    def _check_config(self, hosts=None, apikeys=None):

        from sickbeard.helpers import starify

        hosts, keys = self._choose(hosts, sickbeard.EMBY_HOST), self._choose(
            apikeys, sickbeard.EMBY_APIKEY)
        hosts = [x.strip() for x in hosts.split(',') if x.strip()]
        keys = [x.strip() for x in keys.split(',') if x.strip()]

        new_keys = []
        has_old_key = False
        for key in keys:
            if starify(key, True):
                has_old_key = True
                new_keys += [key]

        apikeys = has_old_key and [
            x.strip() for x in sickbeard.EMBY_APIKEY.split(',') if x.strip()
        ] or [] + new_keys

        if len(hosts) != len(apikeys):
            message = ('Not enough Api keys for hosts',
                       'More Api keys than hosts')[len(apikeys) > len(hosts)]
            self._log_warning(u'%s, check your settings' % message)
            return False, False, message

        return hosts, apikeys, 'OK'
    def _check_config(self, hosts=None, apikeys=None):

        from sickbeard.helpers import starify

        hosts, keys = self._choose(hosts, sickbeard.EMBY_HOST), self._choose(apikeys, sickbeard.EMBY_APIKEY)
        hosts = [x.strip() for x in hosts.split(',') if x.strip()]
        keys = [x.strip() for x in keys.split(',') if x.strip()]

        new_keys = []
        has_old_key = False
        for key in keys:
            if starify(key, True):
                has_old_key = True
                new_keys += [key]

        apikeys = has_old_key and [x.strip() for x in sickbeard.EMBY_APIKEY.split(',') if x.strip()] or [] + new_keys

        if len(hosts) != len(apikeys):
            message = ('Not enough Api keys for hosts', 'More Api keys than hosts')[len(apikeys) > len(hosts)]
            self._log_warning(u'%s, check your settings' % message)
            return False, False, message

        return hosts, apikeys, 'OK'