def some_basic_tests(): import pyfftw #pylint: disable=import-error from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD N = 8 K0 = C2CBasis(N) K1 = C2CBasis(N) K2 = C2CBasis(N) K3 = R2CBasis(N) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2, K3)) # Create data on rank 0 for testing if comm.Get_rank() == 0: f_g = np.random.random(T.shape()) f_g_hat = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.rfftn(f_g, axes=(0, 1, 2, 3)) else: f_g = np.zeros(T.shape()) f_g_hat = np.zeros(T.shape(), dtype=np.complex) # Distribute test data to all ranks comm.Bcast(f_g, root=0) comm.Bcast(f_g_hat, root=0) # Create a function in real space to hold the test data fj = Array(T) fj[:] = f_g[T.local_slice(False)] # Perform forward transformation f_hat = T.forward(fj) assert np.allclose(f_g_hat[T.local_slice(True)], f_hat * N**4) # Perform backward transformation fj2 = Array(T) fj2 = T.backward(f_hat) assert np.allclose(fj, fj2) f_hat = T.scalar_product(fj) # Padding # Needs new instances of bases because arrays have new sizes Kp0 = C2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5) Kp1 = C2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5) Kp2 = C2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5) Kp3 = R2CBasis(N, padding_factor=1.5) Tp = TensorProductSpace(comm, (Kp0, Kp1, Kp2, Kp3)) f_g_pad = Tp.backward(f_hat) f_hat2 = Tp.forward(f_g_pad) assert np.allclose(f_hat2, f_hat)
def get_context(): """Set up context for classical (NS) solver""" V0 = C2CBasis(params.N[0], domain=(0, params.L[0])) V1 = C2CBasis(params.N[1], domain=(0, params.L[1])) V2 = R2CBasis(params.N[2], domain=(0, params.L[2])) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (V0, V1, V2), **{'threads': params.threads}) VT = VectorTensorProductSpace([T]*3) kw = {'padding_factor': 1.5 if params.dealias == '3/2-rule' else 1, 'dealias_direct': params.dealias == '2/3-rule'} V0p = C2CBasis(params.N[0], domain=(0, params.L[0]), **kw) V1p = C2CBasis(params.N[1], domain=(0, params.L[1]), **kw) V2p = R2CBasis(params.N[2], domain=(0, params.L[2]), **kw) Tp = TensorProductSpace(comm, (V0p, V1p, V2p), **{'threads': params.threads}) VTp = VectorTensorProductSpace([Tp]*3) float, complex, mpitype = datatypes(params.precision) FFT = T # For compatibility - to be removed # Mesh variables X = T.local_mesh(True) K = T.local_wavenumbers(scaled=True) K2 = K[0]*K[0] + K[1]*K[1] + K[2]*K[2] # Set Nyquist frequency to zero on K that is, from now on, used for odd derivatives Kx = T.local_wavenumbers(scaled=True, eliminate_highest_freq=True) K_over_K2 = np.zeros((3,)+VT.local_shape()) for i in range(3): K_over_K2[i] = K[i] / np.where(K2==0, 1, K2) # Velocity and pressure U = Array(VT, False) U_hat = Array(VT) P = Array(T, False) P_hat = Array(T) # Primary variable u = U_hat # RHS array dU = Array(VT) curl = Array(VT, False) Source = Array(VT) # Possible source term initialized to zero work = work_arrays() hdf5file = NSWriter({"U":U[0], "V":U[1], "W":U[2], "P":P}, chkpoint={"current":{"U":U, "P":P}, "previous":{}}, filename=params.h5filename+".h5") return config.AttributeDict(locals())
def __init__(self, comm, N): method_common.__init__(self, comm, N) # initial spectral spaces K0 = C2CBasis(N[0], domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi)) K1 = R2CBasis(N[1], domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi)) self.T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1), **{'planner_effort': 'FFTW_MEASURE'})
# Use sympy to set up initial condition x, y = symbols("x,y") Le=500.*1e3 he = 1.0*exp(-(x**2 + y**2)/Le**2) ue = 0. ve = 0. ul = lambdify((x, y), ue, 'numpy') vl = lambdify((x, y), ve, 'numpy') hl = lambdify((x, y), he, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (128, 128) # initial spectral spaces K0 = C2CBasis(N[0], domain=(-2*np.pi*L, 2*np.pi*L)) K1 = R2CBasis(N[1], domain=(-2*np.pi*L, 2*np.pi*L)) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1), **{'planner_effort': 'FFTW_MEASURE'}) # Turn on padding by commenting out: Tp = T # TTT = MixedTensorProductSpace([T, T, T]) # init vectors X = T.local_mesh(True) # physical grid uvh = Array(TTT, False) # in physical space u, v, h = uvh[:] up = Array(Tp, False) vp = Array(Tp, False) # for time stepping, everything is in physical space
a = -2 b = 2 x, y = symbols("x,y") ue = (cos(4 * np.pi * y) + sin(2 * x)) * (1 - y**2) + a * (1 + y) / 2. + b * (1 - y) / 2. fe = ue.diff(x, 2) + ue.diff(y, 2) # Lambdify for faster evaluation ul = lambdify((x, y), ue, 'numpy') fl = lambdify((x, y), fe, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (eval(sys.argv[-2]), eval(sys.argv[-2])) SD = Basis(N[1], scaled=True, bc=(a, b)) K1 = R2CBasis(N[0]) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K1, SD), axes=(1, 0)) X = T.local_mesh( True ) # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D u = TrialFunction(T) v = TestFunction(T) # Get f on quad points fj = fl(*X) # Compute right hand side of Poisson equation f_hat = Array(T) f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat) if basis == 'legendre': f_hat *= -1.
# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution alpha = 2. x, y = symbols("x,y") ue = (cos(4*np.pi*x) + sin(2*y))*(1-x**2) fe = alpha*ue - ue.diff(x, 2) - ue.diff(y, 2) # Lambdify for faster evaluation ul = lambdify((x, y), ue, 'numpy') fl = lambdify((x, y), fe, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (eval(sys.argv[-2]),)*2 SD = Basis(N[0], scaled=True) K1 = R2CBasis(N[1]) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (SD, K1), axes=(0, 1)) X = T.local_mesh(True) # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D u = TrialFunction(T) v = TestFunction(T) # Get f on quad points fj = fl(*X) # Compute right hand side of Poisson equation f_hat = Array(T) f_hat = inner(v, fj, output_array=f_hat) # Get left hand side of Helmholtz equation if basis == 'chebyshev': matrices = inner(v, alpha*u - div(grad(u)))
import shenfun from shenfun.operators import div, grad, Dx from shenfun import inner_product from shenfun.fourier.bases import R2CBasis from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection from time import time N = 256 t = 0 dt = 0.1 / N**2 tstep = 0 tmax = 0.006 tsteps = int(tmax / dt) nplt = int(tmax / 25 / dt) SD = R2CBasis(N, True) Nh = SD.spectral_shape() x = SD.points_and_weights()[0] u = np.zeros(N) u_1 = np.zeros(N) u_2 = np.zeros(N) u_ab = np.zeros(N) u_hat = np.zeros(Nh, np.complex) u_hat_1 = np.zeros(Nh, np.complex) u_hat_2 = np.zeros(Nh, np.complex) uu_hat = np.zeros(Nh, np.complex) k = SD.wavenumbers(N) A = 25. B = 16.
def get_context(): """Set up context for solver""" # Get points and weights for Chebyshev weighted integrals ST = ShenDirichletBasis(params.N[0], quad=params.Dquad) SB = ShenBiharmonicBasis(params.N[0], quad=params.Bquad) CT = Basis(params.N[0], quad=params.Dquad) ST0 = ShenDirichletBasis(params.N[0], quad=params.Dquad, plan=True) # For 1D problem K0 = C2CBasis(params.N[1], domain=(0, params.L[1])) K1 = R2CBasis(params.N[2], domain=(0, params.L[2])) #CT = ST.CT # Chebyshev transform FST = TensorProductSpace(comm, (ST, K0, K1), **{ 'threads': params.threads, 'planner_effort': params.planner_effort["dct"] }) # Dirichlet FSB = TensorProductSpace(comm, (SB, K0, K1), **{ 'threads': params.threads, 'planner_effort': params.planner_effort["dct"] }) # Biharmonic FCT = TensorProductSpace(comm, (CT, K0, K1), **{ 'threads': params.threads, 'planner_effort': params.planner_effort["dct"] }) # Regular Chebyshev VFS = VectorTensorProductSpace([FSB, FST, FST]) # Padded STp = ShenDirichletBasis(params.N[0], quad=params.Dquad) SBp = ShenBiharmonicBasis(params.N[0], quad=params.Bquad) CTp = Basis(params.N[0], quad=params.Dquad) K0p = C2CBasis(params.N[1], padding_factor=1.5, domain=(0, params.L[1])) K1p = R2CBasis(params.N[2], padding_factor=1.5, domain=(0, params.L[2])) FSTp = TensorProductSpace( comm, (STp, K0p, K1p), **{ 'threads': params.threads, 'planner_effort': params.planner_effort["dct"] }) FSBp = TensorProductSpace( comm, (SBp, K0p, K1p), **{ 'threads': params.threads, 'planner_effort': params.planner_effort["dct"] }) FCTp = TensorProductSpace( comm, (CTp, K0p, K1p), **{ 'threads': params.threads, 'planner_effort': params.planner_effort["dct"] }) VFSp = VectorTensorProductSpace([FSBp, FSTp, FSTp]) VFSp = VFS FCTp = FCT FSTp = FST FSBp = FSB Nu = params.N[0] - 2 # Number of velocity modes in Shen basis Nb = params.N[0] - 4 # Number of velocity modes in Shen biharmonic basis u_slice = slice(0, Nu) v_slice = slice(0, Nb) float, complex, mpitype = datatypes("double") # Mesh variables X = FST.local_mesh(True) x0, x1, x2 = FST.mesh() K = FST.local_wavenumbers(scaled=True) # Solution variables U = Array(VFS, False) U0 = Array(VFS, False) U_hat = Array(VFS) U_hat0 = Array(VFS) g = Array(FST) # primary variable u = (U_hat, g) H_hat = Array(VFS) H_hat0 = Array(VFS) H_hat1 = Array(VFS) dU = Array(VFS) hv = Array(FST) hg = Array(FST) Source = Array(VFS, False) Sk = Array(VFS) K2 = K[1] * K[1] + K[2] * K[2] K_over_K2 = np.zeros((2, ) + g.shape) for i in range(2): K_over_K2[i] = K[i + 1] / np.where(K2 == 0, 1, K2) work = work_arrays() nu, dt, N =, params.dt, params.N K4 = K2**2 kx = K[0][:, 0, 0] alfa = K2[0] - 2.0 / nu / dt # Collect all matrices mat = config.AttributeDict( dict( CDD=inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 1)), AB=HelmholtzCoeff(kx, -1.0, -alfa, ST.quad), AC=BiharmonicCoeff(kx, nu * dt / 2., (1. - nu * dt * K2[0]), -(K2[0] - nu * dt / 2. * K4[0]), quad=SB.quad), # Matrices for biharmonic equation CBD=inner_product((SB, 0), (ST, 1)), ABB=inner_product((SB, 0), (SB, 2)), BBB=inner_product((SB, 0), (SB, 0)), SBB=inner_product((SB, 0), (SB, 4)), # Matrices for Helmholtz equation ADD=inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 2)), BDD=inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0)), BBD=inner_product((SB, 0), (ST, 0)), CDB=inner_product((ST, 0), (SB, 1)), ADD0=inner_product((ST0, 0), (ST0, 2)), BDD0=inner_product((ST0, 0), (ST0, 0)), )) # Collect all linear algebra solvers #la = config.AttributeDict(dict( #HelmholtzSolverG = Helmholtz(N[0], np.sqrt(K2[0]+2.0/nu/dt), ST), #BiharmonicSolverU = Biharmonic(N[0], -nu*dt/2., 1.+nu*dt*K2[0], #-(K2[0] + nu*dt/2.*K4[0]), quad=SB.quad, #solver="cython"), #HelmholtzSolverU0 = Helmholtz(N[0], np.sqrt(2./nu/dt), ST), #TDMASolverD = TDMA(inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0))) #) #) mat.ADD.axis = 0 mat.BDD.axis = 0 mat.SBB.axis = 0 la = config.AttributeDict( dict(HelmholtzSolverG=Helmholtz(mat.ADD, mat.BDD, -np.ones( (1, 1, 1)), (K2[0] + 2.0 / nu / dt)[np.newaxis, :, :]), BiharmonicSolverU=Biharmonic( mat.SBB, mat.ABB, mat.BBB, -nu * dt / 2. * np.ones( (1, 1, 1)), (1. + nu * dt * K2[0])[np.newaxis, :, :], (-(K2[0] + nu * dt / 2. * K4[0]))[np.newaxis, :, :]), HelmholtzSolverU0=old_Helmholtz(N[0], np.sqrt(2. / nu / dt), ST), TDMASolverD=TDMA(inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0))))) hdf5file = KMMWriter({ "U": U[0], "V": U[1], "W": U[2] }, chkpoint={ 'current': { 'U': U }, 'previous': { 'U': U0 } }, filename=params.solver + ".h5", mesh={ "x": x0, "y": x1, "z": x2 }) return config.AttributeDict(locals())
rank = comm.Get_rank() # Use sympy to set up initial condition x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z") ue = 0.1 * exp(-(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) ul = lambdify((x, y, z), ue, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (32, 32, 32) # Defocusing or focusing gamma = 1 K0 = C2CBasis(N[0], domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi)) K1 = C2CBasis(N[1], domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi)) K2 = R2CBasis(N[2], domain=(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi)) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2), **{'planner_effort': 'FFTW_MEASURE'}) TT = MixedTensorProductSpace([T, T]) TV = VectorTensorProductSpace([T, T, T]) X = T.local_mesh(True) fu = Array(TT, False) # solution real space f, u = fu[:] # split into views up = Array(T, False) # work array real space w0 = Array(T) # work array spectral space dfu = Array(TT) # solution spectral space df, du = dfu[:] # views
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z") ue = cos(4 * x) + sin(4 * y) + sin(6 * z) fe = ue.diff(x, 2) + ue.diff(y, 2) + ue.diff(z, 2) ul = lambdify((x, y, z), ue, 'numpy') fl = lambdify((x, y, z), fe, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (14, 15, 16) K0 = C2CBasis(N[0]) K1 = C2CBasis(N[1]) K2 = R2CBasis(N[2]) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2)) X = T.local_mesh( True ) # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D u = TrialFunction(T) v = TestFunction(T) # Get f on quad points fj = fl(*X) # Compute right hand side f_hat = inner(v, fj) # Solve Poisson equation A = inner(v, div(grad(u)))
timer = Timer() # Use sympy to set up initial condition x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z") ue = 0.1*exp(-(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) ul = lambdify((x, y, z), ue, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (32, 32, 32) # Defocusing or focusing gamma = 1 K0 = C2CBasis(N[0], domain=(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi)) K1 = C2CBasis(N[1], domain=(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi)) K2 = R2CBasis(N[2], domain=(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi)) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2), slab=False, **{'planner_effort': 'FFTW_MEASURE'}) TT = MixedTensorProductSpace([T, T]) Kp0 = C2CBasis(N[0], domain=(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi), padding_factor=1.5) Kp1 = C2CBasis(N[1], domain=(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi), padding_factor=1.5) Kp2 = R2CBasis(N[2], domain=(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi), padding_factor=1.5) Tp = TensorProductSpace(comm, (Kp0, Kp1, Kp2), slab=False, **{'planner_effort': 'FFTW_MEASURE'}) # Turn on padding by commenting out: Tp = T file0 = HDF5Writer("KleinGordon{}.h5".format(N[0]), ['u', 'f'], TT) X = T.local_mesh(True)
from mpi4py import MPI from shenfun.fourier.bases import R2CBasis, C2CBasis from shenfun import * comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # Use sympy to set up initial condition x, y = symbols("x,y") ue = exp(-0.01*(x**2+y**2)) # + exp(-0.02*((x-15*np.pi)**2+(y)**2)) ul = lambdify((x, y), ue, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = (128, 128) K0 = C2CBasis(N[0], domain=(-30*np.pi, 30*np.pi)) K1 = R2CBasis(N[1], domain=(-30*np.pi, 30*np.pi)) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1), **{'planner_effort': 'FFTW_MEASURE'}) TV = VectorTensorProductSpace([T, T]) u = TrialFunction(T) v = TestFunction(T) # Create solution and work arrays U = Array(T, False) U_hat = Array(T) gradu = Array(TV, False) K = np.array(T.local_wavenumbers(True, True, True)) def LinearRHS(): # Assemble diagonal bilinear forms A = inner(u, v)
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z") ue = cos(4 * x) + sin(4 * y) + sin(6 * z) fe = ue.diff(x, 2) + ue.diff(y, 2) + ue.diff(z, 2) + ue ul = lambdify((x, y, z), ue, 'numpy') fl = lambdify((x, y, z), fe, 'numpy') # Size of discretization N = 16 K0 = C2CBasis(N) K1 = C2CBasis(N) K2 = R2CBasis(N) T = TensorProductSpace(comm, (K0, K1, K2), slab=True) X = T.local_mesh( True ) # With broadcasting=True the shape of X is local_shape, even though the number of datapoints are still the same as in 1D u = TrialFunction(T) v = TestFunction(T) # Get f on quad points fj = fl(*X) # Compute right hand side f_hat = inner(v, fj) # Solve Poisson equation A = inner(v, u + div(grad(u)))