def construct(d):
     if ta.size() != d.size:
         raise ERAInterimDataRepositoryError("Time axis size {} not equal to the number of "
                                        "data points ({}) for {}"
                                        "".format(ta.size(), d.size, key))
     return tsc(ta.size(), ta.start, ta.delta_t,
                api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(d.flatten()), self.series_type[key])
 def construct(d):
     if ta.size() != d.size:
         raise GFSDataRepositoryError("Time axis size {} not equal to the number of "
                                        "data points ({}) for {}"
                                        "".format(ta.size(), d.size, key))
     return tsc(ta.size(), ta.start, ta.delta_t,
          api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(d.flatten()), api.point_interpretation_policy.POINT_AVERAGE_VALUE)
def _numpy_to_geo_ts_vec(data, x, y, z, err):
    Convert timeseries from numpy structures to shyft.api geo-timeseries vector.
    data: dict of tuples (np.ndarray, (list of)api.Time Axis)
        array with shape
        (nb_forecasts, nb_lead_times, nb_ensemble_members, nb_points) or
        (nb_lead_times, nb_ensemble_members, nb_points) or
        (nb_lead_times, nb_points)
        one time axis of size nb_lead_times for each forecast
    x: np.ndarray
        X coordinates in meters in cartesian coordinate system, with array shape = (nb_points)
    y: np.ndarray
        Y coordinates in meters in cartesian coordinate system, with array shape = (nb_points)
    z: np.ndarray
        elevation in meters, with array shape = (nb_points)
    timeseries: dict
        Time series arrays keyed by type
    geo_pts = api.GeoPointVector.create_from_x_y_z(*[api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(arr) for arr in [x, y, z]])
    shape = list(data.values())[0][0].shape
    ndim = len(shape)
    if ndim == 4:
        nb_forecasts = shape[0]
        nb_ensemble_members = shape[2]
        geo_ts = [[{key: create_geo_ts_type_map[key](ta[i], geo_pts, arr[i, :, j, :].transpose(), series_type[key])
                    for key, (arr, ta) in data.items()}
                   for j in range(nb_ensemble_members)] for i in range(nb_forecasts)]
    elif ndim == 3:
        nb_ensemble_members = shape[1]
        geo_ts = [{key: create_geo_ts_type_map[key](ta, geo_pts, arr[:, j, :].transpose(), series_type[key])
                   for key, (arr, ta) in data.items()}
                  for j in range(nb_ensemble_members)]
    elif ndim == 2:
        geo_ts = {key: create_geo_ts_type_map[key](ta, geo_pts, arr[:, :].transpose(), series_type[key])
                  for key, (arr, ta) in data.items()}
        raise err("Number of dimensions, ndim, of Numpy array to be converted to shyft GeoTsVector not 2<=ndim<=4.")
    return geo_ts
    def dummy_var(self, input_src_types: list, utc_period: "api.UtcPeriod", geo_location_criteria, ts_interval=86400):
        Purpose is to provide dummy radiation, humidity and wind_speed
        called from `get_timeseries` method of a `shyft.GeoTsRepository`

        Will return one source 'station', from the lower left corner of the
        center of the bounding box. Shyft interpolation will take care of
        the rest...

        Returns a timeseries covering the period at the interval defined by ts_interval.

            input_source_types: list
                List of source types to retrieve (precipitation,temperature..)
            utc_period: api.UtcPeriod
                The utc time period that should (as a minimum) be covered.
            geo_location_criteria: {shapely.geometry.Polygon, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon}
                Polygon defining the boundary for selecting points. All points located inside this boundary will be fetched.
            ts_interval: int [86400]
                describes the interval used to calculate the periodicity of the timeseries

        geo_loc_ts: dictionary
                dictionary keyed by source type, where values are api vectors of geo
                located timeseries.
                Important notice: The returned time-series should at least cover the
                requested period. It could return *more* data than in
                the requested period, but must return sufficient data so
                that the f(t) can be evaluated over the requested period.
        utc = api.Calendar() # can use utc calendar as input in utc period
        n_steps = utc.diff_units(utc_period.start, utc_period.end, ts_interval)
        if utc_period.end > utc.add(utc_period.start, ts_interval, n_steps):
            n_steps += 1

        ta = api.TimeAxis(utc_period.start.seconds, ts_interval, n_steps)

        # TODO: could make more sophisticated to get mid point, etc.
        x, y, urx, ury = geo_location_criteria.bounds
        x = np.array([x])
        y = np.array([y])
        z = np.array([1000])

        geo_pts = api.GeoPointVector.create_from_x_y_z(*[api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(arr) for arr in [x, y, z]])

        data = {}

        # TODO: this is where the 'dummy' data is generated. Could be made more robust, quick fix for now
        for var in input_src_types:
            if var == 'radiation':
                data[var] = (np.ones((ta.size(), len(x))) * 50.0, ta)
            if var == 'wind_speed':
                data[var] = (np.ones((ta.size(), len(x))) * 2.0, ta)
            if var == 'relative_humidity':
                data[var] = (np.ones((ta.size(), len(x))) * 0.6, ta)

        ndim = len(list(data.values())[0][0].shape)

        if ndim == 4:
            raise (RepositoryUtilsError("Dummy not implemented for ensembles"))
        elif ndim == 3:
            raise (RepositoryUtilsError("Dummy not implemented for ensembles"))
        elif ndim == 2:
            geo_ts = {key: create_geo_ts_type_map[key](ta, geo_pts, arr[:, :].transpose(), self.series_type[key])
                      for key, (arr, ta) in data.items()}
            raise RepositoryUtilsError(
                "Number of dimensions, ndim, of Numpy array to be converted to shyft GeoTsVector not 2<=ndim<=4.")
        return geo_ts
def dummy_var(input_src_types, utc_period, geo_location_criteria):
    A copy of utils._numpy_to_geo_ts_vec in order to dummy radiation, humidity and wind_speed
    Convert timeseries from numpy structures to shyft.api geo-timeseries vector.
    data: dict of np.ndarray
        array with shape
        (nb_forecasts, nb_lead_times, nb_ensemble_members, nb_points) or
        (nb_lead_times, nb_ensemble_members, nb_points) or
        (nb_lead_times, nb_points)
    x: np.ndarray
        X coordinates in meters in cartesian coordinate system, with array shape = (nb_points)
    y: np.ndarray
        Y coordinates in meters in cartesian coordinate system, with array shape = (nb_points)
    z: np.ndarray
        elevation in meters, with array shape = (nb_points)
    timeseries: dict
        Time series arrays keyed by type

    ndays = (utc_period.end - utc_period.start) / 86400

    def _ta(t):
        t0 = int(t[0])
        t1 = int(t[1])
        return api.TimeAxis(t0, t1 - t0, len(t))

    times = np.linspace(utc_period.start, utc_period.end, ndays, 86400)

    ta = _ta(times)
    x, y, urx, ury = geo_location_criteria.bounds
    x = np.array([x])
    y = np.array([y])
    z = np.array([1000])

    geo_pts = api.GeoPointVector.create_from_x_y_z(*[api.DoubleVector_FromNdArray(arr) for arr in [x, y, z]])

    data = {}

    for var in input_src_types:
        if var == 'radiation':
            data[var] = ( np.ones((len(times), len(x))) * 1, ta)
        if var == 'wind_speed':
            data[var] = (np.ones((len(times), len(x))) * 2, ta)
        if var == 'relative_humidity':
            data[var] = (np.ones((len(times), len(x))) * 0.6, ta)

    shape = list(data.values())[0][0].shape
    ndim = len(shape)

    if ndim == 4:
        raise(InterfaceError("Dummy not implemented for ensembles"))
    elif ndim == 3:
        raise (InterfaceError("Dummy not implemented for ensembles"))
    elif ndim == 2:
        geo_ts = {key: create_geo_ts_type_map[key](ta, geo_pts, arr[:, :].transpose(), series_type[key])
                  for key, (arr, ta) in data.items()}
        raise err("Number of dimensions, ndim, of Numpy array to be converted to shyft GeoTsVector not 2<=ndim<=4.")
    return geo_ts