ssl = None try: from cherrypy import wsgiserver as cheery_wsgiserver except ImportError: cheery_wsgiserver = None from wsgiref import simple_server # load global helper objects for logs and stats computation from log import logger from shinken.stats import statsmgr # Let's load bottlecore! :) from shinken.webui import bottlecore as bottle bottle.debug(True) class InvalidWorkDir(Exception): pass class PortNotFree(Exception): pass # CherryPy is allowing us to have a HTTP 1.1 server, and so have a KeepAlive class CherryPyServer(bottle.ServerAdapter): def run(self, handler): # pragma: no cover daemon_thread_pool_size = self.options['daemon_thread_pool_size'] server = cheery_wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(
ssl = None try: from cherrypy import wsgiserver as cheery_wsgiserver except ImportError: cheery_wsgiserver = None from wsgiref import simple_server # load global helper objects for logs and stats computation from log import logger from shinken.stats import statsmgr # Let's load bottlecore! :) from shinken.webui import bottlecore as bottle bottle.debug(True) class InvalidWorkDir(Exception): pass class PortNotFree(Exception): pass # CherryPy is allowing us to have a HTTP 1.1 server, and so have a KeepAlive