def burst_build(infile, outfile_prefix, accelerator=False, shell=False, clustradius=None, shear=None): cmd = [ 'burst15', '--references', infile, '--output', outfile_prefix + ".edb", '--npenalize', '--makedb', '--fingerprint', ] if accelerator: cmd += ['--accelerator', accelerator] if shear: cmd += ['--shear', str(shear)] if clustradius: cmd += ['--clustradius', str(clustradius)] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def burst_align_any(input_fp, output_fp, burst_db_prefix, accelerator=False, threads=1, shell=False, percent_id=.98): """ :param input_fp: :param output_fp: :param burst_db_prefix: :param accelerator: :param tax: :param threads: :param pct_id: :param shell: :param taxa_ncbi: :return: """ #TODO: Look up SOP cmd = [ 'burst15', '--queries', input_fp, '--references', burst_db_prefix + '.edx', '--output', output_fp, '--threads', str(threads), '--mode', 'ANY', '--npenalize', '--id', str(percent_id), '--forwardreverse' ] if accelerator: cmd += ['--accelerator', accelerator] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def bowtie2_align(infile, outfile, database, alignments_to_report=16, num_threads=1, shell=False, percent_id=.98): """ Search a bowtie2 index with multiple alignment. :param infile: the query FASTA file :param outfile: the resulting SAM file :param database: path to the bowtie2 index :param alignments_to_report: the number of alignments to report (default=32) :param num_threads: the number of threads to use (default=SETTINGS) :param shell: whether to use the shell NOT RECOMMENDED (default=False) :return: the STDERR/STDOUT """ cmd = [ 'bowtie2', '--no-unal', '-x', database, '-S', outfile, '--np', '1', '--mp', '"1,1"', '--rdg', '"0,1"', '--rfg', '"0,1"', '--score-min', format_pct_id(percent_id), '-f', infile, '--very-sensitive', '-k', str(alignments_to_report), '-p', str(num_threads), '--no-hd' ] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def utree_search(input_compressed_tree, input_fasta_to_search, output, shell=False): # usage: xtree-search compTree.ctr fastaToSearch.fa output.txt cmd = [ 'utree-search', input_compressed_tree, input_fasta_to_search, output ] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def bowtie2_build(infile, outfile, shell=False): """ This function will build a bowtie2 index with a given infile and output to the outfile :param infile: the FASTA file to build the index with :param outfile: the prefix for the bowtie2 index :param shell: whether to use the shell NOT RECOMMENDED (default=False) :return: the STDERR/STDOUT """ cmd = ['bowtie2-build', '-f', infile, outfile] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def utree_search_gg(input_compressed_tree, input_fasta_to_search, output, threads=1, shell=False): # [v1.5a] usage: xtree-searchGG compTree.ctr fastaToSearch.fa output.txt [threads] [RC] cmd = [ 'utree-search_gg', input_compressed_tree, input_fasta_to_search, output, threads, 'RC' ] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def utree_build_gg(input_fasta, input_fasta_labels, output_uncompressed_tree, threads=1, complevel=2, shell=False): # [v2.0 SigNature Edition] usage: utree-buildGG input_fasta.fa output.ubt threads{0=auto} [complevel] cmd = [ 'utree-build_gg', input_fasta, input_fasta_labels, output_uncompressed_tree, threads, complevel ] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def utree_build(input_fasta, input_fasta_labels, output_uncompressed_tree, threads=1, shell=False): # usage: utree-build input_fasta.fa output.ubt [threads] cmd = [ 'utree-build', input_fasta, input_fasta_labels, output_uncompressed_tree, threads, ] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def burst_align(input_fp, output_fp, burst_db_prefix, threads=1, percent_id=.98, tax=False, accelerator=False, taxacut=5, shell=False, taxa_ncbi=False): """ :param input_fp: :param output_fp: :param burst_db_prefix: :param accelerator: :param tax: :param threads: :param pct_id: :param shell: :param taxa_ncbi: :return: """ #TODO: Look up SOP cmd = [ 'burst15', '--queries', input_fp, '--references', burst_db_prefix + '.edx', '--output', output_fp, '--threads', str(threads), '--mode', 'CAPITALIST', '--id', str(percent_id), '--npenalize', '--skipambig', '--forwardreverse' ] if taxa_ncbi: cmd += ['--taxa_ncbi'] if accelerator: cmd += ['--accelerator', accelerator] if tax: cmd += ['--taxonomy', tax, '--taxacut', taxacut] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)
def utree_compress(input_uncompressed_tree, output_compressed_tree, shell=False): # usage: xtree-compress preTree.ubt compTree.ctr cmd = ['utree-compress', input_uncompressed_tree, output_compressed_tree] return run_command(cmd, shell=shell)