# =================
# prepare env functions
# =================
def createTestLogFolder():
    if not ek(os.path.isdir, sickbeard.LOG_DIR):
        ek(os.mkdir, sickbeard.LOG_DIR)

def createTestCacheFolder():
    if not ek(os.path.isdir, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR):
        ek(os.mkdir, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR)

# call env functions at appropriate time during sickbeard var setup

# =================
# sickbeard globals
# =================
sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'

sickbeard.showList = []
sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT = 4  # hdtv

sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN = ''
sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN = ''
sickbeard.NAMING_MULTI_EP = 1
    def start(self):
        # Rename the main thread
        threading.currentThread().name = "MAIN"

        # initalize encoding defaults

        # do some preliminary stuff
        sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME = ek(os.path.normpath, ek(os.path.abspath, __file__))
        sickbeard.MY_NAME = ek(os.path.basename, sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME)
        sickbeard.PROG_DIR = ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME)
        sickbeard.DATA_DIR = sickbeard.PROG_DIR
        sickbeard.MY_ARGS = sys.argv[1:]

        # Need console logging for SickBeard.py and SickBeard-console.exe
        self.consoleLogging = (not hasattr(sys, "frozen")) or (sickbeard.MY_NAME.lower().find('-console') > 0)

        # Do this before importing sickbeard, to prevent locked files and incorrect import
        oldtornado = ek(os.path.abspath, ek(os.path.join, ek(os.path.dirname, __file__), 'tornado'))
        if ek(os.path.isdir, oldtornado):
            ek(shutil.move, oldtornado, oldtornado + '_kill')
            ek(removetree, oldtornado + '_kill')

            opts, _ = getopt.getopt(
                    sys.argv[1:], "hqdp::",
                    ['help', 'quiet', 'nolaunch', 'daemon', 'pidfile=', 'port=', 'datadir=', 'config=', 'noresize']
        except getopt.GetoptError:

        for o, a in opts:
            # Prints help message
            if o in ('-h', '--help'):

            # For now we'll just silence the logging
            if o in ('-q', '--quiet'):
                self.consoleLogging = False

            # Suppress launching web browser
            # Needed for OSes without default browser assigned
            # Prevent duplicate browser window when restarting in the app
            if o in ('--nolaunch',):
                self.noLaunch = True

            # Override default/configured port
            if o in ('-p', '--port'):
                    self.forcedPort = int(a)
                except ValueError:
                    sys.exit("Port: " + str(a) + " is not a number. Exiting.")

            # Run as a double forked daemon
            if o in ('-d', '--daemon'):
                self.runAsDaemon = True
                # When running as daemon disable consoleLogging and don't start browser
                self.consoleLogging = False
                self.noLaunch = True

                if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
                    self.runAsDaemon = False

            # Write a pidfile if requested
            if o in ('--pidfile',):
                self.CREATEPID = True
                self.PIDFILE = str(a)

                # If the pidfile already exists, sickbeard may still be running, so exit
                if ek(os.path.exists, self.PIDFILE):
                    sys.exit("PID file: " + self.PIDFILE + " already exists. Exiting.")

            # Specify folder to load the config file from
            if o in ('--config',):
                sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE = ek(os.path.abspath, a)

            # Specify folder to use as the data dir
            if o in ('--datadir',):
                sickbeard.DATA_DIR = ek(os.path.abspath, a)

            # Prevent resizing of the banner/posters even if PIL is installed
            if o in ('--noresize',):
                sickbeard.NO_RESIZE = True

        # The pidfile is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly
        if self.CREATEPID:
            if self.runAsDaemon:
                pid_dir = ek(os.path.dirname, self.PIDFILE)
                if not ek(os.access, pid_dir, os.F_OK):
                    sys.exit("PID dir: " + pid_dir + " doesn't exist. Exiting.")
                if not ek(os.access, pid_dir, os.W_OK):
                    sys.exit("PID dir: " + pid_dir + " must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.")

                if self.consoleLogging:
                    sys.stdout.write("Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled.\n")

                self.CREATEPID = False

        # If they don't specify a config file then put it in the data dir
        if not sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE:
            sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, "config.ini")

        # Make sure that we can create the data dir
        result = ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK)
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK):
                ek(os.makedirs, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 0o744)
            except os.error as e:
                raise SystemExit("Unable to create datadir '" + sickbeard.DATA_DIR + "'")

        # Make sure we can write to the data dir
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
            raise SystemExit("Datadir must be writeable '" + sickbeard.DATA_DIR + "'")

        # Make sure we can write to the config file
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
            if ek(os.path.isfile, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE):
                raise SystemExit("Config file '" + sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE + "' must be writeable.")
            elif not ek(os.access, ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK):
                raise SystemExit(
                        "Config file root dir '" + ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE) + "' must be writeable.")

        ek(os.chdir, sickbeard.DATA_DIR)

        # Check if we need to perform a restore first
        restoreDir = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 'restore')
        if ek(os.path.exists, restoreDir):
            success = self.restoreDB(restoreDir, sickbeard.DATA_DIR)
            if self.consoleLogging:
                sys.stdout.write("Restore: restoring DB and config.ini %s!\n" % ("FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL")[success])

        # Load the config and publish it to the sickbeard package
        if self.consoleLogging and not ek(os.path.isfile, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE):
            sys.stdout.write("Unable to find '" + sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE + "' , all settings will be default!" + "\n")

        sickbeard.CFG = ConfigObj(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)

        # Initialize the config and our threads

        if self.runAsDaemon:
            sickbeard.DAEMONIZE = True

        # Get PID
        sickbeard.PID = os.getpid()

        # Build from the DB to start with

        if self.forcedPort:
            logging.info("Forcing web server to port " + str(self.forcedPort))
            self.startPort = self.forcedPort
            self.startPort = sickbeard.WEB_PORT

        if sickbeard.WEB_LOG:
            self.log_dir = sickbeard.LOG_DIR
            self.log_dir = None

        # sickbeard.WEB_HOST is available as a configuration value in various
        # places but is not configurable. It is supported here for historic reasons.
        if sickbeard.WEB_HOST and sickbeard.WEB_HOST != '':
            self.webhost = sickbeard.WEB_HOST
            if sickbeard.WEB_IPV6:
                self.webhost = '::'
                self.webhost = ''

        # Clean up after update
        if sickbeard.GIT_NEWVER:
            toclean = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'mako')
            for root, dirs, files in ek(os.walk, toclean, topdown=False):
                for name in files:
                    ek(os.remove, ek(os.path.join, root, name))
                for name in dirs:
                    ek(os.rmdir, ek(os.path.join, root, name))
            sickbeard.GIT_NEWVER = False

        # Fire up all our threads
        logging.info("Starting SiCKRAGE:[{}] CONFIG:[{}]".format(sickbeard.BRANCH, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE))

        # sure, why not?
        if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:

        # Check for metadata indexer updates for shows (Disabled until we use api)
        # sickbeard.showUpdateScheduler.forceRun()

        # start tornado web server
        sickbeard.WEB_SERVER = SRWebServer({
            'port': int(self.startPort),
            'host': self.webhost,
            'gui_root': sickbeard.GUI_DIR,
            'web_root': sickbeard.WEB_ROOT,
            'log_dir': self.log_dir,
            'username': sickbeard.WEB_USERNAME,
            'password': sickbeard.WEB_PASSWORD,
            'enable_https': sickbeard.ENABLE_HTTPS,
            'handle_reverse_proxy': sickbeard.HANDLE_REVERSE_PROXY,
            'https_cert': ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT),
            'https_key': ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY),
    def start(self):
        # Rename the main thread
        threading.currentThread().name = "MAIN"

        # initalize encoding defaults

        # do some preliminary stuff
        sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME = ek(os.path.normpath,
                                   ek(os.path.abspath, __file__))
        sickbeard.MY_NAME = ek(os.path.basename, sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME)
        sickbeard.PROG_DIR = ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.MY_FULLNAME)
        sickbeard.DATA_DIR = sickbeard.PROG_DIR
        sickbeard.MY_ARGS = sys.argv[1:]

        # Need console logging for SickBeard.py and SickBeard-console.exe
        self.consoleLogging = (not hasattr(
            sys, "frozen")) or (sickbeard.MY_NAME.lower().find('-console') > 0)

        # Do this before importing sickbeard, to prevent locked files and incorrect import
        oldtornado = ek(
            ek(os.path.join, ek(os.path.dirname, __file__), 'tornado'))
        if ek(os.path.isdir, oldtornado):
            ek(shutil.move, oldtornado, oldtornado + '_kill')
            ek(removetree, oldtornado + '_kill')

            opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hqdp::", [
                'help', 'quiet', 'nolaunch', 'daemon', 'pidfile=', 'port=',
                'datadir=', 'config=', 'noresize'
        except getopt.GetoptError:

        for o, a in opts:
            # Prints help message
            if o in ('-h', '--help'):

            # For now we'll just silence the logging
            if o in ('-q', '--quiet'):
                self.consoleLogging = False

            # Suppress launching web browser
            # Needed for OSes without default browser assigned
            # Prevent duplicate browser window when restarting in the app
            if o in ('--nolaunch', ):
                self.noLaunch = True

            # Override default/configured port
            if o in ('-p', '--port'):
                    self.forcedPort = int(a)
                except ValueError:
                    sys.exit("Port: " + str(a) + " is not a number. Exiting.")

            # Run as a double forked daemon
            if o in ('-d', '--daemon'):
                self.runAsDaemon = True
                # When running as daemon disable consoleLogging and don't start browser
                self.consoleLogging = False
                self.noLaunch = True

                if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
                    self.runAsDaemon = False

            # Write a pidfile if requested
            if o in ('--pidfile', ):
                self.CREATEPID = True
                self.PIDFILE = str(a)

                # If the pidfile already exists, sickbeard may still be running, so exit
                if ek(os.path.exists, self.PIDFILE):
                    sys.exit("PID file: " + self.PIDFILE +
                             " already exists. Exiting.")

            # Specify folder to load the config file from
            if o in ('--config', ):
                sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE = ek(os.path.abspath, a)

            # Specify folder to use as the data dir
            if o in ('--datadir', ):
                sickbeard.DATA_DIR = ek(os.path.abspath, a)

            # Prevent resizing of the banner/posters even if PIL is installed
            if o in ('--noresize', ):
                sickbeard.NO_RESIZE = True

        # The pidfile is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly
        if self.CREATEPID:
            if self.runAsDaemon:
                pid_dir = ek(os.path.dirname, self.PIDFILE)
                if not ek(os.access, pid_dir, os.F_OK):
                    sys.exit("PID dir: " + pid_dir +
                             " doesn't exist. Exiting.")
                if not ek(os.access, pid_dir, os.W_OK):
                    sys.exit("PID dir: " + pid_dir +
                             " must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.")

                if self.consoleLogging:
                        "Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled.\n"

                self.CREATEPID = False

        # If they don't specify a config file then put it in the data dir
        if not sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE:
            sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR,

        # Make sure that we can create the data dir
        result = ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK)
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK):
                ek(os.makedirs, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 0o744)
            except os.error as e:
                raise SystemExit("Unable to create datadir '" +
                                 sickbeard.DATA_DIR + "'")

        # Make sure we can write to the data dir
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
            raise SystemExit("Datadir must be writeable '" +
                             sickbeard.DATA_DIR + "'")

        # Make sure we can write to the config file
        if not ek(os.access, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
            if ek(os.path.isfile, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE):
                raise SystemExit("Config file '" + sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE +
                                 "' must be writeable.")
            elif not ek(os.access, ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE),
                raise SystemExit("Config file root dir '" +
                                 ek(os.path.dirname, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE) +
                                 "' must be writeable.")

        ek(os.chdir, sickbeard.DATA_DIR)

        # Check if we need to perform a restore first
        restoreDir = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, 'restore')
        if ek(os.path.exists, restoreDir):
            success = self.restoreDB(restoreDir, sickbeard.DATA_DIR)
            if self.consoleLogging:
                sys.stdout.write("Restore: restoring DB and config.ini %s!\n" %
                                 ("FAILED", "SUCCESSFUL")[success])

        # Load the config and publish it to the sickbeard package
        if self.consoleLogging and not ek(os.path.isfile,
            sys.stdout.write("Unable to find '" + sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE +
                             "' , all settings will be default!" + "\n")

        sickbeard.CFG = ConfigObj(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)

        # Initialize the config and our threads

        if self.runAsDaemon:
            sickbeard.DAEMONIZE = True

        # Get PID
        sickbeard.PID = os.getpid()

        # Build from the DB to start with

        if self.forcedPort:
            logging.info("Forcing web server to port " + str(self.forcedPort))
            self.startPort = self.forcedPort
            self.startPort = sickbeard.WEB_PORT

        if sickbeard.WEB_LOG:
            self.log_dir = sickbeard.LOG_DIR
            self.log_dir = None

        # sickbeard.WEB_HOST is available as a configuration value in various
        # places but is not configurable. It is supported here for historic reasons.
        if sickbeard.WEB_HOST and sickbeard.WEB_HOST != '':
            self.webhost = sickbeard.WEB_HOST
            if sickbeard.WEB_IPV6:
                self.webhost = '::'
                self.webhost = ''

        # Clean up after update
        if sickbeard.GIT_NEWVER:
            toclean = ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'mako')
            for root, dirs, files in ek(os.walk, toclean, topdown=False):
                for name in files:
                    ek(os.remove, ek(os.path.join, root, name))
                for name in dirs:
                    ek(os.rmdir, ek(os.path.join, root, name))
            sickbeard.GIT_NEWVER = False

        # Fire up all our threads
        logging.info("Starting SiCKRAGE:[{}] CONFIG:[{}]".format(
            sickbeard.BRANCH, sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE))

        # sure, why not?
        if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:

        # Check for metadata indexer updates for shows (Disabled until we use api)
        # sickbeard.showUpdateScheduler.forceRun()

        # start tornado web server
        sickbeard.WEB_SERVER = SRWebServer({
            ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT),
            ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY),