def add_additive_specification_range_domain_to_gdb(in_gdb, in_features, fields, domain_name, field_type="DOUBLE",
                                                   range_min=0, range_max=25):
    """This function will add additive shared-row specification domains for categorical fields
        based on a CSV. Uses Pandas.
       :param - in_gdb - input geodatabase to add domains to
       :param - in_features - optional input that is used to assign domains to feature class is chosen.
       :param - domain_name - name of new range domain
       :param - field_type - field type used by domains
       :param - fields - fields to assign domains too
       :param - range_min - the minimum value allowed by the range domain
       :param  - range_max - the maximum value allowed by the range domain
        domain_description = str(domain_name) + "_Range_Domain"
            srl.arc_print("Adding range domain for numeric values...")
            arcpy.CreateDomain_management(in_gdb, domain_name, domain_description, field_type, "RANGE")
            arcpy.AddWarning("Could not create domain. Either it already exists or some other error...")
        srl.arc_print("Set min and max values of domains...")
        arcpy.SetValueForRangeDomain_management(in_gdb, domain_name, range_min, range_max)
        srl.arc_print("Attempting to assign numeric fields ...")
        for field in fields:
                if len(arcpy.ListFields(in_features, field)) > 0:
                    arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(in_features, field, domain_name)
                arcpy.AddWarning("Could not assign domain to field {0}...".format(field))
    except Exception as e:
        srl.arc_print("Tool Script Error!")
        import traceback, sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        srl.arc_print("An error occurred on line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
        arcpy.AddError("The error occurred on line {0}...".format(tb.tb_lineno))
def generate_slice_spec_geojson_file(input_features, sharedstreetid,
                                     slice_fields_csv, output_geojson):
    """This function will create a slice specification compliant geojson file.
    :param - input_features - feature class that has all of the fields from the crosswalk file
    :param - sharedstreetid - unique street ID as defined by SharedStreets.
    :param - slice_fields_csv - the csv with fields required for the slice specification compliant geojson.
    :param - output_geojson - output slice based geojson where each line geometry has slices as properties
    :return - output_geojson -path to output geojson
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        output_temp_features = os.path.join("in_memory",
        srl.arc_print("Reading input features...")
        pre_fields = [
            f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(input_features)
            if f.type not in ["OID", "Geometry"]
            and f.name.lower() not in ["shape_area", "shape_length"]
        fields = ["SHAPE@"] + pre_fields
        cw_df = srl.arcgis_table_to_df(input_features, fields)
        cw_groups = cw_df.groupby(sharedstreetid)
        sr = arcpy.Describe(input_features).spatialReference
        output_path, output_name = os.path.split(output_temp_features)
        srl.arc_print("Adding fields to intermediate features...")
        slice_fields = srl.add_fields_from_csv(output_temp_features,
        slice_fields = ["SHAPE@"] + slice_fields
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(output_temp_features,
                                   slice_fields) as insertCursor:
                "Established insert cursor for intermediate slice file...",
            lineCounter = 0
            for street_id, street_group in cw_groups:
                lineCounter += 1
                    shape = street_group["SHAPE@"].iloc[0]
                    cw_fields = [
                        "type", "width", "height", "direction", "material",
                    slice_group = street_group[cw_fields]

                    json_slices = slice_group.to_json(orient="records")
                    slice_row = [shape, street_id, json_slices]
                    if lineCounter % 500 == 0:
                            "Iterated through feature " + str(lineCounter) +
                            ".", True)
                except Exception as e:
                        "Failed to iterate through feature " +
                        str(lineCounter) + ".", True)
            del insertCursor, fields, pre_fields, lineCounter
        srl.arc_print("Exporting intermediate feature class to geojson...")
        srl.arc_print("Script Complete!")
    except Exception as e:
        srl.arc_print("Tool Script Error!")
        import traceback, sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        srl.arc_print("An error occurred on line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
        arcpy.AddError("The error occurred on line {0}...".format(
def add_additive_specification_coded_domains_to_gdb(in_gdb, in_features, csv, prepended_name="srs_additive",
                                                    domain_desc_col="DomainDescription", field_type_col="FieldType",
                                                    domain_type_col="DomainType", coded_value_col="CodedValues",
    """This function will add additive shared-row specification domains for categorical fields
     based on a CSV. Uses Pandas.
    :param - in_gdb - input geodatabase to add domains to
    :param - in_features - optional input that is used to assign domains to feature class is chosen.
    :param - csv - csv with field specification domains defined
    :param - prepended_name - name prepended to each domain
    :param = field_name_col - name of column in csv with used field names
    :param - domain_desc_col - name of column in csv with domain descriptions
    :param - field_type_col - name of column in csv with field types
    :param - domain_type_col - name of column in csv with domain types (CODED vs RANGE)
    :param - coded_value_col - name of column in csv with a semi-colon delimited list of possible values
    :param - value_descript_col - name of column in csv with semi-colon delimited list of possible values descriptions
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        srl.arc_print("Reading input CSV...")
        df = pd.read_csv(csv)
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            # Process: Create the coded value domain
                dom_name = str(prepended_name) + "_" + str(row[field_name_col])
                dom_description = row[domain_desc_col]
                field_type = row[field_type_col]
                domain_type = row[domain_type_col]
                if str(domain_type).upper() != "RANGE" or str(domain_type).upper() != "CODED":
                    domain_type = "CODED"
                srl.arc_print("Creating domain named {0}...".format(str(dom_name)))
                arcpy.CreateDomain_management(in_gdb, dom_name, dom_description, field_type, domain_type)
                # Store all the domain values in a dictionary with the domain code as the "key" and the
                # domain description as the "value" (domDict[code])
                arcpy.AddWarning("Could not add domain {0} - QAQC.".format(dom_name))

            coded_value_list = str(row[coded_value_col]).split(";")
            coded_value_descrip_list = str(row[value_descrip_col]).split(";")
            if len(coded_value_list) != len(coded_value_descrip_list):
                arcpy.AddWarning("The length of coded values and the length of coded descriptions for domain"
                                 "named {0} do not match. Check output coded values if no error occurs..."
            dom_dictionary = OrderedDict()
            srl.arc_print("Setting up domain dictionary...")
            for value, description in zip(coded_value_list, coded_value_descrip_list):
                dom_dictionary[str(value)] = str(description)
            # Process: Add valid material types to the domain
            # use a for loop to cycle through all the domain codes in the dictionary
            srl.arc_print("Adding coded values for domain...")
            for code in dom_dictionary:
                    arcpy.AddCodedValueToDomain_management(in_gdb, dom_name, code, str(dom_dictionary[code]).strip())
                    srl.arc_print("Could not add coded values and descriptions for value {0} "
                                  "and description {1}...".format(code, [dom_dictionary[code]]))
        if arcpy.Exists(in_features):
            srl.arc_print("Assign domains to in features fields...")
                for field in pd.unique(df[field_name_col]):
                    dom_name = str(prepended_name) + "_" + str(field)
                    arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(in_features, field, dom_name)
                    "Could not assign all domains to fields in feature class. Check inputs for correct fields...")
        srl.arc_print("Script Complete!")
    except Exception as e:
        srl.arc_print("Tool Script Error!")
        import traceback, sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        srl.arc_print("An error occurred on line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
        arcpy.AddError("The error occurred on line {0}...".format(tb.tb_lineno))
def generate_crosswalk_file(in_features, output_features, slice_fields_csv, additive_spec_slice_order,
    """This function will add additive shared-row specification domains for categorical fields
     based on a CSV. Uses Pandas. Depends on a function center_editor_function near top.
    :param - in_features - feature class that has additive specification fields for cross-walk creation
    :param - output_features - crosswalk feature class with indices indicating slices in an output feature class
    :param - slice_fields_csv - csv with fields to be added for the crosswalk file
    :param - additive_spec_slice_order - list of fields going from left to right to be added to the slice specification
    :param - zone_meta_dict - nested dictionaries - of key-value pairs where keys are additive width fields, and values
    are dictionaries indicating the values to fill the crosswalk type, heights, directions, etc. It takes the form of:
    {additive_field: {"type":value,"height":0,...}
    :return - feature class where each geometry is copied and slices named based on additive specification
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        srl.arc_print("Reading input features...")
        pre_fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(in_features) if f.type not in ["OID"] and f.name.lower()
                      not in ["shape_area", "shape_length"]]
        fields = ["SHAPE@"] + pre_fields
        cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_features, fields)
        output_path, output_name = os.path.split(output_features)
        arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(output_path, output_name, "POLYLINE")
        srl.arc_print("Adding fields to crosswalk...")
        crosswalk_fields = srl.add_fields_from_csv(output_features, slice_fields_csv)
        crosswalk_fields = ["SHAPE@"] + crosswalk_fields
        additive_dict = srl.construct_index_dict(fields)
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(output_features, crosswalk_fields) as insertCursor:
            srl.arc_print("Established insert cursor for crosswalk output feature class...", True)
            lineCounter = 0
            for index, street in enumerate(cursor, start=1):
                    lineCounter += 1
                    linegeo = street[0]
                    additive_slice_values = srl.retrieve_row_values(street, additive_fields_slice_order, additive_dict)
                    non_zero_width_fields = [(col, val) for col, val in
                                             zip(additive_spec_slice_order, additive_slice_values)
                                             if val]
                    slice_id = 0
                    sharedstreetid = street[additive_dict["SharedStreetID"]] if street[
                        additive_dict["SharedStreetID"]] else lineCounter

                    for field, width in non_zero_width_fields:
                        current_meta_field = str(field) + "_Meta"
                        if srl.field_exist(in_features, current_meta_field):
                            meta_tag_value = street[additive_dict[current_meta_field]]
                            zone_meta_dict[field].setdefault("meta", json.dumps({"type": meta_tag_value}))
                        if "CENTER" in str(field).upper():
                            slices_added, slice_id = center_editor_function(insertCursor, width, meta_tag_value,
                                                                            linegeo, sharedstreetid, slice_id)
                            if slices_added:  # If slices were added already, continue to next field
                            else:  # other wise, add slice as normal
                        type = zone_meta_dict.get(field, {}).get("type")
                        width = abs(float(width))
                        height = zone_meta_dict.get(field, {}).get("height", 0)
                        direction = zone_meta_dict.get(field, {}).get("direction", "bidirectional")
                        material = zone_meta_dict.get(field, {}).get("material", "asphalt")
                        meta = zone_meta_dict.get(field, json.dumps({})).get("meta")
                        slice_row = [linegeo, sharedstreetid, slice_id, type, width, height, direction, material, meta]
                        slice_id += 1
                    if lineCounter % 500 == 0:
                        srl.arc_print("Iterated through feature " + str(lineCounter) + ".", True)
                except Exception as e:
                    srl.arc_print("Failed to iterate through feature " + str(lineCounter) + ".", True)
            del cursor, insertCursor, fields, pre_fields, lineCounter
        srl.arc_print("Script Complete!")
    except Exception as e:
        srl.arc_print("Tool Script Error!")
        import traceback, sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        srl.arc_print("An error occurred on line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
        arcpy.AddError("The error occurred on line {0}...".format(tb.tb_lineno))
def consolidate_centerline(in_fc,
    """This function collapse a center line and compile collapsed fields using a combination of the the
    MergeDividedRoads tool in ArcGIS and pandas manipulation of its merge table.
    :param - in_fc - the input feature class that will be consolidated
    :param - out_fc - output consolidated feature class
    :param - out_consolidation_table - defaults to in memory, but the output table of consolidated lines
    :param - merge_field - usually a oneway field, this field identifies segments to merge with a 1, and locks those
    with a zero.
    :param - merge_distance - distance apart a line can be to consider for consolidation (avoid larger than a block)
    :param - sum_fields - based on the consolidation table created by the MergeDividedRoads tool, these fields will be
    attempted to be summed in a new field based on the two matching collapsed segments
    :param - mean_fields - based on the consolidation table created by the MergeDividedRoads tool, these fields will be
    attempted to be averaged in a new field based on the two matching collapsed segments.
    :param - first_fields - based on the consolidation table created by the MergeDividedRoads tool, these fields will be
    attempted to be first value found in a new field based on the two matching collapsed segments.
    :param - concat_fields - for text or categorical data these file
    :param - character_field - this field assists the MergeDividedRoads tool to merge roads appropriately. See
    ArcGIS DOCs.
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        workspace = os.path.dirname(in_fc)
        object_id_field = arcpy.Describe(in_fc).OIDFieldName
        srl.arc_print("Merging divided roads...")
        srl.arc_print("Reading consolidation table...")
        output_fid, input_fid = "OUTPUT_FID", "INPUT_FID"
        consolidation_df = srl.arcgis_table_to_df(out_consolidation_table,
                                                  [output_fid, input_fid])
        sql_query = "{0} in {1}".format(
            tuple(i for i in consolidation_df[input_fid].unique()))
        srl.arc_print("Reading input feature classes consolidated...")
        all_fields = sum_fields + mean_fields + first_fields + concat_fields
        all_fields = [i for i in all_fields if srl.field_exist(in_fc, i)
                      ]  # Filter Non-Existent Fields
        consolidated_input_df = srl.arcgis_table_to_df(in_fc, all_fields,
        consolidated_input_df = consolidated_input_df.merge(consolidation_df,
            "Summarizing statistics of fields by the priority of sums,means, first, and concat..."
        consolidated_input_df_groups = consolidated_input_df.groupby(
        agg_dict = {}
        new_columns = {}
        for field in all_fields:
            if field in sum_fields:
                agg_dict[field] = "sum"
                new_columns[field] = "sum_" + str(field)
            elif field in mean_fields:
                agg_dict[field] = "mean"
                new_columns[field] = "mean_" + str(field)
            elif field in first_fields:
                agg_dict[field] = "first"
                new_columns[field] = "first_" + str(field)
                agg_dict[field] = lambda x: ";".join(x)
                new_columns[field] = "concat_" + str(field)
        summarized_features = consolidated_input_df_groups.agg(agg_dict)
        summarized_features = summarized_features.rename(columns=new_columns)
        join_fields = list(summarized_features.columns)
        summarized_features = summarized_features.reset_index()
        temp_summary = os.path.join("in_memory", "summary_table")
        srl.arc_print("Exporting out summary table...")
        scratch_ws = arcpy.env.scratchFolder
        temp_csv = os.path.join(scratch_ws, "summarized_features.csv")
        arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(temp_csv, "in_memory", "summary_table")
        out_oid_field = arcpy.Describe(output_feature_class).OIDFieldName
        srl.arc_print("Joining summary fields to output...")
        join_field = "CenterID"
        arcpy.AddField_management(output_feature_class, join_field, "LONG")
        arcpy.CalculateField_management(output_feature_class, join_field,
        arcpy.JoinField_management(output_feature_class, join_field,
                                   temp_summary, output_fid, join_fields)
        srl.arc_print("Populating non-collapsed values with originals...")
        calc_func = """def fill_if_none(old_field, new_field):
            if new_field is None:
                return old_field
                return new_field 
        for i in all_fields:
                                                i, new_columns[i]),
        srl.arc_print("Script Complete!")
    except Exception as e:
        srl.arc_print("Tool Script Error!")
        import traceback, sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        arcpy.AddError("The error occurred on line {0}...".format(
def generate_complete_street_attributes(input_features, output_features, null_value = 0):
    Create complete street rule attributes from the Additive Shared Spec
    @:param - input_features - input feature class with additive spec attributes.
    @:param - output_features -  output feature class with complete street attributes
    @:param - null_value = 0 - int - the value used in place of null values

        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        srl.arc_print("Reading input features...")

        # Step 1 - create a copy of the feature class to a new output location
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(input_features, output_features)
        srl.arc_print("Adding Complete Street Rule Attribute fields...")
        # Step 2 - Add Fields to the feature class for the Complete Street Rule
        complete_street_attributes = ["streetWidth", "sidewalkWidthRight", "sidewalkWidthLeft",
                                      "Left_Buffer_Width", "Left_Bike_Lane_Width", "Left_Parking_Width","Center_Width",
                                      "Right_Buffer_Width", "Right_Bike_Lane_Width", "Right_Parking_Width"]
        complete_street_attributes_text = ["Center_Type", "Left_Buffer_Type", "Right_Buffer_Type"]
        for rule_attr in complete_street_attributes:
            srl.add_new_field(output_features, rule_attr, "DOUBLE")
        for rule_attr in complete_street_attributes_text:
            srl.add_new_field(output_features, rule_attr, "TEXT")
        # Step 3 - Use Update Cursor add values to fields based on Additive Fields
        fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(output_features) if f.type not in ["OID"] and f.name.lower()
                  not in ["shape", "shape_area", "shape_length"]]
        num_fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(output_features) if f.type in ["Double", "Long", "Short", "Float"]]
        text_fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(output_features) if f.type in ["Text"]]
        field_dictionary = srl.construct_index_dict(fields)
        srl.arc_print("Update rows with complete street rule values...")
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(output_features, fields) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                # Set all None Values to Zero in Starting Row
                for field in num_fields:
                    index = field_dictionary.get(field, None)
                    if index is None:
                    value = row[index]
                    if value is None:
                        row[field_dictionary.get(field)] = null_value
                # Finding the Street Width
                center_lane_width = row[field_dictionary.get('Center_Lane')]
                left_bike_buffer_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Bike_Buffer")]
                left_bike_lane_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Bike_Lane")]
                left_transit_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Transit_Lane")]
                left_parking_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Parking_Lane")]
                right_bike_buffer_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Bike_Buffer")]
                right_bike_lane_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Bike_Lane")]
                right_parking_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Parking_Lane")]
                right_transit_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Transit_Lane")]
                # Support the 4 right and left through lanes
                LTL_List = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(output_features) if "Left_Through_Lane" in f.name]
                LTL_Num_List = [row[field_dictionary.get(index)] for index in LTL_List
                                if row[field_dictionary.get(index)] is not None]
                Left_Lane_Widths = sum(LTL_Num_List)
                RTL_List = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(output_features) if "Right_Through_Lane" in f.name]
                RTL_Num_List = [row[field_dictionary.get(index)] for index in RTL_List
                                if row[field_dictionary.get(index)] is not None]
                Right_Lane_Widths = sum(RTL_Num_List)
                # For Sidewalks Widths
                ls_frontage_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Sidewalk_Frontage_Zone")]
                ls_furniture_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Sidewalk_Furniture_Zone")]
                ls_through_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Sidewalk_Through_Zone")]
                rs_frontage_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Sidewalk_Frontage_Zone")]
                rs_furniture_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Sidewalk_Furniture_Zone")]
                rs_through_width = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Sidewalk_Through_Zone")]
                # Adding up all found values for sidewalk amd street scape.
                streetWidthValue = (center_lane_width + right_bike_lane_width + left_bike_lane_width +
                                    left_parking_width + right_parking_width + Right_Lane_Widths + Left_Lane_Widths +
                                    left_bike_buffer_width + right_bike_buffer_width
                                    + right_transit_width + left_transit_width)
                sidewalkLeftValue = ls_frontage_width + ls_furniture_width + ls_through_width
                sidewalkRightValue = rs_frontage_width + rs_furniture_width + rs_through_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("streetWidth")] = streetWidthValue
                row[field_dictionary.get("Center_Width")] = center_lane_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("sidewalkWidthRight")] = sidewalkRightValue
                row[field_dictionary.get("sidewalkWidthLeft")] = sidewalkLeftValue
                # Update Fields to have bike lane, bike lane buffers, and bike lane buffer types OR parking lanes
                row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Bike_Lane_Width")] = left_bike_lane_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Buffer_Width")] = left_bike_buffer_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Parking_Width")] = left_parking_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Bike_Lane_Width")] = right_bike_lane_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Buffer_Width")] = right_bike_buffer_width
                row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Parking_Width")] = right_parking_width
                # Find if the text value is Null
                for field2 in text_fields:
                    index2 = field_dictionary.get(field2, None)
                    if index2 is None:
                    text = row[index2]
                    if text is None:
                        row[field_dictionary.get(field2)] = "None"
                # Finds all Text fields that
                center_lane_type = row[field_dictionary.get("Center_Lane_Meta")]
                left_buffer_type = row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Bike_Buffer_Meta")]
                right_buffer_type = row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Bike_Buffer_Meta")]
                # Make the text values the CityEngine Complete Streets Attributes
                row[field_dictionary.get("Center_Type")] = center_lane_type
                row[field_dictionary.get("Left_Buffer_Type")] = left_buffer_type
                row[field_dictionary.get("Right_Buffer_Type")] = right_buffer_type

        # Step 4 - Delete All Old Additive Fields
        fields_to_delete = [i for i in fields if i not in complete_street_attributes]
        arcpy.DeleteField_management(output_features, fields_to_delete)
        srl.arc_print("Script Complete!")
    except Exception as e:
        srl.arc_print("Tool Script Error!")
        import traceback, sys
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        srl.arc_print("An error occurred on line %i" % tb.tb_lineno)
        arcpy.AddError("The error occurred on line {0}...".format(tb.tb_lineno))