    def test_subsets(self):
        EPSG, bbox = self.arome_epsg_bbox
        # Period start
        year = 2015
        month = 8
        day = 24
        hour = 6
        n_hours = 30
        date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour)
        utc = api.Calendar()  # No offset gives Utc
        t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour)
        period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours))

        base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository")
        filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str)

        data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity", "radiation")
        allow_subset = False
        reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename,
                                     bounding_box=bbox, allow_subset=allow_subset)
        with self.assertRaises(AromeDataRepositoryError) as context:
            reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None)
        self.assertEqual("Could not find all data fields", context.exception.args[0])
        allow_subset = True
        reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename,
                                     bounding_box=bbox, allow_subset=allow_subset)
            sources = reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None)
        except AromeDataRepositoryError as e:
            self.fail("AromeDataRepository.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None) "
                      "raised AromeDataRepositoryError unexpectedly.")
        self.assertEqual(len(sources), len(data_names) - 1)
 def test_wrong_file(self):
     with self.assertRaises(AromeDataRepositoryError) as context:
         utc = api.Calendar()  # No offset gives Utc
         t0 = api.YMDhms(2015, 12, 25, 18)
         period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(30))
         ar1 = AromeDataRepository(32632, shyftdata_dir, filename="plain_wrong.nc")
         ar1.get_timeseries(("temperature",), period, None)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in context.exception.args[0] for x in ["File", "not found"]))
    def test_tiny_bbox(self):
        EPSG, _ = self.arome_epsg_bbox

        x0 = 436250.0   # lower left
        y0 = 6823250.0  # lower right
        nx = 1
        ny = 1
        dx = 5.0
        dy = 5.0
        bbox = ([x0, x0 + nx*dx, x0 + nx*dx, x0], [y0, y0, y0 + ny*dy, y0 + ny*dy])
        # Period start
        year = 2015
        month = 8
        day = 24
        hour = 6
        n_hours = 30
        date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour)
        utc = api.Calendar()  # No offset gives Utc
        t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour)
        period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours))

        base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository")
        filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str)
        reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, 
                                     bounding_box=bbox, x_padding=0, y_padding=0)
        data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity")
            tss = reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None)
        except AromeDataRepository as err:
            self.fail("reader.get_timeseries raised AromeDataRepositoryError('{}') "
    def test_missing_bbox(self):
        EPSG, _ = self.arome_epsg_bbox
        # Period start
        year = 2015
        month = 8
        day = 24
        hour = 6
        n_hours = 30
        date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour)
        utc = api.Calendar()  # No offset gives Utc
        t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour)
        period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours))

        base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository")
        filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str)
        reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename)
        data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity")
        with self.assertRaises(AromeDataRepositoryError) as context:
            reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None)
        self.assertEqual("A bounding box must be provided.", context.exception.args[0])
    def test_get_timeseries(self):
        Simple regression test of arome data respository.
        EPSG, bbox = self.arome_epsg_bbox

        # Period start
        n_hours = 30
        t0 = api.YMDhms(2015, 8, 24, 0)
        date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(t0.year,t0.month, t0.day, t0.hour)
        utc = api.Calendar()  # No offset gives Utc
        period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours))

        base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository")
        f1 = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}_diff_time_unit.nc".format(date_str)
        f2 = "arome_metcoop_red_test2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str)

        ar1 = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=f1, bounding_box=bbox)
        ar2 = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=f2, elevation_file=f1)
        ar1_data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity")
        ar2_data_names = ("radiation",)
        sources = ar1.get_timeseries(ar1_data_names, period, None)
        self.assertTrue(len(sources) > 0)
        sources2 = ar2.get_timeseries(ar2_data_names, period, geo_location_criteria=bbox)

        self.assertTrue(set(sources) == set(ar1_data_names))
        self.assertTrue(set(sources2) == set(ar2_data_names))
        self.assertTrue(sources["temperature"][0].ts.size() == n_hours + 1)
        r0 = sources2["radiation"][0].ts
        p0 = sources["precipitation"][0].ts
        temp0 = sources["temperature"][0].ts
        self.assertTrue(r0.size() == n_hours + 1)
        self.assertTrue(p0.size() == n_hours + 1)
        self.assertTrue(r0.time(0) == temp0.time(0))
        self.assertTrue(p0.time(0) == temp0.time(0))
        self.assertTrue(r0.time(r0.size() - 1) == temp0.time(temp0.size() - 1))
        self.assertTrue(p0.time(r0.size() - 1) == temp0.time(temp0.size() - 1))
    def test_non_overlapping_y_bbox(self):
        EPSG, bbox = self.arome_epsg_bbox
        bbox = list(bbox)
        bbox[1] = [6010000.0, 6010000.0, 6035000.0, 6035000]
        # Period start
        year = 2015
        month = 8
        day = 24
        hour = 6
        n_hours = 30
        date_str = "{}{:02}{:02}_{:02}".format(year, month, day, hour)
        utc = api.Calendar()  # No offset gives Utc
        t0 = api.YMDhms(year, month, day, hour)
        period = api.UtcPeriod(utc.time(t0), utc.time(t0) + api.deltahours(n_hours))

        base_dir = path.join(shyftdata_dir, "repository", "arome_data_repository")
        filename = "arome_metcoop_red_default2_5km_{}.nc".format(date_str)
        reader = AromeDataRepository(EPSG, base_dir, filename=filename, bounding_box=bbox)
        data_names = ("temperature", "wind_speed", "precipitation", "relative_humidity")
        with self.assertRaises(AromeDataRepositoryError) as context:
            reader.get_timeseries(data_names, period, None)
        self.assertEqual("Bounding box latitudes don't intersect with dataset.",