class RSPModelPHA(RSPModel):

    RMF + ARF convolution model with associated PHA

    def __init__(self, arf, rmf, pha, model):
        self.pha = pha
        self._arf = arf
        self._rmf = rmf
        RSPModel.__init__(self, arf, rmf, model)

    def filter(self):


        pha = self.pha
        # If PHA is a finer grid than RMF, evaluate model on PHA and
        # rebin down to the granularity that the RMF expects.
        if pha.bin_lo is not None and pha.bin_hi is not None:
            bin_lo, bin_hi = pha.bin_lo, pha.bin_hi

            # If PHA grid is in angstroms then convert to keV for
            # consistency
            if (bin_lo[0] > bin_lo[-1]) and (bin_hi[0] > bin_hi[-1]):
                bin_lo = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_hi
                bin_hi = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_lo

            # FIXME: What about filtered option?? bin_lo, bin_hi are
            # unfiltered??

            # Compare disparate grids in energy space
            self.arfargs = ((self.elo, self.ehi), (bin_lo, bin_hi))

            # FIXME: Assumes ARF grid is finest

        elo, ehi = self.rmf.get_indep()
        # self.elo, self.ehi are from ARF
        if len(elo) != len(self.elo) and len(ehi) != len(self.ehi):

            self.rmfargs = ((elo, ehi), (self.elo, self.ehi))

        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if self.pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi

    def startup(self):
        arf = self._arf
        rmf = self._rmf

        # Create a view of original RMF
        self.rmf = DataRMF(rmf.name, rmf.detchans, rmf.energ_lo, rmf.energ_hi,
                           rmf.n_grp, rmf.f_chan, rmf.n_chan, rmf.matrix,
                           rmf.offset, rmf.e_min, rmf.e_max, rmf.header)

        # Create a view of original ARF
        self.arf = DataARF(arf.name, arf.energ_lo, arf.energ_hi, arf.specresp,
                           arf.bin_lo, arf.bin_hi, arf.exposure, arf.header)

        # Filter the view for current fitting session
        _notice_resp(self.pha.get_noticed_channels(), self.arf, self.rmf)


        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if self.pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi


    def teardown(self):
        self.arf = self._arf  # restore originals
        self.rmf = self._rmf


    def calc(self, p, x, xhi=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # x could be channels or x, xhi could be energy|wave

        src = self.model.calc(p, self.xlo, self.xhi)
        src = self.arf.apply_arf(src, *self.arfargs)
        return self.rmf.apply_rmf(src, *self.rmfargs)
class RSPModelPHA(RSPModel):
    """RMF + ARF convolution model with associated PHA.

    Scaling by the AREASCAL setting (scalar or array) is included in
    this model.
    def __init__(self, arf, rmf, pha, model):
        self.pha = pha
        self._arf = arf
        self._rmf = rmf
        RSPModel.__init__(self, arf, rmf, model)

    def filter(self):


        pha = self.pha
        # If PHA is a finer grid than RMF, evaluate model on PHA and
        # rebin down to the granularity that the RMF expects.
        if pha.bin_lo is not None and pha.bin_hi is not None:
            bin_lo, bin_hi = pha.bin_lo, pha.bin_hi

            # If PHA grid is in angstroms then convert to keV for
            # consistency
            if (bin_lo[0] > bin_lo[-1]) and (bin_hi[0] > bin_hi[-1]):
                bin_lo = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_hi
                bin_hi = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_lo

            # FIXME: What about filtered option?? bin_lo, bin_hi are
            # unfiltered??

            # Compare disparate grids in energy space
            self.arfargs = ((self.elo, self.ehi), (bin_lo, bin_hi))

            # FIXME: Assumes ARF grid is finest

        elo, ehi = self.rmf.get_indep()
        # self.elo, self.ehi are from ARF
        if len(elo) != len(self.elo) and len(ehi) != len(self.ehi):

            self.rmfargs = ((elo, ehi), (self.elo, self.ehi))

        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if self.pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi

    def startup(self, cache):
        arf = self._arf
        rmf = self._rmf

        # Create a view of original RMF
        self.rmf = DataRMF(rmf.name, rmf.detchans, rmf.energ_lo, rmf.energ_hi,
                           rmf.n_grp, rmf.f_chan, rmf.n_chan, rmf.matrix,
                           rmf.offset, rmf.e_min, rmf.e_max, rmf.header)

        # Create a view of original ARF
        self.arf = DataARF(arf.name, arf.energ_lo, arf.energ_hi, arf.specresp,
                           arf.bin_lo, arf.bin_hi, arf.exposure, arf.header)

        # Filter the view for current fitting session
        _notice_resp(self.pha.get_noticed_channels(), self.arf, self.rmf)


        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if self.pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi

        RSPModel.startup(self, cache)

    def teardown(self):
        self.arf = self._arf  # restore originals
        self.rmf = self._rmf


    def calc(self, p, x, xhi=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # x could be channels or x, xhi could be energy|wave

        src = self.model.calc(p, self.xlo, self.xhi)
        src = self.arf.apply_arf(src, *self.arfargs)
        src = self.rmf.apply_rmf(src, *self.rmfargs)

        # Assume any issues with the binning (between AREASCAL
        # and src) is related to the RMF rather than the ARF.
        return apply_areascal(src, self.pha, "RMF: {}".format(self.rmf.name))
class ARFModelPHA(ARFModel):

    ARF convolution model with associated PHA

    def __init__(self, arf, pha, model):
        self.pha = pha
        self._arf = arf  # store a reference to original
        ARFModel.__init__(self, arf, model)

    def filter(self):


        pha = self.pha
        # If PHA is a finer grid than ARF, evaluate model on PHA and
        # rebin down to the granularity that the ARF expects.
        if pha.bin_lo is not None and pha.bin_hi is not None:
            bin_lo, bin_hi = pha.bin_lo, pha.bin_hi

            # If PHA grid is in angstroms then convert to keV for
            # consistency
            if (bin_lo[0] > bin_lo[-1]) and (bin_hi[0] > bin_hi[-1]):
                bin_lo = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_hi
                bin_hi = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_lo

            # FIXME: What about filtered option?? bin_lo, bin_hi are
            # unfiltered??

            # Compare disparate grids in energy space
            self.arfargs = ((self.elo, self.ehi), (bin_lo, bin_hi))

            # FIXME: Assumes ARF grid is finest

        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if self.pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi

    def startup(self):
        arf = self._arf  # original
        pha = self.pha

        # Create a view of original ARF
        self.arf = DataARF(arf.name, arf.energ_lo, arf.energ_hi, arf.specresp,
                           arf.bin_lo, arf.bin_hi, arf.exposure, arf.header)

        # Filter the view for current fitting session
        if numpy.iterable(pha.mask):
            mask = pha.get_mask()
            if len(mask) == len(self.arf.specresp):


        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi


    def teardown(self):
        self.arf = self._arf  # restore original


    def calc(self, p, x, xhi=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # x could be channels or x, xhi could be energy|wave

        src = self.model.calc(p, self.xlo, self.xhi)
        return self.arf.apply_arf(src, *self.arfargs)
class ARFModelPHA(ARFModel):
    """ARF convolution model with associated PHA data set.

    Scaling by the AREASCAL setting (scalar or array) is included in
    this model. It is not yet clear if this is handled correctly.
    def __init__(self, arf, pha, model):
        self.pha = pha
        self._arf = arf  # store a reference to original
        ARFModel.__init__(self, arf, model)

    def filter(self):


        pha = self.pha
        # If PHA is a finer grid than ARF, evaluate model on PHA and
        # rebin down to the granularity that the ARF expects.
        if pha.bin_lo is not None and pha.bin_hi is not None:
            bin_lo, bin_hi = pha.bin_lo, pha.bin_hi

            # If PHA grid is in angstroms then convert to keV for
            # consistency
            if (bin_lo[0] > bin_lo[-1]) and (bin_hi[0] > bin_hi[-1]):
                bin_lo = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_hi
                bin_hi = DataPHA._hc / pha.bin_lo

            # FIXME: What about filtered option?? bin_lo, bin_hi are
            # unfiltered??

            # Compare disparate grids in energy space
            self.arfargs = ((self.elo, self.ehi), (bin_lo, bin_hi))

            # FIXME: Assumes ARF grid is finest

        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if self.pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi

    def startup(self, cache):
        arf = self._arf  # original
        pha = self.pha

        # Create a view of original ARF
        self.arf = DataARF(arf.name, arf.energ_lo, arf.energ_hi, arf.specresp,
                           arf.bin_lo, arf.bin_hi, arf.exposure, arf.header)

        # Filter the view for current fitting session
        if numpy.iterable(pha.mask):
            mask = pha.get_mask()
            if len(mask) == len(self.arf.specresp):


        # Assume energy as default spectral coordinates
        self.xlo, self.xhi = self.elo, self.ehi
        if pha.units == 'wavelength':
            self.xlo, self.xhi = self.lo, self.hi

        ARFModel.startup(self, cache)

    def teardown(self):
        self.arf = self._arf  # restore original


    def calc(self, p, x, xhi=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # x could be channels or x, xhi could be energy|wave

        src = self.model.calc(p, self.xlo, self.xhi)
        src = self.arf.apply_arf(src, *self.arfargs)

        return apply_areascal(src, self.pha, "ARF: {}".format(self.arf.name))