shell_pre = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
    # Prevent "uglify" from turning 0.0 into 0 in variables' initialization. To do this we first replace 0.0 with
    # ZERO$DOT$ZERO and then replace it back.
    asm_shell_pre = re.sub(r'(\S+\s*=\s*)0\.0', r'\1ZERO$DOT$ZERO', asm_shell_pre)
    asm_shell_post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
    asm_shell = asm_shell_pre + '\nEMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();\n' + asm_shell_post
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

    # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
    asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = process_shell(js, js_engine, asm_shell, equivalentfn_hash_info).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
    asm_shell_pre = re.sub(r'(\S+\s*=\s*)ZERO\$DOT\$ZERO', r'\g<1>0.0', asm_shell_pre)
    asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
    pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
    post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

    if not gen_hash_info:
      # We don't need the extra info at the end
      post = post[:post.rfind('//')].strip()
    pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
    post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
    post = end_funcs_marker + post

  total_size = len(js)
  funcs = split_funcs(js, False)

  js = None

  # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
  # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
  cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

  intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
  chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
  chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)

  chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
  if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(map(len, chunks))
  funcs = None

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')

      if not gen_hash_info:
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  old_filenames = filenames[:]
  if len(filenames) > 0:
    commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine + [DUPLICATE_FUNCTION_ELIMINATOR, filename, '--gen-hash-info' if gen_hash_info else '--use-hash-info', '--no-minimize-whitespace'], filenames)

    if DEBUG and commands is not None:
      print >> sys.stderr, [' '.join(command if command is not None else '(null)') for command in commands]

    cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
    if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
      # We can parallelize
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
      pool = shared.Building.get_multiprocessing_pool()
      filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
      # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
      if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (len(chunks))
      filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
    filenames = []

  json_files = []

  # We're going to be coalescing the files back at the end
  # Just replace the file list with the ones provided in
  # the command list - and save off the generated Json
  if gen_hash_info:
    json_files = filenames[:]
    filenames = old_filenames[:]

  for filename in filenames: temp_files.note(filename)

  filename += '.jo.js'
  f = open(filename, 'w')
  pre = None

  # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
  funcses = []
  for out_file in filenames:
    funcses.append(split_funcs(open(out_file).read(), False))
  funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
  funcses = None
  def sorter(x, y):
    diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
    if diff != 0: return diff
    if x[0] < y[0]: return 1
    elif x[0] > y[0]: return -1
    return 0
  if not os.environ.get('EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT'):

  for func in funcs:
  funcs = None

  # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

  if gen_hash_info and len(json_files) > 0:
    write_equivalent_fn_hash_to_file(f, json_files, passed_in_filename)

  return filename
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, jcache):
    if isinstance(jcache, bool) and jcache:
        jcache = shared.JCache
    if jcache:

    if type(passes) == str:
        passes = [passes]

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != "\n":
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, "\n")  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    # Find suffix
    suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix = ""
    if suffix_start >= 0:
        suffix_end = js.find("\n", suffix_start)
        suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + "\n"
        # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
        generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker) + 1 :]))

    # Find markers
    start_funcs_marker = "// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS\n"
    end_funcs_marker = "// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n"
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)
    assert (start_funcs >= 0) == (end_funcs >= 0) == (not not suffix)
    asm_registerize = "asm" in passes and "registerize" in passes
    if asm_registerize:
        start_asm_marker = "// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n"
        end_asm_marker = "// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n"
        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    if not suffix and jcache:
        # JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
        # This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
        # anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
        if DEBUG:
            print >>sys.stderr, "js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache"
        jcache = False

    if suffix:
        if not asm_registerize:
            pre = js[: start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
            post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker) :]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker) : end_funcs]
            if "asm" not in passes:  # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post

                class Finals:
                    buf = []

                def process(line):
                    if len(line) > 0 and (
                        line.startswith(("Module[", "if (globalScope)")) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')
                        return False
                    return True

                js = "\n".join(filter(process, js.split("\n")))
                post = "\n".join(Finals.buf) + "\n" + post
            post = end_funcs_marker + post
            # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
            pre = js[: start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
            post = js[end_asm:]
            asm_shell = (
                js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker) : start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
                + """
                + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker) : end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
            js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker) : end_funcs]

            minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
            asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(asm_shell, "compress" in passes).split(
            asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace("});", "})")
            pre += asm_shell_pre + "\n" + start_funcs_marker
            post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

            minify_info = minifier.serialize()
            # if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
        # remove suffix if no longer needed
        if "last" in passes:
            suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
            suffix_end = post.find("\n", suffix_start)
            post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

        pre = ""
        post = ""

    # Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
    # If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
    parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split("\n}\n"))
    funcs = []
    for i in range(len(parts)):
        func = parts[i]
        if i < len(parts) - 1:
            func += "\n}\n"  # last part needs no }
        m = func_sig.search(func)
        if m:
            ident = m.group(2)
            if suffix:
                continue  # ignore whitespace
            ident = "anon_%d" % i
        assert ident
        funcs.append((ident, func))
    parts = None
    total_size = len(js)
    js = None

    cores = int(os.environ.get("EMCC_CORES") or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))

    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size, jcache.get_cachename("jsopt") if jcache else None)

    if jcache:
        # load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
        cached_outputs = []

        def load_from_cache(chunk):
            keys = [chunk]
            shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)  # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
            out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
            if out:
                return False
            return True

        chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
        if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
            if DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "  loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache" % len(cached_outputs)
            cached_outputs = []

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get(".jsfunc_%d.js" % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, "w")
            if asm_registerize:
                f.write("// MINIFY_INFO:" + minify_info)
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    if len(filenames) > 0:
        # XXX Use '--nocrankshaft' to disable crankshaft to work around v8 bug 1895, needed for older v8/node (node 0.6.8+ should be ok)
        commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, "noPrintMetadata"] + passes, filenames)
        # print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

        cores = min(cores, filenames)
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)" % (
                    total_size / (1024 * 1024.0),
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d" % (len(chunks), chunk_size)
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
        filenames = []

    for filename in filenames:

    filename += ".jo.js"
    f = open(filename, "w")
    for out_file in filenames:
    if jcache:
        for cached in cached_outputs:
            # TODO: preserve order
    # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

    if jcache:
        # save chunks to cache
        for i in range(len(chunks)):
            chunk = chunks[i]
            keys = [chunk]
            shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
            shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
        if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
            print >>sys.stderr, "  saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache" % len(chunks)

    return filename
def run_on_js(filename, gen_hash_info=False):

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  equivalentfn_hash_info = None
  passed_in_filename = filename

  # Find markers
  start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
  end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

  if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs:
    logging.critical('Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s)' % (start_funcs, end_funcs))

  if not gen_hash_info:
    equivalentfn_hash_info = js[js.rfind('//'):]

    start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
    end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
    assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

    # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
    pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
    post = js[end_asm:]
    asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

    # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
    asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = process_shell(js, js_engine, asm_shell, equivalentfn_hash_info).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
    asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
    pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
    post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

    if not gen_hash_info:
      # We don't need the extra info at the end
      post = post[:post.rfind('//')].strip()
    pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
    post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
    post = end_funcs_marker + post

  total_size = len(js)
  funcs = split_funcs(js, False)

  js = None

  # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
  # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
  cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

  intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
  chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
  chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)

  chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
  if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(map(len, chunks))
  funcs = None

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')

      if not gen_hash_info:
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  old_filenames = filenames[:]
  if len(filenames) > 0:
    commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine + [DUPLICATE_FUNCTION_ELIMINATOR, filename, '--gen-hash-info' if gen_hash_info else '--use-hash-info', '--no-minimize-whitespace'], filenames)

    if DEBUG and commands is not None:
      print >> sys.stderr, [' '.join(command if command is not None else '(null)') for command in commands]

    cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
    if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
      # We can parallelize
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
      pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
      filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
        # Shut down the pool, since otherwise processes are left alive and would only be lazily terminated,
        # and in other parts of the toolchain we also build up multiprocessing pools.
      except Exception, e:
        # On Windows we get occassional "Access is denied" errors when attempting to tear down the pool, ignore these.
        logging.debug('Attempting to tear down multiprocessing pool failed with an exception: ' + str(e))
      # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
      if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (len(chunks))
      filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
def run_on_js(filename, gen_hash_info=False):
    js_engine = shared.NODE_JS

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != '\n':
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n')  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    equivalentfn_hash_info = None
    passed_in_filename = filename

    # Find markers
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

    if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs:
            'Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s)'
            % (start_funcs, end_funcs))

    if not gen_hash_info:
        equivalentfn_hash_info = js[js.rfind('//'):]

        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

        # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
        pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
        post = js[end_asm:]
        asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs +
                       len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

        # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
        asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = process_shell(
            js, js_engine, asm_shell,
        asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})')
        pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
        post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

        if not gen_hash_info:
            # We don't need the extra info at the end
            post = post[:post.rfind('//')].strip()
        pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
        post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
        post = end_funcs_marker + post

    total_size = len(js)
    funcs = split_funcs(js, False)

    js = None

    # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
    # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
    cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE,
                     max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)

    chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(
            funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(
                chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(
                    map(len, chunks))
    funcs = None

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, 'w')

            if not gen_hash_info:
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    old_filenames = filenames[:]
    if len(filenames) > 0:
        commands = map(
            lambda filename: js_engine + [
                DUPLICATE_FUNCTION_ELIMINATOR, filename, '--gen-hash-info'
                if gen_hash_info else '--use-hash-info',
            ], filenames)

        if DEBUG and commands is not None:
            print >> sys.stderr, [
                ' '.join(command if command is not None else '(null)')
                for command in commands

        cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (
                    len(chunks), cores, total_size / (1024 * 1024.))
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
                # Shut down the pool, since otherwise processes are left alive and would only be lazily terminated,
                # and in other parts of the toolchain we also build up multiprocessing pools.
            except Exception, e:
                # On Windows we get occassional "Access is denied" errors when attempting to tear down the pool, ignore these.
                    'Attempting to tear down multiprocessing pool failed with an exception: '
                    + str(e))
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, source_map=False, extra_info=None, just_split=False, just_concat=False):
  if type(passes) == str:
    passes = [passes]

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  # Find suffix
  suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
  suffix = ''
  if suffix_start >= 0:
    suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
    suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
    # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.

  # Find markers
  start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
  end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

  if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs or not suffix:
    logging.critical('Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s, suffix_start: %s' % (start_funcs, end_funcs, suffix_start))

  minify_globals = 'minifyNames' in passes and 'asm' in passes
  if minify_globals:
    passes = map(lambda p: p if p != 'minifyNames' else 'minifyLocals', passes)
    start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
    end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
    assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

  closure = 'closure' in passes
  if closure:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure', passes) # we will do it manually

  cleanup = 'cleanup' in passes
  if cleanup:
    passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'cleanup', passes) # we will do it manually

  split_memory = 'splitMemory' in passes

  if not minify_globals:
    pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
    post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
    if 'asm' not in passes: # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post
      class Finals:
        buf = []
      def process(line):
        if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(('Module[', 'if (globalScope)')) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
          return False
        return True
      js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
      post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
    post = end_funcs_marker + post
    # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
    pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
    post = js[end_asm:]
    asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
    js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]

    # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
    minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
    def check_symbol_mapping(p):
      if p.startswith('symbolMap='):
        minifier.symbols_file = p.split('=')[1]
        return False
      if p == 'profilingFuncs':
        minifier.profiling_funcs = True
        return False
      return True
    passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
    asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes, source_map).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
    asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
    pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
    post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

    minify_info = minifier.serialize()
    #if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
  # remove suffix if no longer needed
  if suffix and 'last' in passes:
    suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
    suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
    post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]

  total_size = len(js)
  funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split)
  js = None

  # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
  # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
  cores = 1 if source_map else int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

  if not just_split:
    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)
    # keep same chunks as before
    chunks = map(lambda f: f[1], funcs)

  chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
  if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(map(len, chunks))
  funcs = None

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')
      if minify_globals:
        if extra_info:
          for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
            assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
            minify_info[key] = value
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(minify_info))
      elif extra_info:
        f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(extra_info))
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  with ToolchainProfiler.profile_block('run_optimizer'):
    if len(filenames) > 0:
      if not use_native(passes, source_map) or not get_native_optimizer():
        commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine +
            [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
            (['--debug'] if source_map else []) + passes, filenames)
        # use the native optimizer
        shared.logging.debug('js optimizer using native')
        assert not source_map # XXX need to use js optimizer
        commands = map(lambda filename: [get_native_optimizer(), filename] + passes, filenames)
      #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

      cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
      if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
        # We can parallelize
        if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
        filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
          # Shut down the pool, since otherwise processes are left alive and would only be lazily terminated,
          # and in other parts of the toolchain we also build up multiprocessing pools.
        except Exception, e:
          # On Windows we get occassional "Access is denied" errors when attempting to tear down the pool, ignore these.
          logging.debug('Attempting to tear down multiprocessing pool failed with an exception: ' + str(e))
        # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
        if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (len(chunks))
        filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
def run_on_js(filename, gen_hash_info=False):
    js_engine = shared.NODE_JS

    js = open(filename).read()
    if os.linesep != "\n":
        js = js.replace(os.linesep, "\n")  # we assume \n in the splitting code

    equivalentfn_hash_info = None
    passed_in_filename = filename

    # Find markers
    start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
    end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)

    if start_funcs < 0 or end_funcs < start_funcs:
            "Invalid input file. Did not contain appropriate markers. (start_funcs: %s, end_funcs: %s)"
            % (start_funcs, end_funcs)

    if not gen_hash_info:
        equivalentfn_hash_info = js[js.rfind("//") :]

        start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
        end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
        assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)

        # We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
        pre = js[: start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
        post = js[end_asm:]
        asm_shell = (
            js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker) : start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
            + """
            + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker) : end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker) : end_funcs]

        # we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
        asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = process_shell(js, js_engine, asm_shell, equivalentfn_hash_info).split(
        asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace("});", "})")
        pre += asm_shell_pre + "\n" + start_funcs_marker
        post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post

        if not gen_hash_info:
            # We don't need the extra info at the end
            post = post[: post.rfind("//")].strip()
        pre = js[: start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
        post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker) :]
        js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker) : end_funcs]
        post = end_funcs_marker + post

    total_size = len(js)
    funcs = split_funcs(js, False)

    js = None

    # if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
    # top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
    cores = int(os.environ.get("EMCC_CORES") or multiprocessing.cpu_count())

    intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
    chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
    chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)

    chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0:
        print >>sys.stderr, "chunkification: num funcs:", len(funcs), "actual num chunks:", len(
        ), "chunk size range:", max(map(len, chunks)), "-", min(map(len, chunks))
    funcs = None

    if len(chunks) > 0:

        def write_chunk(chunk, i):
            temp_file = temp_files.get(".jsfunc_%d.js" % i).name
            f = open(temp_file, "w")

            if not gen_hash_info:
            return temp_file

        filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
        filenames = []

    old_filenames = filenames[:]
    if len(filenames) > 0:
        commands = map(
            lambda filename: js_engine
            + [
                "--gen-hash-info" if gen_hash_info else "--use-hash-info",

        if DEBUG and commands is not None:
            print >>sys.stderr, [" ".join(command if command is not None else "(null)") for command in commands]

        cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
        if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
            # We can parallelize
            if DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)" % (
                    total_size / (1024 * 1024.0),
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
            filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
            # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
            if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG:
                print >>sys.stderr, "splitting up js optimization into %d chunks" % (len(chunks))
            filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
        filenames = []

    json_files = []

    # We're going to be coalescing the files back at the end
    # Just replace the file list with the ones provided in
    # the command list - and save off the generated Json
    if gen_hash_info:
        json_files = filenames[:]
        filenames = old_filenames[:]

    for filename in filenames:

    filename += ".jo.js"
    f = open(filename, "w")
    pre = None

    # sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
    funcses = []
    for out_file in filenames:
        funcses.append(split_funcs(open(out_file).read(), False))
    funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
    funcses = None

    def sorter(x, y):
        diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
        if diff != 0:
            return diff
        if x[0] < y[0]:
            return 1
        elif x[0] > y[0]:
            return -1
        return 0

    if not os.environ.get("EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT"):

    for func in funcs:
    funcs = None

    # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

    if gen_hash_info and len(json_files) > 0:
        write_equivalent_fn_hash_to_file(f, json_files, passed_in_filename)

    return filename
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, jcache):
  if isinstance(jcache, bool) and jcache: jcache = shared.JCache
  if jcache: shared.JCache.ensure()

  if type(passes) == str:
    passes = [passes]

  js = open(filename).read()
  if os.linesep != '\n':
    js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code

  # Find suffix
  suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
  suffix = ''
  if suffix_start >= 0:
    suffix = js[suffix_start:js.find('\n', suffix_start)] + '\n'
    # if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
    generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker)+1:]))

  if not suffix and jcache:
    # JCache cannot be used without metadata, since it might reorder stuff, and that's dangerous since only generated can be reordered
    # This means jcache does not work after closure compiler runs, for example. But you won't get much benefit from jcache with closure
    # anyhow (since closure is likely the longest part of the build).
    if DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, 'js optimizer: no metadata, so disabling jcache'
    jcache = False

  # If we process only generated code, find that and save the rest on the side
  func_sig = re.compile('( *)function (_[\w$]+)\(')
  if suffix:
    pos = 0
    gen_start = 0
    gen_end = 0
    while 1:
      m = func_sig.search(js, pos)
      if not m: break
      pos = m.end()
      indent = m.group(1)
      ident = m.group(2)
      if ident in generated:
        if not gen_start:
          gen_start = m.start()
          assert gen_start
        gen_end = js.find('\n%s}\n' % indent, m.end()) + (3 + len(indent))
    assert gen_end > gen_start
    pre = js[:gen_start]
    post = js[gen_end:]
    if 'last' in passes:
      post = post.replace(suffix, '') # no need to write out the metadata - nothing after us needs it
    js = js[gen_start:gen_end]
    pre = ''
    post = ''

  # Pick where to split into chunks, so that (1) they do not oom in node/uglify, and (2) we can run them in parallel
  # If we have metadata, we split only the generated code, and save the pre and post on the side (and do not optimize them)
  parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
  funcs = []
  for i in range(len(parts)):
    func = parts[i]
    if i < len(parts)-1: func += '\n}\n' # last part needs no }
    m = func_sig.search(func)
    if m:
      ident = m.group(2)
      if suffix: continue # ignore whitespace
      ident = 'anon_%d' % i
    assert ident
    funcs.append((ident, func))
  parts = None
  total_size = len(js)
  js = None

  cores = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
  intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
  chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))

  chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size, jcache.get_cachename('jsopt') if jcache else None)

  if jcache:
    # load chunks from cache where we can # TODO: ignore small chunks
    cached_outputs = []
    def load_from_cache(chunk):
      keys = [chunk]
      shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys) # TODO: share shortkeys with later code
      out = shared.JCache.get(shortkey, keys)
      if out:
        return False
      return True
    chunks = filter(load_from_cache, chunks)
    if len(cached_outputs) > 0:
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, '  loading %d jsfuncchunks from jcache' % len(cached_outputs)
      cached_outputs = []

  if len(chunks) > 0:
    def write_chunk(chunk, i):
      temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
      f = open(temp_file, 'w')
      return temp_file
    filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
    filenames = []

  if len(filenames) > 0:
    # XXX Use '--nocrankshaft' to disable crankshaft to work around v8 bug 1895, needed for older v8/node (node 0.6.8+ should be ok)
    commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] + passes, filenames)
    #print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]

    cores = min(cores, filenames)
    if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
      # We can parallelize
      if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d, using %d cores  (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), chunk_size, cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
      pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
      filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
      # We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
      if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks of size %d' % (len(chunks), chunk_size)
      filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
    filenames = []

  for filename in filenames: temp_files.note(filename)

  filename += '.jo.js'
  f = open(filename, 'w')
  for out_file in filenames:
  if jcache:
    for cached in cached_outputs:
      f.write(cached); # TODO: preserve order
  # No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there

  if jcache:
    # save chunks to cache
    for i in range(len(chunks)):
      chunk = chunks[i]
      keys = [chunk]
      shortkey = shared.JCache.get_shortkey(keys)
      shared.JCache.set(shortkey, keys, open(filenames[i]).read())
    if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, '  saving %d jsfuncchunks to jcache' % len(chunks)

  return filename