mass=1., inertia=2.0) # the ground object made with the ground shape. As the mass is # not given, it is a static object only involved in contact # detection. io.add_object('ground', [Contactor('Ground')], translation=[0, -.5]) # Run the simulation from the inputs previously defined and add # results to the hdf5 file. The visualisation of the output may be done # with the vview command. bullet_options = SiconosBulletOptions() bullet_options.worldScale = 1.0 bullet_options.contactBreakingThreshold = 0.04 bullet_options.dimension = SICONOS_BULLET_2D bullet_options.perturbationIterations = 0 bullet_options.minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold = 0 options = sk.solver_options_create(sn.SICONOS_FRICTION_2D_NSGS) options.iparam[sn.SICONOS_IPARAM_MAX_ITER] = 100000 options.dparam[sn.SICONOS_DPARAM_TOL] = 1e-8 T = 2.0 if restart: T = 2.0 #T=1*0.001 hstep = 0.01 run_options = MechanicsHdf5Runner_run_options() run_options['t0'] = 0 run_options['T'] = T
mass=1., inertia=2.0) # the ground object made with the ground shape. As the mass is # not given, it is a static object only involved in contact # detection. io.add_object('ground', [Contactor('Ground_disk')], translation=[0, -4.0]) # Run the simulation from the inputs previously defined and add # results to the hdf5 file. The visualisation of the output may be done # with the vview command. bullet_options = SiconosBulletOptions() bullet_options.worldScale = 1.0 bullet_options.contactBreakingThreshold = 0.04 bullet_options.dimension = 1 bullet_options.perturbationIterations = 3 bullet_options.minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold = 3 options = sk.solver_options_create(sn.SICONOS_FRICTION_2D_NSGS) options.iparam[sn.SICONOS_IPARAM_MAX_ITER] = 100000 options.dparam[sn.SICONOS_DPARAM_TOL] = 1e-8 with MechanicsHdf5Runner(mode='r+') as io: # By default earth gravity is applied and the units are those # of the International System of Units., with_timer=False, bullet_options=bullet_options, face_class=None,